7 research outputs found

    Chronic hand eczema in Europe:Patient experiences and perspectives (CHEPEP) in qualitative interviews

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    Background: Chronic hand eczema (CHE) is a very common skin disease among the European population. It causes itch and pain and, in more severe cases, seriously impairs hand functioning at work and in private life. Objectives: To explore perspectives of people with lived experience on CHE-related problems, wishes and goals. Methods: Following a qualitative approach, we conducted topic-guided interviews in five European countries and applied template analysis to identify recurrent themes among patients with CHE. Results: We interviewed 60 patients in seven outpatient dermatological and occupational medicine clinics in Croatia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain. Five main themes were identified: (1) knowledge about the disease and its course, (2) preventive behaviour, (3) hand eczema therapy, (4) impact on everyday life and (5) attitudes towards CHE and healthcare. Participants did not feel well informed about CHE, especially about causes, triggers and treatment options. Preventive measures were experienced as more or less effective but also cumbersome. Experiences with therapy were diverse. Treatment satisfaction depended on the results and on the perceived support from the treatment teams. Participants found it important to be taken seriously, to receive practical advice, to try out additional treatments or examinations, find new hope and have occupational perspectives. They wished that others could better understand the physical and emotional burden of CHE. Patient support groups were not mentioned. Participants found it important to learn to take care of themselves and accept life with CHE. Conclusions: Due to its annoying symptoms, high visibility and impaired functioning at work and in private life, CHE has a high emotional and social impact. Some people may require support to learn coping with CHE and its prevention. Patients wish for information about causes and triggers. They value physicians who listen to them and keep looking for solutions.</p

    Nonporous silicone polymer coating of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene grafts reduces graft neointimal hyperplasia in dog and baboon models

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    AbstractPurpose: Neointimal hyperplasia frequently develops after placement of prosthetic vascular grafts and is a major cause of graft failure. This study was an attempt to prevent vascular lesion formation by coating the graft luminal surface with a thin layer of nonporous silicone polymer, and subsequently with an ultrathin layer of vapor phase (plasma gas) deposited fluoropolymer, thereby providing a smooth and chemically uniform surface that was postulated to limit pannus tissue ingrowth across the graft anastomoses.Methods: Bilateral femoral arteriovenous (AV) conduits were constructed in four dogs using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene graft materials (ePTFE; 6-mm inside diameter, 2.5-cm long). In each animal, one femoral AV shunt was constructed from a graft whose luminal surface was entirely coated with polymer. On the contralateral side, an uncoated graft served as a control. Bilateral aortoiliac grafts were placed in three baboons using 5-cm segments of ePTFE (4-mm inside diameter). One end (1 cm) of each graft had been coated with polymer. In each animal, the coated end of one graft was placed proximally and the coated end of the second graft was placed distally in the contralateral vessels.Results: All grafts were patent at 30 days. In the dog model, there was a significant reduction in graft neointimal area at the venous anastomoses for the coated grafts compared with the uncoated grafts (0.03 ± 0.02 mm 2 and 1.11 ± 0.54 mm 2 , respectively; p < 0.05). In the baboon model, the silicone coating significantly reduced the graft neointimal thickness (0.003 ± 0.003 mm vs 0.21 ± 0.05 mm; p < 0.05) and neointimal area (0.05 ± 0.08 mm 2 vs 0.82 ± 0.58 mm 2 ; p < 0.05).Conclusions: These data demonstrate that healing of ePTFE grafts can be effectively modified by altering the physical properties of the graft surface. Neointimal hyperplasia within ePTFE grafts is significantly reduced by the local application of a fluorocarbon-coated, silicone-based polymer. The resulting graft flow surface effectively prevents tissue ingrowth from the adjacent native vessel, thereby preserving the anastomosis luminal area. This approach could represent a new strategy for limiting graft surface anastomotic neointimal hyperplasia. (J Vasc Surg 1996;24:825-33.

    Which outcomes should be measured in hand eczema trials? Results from patient interviews and an expert survey

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    Background: Hand eczema (HE) is a common skin disease characterized by itch, pain and visible skin changes such as fissures, erythema and vesicles. It is not yet clear which outcome domains are most important for patients. The Hand Eczema Core Outcome Set (HECOS) initiative is developing a consented set of core domains and suitable measurement instruments for the future application in all HE trials. This includes an online Delphi survey about core domains, which requires a ‘Long List’ of all domains that might be important to measure. Objectives: To compile a ‘Long List’ of candidate outcome domains for therapeutic HE trials with suggestions from patients and experts. Methods: First, 60 patients with chronic HE were interviewed at seven study sites in Croatia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain. Patients were asked about domains that were important from their perspectives. Second, 185 HE experts were invited by email to complete an online survey. With an open question, they were asked to suggest up to six domains. Results: Suggestions were provided by 58 patients and 82 experts. Most patients and experts suggested to measure the domains ‘signs’, ‘symptoms’ and ‘HE-related quality of life’. Specifically, >25% of patients said that less itch, pain or fissures indicated a successful treatment. Among experts, >25% suggested ‘itch’ and ‘ability to work’ as core sub-domains. Further outcomes from the domains ‘HE control over time’, ‘patient-reported treatment experience’ and ‘skin barrier function’ were mentioned. Conclusion: ‘Itch’ was rated high among patients with HE and professional HE experts. While patients emphasized fissures as important, experts underlined the ability to work. This investigation allowed us to define a ‘Long List’ of 7 candidate outcome domains with 58 sub-domains. From this list, a panel of stakeholders will select core domains during an online Delphi survey