426 research outputs found

    Integrating kindergarten technology activities into the kindergarten classroom

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    This graduate project outlines how technology was integrated into a kindergarten classroom using the activities from Kindergarten Technology Activities. The activities were tested during the 2000-2001 school year with a kindergarten class of fifteen students. The project gives a brief description of the activities, how effective the activities were, and what modifications may need to be made. After any revisions, the activities will be shared with the other members of the kindergarten team for the following school year. These activities will improve the use of technology with the kindergarten students. The teachers will gain knowledge of additional technology activities that can easily be integrated into the curriculum they are already teaching

    The Strategic Role Of Data In Proposal Competitiveness And Grant Reporting

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    Learning style and digital activity: an ecological study

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    In order to understand student engagement in higher education through the use of digital technologies, it is necessary to appreciate the broader use of differing technologies. Forty-eight first-year university students completed an online survey that queried patterns of digital activity across home, school and community contexts and that included rating scale items that measured learning style (i.e., active-reflective, sensing-intuitive, visual-verbal, sequential-global). Results suggest that students vary widely in digital activities and that such variation is related to differences in learning style. For example, active learners were more likely than reflective learners to engage in digital activities in the community and users of some specific application, as opposed to non-users, were more likely to be verbal than visual learners. Implications for instructional applications of digital technology in higher education are presented

    Implementing the NIS Directive, Driving Cybersecurity Improvements for Essential Services

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    A review by the National Audit Office of the National Cyber Security Programme recommended a more robust performance framework, to understand the impact of the Programme and to focus activities going forward. The Directive on security of network and information systems (the NIS Directive) has placed responsibility for essential aspects of supply chains on Operators of Essential Services (OES). Our dependence on international supply chains also requires a performance framework to assist cybersecurity improvements in this area. The following sections describe work to investigate the implementation of the NIS Directive by Competent Authorities (CA) and OES and proposes a framework to monitor performance across interdependencies. This is to enable development of a more effective set of performance metrics to guide interventions and improvements in cybersecurity for critical infrastructure

    Web-based active learning and frequent feedback: Engaging first-year university students

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    Web-based technology is particularly well-suited to promoting active student involvement in the processes of learning. All students enrolled in a first-year educational psychology unit were required to complete ten weekly online quizzes, ten weekly student-generated questions and ten weekly student answers to those questions. Results of an online survey of participating students strongly support the viability and perceived benefits of such an instructional approach. Although students reported that the 30 assessments were useful and reasonable, the most common theme to emerge from the professional reflections of participating lecturers was that the marking of questions and answers was unmanageable

    Keeping Your Thesis Legal

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    This booklet accompanies workshops presented by the Archbishop Alemany Library, focused on theses and rights risk management. It gives you more information on the copyright implications of making your thesis available on the web, as required by your graduate program. While its focus is primarily on digital theses (eTheses) rather than traditional printed versions, there is some coverage of the copyright law differences between the two different formats

    Initial Severity and Antidepressant Benefits: A Meta-Analysis of Data Submitted to the Food and Drug Administration

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    Kirsch and colleagues show that, in antidepressant trials, there is a greater difference in efficacy between drug and placebo amongst more severely depressed patients. However, this difference seems to result from a poorer response to placebo amongst more depressed patients

    Análisis, diseño e implementación de un sistema web y móvil para el soporte informático a la gestión de los servicios de atención que brindan las comisarías a la comunidad

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    En el Perú, la inseguridad ciudadana, en general, sigue siendo uno de los grandes motivos de temor para la población. Este problema se ha ido incrementando a través de los años por diversos factores como el desempleo, la falta de valores en la sociedad, una mala calidad de educación, escasez de los recursos con los que cuentan las entidades responsables para combatir este inconveniente, entre otros. Las comisarías cuentan con diversos procesos que sostienen los diferentes servicios que brindan a la comunidad. Estos procesos tales como registro de denuncias, información y gestión de trámites personales, difusión a la comunidad de un mapa de delitos, entre otros, suelen ser en su mayoría manuales, lentos y con información desactualizada. Los factores mencionados impiden a las comisarías brindar un buen servicio a la comunidad y no cumplir con salvaguardar la seguridad ciudadana. Además, se identificó la carencia de un medio de comunicación rápido y en tiempo real entre las comisarías y la comunidad. La solución propuesta consiste en un sistema Web y un sistema Móvil, los cuales permitan dar soporte informático a la gestión de los servicios que brinda una comisaría y proporcionar información para la seguridad de los ciudadanos. La memoria descriptiva cuenta con 7 capítulos que presentan la organización del proyecto de tesis. En el capítulo 1 se describe el problema que se desea resolver, los objetivos, resultados, métodos y procedimientos, las tecnologías utilizadas, el plan de proyecto y la sustentación de la solución propuesta. En el capítulo 2 se describe el marco conceptual de la solución planteada y el estado del arte donde se exponen ejemplos que resuelven parte del problema en la actualidad. En el capítulo 3 se describen los requisitos funcionales y se desarrolla el análisis de la solución que consiste en explicar la viabilidad del sistema en términos técnicos y de costo, y se identifican el diagrama de clases inicial que constituye una base para el trabajo posterior. En el capítulo 4 se describe la arquitectura seleccionada para cumplir con los requisitos planteados del sistema, además se presenta también en este capítulo el diseño de la interfaz gráfica de la aplicación, definiendo los criterios para la selección del diseño y las principales pantallas de la aplicación con sus respectivas características. En el capítulo 5 se detalla cómo se ha aplicado la tecnología seleccionada en la solución del problema. En el capítulo 6 se presentan las observacionTesi