269 research outputs found

    Selling Zoning: Do Density Bonus Incentives for Moderate-Cost Housing Work

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    This Article reviews the housing affordability problem, the California legislation, and previous research findings. The Article outlines our methods, presents our results, and recommends program improvements

    Modeling Within-Host Effects of Drugs on Plasmodium falciparum Transmission and Prospects for Malaria Elimination

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    Achieving a theoretical foundation for malaria elimination will require a detailed understanding of the quantitative relationships between patient treatment-seeking behavior, treatment coverage, and the effects of curative therapies that also block Plasmodium parasite transmission to mosquito vectors. Here, we report a mechanistic, within-host mathematical model that uses pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) data to simulate the effects of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) on Plasmodium falciparum transmission. To contextualize this model, we created a set of global maps of the fold reductions that would be necessary to reduce the malaria RC (i.e. its basic reproductive number under control) to below 1 and thus interrupt transmission. This modeling was applied to low-transmission settings, defined as having a R0<10 based on 2010 data. Our modeling predicts that treating 93–98% of symptomatic infections with an ACT within five days of fever onset would interrupt malaria transmission for ∼91% of the at-risk population of Southeast Asia and ∼74% of the global at-risk population, and lead these populations towards malaria elimination. This level of treatment coverage corresponds to an estimated 81–85% of all infected individuals in these settings. At this coverage level with ACTs, the addition of the gametocytocidal agent primaquine affords no major gains in transmission reduction. Indeed, we estimate that it would require switching ∼180 people from ACTs to ACTs plus primaquine to achieve the same transmission reduction as switching a single individual from untreated to treated with ACTs. Our model thus predicts that the addition of gametocytocidal drugs to treatment regimens provides very small population-wide benefits and that the focus of control efforts in Southeast Asia should be on increasing prompt ACT coverage. Prospects for elimination in much of Sub-Saharan Africa appear far less favorable currently, due to high rates of infection and less frequent and less rapid treatment

    Isolation of Fecal Coliform Bacteria from the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in South Carolina

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    2008 S.C. Water Resources Conference - Addressing Water Challenges Facing the State and Regio

    Platelet Glycoprotein lib: Chromosomal Localization and Tissue Expression

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    The GPIIb-IIIa complex functions as a receptor for cytoadhesive proteins on the platelet surface. Both GPIIb and GPIIIa are synthesized by a human erythroleukemia (HEL) cell line. We isolated several cDNA clones by screening a HEL cell cDNA library with an oligonucleotide derived from amino acid sequence of GPIIb. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences were determined from 703 bp of one of these clones. Amino acid sequence of purified platelet GPIIb peptides confirmed the identity of the clone. The cDNA encodes the carboxyl terminus of the large (a) subunit of GPIIb and all of the smaller (f6) subunit of GPIIb. By hybridizing the cDNA directly to chromosomes separated by dual laser chromosome sorting, the gene for GPIIb was mapped to chromosome 17. Northern blot analysis showed a - 3.4-kb GPIIb mRNA in HEL cells. We also compared the amino acid sequences determined from eight additional platelet GPIIb peptides with the derived amino acids from a published HEL cell GPIIb cDNA, and the platelet and HEL cell proteins appear to be the same. Despite previous reports that vascular endothelial cells and monocytes contain GPIIb, no GPIIb mRNA was observed in either type of cell. Thus, GPIIb appears to be specific for the platelet-megakaryocyte membrane and is distinct from the a subunits of the adhesion receptors in other normal tissues

    Taking the Measure of the Universe: Precision Astrometry with SIM PlanetQuest

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    Precision astrometry at microarcsecond accuracy has application to a wide range of astrophysical problems. This paper is a study of the science questions that can be addressed using an instrument that delivers parallaxes at about 4 microarcsec on targets as faint as V = 20, differential accuracy of 0.6 microarcsec on bright targets, and with flexible scheduling. The science topics are drawn primarily from the Team Key Projects, selected in 2000, for the Space Interferometry Mission PlanetQuest (SIM PlanetQuest). We use the capabilities of this mission to illustrate the importance of the next level of astrometric precision in modern astrophysics. SIM PlanetQuest is currently in the detailed design phase, having completed all of the enabling technologies needed for the flight instrument in 2005. It will be the first space-based long baseline Michelson interferometer designed for precision astrometry. SIM will contribute strongly to many astronomical fields including stellar and galactic astrophysics, planetary systems around nearby stars, and the study of quasar and AGN nuclei. SIM will search for planets with masses as small as an Earth orbiting in the `habitable zone' around the nearest stars using differential astrometry, and could discover many dozen if Earth-like planets are common. It will be the most capable instrument for detecting planets around young stars, thereby providing insights into how planetary systems are born and how they evolve with time. SIM will observe significant numbers of very high- and low-mass stars, providing stellar masses to 1%, the accuracy needed to challenge physical models. Using precision proper motion measurements, SIM will probe the galactic mass distribution and the formation and evolution of the Galactic halo. (abridged)Comment: 54 pages, 28 figures, uses emulateapj. Submitted to PAS

    Sequence Analysis of the IL28A/IL28B Inverted Gene Duplication That Contains Polymorphisms Associated with Treatment Response in Hepatitis C Patients

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    Several SNPs located in or around the IL28B gene are associated with response of patients infected with Hepatitis C virus to treatment with pegylated interferon-α +/− ribavirin or with spontaneous clearance of the virus. The results of such studies are so compelling that future treatment approaches are likely to involve clinical decisions being made on the basis of a patient's genotype. Since IL28B is a paralogue of IL28A with greater than 95% sequence identity, it is possible that without genotyping assay specificity, sequences in IL28A may contribute to genotype identification, and potentially confound treatment decisions. This study aimed to 1) examine DNA sequences in IL28B surrounding each of the reported associated SNPs and the corresponding regions in IL28A; and 2) develop a robust assay for rs12979860, the most ‘cosmopolitan’ SNP most strongly associated with treatment response across all global populations studied to date. Bioinformatic analysis of genomic regions surrounding IL28A and IL28B demonstrated that 3 SNPs were unique to IL28B, whereas the remaining 6 SNP regions shared >93% identity between IL28A and IL28B. Using a panel of DNA samples, PCR amplification followed by Sanger sequencing was used to examine IL28B SNPs and the corresponding regions in IL28A. For the overlapping SNPs, all 6 in IL28B were confirmed to be polymorphic whereas the corresponding positions in IL28A were monomorphic. Based upon IL28A and IL28B sequence data, a specific TaqMan® assay was developed for SNP rs12979860 that was 100% concordant to the sequence-derived genotypes. Analysis using a commercial assay identified one discordant result which led to a change in their genotype-calling algorithm. Where future treatment decisions are made upon the results of genotyping assays, it is very important that results are concordant with data from a sequence-based format. This is especially so in situations where designing specific PCR primers is a challenge

    Different paths to the modern state in Europe: the interaction between domestic political economy and interstate competition

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    Theoretical work on state formation and capacity has focused mostly on early modern Europe and on the experience of western European states during this period. While a number of European states monopolized domestic tax collection and achieved gains in state capacity during the early modern era, for others revenues stagnated or even declined, and these variations motivated alternative hypotheses for determinants of fiscal and state capacity. In this study we test the basic hypotheses in the existing literature making use of the large date set we have compiled for all of the leading states across the continent. We find strong empirical support for two prevailing threads in the literature, arguing respectively that interstate wars and changes in economic structure towards an urbanized economy had positive fiscal impact. Regarding the main point of contention in the theoretical literature, whether it was representative or authoritarian political regimes that facilitated the gains in fiscal capacity, we do not find conclusive evidence that one performed better than the other. Instead, the empirical evidence we have gathered lends supports to the hypothesis that when under pressure of war, the fiscal performance of representative regimes was better in the more urbanized-commercial economies and the fiscal performance of authoritarian regimes was better in rural-agrarian economie

    A new world malaria map: Plasmodium falciparum endemicity in 2010

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    Background: transmission intensity affects almost all aspects of malaria epidemiology and the impact of malaria on human populations. Maps of transmission intensity are necessary to identify populations at different levels of risk and to evaluate objectively options for disease control. To remain relevant operationally, such maps must be updated frequently. Following the first global effort to map Plasmodium falciparum malaria endemicity in 2007, this paper describes the generation of a new world map for the year 2010. This analysis is extended to provide the first global estimates of two other metrics of transmission intensity for P. falciparum that underpin contemporary questions in malaria control: the entomological inoculation rate (PfEIR) and the basic reproductive number (PfR). Methods: annual parasite incidence data for 13,449 administrative units in 43 endemic countries were sourced to define the spatial limits of P. falciparum transmission in 2010 and 22,212 P. falciparum parasite rate (PfPR) surveys were used in a model-based geostatistical (MBG) prediction to create a continuous contemporary surface of malaria endemicity within these limits. A suite of transmission models were developed that link PfPR to PfEIR and PfR and these were fitted to field data. These models were combined with the PfPR map to create new global predictions of PfEIR and PfR. All output maps included measured uncertainty. Results: an estimated 1.13 and 1.44 billion people worldwide were at risk of unstable and stable P. falciparum malaria, respectively. The majority of the endemic world was predicted with a median PfEIR of less than one and a median PfRc of less than two. Values of either metric exceeding 10 were almost exclusive to Africa. The uncertainty described in both PfEIR and PfR was substantial in regions of intense transmission. Conclusions: the year 2010 has a particular significance as an evaluation milestone for malaria global health policy. The maps presented here contribute to a rational basis for control and elimination decisions and can serve as a baseline assessment as the global health community looks ahead to the next series of milestones targeted at 20

    Different Paths to the Modern State in Europe: The Interaction between Domestic Political Economy and Interstate Competition

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