77 research outputs found

    The uncertain climate footprint of wetlands under human pressure

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    Significant climate risks are associated with a positive carbon–temperature feedback in northern latitude carbon-rich ecosystems,making an accurate analysis of human impacts on the net greenhouse gas balance of wetlands a priority. Here, we provide a coherent assessment of the climate footprint of a network of wetland sites based on simultaneous and quasi-continuous ecosystem observations of CO2 and CH4 fluxes. Experimental areas are located both in natural and in managed wetlands and cover a wide range of climatic regions, ecosystem types, and management practices. Based on direct observations we predict that sustained CH4 emissions in natural ecosystems are in the long term (i.e., several centuries) typically offset by CO2 uptake, although with large spatiotemporal variability. Using a space-for-time analogy across ecological and climatic gradients, we represent the chronosequence from natural to managed conditions to quantify the “cost” of CH4 emissions for the benefit of net carbon sequestration. With a sustained pulse– response radiative forcing model, we found a significant increase in atmospheric forcing due to land management, in particular for wetland converted to cropland. Our results quantify the role of human activities on the climate footprint of northern wetlands and call for development of active mitigation strategies for managed wetlands and new guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) accounting for both sustained CH4 emissions and cumulative CO2 exchange

    The mitochondrial outer-membrane location of the EXD2 exonuclease contradicts its direct role in nuclear DNA repair

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    Abstract EXD2 is a recently identified exonuclease that has been implicated in nuclear double-strand break repair. Given our long standing interest in mitochondrial DNA maintenance and indications that EXD2 could also be a mitochondrial protein we sought to determine its cellular localization and possible mitochondrial associated functions. Our results show that EXD2 indeed shows mitochondrial localization, but, surprisingly, is found predominantly associated with the mitochondrial outer-membrane. Gradient purified nuclei show only the faintest hint of EXD2 presence while overexpression of the predicted full-length protein shows exclusive mitochondrial localization. Importantly, induction of double-strand DNA breaks via X-irradiation or Zeocin treatment does not support the notion that EXD2 re-locates to the nucleus following double-strand breaks and thus is unlikely to have a direct role in nuclear DNA repair. Knockdown or overexpression of EXD2 affects the cellular distribution of mitochondria. These results suggest that the reported defects in nuclear DNA repair following EXD2 depletion are likely an indirect consequence of altered mitochondrial dynamics and/or function

    Kinder- und Jugendhilfe : Einführung in Geschichte und Handlungsfelder, Organisationsformen und gesellschaftliche Problemlagen

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    In dieser grundlegenden Darstellung wird ein orientierender Einblick in das Handlungsfeld, seine Geschichte, seine Organisationsformen und die auslösenden gesellschaftlichen Problemlagen gegeben. Die arbeitsfeldbezogenen Berichte und Übersichten liefern fundierte Sachinformation, beleuchten Entwicklungstrends, markieren Grenzen und zeigen Widersprüche zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit auf. Der Band ist ein Basistext für Ausbildung und Praxis in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe