4,278 research outputs found

    A Coupled Equations Model for Epitaxial Growth on Textured Surfaces

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    We have developed a continuum model that explains the complex surface shapes observed in epitaxial regrowth on micron scale gratings. This model describes the dependence of the surface morphology on film thickness and growth temperature in terms of a few simple atomic scale processes including adatom diffusion, step-edge attachment and detachment, and a net downhill migration of surface adatoms. The continuum model reduces to the linear part of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with a flux dependent smoothing coefficient in the long wavelength limit.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to the Journal of Crystal Growt

    The Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS) VIII: Chemo-kinematics in the southern Galactic bulge from 2.3 million red clump stars with Gaia DR3 proper motions

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    The Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS) provides near-ultraviolet to near-infrared photometry for ~250 million unique stars. By combining BDBS photometry with the latest Gaia astrometry, we characterize the chemo-dynamics of red clump stars across the BDBS footprint, using an unprecedented sample size and sky coverage. We construct a sample of ~2.3 million red clump giants in the bulge with photometric metallicities, BDBS photometric distances, and proper motions. We study the kinematics of the red clump stars as a function of sky position and metallicity, by investigating proper motion rotation curves, velocity dispersions, and proper motion correlations across the southern Galactic bulge. We find that metal-poor red clump stars exhibit lower rotation amplitudes, at ~29 km s1^{-1} kpc^{-1}. The peak of the angular velocity is ~39 km s^{-1} kpc^{-1} for [Fe/H] ~ -0.2 dex, exhibiting declining rotation at higher [Fe/H]. The velocity dispersion is higher for metal-poor stars, while metal-rich stars show a steeper gradient with Galactic latitude, with a maximum dispersion at low latitudes along the bulge minor axis. Only metal-rich stars ([Fe/H] >~ -0.5 dex) show clear signatures of the bar in their kinematics, while the metal-poor population exhibits isotropic motions with an axisymmetric pattern around Galactic longitude l = 0. This work reports the largest sample of bulge stars with distance, metallicity, and astrometry and shows clear kinematic differences with metallicity. The global kinematics over the bulge agrees with earlier studies. However, we see striking changes with increasing metallicity and for the first time, see kinematic differences for stars with [Fe/H]>-0.5, suggesting that the bar itself may have kinematics that depends on metallicity.Comment: 12 pages, Accepted for publication in A&

    G(2) quivers

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    We present, in explicit matrix representation and a modernity befitting the community, the classification of the finite discrete subgroups of G2 and compute the McKay quivers arising therefrom. Of physical interest are the classes of Script N = 1 gauge theories descending from M-theory and of mathematical interest are possible steps toward a systematic study of crepant resolutions to smooth G2 manifolds as well as generalised McKay Correspondences. This writing is a companion monograph to hep-th/9811183 and hep-th/9905212, wherein the analogues for Calabi-Yau three- and four-folds were considered

    The 3′–5′ proofreading exonuclease of archaeal family-B DNA polymerase hinders the copying of template strand deaminated bases

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    Archaeal family B polymerases bind tightly to the deaminated bases uracil and hypoxanthine in single-stranded DNA, stalling replication on encountering these pro-mutagenic deoxynucleosides four steps ahead of the primer–template junction. When uracil is specifically bound, the polymerase–DNA complex exists in the editing rather than the polymerization conformation, despite the duplex region of the primer-template being perfectly base-paired. In this article, the interplay between the 3′–5′ proofreading exonuclease activity and binding of uracil/hypoxanthine is addressed, using the family-B DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus. When uracil/hypoxanthine is bound four bases ahead of the primer–template junction (+4 position), both the polymerase and the exonuclease are inhibited, profoundly for the polymerase activity. However, if the polymerase approaches closer to the deaminated bases, locating it at +3, +2, +1 or even 0 (paired with the extreme 3′ base in the primer), the exonuclease activity is strongly stimulated. In these situations, the exonuclease activity is actually stronger than that seen with mismatched primer-templates, even though the deaminated base-containing primer-templates are correctly base-paired. The resulting exonucleolytic degradation of the primer serves to move the uracil/hypoxanthine away from the primer–template junction, restoring the stalling position to +4. Thus the 3′–5′ proofreading exonuclease contributes to the inability of the polymerase to replicate beyond deaminated bases

    A study on wear evaluation of railway wheels based on multibody dynamics and wear computation

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    The wear evolution of railway wheels is a very important issue in railway engineering. In the past, the reprofiling intervals of railway vehicle steel wheels have been scheduled according to designers' experience. Today, more reliable and accurate tools in predicting wheel wear evolution and wheelset lifetime can be used in order to achieve economical and safety benefits. In this work, a computational tool that is able to predict the evolution of the wheel profiles for a given railway system, as a function of the distance run, is presented. The strategy adopted consists of using a commercial multibody software to study the railway dynamic problem and a purpose-built code for managing its pre- and post-processing data in order to compute the wear. The tool is applied here to realistic operation scenarios in order to assess the effect of some service conditions on the wheel wear progression

    Search for Fractional Charges in Water

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    Results are presented from a search for fractional charges in water from a variety of natural sources. About 30 000 water drops have been measured, comprising 51 μg of water and dissolved materials. No evidence for fractional charge was seen

    Caenorhabditis elegans orthologs of human genes differentially expressed with age are enriched for determinants of longevity

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    We report a systematic RNAi longevity screen of 82 Caenorhabditis elegans genes selected based on orthology to human genes differentially expressed with age. We find substantial enrichment in genes for which knockdown increased lifespan. This enrichment is markedly higher than published genomewide longevity screens in C. elegans and similar to screens that preselected candidates based on longevity-correlated metrics (e.g., stress resistance). Of the 50 genes that affected lifespan, 46 were previously unreported. The five genes with the greatest impact on lifespan (>20% extension) encode the enzyme kynureninase (kynu-1), a neuronal leucine-rich repeat protein (iglr-1), a tetraspanin (tsp-3), a regulator of calcineurin (rcan-1), and a voltage-gated calcium channel subunit (unc-36). Knockdown of each gene extended healthspan without impairing reproduction. kynu-1(RNAi) alone delayed pathology in C. elegans models of Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease. Each gene displayed a distinct pattern of interaction with known aging pathways. In the context of published work, kynu-1, tsp-3, and rcan-1 are of particular interest for immediate follow-up. kynu-1 is an understudied member of the kynurenine metabolic pathway with a mechanistically distinct impact on lifespan. Our data suggest that tsp-3 is a novel modulator of hypoxic signaling and rcan-1 is a context-specific calcineurin regulator. Our results validate C. elegans as a comparative tool for prioritizing human candidate aging genes, confirm age-associated gene expression data as valuable source of novel longevity determinants, and prioritize select genes for mechanistic follow-up

    Basal Ganglia Pathways Associated With Therapeutic Pallidal Deep Brain Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) targeting the globus pallidus internus (GPi) can improve tics and comorbid obsessive-compulsive behavior (OCB) in patients with treatment-refractory Tourette syndrome (TS). However, some patients’ symptoms remain unresponsive, the stimulation applied across patients is variable, and the mechanisms underlying improvement are unclear. Identifying the fiber pathways surrounding the GPi that are associated with improvement could provide mechanistic insight and refine targeting strategies to improve outcomes. METHODS: Retrospective data were collected for 35 patients who underwent bilateral GPi DBS for TS. Computational models of fiber tract activation were constructed using patient-specific lead locations and stimulation settings to evaluate the effects of DBS on basal ganglia pathways and the internal capsule. We first evaluated the relationship between activation of individual pathways and symptom improvement. Next, linear mixed-effects models with combinations of pathways and clinical variables were compared in order to identify the best-fit predictive models of tic and OCB improvement. RESULTS: The best-fit model of tic improvement included baseline severity and the associative pallido-subthalamic pathway. The best-fit model of OCB improvement included baseline severity and the sensorimotor pallidosubthalamic pathway, with substantial evidence also supporting the involvement of the prefrontal, motor, and premotor internal capsule pathways. The best-fit models of tic and OCB improvement predicted outcomes across the cohort and in cross-validation. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in fiber pathway activation likely contribute to variable outcomes of DBS for TS. Computational models of pathway activation could be used to develop novel approaches for preoperative targeting and selecting stimulation parameters to improve patient outcomes

    Global Governance Behind Closed Doors : The IMF Boardroom, the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility, and the Intersection of Material Power and Norm Change in Global Politics

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    Up on the 12th floor of its 19th Street Headquarters, the IMF Board sits in active session for an average of 7 hours per week. Although key matters of policy are decided on in the venue, the rules governing Boardroom interactions remain opaque, resting on an uneasy combination of consensual decision-making and weighted voting. Through a detailed analysis of IMF Board discussions surrounding the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF), this article sheds light on the mechanics of power in this often overlooked venue of global economic governance. By exploring the key issues of default liability and loan conditionality, I demonstrate that whilst the Boardroom is a more active site of contestation than has hitherto been recognized, material power is a prime determinant of both Executive Directors’ preferences and outcomes reached from discussions. And as the decisions reached form the backbone of the ‘instruction sheet’ used by Fund staff to guide their everyday operational decisions, these outcomes—and the processes through which they were reached—were factors of primary importance in stabilizing the operational norms at the heart of a controversial phase in the contemporary history of IMF concessional lending

    Budding yeast ATM/ATR control meiotic double-strand break (DSB) levels by down-regulating Rec114, an essential component of the DSB-machinery

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    An essential feature of meiosis is Spo11 catalysis of programmed DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Evidence suggests that the number of DSBs generated per meiosis is genetically determined and that this ability to maintain a pre-determined DSB level, or "DSB homeostasis", might be a property of the meiotic program. Here, we present direct evidence that Rec114, an evolutionarily conserved essential component of the meiotic DSB-machinery, interacts with DSB hotspot DNA, and that Tel1 and Mec1, the budding yeast ATM and ATR, respectively, down-regulate Rec114 upon meiotic DSB formation through phosphorylation. Mimicking constitutive phosphorylation reduces the interaction between Rec114 and DSB hotspot DNA, resulting in a reduction and/or delay in DSB formation. Conversely, a non-phosphorylatable rec114 allele confers a genome-wide increase in both DSB levels and in the interaction between Rec114 and the DSB hotspot DNA. These observations strongly suggest that Tel1 and/or Mec1 phosphorylation of Rec114 following Spo11 catalysis down-regulates DSB formation by limiting the interaction between Rec114 and DSB hotspots. We also present evidence that Ndt80, a meiosis specific transcription factor, contributes to Rec114 degradation, consistent with its requirement for complete cessation of DSB formation. Loss of Rec114 foci from chromatin is associated with homolog synapsis but independent of Ndt80 or Tel1/Mec1 phosphorylation. Taken together, we present evidence for three independent ways of regulating Rec114 activity, which likely contribute to meiotic DSBs-homeostasis in maintaining genetically determined levels of breaks