7,731 research outputs found

    Psychological formulation: a radical perspective

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    The theme of this context statement is psychological formulation, which can be defined as a summary of a client’s difficulties, based on psychological theory, and informing the intervention. Within this context statement, I will demonstrate how I have contributed to the development of psychological formulation theoretically and clinically in the following areas: - Co-editing the first book on psychological formulation to take a critical and reflective overview of formulation in different therapeutic traditions (Public Works 4.2.1 and 4.2.2). - Developing an innovative model for teaching formulation to clinical psychology trainees (PW 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.). - Developing and delivering workshops on integrative formulation, locally, nationally and for the Division of Clinical Psychology (PW 4.2.3). - Developing the practice of team formulation in my own clinical work, in both inpatient and outpatient settings (PW 4.3.1.). - Developing workshops and training in team formulation for teams and wards (PW 4.3.2.). - Supervising research into formulation (PW 4.3.3.). - Generally promoting the use of formulation for culture change among clinical psychologists, mental health professionals and service user groups by my writing and public speaking (PW 4.4.1, 4.4.2.). Volume 1 Part 1 contains a summary of the Public Works, a timeline, and an introduction to the concept of formulation, with examples. Volume 1 Part 2 outlines the personal and professional background to my interest in formulation, with reference to key publications, achievements, influences and challenges during my career. Volume 1 Part 3 describes the Public Works, the knowledge and skills which underpin them, how I have applied them in the field of Adult Mental Health, and the impact they have had on theory and clinical practice. I will draw on four main areas of Public Works in more or less chronological sequence. The majority were produced over the time period 2006-2010, although some of the clinical work at Southmead Hospital, Bristol (2004-2006) precedes this, as does some of the work on the Formulation Theme of the Bristol Clinical Psychology Doctorate (2001- 2010.) I will conclude with a critical reflection on the whole area of formulation and some plans for developing the work further. Volume 1 Part 4 contains examples of the Public Works. Throughout the context statement, I will demonstrate and provide evidence for advanced conceptual understanding, professional knowledge and collaboration, and critical evaluation of this leading edge area of clinical practice. Vol 1 parts 2 and 3 have been revised and extended to take account of feedback from the Registration Panel. Supplementary information will be submitted in boxfiles, as follows: Volume 2 boxfiles (unbound) will contain further examples of Public Works and evidence of impact. Volume 3 boxfiles (unbound) will contain examples of general background work and additional evidence of impact

    Response analysis of an automobile shipping container

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    The design and development of automobile shipping containers to reduce enroute damage are discussed. Vibration tests were conducted to determine the system structural integrity. A dynamic analysis was made using NASTRAN and the results of the test and the analysis are compared

    The Infrared and Radio Fluxes Densities of Galactic HII Regions

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    We derive infrared and radio flux densities of all ~1000 known Galactic HII regions in the Galactic longitude range 17.5 < l < 65 degree. Our sample comes from the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) catalog of Galactic \hii regions \citep{anderson2014}. We compute flux densities at six wavelengths in the infrared (GLIMPSE 8 microns, WISE 12 microns and 22 microns, MIPSGAL 24 microns, and Hi-GAL 70 microns and 160 microns) and two in the radio (MAGPIS 20 cm and VGPS 21 cm). All HII region infrared flux densities are strongly correlated with their ~20 cm flux densities. All HII regions used here, regardless of physical size or Galactocentric radius, have similar infrared to radio flux density ratios and similar infrared colors, although the smallest regions (r<1r<1\,pc), have slightly elevated IR to radio ratios. The colors log10(F24micron/F12micron)0\log_{10}(F_{24 micron}/F_{12 micron}) \ge 0 and log10(F70micron/F12micron)1.2\log_{10}(F_{70 micron}/F_{12 micron}) \ge 1.2, and log10(F24micron/F12micron)0\log_{10}(F_{24 micron}/F_{12 micron}) \ge 0 and log10(F160micron/F70micron)0.67\log_{10}(F_{160 micron}/F_{70 micron}) \le 0.67 reliably select HII regions, independent of size. The infrared colors of ~22%\% of HII regions, spanning a large range of physical sizes, satisfy the IRAS color criteria of \citet{wood1989} for HII regions, after adjusting the criteria to the wavelengths used here. Since these color criteria are commonly thought to select only ultra-compact HII regions, this result indicates that the true ultra-compact HII region population is uncertain. Comparing with a sample of IR color indices from star-forming galaxies, HII regions show higher log10(F70micron/F12micron)\log_{10}(F_{70 micron}/F_{12 micron}) ratios. We find a weak trend of decreasing infrared to ~20 cm flux density ratios with increasing RgalR_{gal}, in agreement with previous extragalactic results, possibly indicating a decreased dust abundance in the outer Galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figures, 5 table

    El futuro ya está aquí

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    Nuestra generación no ha cumplido con su obligación de prevenir el cambio climático, de modo que cualquier medida que tomemos ahora, por muy bienvenida que sea, no cambiará de manera decisiva el rumbo de los acontecimientos. En estos momentos debemos prepararnos urgentemente para las consecuencias que tendrá el cambio climático sobre la humanidad

    A Pastoral Approach to Interfaith Marriage in the Light of Significant Sociological Data and Christian Principles

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    It has been recognition of these social factors at work upon the church, as well as recognition of the increasing frequency with which interfaith marriages are occurring, that prompted the writer of this thesis to delve into this specific subject. This is a problem being brought before Christian pastors with increasing frequency today

    Environmental policy, innovation and performance : new insights on the Porter hypothesis

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    Jaffe and Palmer (1997) present three distinct variants of the so-called Porter Hypothesis. The “weak” version of the hypothesis posits that environmental regulation will stimulate certain kinds of environmental innovations. The “narrow” version of the hypothesis asserts that flexible environmental policy regimes give firms greater incentive to innovate than prescriptive regulations, such as technology-based standards.Finally, the “strong” version posits that properly designed regulation may induce cost-saving innovation that more than compensates for the cost of compliance. In this paper, we test the significance of these different variants of the Porter Hypothesis using data on the four main elements of the hypothesised causality chain (environmental policy, research and development, environmental performance and commercial performance). The analysis is based upon a unique database which includes observations from approximately 4200 facilities in seven OECD countries. In general, we find strong support for the “weak” version, qualified support for the “narrow” version, and qualified support for the “strong” version as well.PORTHER HYPOTHESIS;ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY;INNOVATION;ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE;BUSINESS PERFORMANCE

    A Physical Limit to the Magnetic Fields of T Tauri Stars

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    Recent estimates of magnetic field strengths in T Tauri stars yield values B=1B=1--4kG4\,{\rm kG}. In this paper, I present an upper limit to the photospheric values of BB by computing the equipartition values for different surface gravities and effective temperatures. The values of BB derived from the observations exceed this limit, and I examine the possible causes for this discrepancy