642 research outputs found

    Ponovno otkrivanje Grka ā€“ utjecaj pojačanih kontakata između zapadne Europe i Bizanta na oblikovanje humanističke misli iz perspektive Istre

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    The article explores the impact of Byzantines on Istrian Humanism and Renaissance. In the introduction author describes the alienation of the territories which used to be Eastern and Western part of the Roman Empire and, congruently, the fate of the classical (particularly Greek) heritage in the Dark and Middle Ages in those territories. This is followed by a description of the historical events that led to rapprochement of the East and West, with particular emphasis on the Byzantine exodus to Italy. The author then provides a methodological framework by analyzing the main aspects of ā€žrediscoveringā€ Greek cultural heritage and the influence of the Byzantine immigrants on them. The author than turns to Istria, providing, first, a short summary of Istrian contacts with the Greek cultural heritage throughout history and then the settlement of the Byzantines in Istria. The main part of the article follows, containing a detailed analysis of the described elements of ā€žrediscoveringā€ Greek cultural heritage ā€“ interest in Greek language, literature, culture and philosophy (particularly Neoplatonism), in translations, the editing and publishing of Greek classics, as well as in the presence of the idea of a common European identity based on a common ancient heritage, and the voices advocating for the formation of a united Christian European front against the Ottomans.U radu se istražuje utjecaj Bizanta na humanizam i renesansu u Istri. U uvodnom dijelu autorica opisuje otuđenje teritorija koji su nekoć bili dijelom Istočnog i Zapadnog Rimskog Carstva, kao i sudbinu klasičnoga, posebice grčkoga, nasljeđa u ranom srednjem vijeku. Slijedi opis povijesnih događaja koji su doveli do zbližavanja Istoka i Zapada s posebnim naglaskom na exodus Bizantinaca u Italiju. Autorica nadalje postavlja metodoloÅ”ki okvir analizirajući glavne aspekte ā€žponovnog otkrivanja Grkaā€ u smislu kulturnoga nasljeđa i utjecaja bizantskih emigranata na doseljeno područje. Zatim se osvrće na prilike u Istri dajući kratak pregled istarskih kontakata s grčkim kulturnim nasljeđem kroz povijest, a zatim i pregled naselja u Istri u kojima je bilo bizantskoga stanovniÅ”tva. Glavni dio rada sadrži detaljnu analizu spomenutih elemenata ā€žponovnog otkrivanjaā€ grčkoga kulturnog nasljeđa s naglaskom na grčki jezik, književnost, kulturu i filozofiju (posebno neoplatonizam), na prevođenje, uređivanje i izdavanje djela grčkih klasika, kao i prisutnost ideje o zajedničkom europskom identitetu utemeljene na zajedničkoj antičkoj baÅ”tini i zalaganjima za uspostavu ujedinjene krŔćanske fronte protiv Osmanskoga Carstva

    Regionalization of Serbia as an instrument of balanced regional development and reduction of regional inequalities

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    Regionalization of Serbia in the second half of the 20th century was characterized by the dominance of the traditional approach, based on classical understanding of region as a static physiognomic spatial unit, with some attempts at economic regionalization. Such regionalizations were largely inapplicable in practice, so that they did not become part of legislative related to the planning of a balanced development of the territory of Serbia. Decentralization in socialism did not yield expected results, and after political changes in the late 20th century, Serbia became a highly centralized state. The modern concept of regionalization is relatively new in Serbia. Regional dimension of development has become the subject of scientific research in the last few decades, which is conditioned by the growing economic and demographic disparities between different parts of the state. Creating a NUTS regions in Serbia in 2009 was the first step towards modern regionalization. However, NUTS regions in Serbia do not have autonomy in regional governance and can not be able to decrease developmental disparities and support long-term economic and social development. It is therefore necessary that these territorial units get appropriate competencies in governance and decision-making, which would ensure de facto decentralization of the state and give a clear sense to the newly formed regions

    Some clastic rocks as parent rocks in beech forests of Brezovica - Južni Kučaj

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    On the large forest areas, where the measures of soil quality improvement are absent or rarely undertaken, the rocks are the sources of a great number of elements in plant nutrition and one of the factors affecting the contents of some elements in plants. The aim of the study is to determine the differences in the contents of Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Fe, Cd, Co, Pb and Cr in the beech leaves developed in the same climate conditions, on morphologically similar terrains, composed of different types of sedimentary rocks. This paper presents the study results of the contents of the above elements in argillites, sandstones (grauwackes) and microconglomerates occurring as the parent rocks in high beech forests in the region of GJ Bogovina (Brezovica Južni Kučaj and in the leaves of beech developed on these rocks

    Tourism climatic index in the valorisation of climate in tourist centers of Montenegro

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    Climate is one of the main factors for the development of recreational forms of tourism in Montenegro. It affects the temporal arrangement and spatial distribution of tourists throughout the year. It determines the context of the environment in which the activities of tourists take place and represents the tourism resources. It is important for the planning and construction of tourism facilities and infrastructure, as well as the organization of tourism activities. This paper presents the tourism climatic index as a bioclimatic indicator for determining the conditions suitable for recreational tourism throughout the year. Research results according to the case study indicate the comparative advantages and also the lack of climate as the resource in tourism of Montenegro. There is an apparent underutilization of periods with climate conditions that work in favour of recreational forms of tourism. The uneven spatial and temporal arrangement of suitable climatic conditions in the tourist centres is the factor of the formation of seasonality of tourism trends. However, the results of linear correlation of tourism climatic index and monthly visits point to the incompatibility of potentials with capacity utilization. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176008

    Indicators of regional inequality in Serbia

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    The diversity of spatial units of the Republic of Serbia is caused by several types of regional inequality. Only some of indicators of inequality between the regions can be considered developmental problems. In this paper indicators are distinguished by which it is possible to isolate and compare the regions of Serbia according to different criteria. This approach required use of several different methodologies from the domain of geography, economics and environmental protection. Results point to Republic of Serbia as a polarized space with a trend of concentration of population and economic activity in certain regions, and at the same time, lagging of other regions

    Značaj antioksidanata u zaÅ”titi od mikotoksikoza kod domaćih životinja

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    Mycotoxins are biologically active substances that are synthesized by saprophytic and parasitic fungi, and which, when taken into organism by ingestion, can provoke intoxications known as mycotoxicoses. Farm animals show different susceptibility to mycotoxins depending on various factors: genetic (species and breeds), physiological (age and obesity) and environmental (hygienic and climatic). One of the mechanisms of mycotoxin activities is peroxidation of lipids brought about directly by the production of free radicals or by increased sensitivity of tissue to peroxidation. Peroxidation of lipids provoked by mycotoxins is caused by low level of natural antioxidants, so they have a crucial role in the protection against mycotoxins. Nutritive stress can influence negatively the relationship between antioxidants/pro-oxidants, and mycotoxins are nowadays regarded as leading factors of stress induced by nutrition. This optimal relationship can be regulated by the use of antioxidants in food (selenium, vitamin E, carotenoids, etc.) known to prevent tissue damages caused by free radicals. Selenium and vitamin E are essential nutrients which contribute to the preservation of animal health by realizing mutual biological activities in the organism. This paper presents the findings on mechanisms of the action of different species of mycotoxins and the importance of antioxidative protection in farm animals, as well as the results of our investigations of influence of mycotoxins on the occurrence of some reproductive disorders in pigs.Mikotoksini su bioloÅ”ki aktivne materije koje sintetiÅ”u saprofitne i parazitske gljivice, a uneti ingestijom u organizam izazivaju trovanja koja se nazivaju mikotoksikoze. Domaće životinje su različito osetljive na mikotoksine zavisno od različitih faktora: genetskih (vrste i rase), fizioloÅ”kih (starosti i uhranjenosti) i uslova sredine (higijenskih i klimatskih). Jedan od mehanizama delovanja mikotoksina je peroksidacija lipida direktno proizvodnjom slobodnih radikala ili povećanjem osetljivosti tkiva na peroksidaciju. Peroksidacija lipida izazvana mikotoksinima je prouzrokovana niskim nivoom prirodnih antioksidanata, tako da oni imaju ključnu ulogu u zaÅ”titi od mikotoksina. Nutritivni stres nepovoljno utiče na odnos antioksidanta/pro-oksidanta, a mikotoksini se danas smatraju vodećim faktorima stresa izazvanih ishranom. Ovaj optimalan odnos može se regulisati upotrebom antioksidanata u hrani (selen, vitamin E, karotinoidi, i dr.) koji sprečavaju tkivna oÅ”tećenja uzrokovana slobodnim radikalima. Selen i vitamin E su esencijalni nutricijenti koji doprinose očuvanju zdravlja životinja ostvarivanjem zajedničkih bioloÅ”kih aktivnosti u organizmu. U ovom radu biće prikazana saznanja o mehanizmima delovanja različitih vrsta mikotoksina i značaja antioksidativne zaÅ”tite kod domaćih životinja, kao i rezultati naÅ”ih ispitivanja uticaja mikotoksina na pojavu pojedinih reproduktivnih poremećaja kod svinja

    Uticaj različitih nivoa organskog selena na telesnu masu, prirast, iskoriŔćavanje hrane i koncentraciju selena u pojedinim tkivima kod svinja

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    Thirty-nine gilts, 82 days old, divided into 3 groups, were fed the main diet supplemented by 0; 0.3 and 0.6 mg Se/kg in the form of Seenriched yeast during 99 days. Selenium levels of 0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg diet led to no significant bodyweight gain nor increase in body mass in any of the studied periods. However, gilts fed a diet supplemented with selenium (0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg) during the whole research period had somewhat higher body mass (1.17 and 3.36%, respectively) and higher average daily bodyweight gain (1.07 and 4.30%, respectively). Selenium supplemented diet influenced also more efficient feed conversion for 3.11 and 2.18%, respectively. The highest content of selenium was observed in the kidneys, then in liver and heart whilst the lowest selenium content was observed in the leg and neck musculature. Selenium concentration in kidneys ranged from 1.23 mg/kg to 1.38 mg/kg and no statistically significant differences were established among studied groups. Selenium concentration in the liver was 3-4 times lower, and in the heart muscle even up to 6 times lower in comparison with the kidneys. Among the studied groups statistically significant differences were established (P lt 0.01) for selenium levels in liver and heart muscle. The highest levels were observed in the group fed 0.6 mg Se/kg diet, that is, in the liver 0.511 mg/kg and in the heart 0.313 mg/kg. Selenium concentration in the leg and neck muscle was twice, i.e., three times higher in gilts fed 0.3 mg Se/kg and 0.6 mg Se/kg diet in relation to animals fed no supplemented selenium diets (P lt 0.01).Trideset i devet nazimica starih 82. dana, podeljenih u 3 grupe, hranjeno je osnovnim obrokom dopunjenim sa 0, 0,3 i 0,6 mg Se/kg u obliku seleniziranog kvasca u toku 99 dana. Nivoi selena od 0,3 i 0,6 mg/kg hrane nisu doveli do značajnog povećanja prirasta i telesne mase ni u jednom ispitivanom periodu. Međutim, nazimice hranjene obrocima sa dodatkom selena (0,3 i 0,6 mg/kg) u toku celog perioda ispitivanja imale su neÅ”to veću telesnu masu (1,17 i 3,36%, redom) i prosečan dnevni prirast (1,07 i 4,30%, redom). Dodati selen u hranu je uticao i na efikasnije iskoriŔćavanje hrane za 3,11 i 2,18% redom. Najveći sadržaj selena ustanovljen je u bubrezima, a zatim u jetri i srcu, a najmanji u butnoj i vratnoj muskulaturi. Koncentracija selena u bubrezima kretala se od 1,23 do 1,38 mg/kg i nisu ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike između ispitivanih grupa. U jetri, koncentracija selena je bila 3-4 puta niža, a u srčanoj muskulaturi čak i do 6 puta niža nego u bubrezima. Između ispitivanih grupa ustanovljene su statistički značajne razlike (P lt 0,01) u nivou selena u jetri i srčanoj muskulaturi. NajviÅ”i nivo ustanovljen je u grupi hranjene sa 0,6 mg Se/kg hrane i to u jetri 0,511, a u srcu 0,313 mg/kg. Koncentracija selena u butnoj i vratnoj muskulaturi bila je dva, odnosno tri puta veća kod nazimica hranjenih sa 0,3 i 0,6 mg Se/kg hrane u odnosu na grla koja nisu dobijala dodatak selena (P lt 0,01)

    Correlation and regression analysis of the impact of leasing on agricultural production in Republic of Serbia

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    The paper explores the impact of leasing in agriculture on agricultural production in the Republic of Serbia by means of correlation and regression analysis. The research was conducted in the period between 2006 and 2016. The authorized data from National Bank of Serbia and Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia were used in the paper. With the aim of carrying out a more comprehensive research, the paper analyzes the impact of leasing placement on the following economic accounts for agriculture: Output of agricultural industry, Intermediate consumption, Gross value added, Agricultural goods output, and Factor income

    Implicitne pedagogije nastavnika i njihova inicijativa za saradnju s roditeljima

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    The article presents an analysis of the results of the research aimed at examining the relatedness of the teachers' implicit pedagogies and their initiatives for cooperation with students' parents. The starting hypothesis was that the acceptance of modern pedagogical ideas (new pedagogic paradigm) leads towards more successful initiative of the teachers for the cooperation with their students' parents. The sample included 118 subject teachers and 78 class teachers from elementary schools in Serbia. The procedure included a correlation chart and special assessment scales were construed for examining implicit pedagogies and teacher's readiness for cooperation with parents. The results indicate the lack of the initiative of both groups of teachers for enhanced cooperation with parents as it should be in modern school. The research showed the implicit pedagogies of the teachers are still somewhere between traditional and modern pedagogic ideas. Subject teachers showed lower levels of initiative for cooperation with parents, as well as lower levels of acceptance of the 'new pedagogic paradigm' in comparison with class teachers. Among the latter the relatedness of their implicit pedagogies and initiatives for cooperation with parents was established, while it was not evident among subject teachers. In order to enhance the cooperation between school and family the existing personal pedagogic ideas of the teachers should change and come closer to the 'new pedagogic paradigm' which might be achieved through pre-service and in-service teacher training and provision of more support by school and educational system.U radu su analizirani rezultati istraživanja koje je imalo za cilj ispitivanje povezanosti implicitnih pedagogija nastavnika i njihove inicijative za saradnju s roditeljima. Polazi se od pretpostavke da prihvatanje savremenih pedagoÅ”kih ideja (nova pedagoÅ”ka paradigma) doprinosi većoj inicijativi nastavnika za saradnju s roditeljima. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 118 nastavnika predmetne nastave i 78 nastavnika razredne nastave iz osnovnih Å”kola u Srbiji. Primenjen je korelacioni nacrt, a za ispitivanje implicitnih pedagogija i inicijative nastavnika za saradnju s roditeljima kreirane su skale procene. Rezultati ukazuju na nedostatak inicijative učitelja i nastavnika za produbljeniju saradnju s roditeljima, kakva bi u savremenoj Å”koli trebalo da se odvija. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su implicitne pedagogije nastavnika joÅ” uvek između tradicionalnih i savremenih pedagoÅ”kih ideja. Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja ukazuju na manju inicijativu nastavnika predmetne nastave za saradnju s roditeljima, kao i na njihovo manje prihvatanje 'nove pedagoÅ”ke paradigme', u poređenju s učiteljima. Kod nastavnika razredne nastave je utvrđena povezanost između njihovih implicitnih pedagogija i inicijative za saradnju s roditeljima, dok ta povezanost nije uočena kod predmetnih nastavnika. Za poboljÅ”anje saradnje Å”kole i porodice neophodno je da se postojeća lična pedagoÅ”ka uverenja nastavnika promene i približe 'novoj pedagoÅ”koj paradigmi', putem inicijalnog obrazovanja i daljeg stručnog usavrÅ”avanja nastavnika, kao i kroz obezbeđivanje veće podrÅ”ke na nivou Å”kole i obrazovnog sistema
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