59 research outputs found


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    La presente obra tiene como finalidad analizar la figura de los medios alternos de solución de conflictos a través de la historia, ya que su origen es más o menos desde los años sesenta. Los MEDIOS ALTERNOS DE SOLUCION DE CONFLICTOS (MASC) son procedimientos que permiten un acercamiento entre las partes, dejando de verse como rivales y mejor como seres humanos que tienen la necesidad de expresar de manera directa y sincera las razones que dieron origen al conflicto, manifestando sus pretensiones. De acuerdo a la naturaleza del tercero ajeno que interviene, los MASC, pueden clasificarse en mediación, conciliación, negociación, arbitraje y justicia restaurativa, y se rigen bajo los principios de voluntariedad, confidencialidad, neutralidad, honestidad, legalidad, flexibilidad y oralidad. La reforma en materia de MEDIOS ALTERNOS DE SOLUCION DE CONFLICTOS arribo a la nación en el transcurso del año 2008 obligando a México a incorporarlos de manera constitucional y dándoles una reglamentación independiente. En materia educativa llego la exigencia a las instituciones de educación superior (IES) a implementar la carrera en a) universidades públicas, b) privadas, c) tecnológicos y d) escuelas normales para profesores; correspondiéndoles a las IES reestructurar de manera permanente los programas y planes de estudio acorde a la realidad social, así como también es obligación del estado trabajar con las universidades para generar diversos lazos de cooperación que permitan que los jóvenes cursen una licenciatura, acorde a los estándares que los empleadores requieren.ABSTRACT En el desarrollo de la presente tesis se aborda el tema de las nuevas carreras universitarias de ´´ medios alternos de solución de conflictos ´´ teniendo como objetivo principal la inclusión de la mediación como pertinencia educativa, en los planes de estudios de nivel y superior; aportando antecedentes, conceptos, clasificación y teorías doctrinarias y complementándolo con el marco jurídico en los planos internacional, nacional y estatal

    Wood Architecture in the Studies of Anđela Horvat: Style and Timelessness

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    U nekoliko studija Anđela Horvat posvetila se temeljnim povijesno-umjetničkim problemima drvenoga graditeljstva (1956.; 1961.; 1964.; 1975.; 1982.), više negoli ijedan povjesničar umjetnosti prije i poslije nje. Istraživanje hrvatske drvene baštine začeli su arhitekti, povjesničari tradicijskoga graditeljstva, konzervatori, prvenstveno Gjuro Szabo, i etnolozi. Pristup Anđele Horvat obilježen je razmišljanjima Ljube Karamana o »problemima periferijske umjetnosti« (1963.), a posebna vrijednost istraživačkih rezultata Anđele Horvat je u tome što se oni temelje na terenskom bilježenju sačuvanih zdanja ali i na onima poznatima tek po arhivskim izvorima. Osim toga, ona je drveno graditeljstvo analizirala povijesno-umjetničkim metodama te odredila odnos između tipologije, stila, naručitelja drvenih zdanja i sredine koja ih prima. U članku je posebna pozornost posvećena podrijetlu zanimanja Anđele Horvat za temu drvenoga graditeljstva, naglašena je važnost ovoga dijela njezine znanstvene ostavštine i neočekivana suvremenost njezinih pogleda.Anđela Horvat addressed the key art-historical problems of wood architecture in several studies (1956; 1961; 1964; 1975; 1982), in greater extent than any other art historian before or after her. The study of Croatian wood architecture heritage had been initiated by architects and historians of traditional building, with fi rst studies on the subject published in Viesti društva inžinira i arhitekata (Journal of the Society of Engineers and Architects) in the last decades of the 19th century. Their work was followed by conservators, primarily Gjuro Szabo (1910) through the activities of the State Committee for the Preservation of Artistic and Historic Monuments in the Kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia (Zemaljsko povjerenstvo za očuvanje umjetnih i historičkih spomenika u kraljevinama Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji) and ethnologists such as Ljerka Topali (1941). Anđela Horvat’s approach was marked by the refl ections of Ljubo Karaman on the »problems of artistic periphery« (1963), as well as by his fervent polemics with Josef Strzygowski in the 1930s on the infl uence of wood building on stone building. A special value of Anđela Horvat’s research results lies in the fact that they were based on fi eld records of preserved buildings, but also those known only from archival sources. In this manner she managed to collect data on over one hundred and fi fty wooden buildings, of both sacral and profane purpose. As opposed to the understanding of preserved wooden heritage as »timeless« vernacular architecture, predominant in the studies written by architects, or the concept of wood building as a contemporary folk refl ection of urban models prevailing in ethnological interpretations, Anđela Horvat introduced art-historical methods and standpoints to the analysis of wooden buildings, especially the complex ones, sacral: she distinguished the protagonists of wood building, from patrons to master builders, to the audience and their attitude towards wooden heritage; she analysed the elements of style, the longevity of once adopted models and plan typology. This paper discusses the possible genesis of Anđela Horvat’s interest for the subject of wood building and emphasizes the importance of this part of her scholarly heritage, as well as the unexpected modernity of her views

    Analisis Kompetensi Profesional Guru Mata Pelajaran Pengantar Administrasi Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran SMK YPLP PGRI 1 Makassar

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    ABSTRAK Fadly F Renhoran. 2018. Analisis Kompetensi Profesional Guru Mata Pelajaran Pengantar Administrasi Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran SMK YPLP PGRI 1 Makassar. Program Studi Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Sirajuddin Saleh, S.Pd., M.Pd dan Muhammad Darwis, S.Pd., M.Pd Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompetensi profesional guru Pelajaran Pengantar Administrasi Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran SMK YPLP PGRI 1 Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 5 (lima) orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data yang telah dikumpulkan diolah dengan menggunakan teknik analisis yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi profesional guru mata pelajaran pengantar administrasi jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran SMK YPLP PGRI 1 Makassar pada umunya sudah terlaksana dengan baik. Hal ini dinilai dari kelima indikator kompetensi profesional guru seperti, menguasai landasan pendidikan, mengusai bahan pengajaran, penyusunan program pengajaran, kemudian melaksanakan program pengajaran, dan menilai hasil dan proses belajar mengajar yang telah dilaksanakan. Jadi kompetensi profesional guru mata pelajaran pengantar administrasi jurusan adminsitrasi perkantoran SMK YPLP PGRI 1 Makassar telah terimplementasi dengan baik

    A Research Agenda for Helminth Diseases of Humans: Basic Research and Enabling Technologies to Support Control and Elimination of Helminthiases

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    Successful and sustainable intervention against human helminthiases depends on optimal utilisation of available control measures and development of new tools and strategies, as well as an understanding of the evolutionary implications of prolonged intervention on parasite populations and those of their hosts and vectors. This will depend largely on updated knowledge of relevant and fundamental parasite biology. There is a need, therefore, to exploit and apply new knowledge and techniques in order to make significant and novel gains in combating helminthiases and supporting the sustainability of current and successful mass drug administration (MDA) programmes. Among the fields of basic research that are likely to yield improved control tools, the Disease Reference Group on Helminth Infections (DRG4) has identified four broad areas that stand out as central to the development of the next generation of helminth control measures: 1) parasite genetics, genomics, and functional genomics; 2) parasite immunology; 3) (vertebrate) host–parasite interactions and immunopathology; and 4) (invertebrate) host–parasite interactions and transmission biology. The DRG4 was established in 2009 by the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR). The Group was given the mandate to undertake a comprehensive review of recent advances in helminthiases research in order to identify notable gaps and highlight priority areas. This paper summarises recent advances and discusses challenges in the investigation of the fundamental biology of those helminth parasites under the DRG4 Group's remit according to the identified priorities, and presents a research and development agenda for basic parasite research and enabling technologies that will help support control and elimination efforts against human helminthiases

    Mapping H4K20me3 onto the chromatin landscape of senescent cells indicates a function in control of cell senescence and tumor suppression through preservation of genetic and epigenetic stability

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    Background: Histone modification H4K20me3 and its methyltransferase SUV420H2 have been implicated in suppression of tumorigenesis. The underlying mechanism is unclear, although H4K20me3 abundance increases during cellular senescence, a stable proliferation arrest and tumor suppressor process, triggered by diverse molecular cues, including activated oncogenes. Here, we investigate the function of H4K20me3 in senescence and tumor suppression. Results: Using immunofluorescence and ChIP-seq we determine the distribution of H4K20me3 in proliferating and senescent human cells. Altered H4K20me3 in senescence is coupled to H4K16ac and DNA methylation changes in senescence. In senescent cells, H4K20me3 is especially enriched at DNA sequences contained within specialized domains of senescence-associated heterochromatin foci (SAHF), as well as specific families of non-genic and genic repeats. Altered H4K20me3 does not correlate strongly with changes in gene expression between proliferating and senescent cells; however, in senescent cells, but not proliferating cells, H4K20me3 enrichment at gene bodies correlates inversely with gene expression, reflecting de novo accumulation of H4K20me3 at repressed genes in senescent cells, including at genes also repressed in proliferating cells. Although elevated SUV420H2 upregulates H4K20me3, this does not accelerate senescence of primary human cells. However, elevated SUV420H2/H4K20me3 reinforces oncogene-induced senescence-associated proliferation arrest and slows tumorigenesis in vivo. Conclusions: These results corroborate a role for chromatin in underpinning the senescence phenotype but do not support a major role for H4K20me3 in initiation of senescence. Rather, we speculate that H4K20me3 plays a role in heterochromatinization and stabilization of the epigenome and genome of pre-malignant, oncogene-expressing senescent cells, thereby suppressing epigenetic and genetic instability and contributing to long-term senescence-mediated tumor suppression

    Device for proactive modulation of cardiac strain patterns

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    A direct cardiac assist device which may aid in ventricular recovery. The device proactively modulates cardiac strain pattern to produce a contraction strain pattern that induces beneficial growth and remodeling of the myocardium or prevents or reduces apoptosis of the myocytes. The device may include an outer shell. membrane, or mesh and an inner membrane. The space between the outer member and the membrane may be filled with fluid that is pressurized during contraction. The device prescribes a beneficial strain pattern during heart contraction. This strain pattern does not invert the curvatures or grossly alter the curvatures of the heart and may assist in myocyte regrowth and healing of the failing heart.U

    Implantable driver with non-invasive transmural powering device for cardiac assist and combined assist and support devices

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    The present invention an implantable, sub-cutaneous, bellows-like device with one plate proximal (or superficial) to the skin surface and the other plate distal (or deep) to the skin surface having a component of a pneumatic/hydraulic driver for an implantable medical device such as a cardiac assist, cardiac support, or combined cardiac assist and support device and inducible magnet material on the distal plate of the bellows that can be magnetically drawn towards the proximal plate by the action of a magnet outside the body to contract the bellows or pressurize the fluid in the bellows.U

    Device for proactive modulation of cardiac strain patterns

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    A direct cardiac assist device which may aid in ventricular recovery. The device proactively modulates cardiac strain pattern to produce a contraction strain pattern that induces beneficial growth and remodeling of the myocardium or prevents or reduces apoptosis of the myocytes. The device may include an outer shell. membrane, or mesh and an inner membrane. The space between the outer member and the membrane may be filled with fluid that is pressurized during contraction. The device prescribes a beneficial strain pattern during heart contraction. This strain pattern does not invert the curvatures or grossly alter the curvatures of the heart and may assist in myocyte regrowth and healing of the failing heart.U

    Implantable driver with non-invasive transmural powering device for cardiac assist and combined assist and support devices

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    The present invention an implantable, sub-cutaneous, bellows-like device with one plate proximal (or superficial) to the skin surface and the other plate distal (or deep) to the skin surface having a component of a pneumatic/hydraulic driver for an implantable medical device such as a cardiac assist, cardiac support, or combined cardiac assist and support device and inducible magnet material on the distal plate of the bellows that can be magnetically drawn towards the proximal plate by the action of a magnet outside the body to contract the bellows or pressurize the fluid in the bellows.U