1,349 research outputs found

    Testing black hole no-hair theorem with OJ287

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    We examine the ability to test the black hole no-hair theorem at the 10% level in this decade using the binary black hole in OJ287. In the test we constrain the value of the dimensionless parameter q that relates the scaled quadrupole moment and spin of the primary black hole: q2 = -q 2 . At the present we can say that q = 1 \pm 0.3 (one), in agreement with General Relativity and the no-hair theorems. We demonstrate that this result can be improved if more observational data is found in historical plate archives for the 1959 and 1971 outbursts. We also show that the predicted 2015 and 2019 outbursts will be crucial in improving the accuracy of the test. Space-based photometry is required in 2019 July due the proximity of OJ287 to the Sun at the time of the outburst. The best situation would be to carry out the photometry far from the Earth, from quite a different vantage point, in order to avoid the influence of the nearby Sun. We have considered in particular the STEREO space mission which would be ideal if it has a continuation in 2019 or LORRI on board the New Horizons mission to Pluto.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Magneto-thermal evidence of a partial gap at the Fermi surface of UPt_2Si_2

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    Motivated by the observation of a giant Nernst effect in URu_2Si_2, the thermoelectric response of the related system UPt_2Si_2 was investigated using thermal and electric transport properties such as the Nernst and Seebeck effects, thermal conductivity, Hall effect and electrical resitivity. Unlike URu_2Si_2, UPt_2Si_2 is neither superconducting nor exhibits a ``hidden-order'' state. Nevertheless a pronounced Nernst effect anomaly is found to coincide with the onset of the antiferromagnetic order in UPt_2Si_2. Although the absolute values are substantially lower, its appearance and characteristics can favorably be compared to the giant Nernst effect in URu_2Si_2 indicating the common feature of a partial Fermi surface gap.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Competing Ultrafast Energy Relaxation Pathways in Photoexcited Graphene

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    For most optoelectronic applications of graphene a thorough understanding of the processes that govern energy relaxation of photoexcited carriers is essential. The ultrafast energy relaxation in graphene occurs through two competing pathways: carrier-carrier scattering -- creating an elevated carrier temperature -- and optical phonon emission. At present, it is not clear what determines the dominating relaxation pathway. Here we reach a unifying picture of the ultrafast energy relaxation by investigating the terahertz photoconductivity, while varying the Fermi energy, photon energy, and fluence over a wide range. We find that sufficiently low fluence (≲\lesssim 4 μ\muJ/cm2^2) in conjunction with sufficiently high Fermi energy (≳\gtrsim 0.1 eV) gives rise to energy relaxation that is dominated by carrier-carrier scattering, which leads to efficient carrier heating. Upon increasing the fluence or decreasing the Fermi energy, the carrier heating efficiency decreases, presumably due to energy relaxation that becomes increasingly dominated by phonon emission. Carrier heating through carrier-carrier scattering accounts for the negative photoconductivity for doped graphene observed at terahertz frequencies. We present a simple model that reproduces the data for a wide range of Fermi levels and excitation energies, and allows us to qualitatively assess how the branching ratio between the two distinct relaxation pathways depends on excitation fluence and Fermi energy.Comment: Nano Letters 201

    Thermodynamics of the coupled spin-dimer system TlCuCl3 close to a quantum phase transition

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    We present thermal expansion alpha, magnetostriction and specific heat C measurements of \tal, which shows a quantum phase transition from a spin-gap phase to a Neel-ordered ground state as a function of magnetic field around H_{C0}->4.8T. Using Ehrenfest's relation, we find huge pressure dependencies of the spin gap for uniaxial as well as for hydrostatic pressure. For T->0 and H->H_{C0} we observe a diverging Grueneisen parameter Gamma(T)=alpha/C, in qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions. However, the predicted individual temperature dependencies alpha(T) and C(T) are not reproduced by our experimental data.Comment: 6 pages including 7 figures, contribution to the III Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2006, San Sebastia

    Frontotemporal dementia caused by CHMP2B mutation is characterised by neuronal lysosomal storage pathology

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    Mutations in the charged multivesicular body protein 2B (CHMP2B) cause frontotemporal dementia (FTD). We report that mice which express FTD-causative mutant CHMP2B at physiological levels develop a novel lysosomal storage pathology characterised by large neuronal autofluorescent aggregates. The aggregates are an early and progressive pathology that occur at 3 months of age and increase in both size and number over time. These autofluorescent aggregates are not observed in mice expressing wild-type CHMP2B, or in non-transgenic controls, indicating that they are a specific pathology caused by mutant CHMP2B. Ultrastructural analysis and immuno- gold labelling confirmed that they are derived from the endolysosomal system. Consistent with these findings, CHMP2B mutation patient brains contain morphologically similar autofluorescent aggregates. These aggregates occur significantly more frequently in human CHMP2B mutation brain than in neurodegenerative disease or age-matched control brains. These data suggest that lysosomal storage pathology is the major neuronal pathology in FTD caused by CHMP2B mutation. Recent evidence suggests that two other genes associated with FTD, GRN and TMEM106B are important for lysosomal function. Our identification of lysosomal storage pathology in FTD caused by CHMP2B mutation now provides evidence that endolysosomal dysfunction is a major degenerative pathway in FTD

    Advances in surface EMG signal simulation with analytical and numerical descriptions of the volume conductor

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    Surface electromyographic (EMG) signal modeling is important for signal interpretation, testing of processing algorithms, detection system design, and didactic purposes. Various surface EMG signal models have been proposed in the literature. In this study we focus on 1) the proposal of a method for modeling surface EMG signals by either analytical or numerical descriptions of the volume conductor for space-invariant systems, and 2) the development of advanced models of the volume conductor by numerical approaches, accurately describing not only the volume conductor geometry, as mainly done in the past, but also the conductivity tensor of the muscle tissue. For volume conductors that are space-invariant in the direction of source propagation, the surface potentials generated by any source can be computed by one-dimensional convolutions, once the volume conductor transfer function is derived (analytically or numerically). Conversely, more complex volume conductors require a complete numerical approach. In a numerical approach, the conductivity tensor of the muscle tissue should be matched with the fiber orientation. In some cases (e.g., multi-pinnate muscles) accurate description of the conductivity tensor may be very complex. A method for relating the conductivity tensor of the muscle tissue, to be used in a numerical approach, to the curve describing the muscle fibers is presented and applied to representatively investigate a bi-pinnate muscle with rectilinear and curvilinear fibers. The study thus propose an approach for surface EMG signal simulation in space invariant systems as well as new models of the volume conductor using numerical methods

    Three-body Faddeev Calculation for 11Li with Separable Potentials

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    The halo nucleus 11^{11}Li is treated as a three-body system consisting of an inert core of 9^{9}Li plus two valence neutrons. The Faddeev equations are solved using separable potentials to describe the two-body interactions, corresponding in the n-9^{9}Li subsystem to a p1/2_{1/2} resonance plus a virtual s-wave state. The experimental 11^{11}Li energy is taken as input and the 9^{9}Li transverse momentum distribution in 11^{11}Li is studied.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX, 1 figur

    Two approaches to testing general relativity in the strong-field regime

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    Observations of compact objects in the electromagnetic spectrum and the detection of gravitational waves from them can lead to quantitative tests of the theory of general relativity in the strong-field regime following two very different approaches. In the first approach, the general relativistic field equations are modified at a fundamental level and the magnitudes of the potential deviations are constrained by comparison with observations. In the second approach, the exterior spacetimes of compact objects are parametrized in a phenomenological way, the various parameters are measured observationally, and the results are finally compared against the general relativistic predictions. In this article, I discuss the current status of both approaches, focusing on the lessons learned from a large number of recent investigations.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the conference New Developments in Gravit

    Three-body halos. V. Computations of continuum spectra for Borromean nuclei

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    We solve the coordinate space Faddeev equations in the continuum. We employ hyperspherical coordinates and provide analytical expressions allowing easy computation of the effective potentials at distances much larger than the ranges of the interactions where only s-waves in the different Jacobi coordinates couple. Realistic computations are carried out for the Borromean halo nuclei 6He (n+n+\alpha) for J\pi = 0+-, 1+-, 2+- and 11Li (n+n+9Li) for (1/2)+-, (3/2)+-, (5/2)+-. Ground state properties, strength functions, Coulomb dissociation cross sections, phase shifts, complex S-matrix poles are computed and compared to available experimental data. We find enhancements of the strength functions at low energies and a number of low-lying S-matrix poles.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figure
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