15 research outputs found

    A New 3-D Multistable Chaotic System with Line Equilibrium: Dynamic Analysis and Synchronization

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    This work introduces a new 3-D chaotic system with a line of equilibrium points. We carry out a detailed dynamic analysis of the proposed chaotic system with five nonlinear terms. We show that the chaotic system exhibits multistability with two coexisting chaotic attractors. We apply integral sliding mode control for the complete synchronization of the new chaotic system with itself as leader-follower systems


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    This study means to exactly analyze the impact of monetary execution proportions comprising of return on resources (ROA), return on value (ROE), current proportion (CR), the obligation to value proportion (DER), and financial worth added (EVA). to stock returns. The information utilized in this study is optional information, which was gotten from an outsider. The example in this study was chosen utilizing purposive examining which means getting an example as per the ideal measures. The populace in this study is non-banking organizations recorded on the LQ 45 File and the Sri Kehati File on the Indonesia Stock Trade (IDX) from 2015 to 2021. In light of the choice of tests by purposive examining, from various organizations that are individuals from the LQ 45 Record and Sri File Mindfulness, acquired the general example taken is 46 non-banking organizations. The logical model utilized in this study is a various straight relapse model. Concurrent exploration results show that all free factors fundamentally affect stock returns. Somewhat, the ROA, ROE, CR, and DER factors altogether affect stock returns. In the meantime, the EVA variable doesn't altogether affect stock returns

    Solusi Persamaan Diferensial Fraksional Riccati Menggunakan Metode Dekomposisi Adomian Laplace dan Analisis Kekonvergenannya

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    Banyak fenomena-fenomena di kehidupan nyata dapat diinterpretasikan ke dalam model matematika yang diformulasikan secara matematis dan membentuk suatu persamaan diferensial. Persamaan diferensial biasa pada umumnya mempunyai orde bilangan bulat. Persamaan diferensial yang berorde pecahan disebut persamaan diferensial fraksional. Salah satu persamaan yang sering digunakan dalam kehidupan nyata yaitu persamaan diferensial Riccati. Pada penelitian ini, penulis akan mencari solusi dari persamaan diferensial fraksional Riccati menggunakan metode Dekomposisi Adomian Laplace dan analisis kekonvergenannya. Metode ini mengombinasikan antara transformasi Laplace dan dekomposisi Adomian. Sehingga, akan didapat kesimpulan bahwa barisan orde dari sebuah persamaan diferensial fraksional Riccati yang konvergen ke suatu bilangan akan mengakibatkan barisan fungsi solusi dari persamaan diferensial fraksional Riccati tersebut konvergen ke fungsi solusi persamaan diferensial fraksional Riccati dengan ordenya adalah bilangan itu sendiri

    Peranan Desain Kemasan dan Branding dalam Peningkatan Citra Merek Produk Usaha Unggulan Bandung Selatan

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    Keunikan kemasan dan bahan kemasa yang berkualitas seringkali menjadikan produk tertentu dinilai memiliki citra merek yang baik di benak konsumen, sebaliknya produk yang di kemas seadanya dan bahan kemasan yang berkualitas rendah menjadikan suatu produk dinilai memiliki citra merek yang rendah. White tea merupakan salah satu produk unggulan yang diproduksi oleh usaha mikro di Bandung selatan tepatnya desa Gambung, Pangalengan. Perkebunan teh Gambung berada di Desa Cisondari, Kecamatan Pasir Jambu, Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung menjadi salah satu daerah dengan komoditas teh terbaik di Indonesia, bahkan sampai ke pasar mancanegara yaitu ke pasar komoditas teh di Inggris dan Amsterdam, dirintis oleh Rudolph Eduard Kerkhoven, warga Belanda pada abad 18. Kepemilikan perkebunan teh beragam di Gambung, milik pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat lokal. Salah satu usaha yang berkembang dikarenakan permintaan tinggi adalah produk white tea. Kemasan produk teh asal Gambung masih dirata ratakan sederhana dan berbahan dasar dus atau kertas dan branding sederhana sehingga produk mahal menjadi terkesan murah, dan menurunkan citra merek juga permintaan produk. Penelitian ini merupakan hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh akademisi Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Universitas Padjajaran Bandung, tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor kemasan dan branding sebagai pendorong penningkatan citra yang dibentuk oleh kemasan dan branding tersebut, 100 responden diambil secara acak dari bagian populasi konsumen loyal di café di kota Bandung. Hasil pengolahan kuisioner menggunakan partial least square menyatakan ada pengaruh desain dan bahan kemasan juga branding terhadap citra merek produk teh putih yang diproduksi oleh usaha Menengah asal Gambung, Kab Bandung, Jabar. Kata Kunci : Desain kemasan, Branding, White tea, Pangalengan, Usaha Unggula

    Rikitake dynamo system, its circuit simulation and chaotic synchronization via quasi-sliding mode control

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    Rikitake dynamo system (1958) is a famous two-disk dynamo model that is capable of executing nonlinear chaotic oscillations similar to the chaotic oscillations as revealed by palaeomagnetic study. First, we detail the Rikitake dynamo system, its signal plots and important dynamic properties. Then a circuit design using Multisim is carried out for the Rikitake dynamo system. New synchronous quasi-sliding mode control (QSMC) for Rikitake chaotic system is studied in this paper. Furthermore, the selection on switching surface and the existence of QSMC scheme is also designed in this paper. The efficiency of the QSMC scheme is illustrated with MATLAB plots

    Intelligent Imaging Technology Implementation as Terrorism Prevention in Retail Sectors in 21st Century

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    Terrorism is a very dangerous thing and has become a threat both on a national and international scale. Understanding terrorism seeks to instill the seeds of hostility towards a group, government agencies and even the state. Before entering the 21st century terror attacks are blatant in the business sector by sabotaging and damaging public facilities and vital objects. These physical attacks can be prevented by recording personal identities or conducting regular security patrols and placing a large number of security personnel in places of business and places that are considered strategic. However, this is still not optimal where the level of security and the number of personnel are limited in monitoring the place for a long time and are sustainable. The terrorist attacks in the 21st century are different and require different handling. Attacks can be physical or non-physical. On non-physical objects attacks are usually carried out by hacking networks that can damage internet network connections in one area and even one country. Ways to prevent attacks that are physical in nature by utilizing computer vision technology capabilities that are used to record all civil society. An additional feature in this technology lies in the face recognition and pattern matching techniques where a person's face will be searched for unique features. Then from these data will be biometric data, namely data that will not change and disappear. Computer vision algorithms can detect a person's face or object even though it has been modified or changed in physical and color conditions. The advantages of these algorithms are effectively used to record visitor identities and are optimal in recognizing an object with an accuracy of up to 90%. This system is able to help and improve a security feature of a business and tourist area

    The Effect of Product Knowledge, Perceived Benefits, and Perceptions of Risk on Indonesian Student Decisions to Use E-Wallets for Warunk Upnormal

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    (1) Background: The purpose of this research is to find out how product knowledge, benefit perception, and risk perception variables affect the decision to use e-wallets (Go-Pay). (2) Methods: The population used in this study is Indonesian students who used Go-Pay to carry transactions at Warunk Upnormal of Dipatiukur Branch, West Java, Indonesia. The sampling technique used by the author is a non-probability sampling technique. Meanwhile, the type of sampling used by the author is accidental sampling. Based on the calculations made, the sample used in this study is 100 Indonesian students. Furthermore, the research method used in this study is quantitative methods. Data analysis was carried out using structural equation modeling (SEM). (3) Results: this study indicates that the final product knowledge and perception of risk have a positive and significant effect on user satisfaction. The latent variable of perceived benefits has a negative and insignificant impact on the decision to use. (4) Conclusions: the latent variables of product knowledge and risk perception have a positive and significant effect on user satisfaction. Meanwhile, the latent variable of perceived benefits has a negative and insignificant impact on the decision to use the e-wallet

    Analisis Turunan dan Integral Fraksional Fungsi Pangkat Tiga dan Fungsi Eksponensial

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    Abstrak. Ide dari konsep turunan fraksional adalah bagaimana menentukan turunan yang berorde suatu bilangan pecahan (fraksional) yaitu bilangan rasional atau bahkan bilangan real. Dalam makalah ini dikaji tentang definisi, teorema, dan karakteristik serta contoh turunan fraksional pada fungsi pangkat tiga dan fungsi eksponen yang dikembangkan oleh matematikawan Riemann dan Liouville. Metode penelitian yang ditempuh adalah melalui studi literatur primer, yaitu dengan mengembangkan teori yang telah dikerjakan peneliti terdahulu, sehingga metode tersebut dapat diterapkan untuk penyelesain masalah yang dapat diaplikasikan dan dikembangkan secara lebih luas. Hasil dari makalah ini berupa analisis dari turunan fraksional fungsi pangkat sederhana dan fungsi eksponensial. Keywords: turunan fraksional, fungsi pangkat tiga, fungsi eksponen Abstract. The idea of the fractional derivative concept is how to determine the derivation with fractional order, that is a rational number or even a real number. In this paper, we examine the definitions, theorems, and the characteristics as well as fractional derivatives example of the cubic and exponential functions in which developed by mathematician Riemann and Liouville. This research is done by primary literature review, that is by developing the theory that has been done by the previous researcher, so that the method of problem solving can be applied and developed widely. The results of this paper are the analysis of fractional derivatives from simple-order and exponential functions. Keywords: fractional derivatives, cubic functions, exponential function

    Solving the Economic Growth Acceleration Model with Memory Effects: An Application of Combined Theorem of Adomian Decomposition Methods and Kashuri–Fundo Transformation Methods

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    The primary purpose of this study is to solve the economic growth acceleration model with memory effects for the quadratic cost function (Riccati fractional differential equation), using Combined Theorem of Adomian Polynomial Decomposition and Kashuri–Fundo Transformation methods. The economic growth model (EGM) with memory effects for the quadratic cost function is analysed by modifying the linear fractional differential equation. The study’s significant contribution is to develop a linear cost function in the EGM for a quadratic non-linear cost function and determine the specific conditions of the Riccati fractional differential equation (RFDEs) in the EGM with memory effects. The study results showed that RFDEs in the EGM involving the memory effect have a solution and singularity. Additionally, this study presents a comparison of exact solutions using Lie symmetry, Combined Theorem of Adomian Polynomial Decomposition, and Kashuri–Fundo Transformation methods. The results showed that the three methods have the same solution. Furthermore, this study provides a numerical solution to the RFDEs on the EGM with memory effects. The numerical simulation results showed that the output value of Y(t) for the quadratic cost function in the economic growth model is significantly affected by the memory effect