59 research outputs found

    ŻYCIE TO DROGA, czyli „ którędy do Ciebie "

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    The aim of the article is to present comparatively the fragment of view of the world (connected with concept of life) in the Polish language and in the idiolect of Jan Twardowski'spoetry. The interpretations are based on Langacker's network model, on Lakoff and Johnson's cognitive model ofmetaphors and on the proposals of Polish authors aboutusing cognitive methods in interpretation of poetry. The conceptualization of life (connected with the conceptua lization of death) can be described both as commonplace (gr. topós coinós) - life is road, and as cognitive metaphor: LIFE IS ROAD / JOURNEY. The paper presents different particular realizations of this metaphor in the Polish language and in the Tw ardow ski's poetry. The analyses are carried out with the use of profiling method. The most characteristic for Tw ardowski's idiolect is the religious profile of life, conceptualizedas a road Uourney) to Heaven (God). So, the religious profi le is the kind of metaphor LIFE IS ROAD I JOURNEY TO HEAVEN / GOO. This profi le is often connected withthe profile of heaven. The analysis presented in the article shows that in Tw ardowski's poetic language, otherw ise than in the everyday use of Polish language, a life which is hard and dangerous (as a road to God) is more valuable than a life which is easy and simple

    Chwila i wieczność w poezji Jana Twardowskiego

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      The aim of this paper is to present interpretations of two poems by Jan Twardowski, entitled przepiórka [a quail] and wieczność [eternity]. The interpretations focus on the conceptualization of two opposite TIME categories, MOMENT and ETERNITY.In przepiórka, the poet describes two important moments in the life of a human being, the moment of birth and the moment of death. The moment of birth (the metaphorical east), occurring early, is white and light, whereas death comes at twilight (late) andit is dark. However, both moments are characterized as nude, sincere and pure. The uncovering of the axiological load in the description of these two moments plays a crucial role in the interpretation of the poem.In the poem wieczność, two lines are repeated three times: eternity was with us all the time / and it [only] seemed to us.These two lines provide the key to interpretation of the poem. The time spent on earth is viewed from the psychological perspective of human beings subjectively experiencing the passing of time. It seems to them that they have too little time and that theywaste it. The constant presence of eternity means that God accompanies them.Although the two poems focus on opposite time categories, they convey a commonmessage: everything human beings experience depends on God’s will

    Wpływ melatoniny na aktywność peroksydazy glutationu w surowicy i erytrocytach po iniekcji adriamycyny u szczurów nietkniętych i poddanych pinealektomii

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    Introduction: Adriamycin (ADR) is a potent chemotherapeutic agent, effective in the treatment of leukaemias, lymphomas and many solid tumours. However, its clinical usage is often limited by cardiotoxicity, induced by oxygen radical damage of the membrane lipids. Melatonin (MEL) is a well-known antioxidant. It has been shown that MEL can scavenge free radicals, both directly and indirectly, stimulating the activity of antioxidative enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). The aim of the study: The aim of the study was to examine the effect of MEL on serum and erythrocyte GSH-Px activity after ADR in normal and pinealectomised rats. Material and methods: Wistar rats were divided into the three groups: control animals (Intact), sham-operated (Sham-PX) and pinealectomised (Px). Each of the groups was divided into four subgroups, injected with: 1 - saline, 2 - MEL, 3 - ADR and 4 - ADR + MEL. ADR was administered 2 months after Px as a single dose (15 mg/kg, i.p.) 1 hour after the fourth melatonin injection. Melatonin (5 mg/kg, i.p.) was administered for 4 days before and 2 days after ADR. After 6 days of treatment, the rats were killed by decapitation. Their blood was collected for measurements. Results: In serum GSH-Px activity decreased in all the groups after ADR. Pinealectomy decreased the activity of the enzyme in all the groups of animals examined. In erythrocytes GSH-Px decreased after ADR in the Px-animals. The effect of pinealectomy on erythrocyte GSH-Px activity was not as strongly expressed as serum GSH-Px activity. MEL did not change GSH-Px activity after ADR. Conclusion: Melatonin, in pharmacological concentrations, did not influence the activity of GSH-Px, either in normal or in pinealectomised rats after ADR. A deficiency of endogenous melatonin production may inhibit GSH-Px activity.Wstęp: Adriamycyna (ADR, adriamycin) jest lekiem przeciwnowotworowym wykorzystywanym w leczeniu białaczek, chłoniaków czy guzów litych. Jej efekt leczenia jest ograniczony ze względu na kardiotoksyczność indukowaną produkcją wolnych rodników, które uszkadzają błony lipidowe. Melatonina (MEL, melatonin) jest znanym antyoksydantem. Wykazano, że neutralizuje wolne rodniki w sposób bezpośredni lub pośredni, stymulując enzymy antyoksydacyjne, w tym peroksydazę glutationu (GSH-Px, glutathione peroxidase). Cel: Celem badania było zbadanie efektu melatoniny na aktywność GSH-Px w surowicy i erytrocytach po adriamycynie u zwierząt nietkniętych i po usunięciu szyszynki. Materiał i metody: Szczury samce szczepu Wistar podzielono na 3 grupy: grupę kontrolną (Intact - szczury nietknięte), po operacji pozornej (Sham-Px) i po usunięciu szyszynki (Px). Każdą grupę podzielono na 4 podgrupy, w których podano injekcje: 1 - soli fizjologicznej, 2 - MEL, 3 - ADR i 4 - ADR + MEL. Adriamycynę podano 2 miesiące po Px w dawce jednorazowej (15 mg/kg mc.), 1 godzinę przed czwartym podaniem MEL. Melatoninę podawano przez 4 dni przed Px i przez 2 dni po ADR w dawce 5 mg/kg mc. Po 6 dniach leczenia zwierzęta zabito przez dekapitację, a krew zamrożono do momentu pomiarów. Wyniki: Aktywność PSH-Px w surowicy obniżyła się po ADR we wszystkich badanych grupach. Po usunięciu szyszynki aktywność GSHPx w surowicy zmniejszyła się w grupach poddanych injekcjom. Aktywność GSH-Px w erytrocytach obniżyła się po ADR u zwierząt poddanych Px. Zmiany aktywności GSH-Px w eytrocytach po usunięciu szyszynki były słabiej wyrażone w porównaniu z aktywnością GSH-Px w surowicy. Melatonina nie zmieniła aktywności peroksydaz po ADR. Wnioski: Melatonina w dawce farmakologicznej nie wpłynęła na aktywność peroksydaz zarówno u zwierząt nietkniętych, jak i po usunięciu szyszynki. Deficyt endogennej produkcji melatoniny może odgrywać rolę w hamowaniu aktywności peroksydaz

    Suitability of engineering-geological environment on the basis of its permeability coefficient: Four case studies of fine-grained soils

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    The aim of the article is to compare two classifications systems of engineering-geological environment sustainability in terms of its permeability evaluated on the basis of permeability coefficient. The first evaluated classification assumes a permeable environment to be a positive characteristic in the engineering-geological assessment, while the other considers an impermeable environment as favourable. The four fine-grained soil materials were selected, as they had very similar, almost identical grains-size distribution, but different microstructure characterized by grains sphericity, angularity, and roughness. At the same time, the influence of changes in the density of soil materials (density index 10%, 30%, 60%, 90%) was analysed. Permeability coefficient was determined using six methods (empirical formulae, laboratory and microscopic analysis). The laboratory method falling head test (FHT) was taken as a reference test that reflected the actual water flow through the soil. It was found that with an increase in grain angularity and roughness (and a decrease in sphericity), the permeability coefficient was decreasing and this trend culminated along with gradual compaction. Moreover, the research shows that unsuitable methods may classify soil materials into wrong engineering-geological permeability classes, which may have negative consequences during engineering-geological or geotechnical assessment and cause subsequent problems in foundation engineering.Web of Science1421art. no. 641

    Lentinula edodes Mycelium as Effective Agent for Piroxicam Mycoremediation

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    Pollution of the environment with inorganic and organic substances is one of the main problems in the world. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct researches for effective methods of biodegradation of xenobiotics, including drugs whose unmetabolized forms are introduced into the environment, especially into water. One possible solution to this problem may be the use of white rot fungi, such as Lentinula edodes. This is an edible species used in medicine because of its beneficial anti-cancer, hypocholesterolemic, hypotensive, hypoglycemic and antioxidant effects. Due to the fact that the mycelium of L. edodes produces enzymes with oxidizing properties that can degrade xenobiotics. The aim of the work was verification if in vitro cultures of L. edodes can be used for bioremediation of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug: piroxicam. For this purpose, the in vitro culture of L. edodes was derived and the mycelial cultures of this species enriched with piroxicam were analyzed. The biodegradation pathway of piroxicam by L. edodes mycelium was carried out by the UPLC/MS/MS method. The degradation process of piroxicam was found to affect primarily the linker between the thiazine and the piperidine ring, leading to its oxidation and cleavage. Additionally, oxidation of the benzothiazine moiety was observed, leading to hydroxylation and oxidation of the phenyl ring as well as oxidation of the thiazine ring leading to partial or complete removal of the sulfonamide moiety. It seems that the degradation process led finally to 2-hydroxybenozquinone, which may be further oxidized to inorganic compounds. What’s more, concentration of piroxicam in in vitro cultures of L. edodes was not correlated with effectiveness of biodegradation of this compound – on each experimental series, the level of degradation was the same. The results confirm the possibility of using the investigated L. edodes mycelium for remediation of piroxicam

    National experience with adenosine deaminase deficiency related SCID in Polish children

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    IntroductionDeficiency of adenosine deaminase (ADA) manifests as severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), caused by accumulation of toxic purine degradation by-products. Untreated patients develop immune and non-immune symptoms with fatal clinical course. According to ESID and EBMT recommendations enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) should be implemented as soon as possible to stabilize the patient’s general condition, normalize transaminases, treat pulmonary proteinosis, bone dysplasia, and protect from neurological damage. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) from a matched related donor (MRD) is a treatment of choice. In absence of such donor, gene therapy (GT) should be considered. HSCT from a matched unrelated donor (MUD) and haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hHSCT) are associated with worse prognosis.Material and methodsWe retrospectively evaluated the clinical course and results of biochemical, immunological and genetic tests of 7 patients diagnosed in Poland with ADA deficiency since 2010 to 2022.ResultsAll patients demonstrated lymphopenia affecting of T, B and NK cells. Diagnosis was made on the basis of ADA activity in red blood cells and/or genetic testing. Patients manifested with various non-immunological symptoms including: lung proteinosis, skeletal dysplasia, liver dysfunction, atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome, and psychomotor development disorders. Five patients underwent successful HSCT: 3 patients from matched unrelated donor, 2 from matched sibling donor, and 1 haploidentical from a parental donor. In 4 patients HSCT was preceded by enzyme therapy (lasting from 2 to 5 months). One patient with multiple organ failure died shortly after admission, before the diagnosis was confirmed. None of the patients had undergone gene therapy.ConclusionsIt is important to diagnose ADA SCID as early as possible, before irreversible multi-organ failure occurs. In Poland HSCT are performed according to international immunological societies recommendations, while ERT and GT are less accessible. Implementation of Newborn Screening (NBS) for SCID in Poland could enable recognition of SCID, including ADA-SCID

    Szkoła wobec wymagań państwa. Poradnik dla nauczycieli i dyrektorów.

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    Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu „Program wzmocnienia efektywności systemu nadzorupedagogicznego i oceny jakości pracy szkoły etap III”

    Szkoła wobec wymagań państwa. Poradnik dla jednostek samorządu terytorialnego (organów prowadzących)

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    Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu „Program wzmocnienia efektywności systemu nadzorupedagogicznego i oceny jakości pracy szkoły etap III”.Publikacja współfinansowa przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społeczneg