1,176 research outputs found

    Changing purchasing habits through non-monetary point of sale strategies: the case of Australian oysters

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    In Australia, oysters are perceived as luxury products or are reserved for special occasions, making their consumption infrequent. Point of sale (POS) strategies can encourage consumers to increase purchase frequency. This paper reports the results of a field trial conducted for the Australian oyster industry to increase oyster purchase frequency. Five non-monetary POS strategies were trialled over 16 weeks in seven specialty seafood stores. While issues with store POS strategy compliance made evaluation difficult, sales increased by 15-20%; the most effective strategy was in-store sampling. Management and staff commitment to the POS campaign positively impacted results

    Archives and STEM: The Perfect Formula for Immersive Cross-Disciplinary Instruction

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    Presented at Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy Reaching out to STEM Students beyond the one-shot requested instruction sessions is challenging. Creating faculty buy-in for non-traditional STEM instruction is doubly challenging. This poster will highlight a recent activity designed to draw STEM participation in utilizing a unique set of resources from the institution’s Archival Collections. Normally viewed as primarily relevant to history and humanities students, this collection provides the backbone for a fully immersive Escape Room Activity and exposure to primary sources normally not considered part of the normal STEM course work. The hands-on activity provides an opportunity for critical thinking, reflection, and teamwork. The poster will highlight the archival collection, the challenges of designing instruction for cross-disciplinary work, building faculty buy-in and support, and assessment options addressing the ACRL Framework; specifically Scholarship as Conversation, and Information has Value. A handout with URL links will provide participants the opportunity to evaluate their collections and best practices tips for designing a similar activity

    For Good Measure: Assessing the Impact of Game-Based Instruction in the Archives

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    Presented at Society of Georgia Archivists annual meeting Abstract Game-based instructional programs can provide creative, hands-on learning opportunities while protecting valuable collections. This presentation will reflect on the experience of using game-based instructional techniques to successfully develop an Escape Game that engaged a campus community with archival sources and authentic learning. Sensory game immersion provided authentic engagement with the materiality of collections, their historical context, and the deeper critical narratives within the collection. Tasks were designed to engage learning objectives that explored archival conceptualization, discovery, and interpretation. The successful program increased awareness of the archival collections throughout the University community and became a catalyst for collaboration between subject librarians and teaching faculty

    Analysis of a Modification to the Sexual Experiences Survey to Assess Intimate Partner Sexual Violence

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    Greater accuracy is needed in the assessment of sexual victimization that occurs in intimate relationships. Existing assessment strategies in the literature often represent two distinct approaches—intimate partner violence specific strategies vs. sexual violence specific strategies. The current study compared multiple distinct strategies for assessing intimate partner sexual victimization (IPSV) and evaluated a modification that optimizes intimate partner and sexual violence specific strategies. Two samples of undergraduate women were recruited. Sample 1 (N = 236) completed the Severity of Violence Against Women Scales (SVAWS) and a modified version Sexual Experiences Survey–Short Form Victimization (SES-SFV) in which participants were cued to respond both for romantic partners and non-partners (referred to as the SES-RP/NP). Sample 2 (N = 206) completed the SVAWS and was randomized to either the traditional SES-SFV or the SES-RP/NP. Across samples, the prevalence of IPSV varied based on the measure used (SVAWS = 11.7%; SES-SFV = 17.0%; SES-RP/NP = 25.4%). The SES-RP/NP identified significantly more IPSV than the SES-SFV, SVAWS, and prior studies. Both the SES-SFV and the SES-RP/NP were positively and significantly associated with the SVAWS. The results suggested that optimal measurement of IPSV would consider both intimate partner and sexual violence strategies

    Role of Single Defects in Electronic Transport through Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors

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    The influence of defects on electron transport in single-wall carbon nanotube field effect transistors (CNFETs) is probed by combined scanning gate microscopy (SGM) and scanning impedance microscopy (SIM). SGM reveals a localized field effect at discrete defects along the CNFET length. The depletion surface potential of individual defects is quantified from the SGM-imaged radius of the defect as a function of tip bias voltage. This provides a measure of the Fermi level at the defect with zero tip voltage, which is as small as 20 meV for the strongest defects. The effect of defects on transport is probed by SIM as a function of backgate and tip-gate voltage. When the backgate voltage is set so the CNFET is "on" (conducting), SIM reveals a uniform potential drop along its length, consistent with diffusive transport. In contrast, when the CNFET is "off", potential steps develop at the position of depleted defects. Finally, high-resolution imaging of a second set of weak defects is achieved in a new "tip-gated" SIM mode.Comment: to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Penggunaan Abu Batu Bara Pltu Mpanau sebagai Bahan Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan memeriksa pengaruh stabilisasi tanah lempung menggunakan bahanstabilisasi Abu batu bara dan semen. Abu batu bara yang digunakan adalah abu bara hasilpembakaran dari PLTU Mpanau Kecamatan Tawaeli Kota Palu yang lolos saringan No.200, tanahlempung yang diuji memiliki indeks plastisitas lebih besar dari 20. Sifat yang diperiksa adalah:Perubahan batas cair, kepadatan maksimum dan nilai CBR. Proporsi rancangan campuran terdiridari abu batu bara adalah 10% dan 20% semen sebesar 4% dan 8% masing-masing terhadapberat kering tanah lempung,.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa campuran abu batu bara dansemen mampu menurunkan nilai indeks plastisitas tanah lempung dari 27,33% menjadi 10,37 %,meningkatkan nilai CBR tanah dari 4,46% menjadi 13,8% untuk CBR rendaman dan dari 5,6%menjadi 15,5% untuk CBR tanpa rendama

    Rapid HIV testing and counseling for residents in battered women’s shelters

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    Over one million Americans live with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and roughly 20 percent of those living with HIV are unaware of their status. One way to decrease this epidemic is community-based rapid testing with high-risk populations. One high-risk population that has received limited attention is victims of intimate partner violence who seek shelter. In an effort to gain foundational information to implement rapid HIV testing and counseling services in domestic violence shelters, the current study conducted a series of focus groups with eighteen residents and ten staff of local shelters from October 15 to December 12, 2012. Participants provided valuable insight into how HIV rapid testing and counseling might be best implemented given the resources and constraints of shelter life. Despite identifying some potential barriers, most believed that the promise of quick results, the convenience and support afforded by the shelter venue, and the timing of the intervention at a point when women are making life changes would render the intervention acceptable to residents. Further insights are discussed in the article

    Re-Inversion of Surface Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data from the Hanford Site B-Complex

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    This report documents the three-dimensional (3D) inversion results of surface electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data collected over the Hanford Site B-Complex. The data were collected in order to image the subsurface distribution of electrically conductive vadose zone contamination resulting from both planned releases of contamination into subsurface infiltration galleries (cribs, trenches, and tile fields), as well as unplanned releases from the B, BX, and BY tank farms and/or associated facilities. Electrically conductive contaminants are those which increase the ionic strength of pore fluids compared to native conditions, which comprise most types of solutes released into the subsurface B-Complex. The ERT data were collected and originally inverted as described in detail in report RPP-34690 Rev 0., 2007, which readers should refer to for a detailed description of data collection and waste disposal history. Although the ERT imaging results presented in that report successfully delineated the footprint of vadose zone contamination in areas outside of the tank farms, imaging resolution was not optimized due to the inability of available inversion codes to optimally process the massive ERT data set collected at the site. Recognizing these limitations and the potential for enhanced ERT characterization and time-lapse imaging at contaminated sites, a joint effort was initiated in 2007 by the U.S. Department of Energy – Office of Science (DOE-SC), with later support by the Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM), and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), to develop a high-performance distributed memory parallel 3D ERT inversion code capable of optimally processing large ERT data sets. The culmination of this effort was the development of E4D (Johnson et al., 2010,2012) In 2012, under the Deep Vadose Zone Applied Field Research Initiative (DVZ-AFRI), the U.S. Department of Energy – Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) and CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC) commissioned an effort for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to re-invert the ERT data collected over the B-Complex using E4D, with the objective to improve imaging resolution and better understand the distribution of vadose zone contamination at the B-Complex. The details and results of that effort as documented in this report display a significant improvement in ERT image resolution, revealing the nature and orientation of contaminant plumes originating in former infiltration galleries and extending toward the water table. In particular, large plumes originating in the BY-Cribs area appear to have intercepted, or are close to intercepting the water table after being diverted eastward, possibly by the same low permeability unit causing perched water north of the B-Tank Farm boundary. Contaminant plumes are also evident beneath the BX-Trenches, but do not appear to have intercepted the water table. Imaging results within the tank farms themselves are highly biased by the dense network of electrically conductive tanks and dry wells, and are therefore inconclusive concerning contaminant distributions beneath tanks. However, beneath the diversion boxes, the results do reveal highly conductive anomalies that are not associated with metallic infrastructure, and may be diagnostic of extensive contamination. Overall, the parallel ERT inversion provides additional detail concerning contaminated zones in terms of conductive anomalies. These anomalies are consistent with waste disposal histories, and in several cases reveal lateral contaminant transport caused by heterogeneity within the vadose zone
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