522 research outputs found

    Swedish Employers and Trade Unions, Labor Migration and the Welfare State—Perspectives on Swedish Labor Migration Policy Debates during the 1960s and the 2000s

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    This article uses a political economy approach and explores the nexus between labor migration and the welfare state and how its specificities have been viewed and presented by organized interests of employers and trade unions in Swedish labor migration policy debates during the 1960s and the 2000s. The analysis demonstrates that the Swedish Employers’ Confederation (SAF) and its organizational successor the Swedish Confederation of Enterprise (SN) have preferred a market-liberal labor migration policy. Over time, a liberal immigration policy has been viewed by employers as an important policy solution to extend levels of economic growth, increase firm competitiveness, and maintain funding for generous welfare state services. However, since the 1960s the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) has preferred a state-coordinated and regulated labor migration policy. In LO’s perspective, a regulated immigration policy is a fundamental precondition for guaranteeing workers’ rights, and for minimizing potential negative effects for the functioning of the Swedish labor market model and for a prosperous Swedish welfare state

    A Novel Speculative Pseudo-Parallel \Delta\Sigma Modulator

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    We present a novel speculative pseudo-parallel \Delta\Sigma modulator structure, which almost halves the logic depth of the critical path in the pseudo-parallel Hatami structure. Following Hatami, our modulator calculates a block of n consecutive output bits in parallel, and then employs a parallelserial interface to output the bits at n times the modulator clock frequency. We circumvent the block-to-block dependence, which limits the clock speed of the Hatami structure, by speculatively calculating the outputs based on all possible output values of the previous block, and then selecting the correct one. We present cost and performance estimates for an initial implementation of the modulator, synthesized towards an FPGA and an ASIC technology

    Controlling access by tagging data

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    A customer (first party) uses an application developed by an application service provider (second party). A third party needs legitimate access to data of the customer stored on a server operated by the application service provider. In such a scenario, the third party requests the customer to permit the third party to access to such data. However, in some instances, the type of access requested by the third party is broad. This disclosure describes techniques to restrict the types of data that are made available to the third party by enabling a customer to tag data stored by the provider. Further, the customer can specify rules that govern sharing of tagged data with the third party. Controlling access by tagging dat

    Defense Against Biometric Reproduction Attacks

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    Systems and methods for defense against biometric reproduction attack are disclosed. The system includes one or more mobile devices installed with a security feature integrated to the operating system or installed to the device as an app. The security feature is in communication with a server installed with a mobile device management solution. The device includes a multi-factor authentication system including at least one biometric authenticator and at least one non-biometric authenticator. The method includes prompting for biometric authentication, if the network is reachable. In the absence of an active network, the server may instruct the device to stop using a biometric authentication and request the user for a multifactor authentication. The systems and methods provide for full enterprise connectivity on devices with a biometric authentication system. The present disclosure allows the network administrators to address biometric reproduction attacks with variable levels of risk tolerance

    Initiating a Smart Tourism Ecosystem: A Public Actor Perspective

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    Smart tourism ecosystems are an emerging phenomenon; however, how these ecosystems are initiated by city actors is under-explored in the existing literature. In this paper, we conduct a qualitative case study to investigate the initiation of a de novo smart tourism ecosystem in the City of Gothenburg—the European capital of smart tourism 2020. Göteborg & Co, as a public organization, is initiating a digital Destination Data Platform (DDP) as the core of its tourism ecosystem and is working on involving non-focal actors to shape the surrounding ecosystem. Our findings extend the existing research on innovation ecosystems by highlighting a hybrid public-private focal actor in the smart tourism ecosystem. We also underline how a public focal actor leverages its unique public position and legal obligations to involve non-focal actors and orchestrating the ecosystem. Finally, we suggest a conceptual model for a smart tourism ecosystem focusing on the place and purpose of control points

    The Effects of Parallel Processing on Update Response Time in Distributed Database Design

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    Network latency and local update are the most significant components of update response time in a distributed database system. Effectively designed distributed database systems can take advantage of parallel processing to minimize this time. We present a design approach to response time minimization for update transactions in a distributed database. Response time is calculated as the sum of local processing and communication, including transmit time, queuing delays, and network latency. We demonstrate that parallelism has significant impacts on the efficiency of data allocation strategies in the design of high transaction-volume distributed databases

    Vattens påverkan på betongdammar

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    Detta är ett 10 poängs arbete på C-nivå inom ämnet teknologi. Arbetet är skrivet inom institutionen för landskaps- och trädgårdsteknik på Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Alnarp. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka vilka skador som kan uppkomma på betongdammar när vatten och betong står i kontakt med varandra. Målet med arbetet är att uppmärksamma betong som material vid anläggning av trädgårdsdammar. Arbetet inleds med en litteraturstudie där betong som material beskrivs, dess uppbyggnad och sammansättning av vatten, cement, ballast och tillsatsmedel. Därefter beskrivs de för betong vanligaste skadorna vilka är frostskador, armeringskorrosion (rostsprängning), kemiska angrepp och sulfat angrepp. Därefter genomförs tre intervjuer med personer som projekterar och sköter betongdammar i offentlig miljö för att undersöka deras erfarenhet av betongdammar. Faktorer som togs upp är olika dammtyper, erfarenhet av vattenpåverkan på betong, vattenkvalitet, saltning i närheten av dammen, betongsort eventuella tillsatsmedel och vattencementtal, efterbehandlig av betongen efter gjutning samt ytbehandling på härdad betong. Okulärbesiktningar genomfördes på fem dammar med olika användning och åldrar med avseende att undersöka eventuella skador samt troliga orsaker till skadornas uppkomst. Resultatet av okulärbesiktningarna grundar sig på följande faktorer: Dammens läge i omgivningen, dammtyp och användning, ungefärlig ålder, typ av skador samt trolig orsak. Resultatet av litteraturstudien, intervjuer och okulärbesiktningarna har sammanställts i en analys, och därefter följer diskussion och slutsats

    The profitability of motor-manual pre-cut of wind thrown forests

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    Syftet med studien var att undersöka skillnaden i kvarlämnad virkesvolym på stormfällda avverkningstrakter mellan att utföra motormanuell rotkapning före skördarens arbete eller inte. Syftet var också att analysera ekonomiska skillnader. Studien genomfördes i Jämtland efter stormen Ivar. Under den objektiva inventeringen registrerades trädslag, diameter och höjd på 1118 stubbar i två försöksled. Ett försöksled med fem manuellt rotkapade och ett annat med fem skördarkapade bestånd. Resultatet visar att det skiljer 6 m3 stubbvolym per ha mellan att rotkapa manuellt och att skördarkapa stormskadad skog. De rotkapade ytorna hade i medelvärde 2,3 m3 kvarlämnad volym, vilket ungefär motsvarar den stubbvolym som riksskogstaxeringen mätt upp på konventionella avverkningar i Jämtland. I tre av tio bestånd i vår studie hade mindre kvarlämnad volym än Riksskogstaxeringens mätningar. I bestånd som inte var rotkapade fanns i medeltal 8,2 m3 kvarlämnad volym. Medelhöjden för de rotkapade och skördarkapade stubbarna var 24,9 resp. 31,6 cm. Stubbhöjden efter rotkap på gran är tydligt lägre än vid skördarkap. På tall däremot visar resultatet ingen tydlig minskad stubbhöjd efter manuellt rotkap. Därför ger vi rekommendationen att endast genomföra rotkap på grandominerade bestånd. Resultaten av de ekonomiska analyserna indikerar att motormanuellt rotkap är en lönsam åtgärd vid upparbetning av stormfälld skog så länge rotkapningen är billig och i kombination med en produktivitetsökning hos skördaren med 20-30 % i jämförelse med om man inte utför motormanuella förkap. I framtida studier hade det varit intressant att undersöka mer ingående hur tallens stubbhöjd påverkas av rotkapning då vår studie inte ger ett tydligt resultat.The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is any difference in timber volume on wind-thrown stands between performing motor-manual pre-cutting before the harvesters work or not. The aim was also to analyze the economic differences between performing motor-manual pre-cutting before the harvesters work or not. During the objective inventory we recorded species, diameter and height of 1118 stumps in two treatment categories. One category with five manually pre-cut stands and the second treatment category with five harvester cut stands. Our study shows that it differs approximately 6 m3 in stump volume per hectare between harvester cut and motor-manual pre-cut in wind-thrown forest. The manually pre-cut stands had the mean of 2.3 m3 stump volume while the harvester cut had 8.2 m3 mean stump volume. The mean height of the motor-manual pre-cut was 24.9 cm. For the harvesters was the mean stump height 31.6 cm. We also created an average stump to compare against conventional logging using data from the Riksskogstaxeringen inventories in Jämtland during the years 2008-2013. In three out of ten stands in our study the volumes were less than conventional logging. On spruce the stump height after motor-manual pre-cutting is significantly lower than cutting with harvester. On pine there were no significant difference. Therefore we recommend motor-manual pre-cutting on spruce dominant stands. The results of the economic calculations indicates that the motor-manual pre-cut is profitable when processing wind-thrown forest as long the manual pre-cut is cheap combined with a higher harvester performance. In future studies it would have been interesting to examine in more detail how the pine stump height is affected by motor-manual pre-cut because our study does not provide a definite result

    Dream 3.0. Documentation of references supporting the links in the classification scheme

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    Both the Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method (DREAM; Ljung, 2002) and the SafetyNet Accident Causation System (SNACS; Ljung, 2006) have been successfully used as tools for accident analysis in Sweden as well as in other European countries. While the drivervehicle/ traffic environment-organisation triad are used as frames of reference and the Contextual Control Model (COCOM; Hollnagel, 1998) is used to organise human cognition, the links in the classification schemes have not been established by referring to literature. The aim of this literature review is therefore to investigate the empirical support for the links in the classification scheme of DREAM 3.0 (an updated version of DREAM/SNACS)