100 research outputs found

    How can we improve the effectiveness of HRM strategy? A model for future research

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    This is a published version of the paper, available at LLC "CPC "Business Perspectives" at https://businessperspectives.org/journals/problems-and-perspectives-in-management/issue-2-cont-1/how-can-we-improve-the-effectiveness-of-hrm-strategy-a-model-for-future-researchpublishedVersio

    Steady-state energy balance in animal models of obesity and weight loss

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    Supported by European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013, n°266408 (Full4Health)), the Joint Programme of the Medical Faculty of Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and St. Olav’s University Hospital, the Liaison Committee between the Central Norway Regional Health Authority and NTNU.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Strategic HRM: What will work be like in the future, and what impact will changes have on HR departments? Theoretical discussion and practical implications

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    The issue the authors are investigating is how work will evolve in the future. The question discussed here is as follows: What will work be like in the future, and what impact will changes have on HR departments? To answer this question, the authors have established the following research questions: 1. What will be the context for work in the future, and how will HR departments be affected? 2. How can organizations develop ideas and innovate, and how will HR departments be affected in the future? Method: Conceptual generalization. Findings: In the future, work will be largely compartmentalized and performed using specialist skills. Those organizations that survive will be extremely adaptable. Many organizations will be managed in accordance with a logic whereby their component parts are distributed across the global economy according to the following principles: extreme focus on costs, quality and expertise, and a high level of focus on innovatio

    Det ekstroverte idealet

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg personlighetstrekket ekstroversjon – introversjon med hensyn til rekrutteringsprosesser og stillingsannonser. Vi har i tillegg et fokus pĂ„ hvordan informantene opplever disse motsetningene i arbeidslivet. Gjennom en kvalitativ undersĂžkelse skal vi besvare problemstillingen «Hvorfor er det sĂ„ populĂŠrt Ă„ sĂžke etter personer med ekstroverte egenskaper til de fleste stillinger?» For Ă„ besvare problemstillingen har vi sett pĂ„ forarbeidet i rekrutteringsprosessen, herunder jobbanalyser og stillingsannonser, for Ă„ undersĂžke hvordan dette pĂ„virker sĂžkere pĂ„ ulike sider av skalaen ekstroversjon og introversjon. Vi har i tillegg sett pĂ„ hvordan stereotypier rettet mot ekstroverte og introverte arbeidstakere, samt typiske fallgruver under intervjuet, har en innvirkning pĂ„ seleksjonsprosessen. Vi har utfĂžrt totalt seks dybdeintervjuer med tre ulike bemanningsbyrĂ„er, og tre arbeidssĂžkende studenter, for Ă„ belyse bĂ„de samarbeidet mellom bemanningsbyrĂ„ene og kunden, og arbeidssĂžkernes opplevelse av stillingsannonser og intervjuer. Vi avdekker at det er mangel pĂ„ kunnskap om personlighetstrekket ekstroversjon - introversjon, noe som fĂžrer til stereotypiske utsagn og favoriseringer. Selv om bemanningsbyrĂ„ene, som er profesjonelle rekrutterere, kan gi sine rĂ„dfĂžringer om ansettelse er det til syvende og sist kunden som tar avgjĂžrelsen. Det virker som det er stor bevissthet rundt populariteten knyttet til Ă„ sĂžke etter personer med ekstroverte egenskaper til de fleste stillinger, uten at dette pĂ„virker rekrutterere til Ă„ tenke annerledes. Med denne studien Ăžnsker vi Ă„ pĂ„peke viktigheten av en dypere forstĂ„else for dette personlighetstrekket, og at ekstroverte og introverte arbeidstakere er like gode pĂ„ hver sin mĂ„te – men best sammen. I praksis vil ekstroverte og introverte fungere godt sammen, utfylle hverandre og reduserer hverandres svakheter. Vi tror et slikt mangfold vil vĂŠre svĂŠrt konkurransedyktig for enhver bedrift

    Leder: Estetiske lĂŠreprosesser i pedagogisk praksis

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    Vi Þnsker med dette temanummeret Estetiske lÊreprosesser i pedagogisk praksis Ä synliggjÞre, artikulere, nyansere og presentere artikler som kan bidra med nye perspektiver og vÊre med pÄ Ä utvikle nye undervisningspraksiser.

    Vagal Blocking for Obesity Control : a Possible Mechanism-Of-Action

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    14 September 2016 Erratum to: Vagal Blocking for Obesity Control: a Possible Mechanism-Of-Action Helene Johannessen, David Revesz, Yosuke Kodama, Nikki Cassie, Karolina P Skibicka, Perry Barrett, Suzanne Dickson, Jens Holst, Jens Rehfeld, Geoffrey van der Plasse, Roger Adan, BĂ„rd Kulseng, Elinor Ben-Menachem, Chun-Mei Zhao, Duan Chen, 2016, 2016. Obesity surgery. In the original article on page 4 the figures are referred to as (Fig. 1b-d) and (Fig. 1e) in the text. The correct reference is (Fig. 1b-e) and (Fig. 1f), respectively. In the original article on page 5 the figures are referred to as (Fig. 3c) and (Fig. 3d) in the text. The correct reference is (Fig. 3c,d) and (Fig. 3e,f), respectively.ï»ż ï»żPeer reviewedPostprin

    Association of physical activity with overall mortality among long-term testicular cancer survivors: A longitudinal study

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    Physical activity (PA) has been associated with reduced mortality among cancer survivors, but no study has focused on testicular cancer survivors (TCSs). We aimed to investigate the association of PA measured twice during survivorship with overall mortality in TCSs. TCSs treated during 1980 to 1994 participated in a nationwide longitudinal survey between 1998 to 2002 (S1: n = 1392) and 2007 to 2009 (S2: n = 1011). PA was self-reported by asking for the average hours per week of leisure-time PA in the past year. Responses were converted into metabolic equivalent task hours/week (MET-h/wk) and participants were categorized into: Inactives (0 MET-h/wk), Low-Actives (2-6 MET-h/wk), Actives (10-18 MET-h/wk) and High-Actives (20-48 MET-h/wk). Mortality from S1 and S2, respectively, was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier estimator and Cox proportional hazards models until the End of Study (December 31, 2020). Mean age at S1 was 45 years (SD 10.2). Nineteen percent (n = 268) of TCSs died between S1 and EoS, with 138 dying after S2. Compared to Inactives at S1, the mortality risk among Actives was 51% lower (HR 0.49, 95% CI: 0.29-0.84) with no further mortality reduction among High-Actives. At S2, the mortality risk was at least 60% lower among the Actives, High-Actives and even the Low-Actives compared to the Inactives. Persistent Actives (≄10 MET-h/wk at S1 and S2) had a 51% lower mortality risk compared to Persistent Inactives (<10 MET-h/wk at S1 and S2; HR 0.49, 95% CI: 0.30-0.82). During long-term survivorship after TC treatment, regular and maintained PA were associated with an overall mortality risk reduction of at least 50%

    Denervation suppresses gastric tumorigenesis

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    The nervous system plays an important role in the regulation of epithelial homeostasis and has also been postulated to play a role in tumorigenesis. We provide evidence that proper innervation is critical at all stages of gastric tumorigenesis. In three separate mouse models of gastric cancer, surgical or pharmacological denervation of the stomach (bilateral or unilateral truncal vagotomy, or local injection of botulinum toxin type A) markedly reduced tumor incidence and progression, but only in the denervated portion of the stomach. Vagotomy or botulinum toxin type A treatment also enhanced the therapeutic effects of systemic chemotherapy and prolonged survival. Denervation-induced suppression of tumorigenesis was associated with inhibition of Wnt signaling and suppression of stem cell expansion. In gastric organoid cultures, neurons stimulated growth in a Wnt-mediated fashion through cholinergic signaling. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition or genetic knockout of the muscarinic acetylcholine M[subscript 3] receptor suppressed gastric tumorigenesis. In gastric cancer patients, tumor stage correlated with neural density and activated Wnt signaling, whereas vagotomy reduced the risk of gastric cancer. Together, our findings suggest that vagal innervation contributes to gastric tumorigenesis via M[subscript 3] receptor–mediated Wnt signaling in the stem cells, and that denervation might represent a feasible strategy for the control of gastric cancer
