62 research outputs found

    Economic efficiency of milk processing on family farms in the northern part of Montenegro

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    Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje ekonomske efektivnosti prerade mlijeka na porodičnim poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima sjevernog dijela Crne Gore. Na bazi organizaciono-ekonomskih i tehničko-tehnoloških karakteristika anketiranih gazdinstava formirani su modeli prerade mlijeka. Za ocjenu investicija primijenjene su odgovarajuće dinamičke metode investicione analize, kao što su: neto sadašnja vrijednost, interna kamatna stopa, modifikovana interna kamatna stopa i metod roka povraćaja. Rezultati ocjene investicija dobijeni navedenim metodama usko su vezani sa načinom finansiranjа investicija. Ostvareni finansijski rezultati za različite mliječne prerađevine pokazali su, da se bolji finansijski rezultati postižu u varijanti 2, prerade mlijeka za modele sa 5 i 8 krava za gazdinstva koja proizvode bijeli sir u krišci i lisnati sir, u odnosu na varijantu 1. Metode neto sadašnje vrijednosti, interne kamatne stope, kao i modifikovane interne kamatne stope pokazale su da je ekonomski neopravdano investirati u varijantu 1, modela sa 5 i 8 krava, za gazdinstva koja prerađuju mlijeko u bijeli sir u krišci, dok su ostale varijante prerade mlijeka u bijeli sir u krišci i lisnati sir ekonomski opravdane. Metoda roka povraćaja investicionih ulaganja ukazuju da je period povraćaja uloženih sredstava najduži za varijantu 1, modela sa 13 krava i varijantu 2, modela sa 8 krava gazdinstava koja prerađuju mlijeko u bijeli sir u krišci. Ocjenom investicija u uslovima neizvjesnosti utvrđena je ekonomska neopravdanost investiranja u modele prerade mlijeka u bijeli sir u krišci sa 5, 8 i 13 muznih krava. Senzitivna analiza pokazala je da neto sadašnja vrijednost po modelima za obije vrste sira, najosjetljivija na promjenu tržišne cijene proizvoda, potom na cijenu mlijeka, dok je najmanje osjetljiva na promjenu visine investicionih ulaganja.The main aim of the research was to determine the economic efficiency of milk processing on family farms in the northern part of Montenegro. On the basis of organizational-economic and technical-technological characteristics of the surveyed farms, milk processing models were formed. Appropriate dynamic methods of investment analysis have been applied to evaluate investments, such as: net present value, internal interest rate, modified internal interest rate and payback period method. The results of investment evaluation obtained by these methods are closely related to the method of financing investments. The achieved financial results for different dairy products showed that better financial results are achieved in variant 2, milk processing for models with 5 and 8 cows for farms producing white cheese in slices and puff cheese, compared to variant 1. Net present methods values, internal interest rates, as well as modified internal interest rates have shown that it is economically unjustified to invest in variant 1, models with 5 and 8 cows, for farms processing milk into white cheese in a slice, while other variants of processing milk into white cheese sliced and leafy cheese economically justified. The payback method indicates that the payback period is the longest for variant 1, the 13-cow model and variant 2, the 8-cow model of farms processing milk into white cheese in a slice. The evaluation of investments in conditions of uncertainty determined the economic unjustification of investing in models of milk processing into white cheese in a slice with 5, 8 and 13 dairy cows. Sensitive analysis showed that the net present value according to the models for both types of cheese, the most sensitive to changes in the market price of the product, then to the price of milk, while the least sensitive to changes in investment

    Research correlation vegetation index of corn with speed of movement sensor and elevation of field

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    This paper presents field scouting of corn in order to determine the content of nitrogen in the green parts of the plants. The aim was to measure the vegetative index using two optical sensors by OptRx AGL Technology. The sensors are positioned at a distance of 3.5 m, individually observing five rows of corn. The speed of movement of the tractor and also elevation of field are varied. The measured vegetative index of the plants is correlated, in first, with the speed of the sensor on the platform. The measured vegetative index of the plants is correlated after that with elevation also. Both of that case are shown that the Normalised Difference Red Edge (NDRE) as represent of vegetative index is not correlated with speed and elevation. This Results represented with Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Spearman's Correlation Coefficient are statistical signatifical. This conclusions are valid only for short rang of speed and elevation research. Average speed was 6,39 km/hr and rang of elevation was 1.6 m (106.8-108.4 m)

    Microbial Recovery of Copper and Zinc from Wasted Electronic Parts

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    Recycling of electronic waste is crucial not only from the viewpoint of waste treatment but also from aspect of the recovery of valuable metals [1]. The aim of our study was to investigate the potential of using the Acidithiobacillus sp. B2, to solubilize metals (Cu and Zn) from electronic waste. Methodology: Chemical analysis of electronic waste and pyrite The electronic waste (after separating of the plastic parts) and pyrite were pulverized and sieved through a 63 µm stainless steel sieve in preparation for chemical and leaching studies. Electronic waste preparation for the leaching experiment The presence of alkali components in electronic waste is considered inconvenient for the reaction between the electronic waste and the acidic iron(III) sulphate solution. Hence, it is necessary to neutralize the electronic waste before adding the bacterial culture which would generate the oxidant. Before the leaching experiment, electronic waste was dispersed in 0.05 M H2 SO4 solution, shaken for 48 h, filtered from the solution, washed out with deionized water and dried at 110 °C [2]. Preparation of pyrite for the leaching experiments The pyrite concentrate for the leaching experiments was prepared by treating with a 0.5 mol/dm3 sulphuric acid solution (pH ~ 0.5) (solid to liquid phase ratio 1:5 m/V), and mixing with a mechanical stirrer at a room temperature overnight. Then, the solution was decanted, washed with deionized water and dried at 80 °C to a constant mass [2]. Leaching experiments The leaching experiments were carried out with bacterium Acidithiobacillus sp. B2. Experimental conditions were: leaching period of 20 d, 50 ml leaching solution (g/dm3 ): (NH4 )2 SO4 (3), K2 HPO4 (0.5), MgSO4 x 7H2 O(0.5), KCl (0.1), Ca(NO3 )2 (0.01), at a pH of 2.5 in 150 mL Erlenmeyer flasks at a pulp density of 10% (m/V) (5 g leaching substrate in 50 ml solution). The pH of the leaching solution was maintained at a constant value during the leaching process. One half of the substrate was pyrite and the other was an electronic waste. The initial number of microogranisms was 107 per mL, determined by the Most Probable Number method. The control suspension had the same chemical content and pH value as the suspension with Acidithiobacillus sp. B2 but the Acidithiobacillus sp. B2 culture had been inactivated by sterilization. The study was realized on a horizontal shaker. The incubation temperature was 28 °C [2]. Results and conclusions: The results of the effective metal leaching (calculated by subtraction of percentage metal leaching in the control suspension from that in the Acidithiobacillus sp. B2 suspension) are as follows: Zn (38%)>Cu (35%). The obtained results demonstrate that Acidithiobacillus sp. B2 was able to grow in the presence of electronic waste and may be “green” agents in the area of circular economy and sustainable development

    Oleic acid variation and marker-assisted detection of Pervenets mutation in high- and low-oleic sunflower cross

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    High-oleic sunflower oil is in high demand on the market due to its heart-healthy properties and richness in monounsaturated fatty acids that makes it more stable in processing than standard sunflower oil. Consequently, one of sunflower breeder's tasks is to develop stable high-oleic sunflower genotypes that will produce high quality oil. We analyzed variability and inheritance of oleic acid content (OAC) in sunflower, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, by analyzing F-1 and F-2 progeny obtained by crossing a standard linoleic and high-oleic inbred line. F-2 individuals were classified in two groups: low-oleic with OAC of 15.24-31.28% and high-oleic with OAC of 62.49-93.82%. Monogenic dominant inheritance was observed. Additionally, several molecular markers were tested for the use in marker-assisted selection in order to shorten the period of detecting high-oleic genotypes. Marker F4-R1 was proven to be the most efficient in detection of genotypes with Pervenets (high-oleic acid) mutation

    Sensory Evaluation of Pralines Containing Different Honey Products

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    In this study, pralines manufactured by hand were evaluated sensorially. These pralines were obtained from dark chocolate containing 60% cocoa components, filled with Apis mellifera carnica Poll drone larvae, blossom honey and a blossom honey/pollen mixture from the protected region of Stara Planina-Eastern Serbia (a specific botanical region). The objectives of this study were investigations related to the use of sensory analysis for quality assessment of new functional products with potential benefits for human health, in particular of desserts based on dark chocolate pralines filled with different bee products characterized by a specific botanical and geographic origin, as well as of their storage properties and expected shelf life. Sensory quality (appearance, texture, odor and taste were evaluated by a group of experienced panelists immediately after the production (day 0), and then after 30, 90 and 180 days of storage under ambient conditions (temperature 18–20 °C). The results were statistically analyzed by the two-factorial analysis of variance (MANOVA) and with the LSD-test. It is possible to conclude that the storage time and composition of dark chocolate pralines containing different honey-bee products have statistically highly significant (p < 0.01) influence on the sensorially evaluated properties of pralines

    Economic efficiency of milk processing on family farms in the northern part of Montenegro

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    Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje ekonomske efektivnosti prerade mlijeka na porodičnim poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima sjevernog dijela Crne Gore. Na bazi organizaciono-ekonomskih i tehničko-tehnoloških karakteristika anketiranih gazdinstava formirani su modeli prerade mlijeka. Za ocjenu investicija primijenjene su odgovarajuće dinamičke metode investicione analize, kao što su: neto sadašnja vrijednost, interna kamatna stopa, modifikovana interna kamatna stopa i metod roka povraćaja. Rezultati ocjene investicija dobijeni navedenim metodama usko su vezani sa načinom finansiranjа investicija. Ostvareni finansijski rezultati za različite mliječne prerađevine pokazali su, da se bolji finansijski rezultati postižu u varijanti 2, prerade mlijeka za modele sa 5 i 8 krava za gazdinstva koja proizvode bijeli sir u krišci i lisnati sir, u odnosu na varijantu 1. Metode neto sadašnje vrijednosti, interne kamatne stope, kao i modifikovane interne kamatne stope pokazale su da je ekonomski neopravdano investirati u varijantu 1, modela sa 5 i 8 krava, za gazdinstva koja prerađuju mlijeko u bijeli sir u krišci, dok su ostale varijante prerade mlijeka u bijeli sir u krišci i lisnati sir ekonomski opravdane. Metoda roka povraćaja investicionih ulaganja ukazuju da je period povraćaja uloženih sredstava najduži za varijantu 1, modela sa 13 krava i varijantu 2, modela sa 8 krava gazdinstava koja prerađuju mlijeko u bijeli sir u krišci. Ocjenom investicija u uslovima neizvjesnosti utvrđena je ekonomska neopravdanost investiranja u modele prerade mlijeka u bijeli sir u krišci sa 5, 8 i 13 muznih krava. Senzitivna analiza pokazala je da neto sadašnja vrijednost po modelima za obije vrste sira, najosjetljivija na promjenu tržišne cijene proizvoda, potom na cijenu mlijeka, dok je najmanje osjetljiva na promjenu visine investicionih ulaganja.The main aim of the research was to determine the economic efficiency of milk processing on family farms in the northern part of Montenegro. On the basis of organizational-economic and technical-technological characteristics of the surveyed farms, milk processing models were formed. Appropriate dynamic methods of investment analysis have been applied to evaluate investments, such as: net present value, internal interest rate, modified internal interest rate and payback period method. The results of investment evaluation obtained by these methods are closely related to the method of financing investments. The achieved financial results for different dairy products showed that better financial results are achieved in variant 2, milk processing for models with 5 and 8 cows for farms producing white cheese in slices and puff cheese, compared to variant 1. Net present methods values, internal interest rates, as well as modified internal interest rates have shown that it is economically unjustified to invest in variant 1, models with 5 and 8 cows, for farms processing milk into white cheese in a slice, while other variants of processing milk into white cheese sliced and leafy cheese economically justified. The payback method indicates that the payback period is the longest for variant 1, the 13-cow model and variant 2, the 8-cow model of farms processing milk into white cheese in a slice. The evaluation of investments in conditions of uncertainty determined the economic unjustification of investing in models of milk processing into white cheese in a slice with 5, 8 and 13 dairy cows. Sensitive analysis showed that the net present value according to the models for both types of cheese, the most sensitive to changes in the market price of the product, then to the price of milk, while the least sensitive to changes in investment

    Mortality of red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) on the Montenegrin shelf (South Adriatic)

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    Red mullet, Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758, is an economically very important species in trawl fisheries in the Adriatic Sea. Material for analysis was collected from October 2002 until May 2004 with a bottom trawl net from commercial trawlers on the Montenegrin shelf. Mortality of this species was analyzed for the first time in this area, sepa­rately for males and females and for both sexes together. Until now, only the spatial distribution and catch per unit of effort (CPUE) of Mullus barbatus have been studied in Montenegrin waters. Estimated total mortality rates were Zmales = 0.653 and Zfemales = 0.712. The average mortality rate for both sexes was Z m+f = 0.749, while the natural mortality rate was Mm+f = 0.342. Values of Z in the Montenegrin shelf area are considerably lower than Z values for the Croatian and Italian parts of the Adriatic Sea, indicating that on the Montenegrin shelf fishing of this species is significantly less intensive than in other trawl-fishing areas of the Adriatic Sea

    Screening for chronic kidney disease among the elderly in primary care

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    The number of elderly with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is constantly increasing worldwide, and irregular screening of CKD leads to disease discovering usually in advanced stages. The aim of the study was to examine the presence of CKD biomarkers in the elderly primary care patients, and to analyze whether the presence of diabetes and hypertension in elderly increases the risk for microalbuminuria and reduction of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Cross-sectional study included 90 patients older than 65 years of age who are registered in the Family medicine teaching centre of Health centre Bijeljina. Patients were divided into three groups: first consisted of 30 patients who had neither hypertension nor diabetes nor other chronic disease, second of 30 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and third of 30 patients with arterial hypertension. Data on patients were obtained by interview, analysis of medical records and physical examinations. Serum and urine creatinine, proteinuria, microalbuminuria (MAU, turbidimetry), and urinary sediment were analyzed. Biomarkers of chronic kidney disease (GFR <60 mL / min / 1.73m2, proteinuria and mikroalbuminurija ¬MAU) were found in 20 (22.2%) patients. Among them, 14 had normal GFR and MAU (12) or MAU and proteinuria (2), whereas 6 had GFR <60 mL / min / 1.73m2 of which 3 had proteinuria and / or MAU. The group with diabetes had significantly more MAU compared to the other two groups, while the groups with diabetes and hypertension had slightly more proteinuria and erythrocyturia than control group. Hypertension and diabetes in the elderly may result in development of CKD biomarkers, so prevention and regular screening of CKD in the patients with these two diseases are necessary