254 research outputs found

    Fakt und Fiktion im historischen Film Das Leben der Anderen

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    In der folgenden Arbeit soll diskutiert werden, inwiefern geschichtswissenschaftliche Maßstäbe auf einen historischen Film angewendet werden können. Die Diskussion wird sich dabei am Film Das Leben der Anderen orientieren. Dabei soll im ersten Teil der Arbeit mit Hilfe eines kurzen Forschungsüberblicks, eine Definition des historischen Films herausgearbeitet werden, was sich jedoch als schwierig erweist. Das zweite und letzte Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Fakt und Fiktion innerhalb des historischen Films und bezieht sich in diesem Zusammenhang sowohl auf die Entstehungsgeschichte von Das Leben der Anderen, wirft jedoch gleichzeitig die Frage auf, inwiefern es eine „wahre“ Geschichte überhaupt existiert. Insgesamt plädiert die Arbeit für eine Trennung zwischen Geschichte im Film und geschriebener Geschichte. Es wird gefordert, dass die Geschichtswissenschaft ihre Perspektive bei der Diskussion eines Films erweitert und zusätzlich danach fragt, aus welchem Grund Geschichte spezifisch dargestellt wird. A presente contribuição tem por objetivo discutir em que medida parâmetros historiográficos podem ser aplicados a um filme histórico. Para isso, a discussão orientar-se-á no filme Das Leben der Anderen (A vida dos outros). Na primeira parte do artigo, será proposta uma definição de filme histórico, baseada em um breve panorama de pesquisa, a qual, entretanto, se revela em sua dificuldade de delimitação. A segunda e última parte lidará com aspectos factuais e ficcionais dentro do filme histórico e, nesse contexto, tomará por base tanto a história de elaboração do filme Das Leben der Anderen, quanto lançará, ao mesmo tempo, a seguinte questão: em que medida existiria uma história “verdadeira“? Em geral, esta contribuição propõe uma distinção entre história no filme e história escrita. Nesse sentido, exige-se que a História amplie sua perspectiva na discussão sobre um filme, bem como se indague sobre qual o motivo faz com que a história seja representada de maneira específica

    New records of the Paleotropical migrant Hemianax ephippiger in the Caribbean and a review of its status in the Neotropics

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    Tropical America is currently experiencing the establishment of a new apex insect predator, the Paleotropical dragonfly Hemianax ephippiger (Odonata: Aeshnidae). H. ephippiger is migratory and is suggested to have colonised the eastern Neotropics by chance Trans-Atlantic displacement. We report the discovery of H. ephippiger at three new locations in the Caribbean, the islands of Bonaire, Isla de Coche (Venezuela), and Martinique, and we review its reported distribution across the Neotropics. We discuss the establishment of H. ephippiger as a new apex insect predator in the Americas, both in terms of ecological implications and the possible provision of ecosystem services. We also provide an additional new species record for Bonaire, Pantala hymenaea (Odonata: Libellulidae).Peer reviewe

    Forecasting GDP all over the World: Evidence from Comprehensive Survey Data

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    Comprehensive and international comparable leading indicators across countries and continents are rare. In this paper, we use a free and fast available source of leading indicators, the World Economic Survey (WES) conducted by the ifo Institute, to forecast growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 44 countries and three country aggregates separately. We come up with three major results. First, for 35 countries as well as the three aggregates a model containing one of the major WES indicators produces on average lower forecast errors compared to an autoregressive benchmark model. Second, the most important WES indicators are either the economic climate or the expectations on future economic development for the next six months. And last, 70% of all country-specific models contain WES information from at least one of the main trading partners. Thus, by allowing WES indicators from economic important partners to forecast GDP of the country under consideration, increases forecast accuracy

    Forecasting GDP all over the World: Evidence from Comprehensive Survey Data

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    Comprehensive and international comparable leading indicators across countries and continents are rare. In this paper, we use a free and fast available source of leading indicators, the World Economic Survey (WES) conducted by the ifo Institute, to forecast growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 44 countries and three country aggregates separately. We come up with three major results. First, for 35 countries as well as the three aggregates a model containing one of the major WES indicators produces on average lower forecast errors compared to an autoregressive benchmark model. Second, the most important WES indicators are either the economic climate or the expectations on future economic development for the next six months. And last, 70% of all country-specific models contain WES information from at least one of the main trading partners. Thus, by allowing WES indicators from economic important partners to forecast GDP of the country under consideration, increases forecast accuracy

    Effect of wet storage conditions on potato tuber transcriptome, phytohormones and growth

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    BackgroundStored potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers are sensitive to wet conditions that can cause rotting in long-term storage. To study the effect of water on the tuber surface during storage, microarray analysis, RNA-Seq profiling, qRT-PCR and phytohormone measurements were performed to study gene expression and hormone content in wet tubers incubated at two temperatures: 4 degrees C and 15 degrees C. The growth of the plants was also observed in a greenhouse after the incubation of tubers in wet conditions.ResultsWet conditions induced a low-oxygen response, suggesting reduced oxygen availability in wet tubers at both temperatures when compared to that in the corresponding dry samples. Wet conditions induced genes coding for heat shock proteins, as well as proteins involved in fermentative energy production and defense against reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are transcripts that have been previously associated with low-oxygen stress in hypoxic or anoxic conditions. Wet treatment also induced senescence-related gene expression and genes involved in cell wall loosening, but downregulated genes encoding protease inhibitors and proteins involved in chloroplast functions and in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Many genes involved in the production of phytohormones and signaling were also affected by wet conditions, suggesting altered regulation of growth by wet conditions. Hormone measurements after incubation showed increased salicylic acid (SA), abscisic acid (ABA) and auxin (IAA) concentrations as well as reduced production of jasmonate 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA) in wet tubers. After incubation in wet conditions, the tubers produced fewer stems and more roots compared to controls incubated in dry conditions.ConclusionsIn wet conditions, tubers invest in ROS protection and defense against the abiotic stress caused by reduced oxygen due to excessive water. Changes in ABA, SA and IAA that are antagonistic to jasmonates affect growth and defenses, causing induction of root growth and rendering tubers susceptible to necrotrophic pathogens. Water on the tuber surface may function as a signal for growth, similar to germination of seeds.Peer reviewe

    Impairments of auditory scene analysis in Alzheimer's disease

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    Parsing of sound sources in the auditory environment or ‘auditory scene analysis’ is a computationally demanding cognitive operation that is likely to be vulnerable to the neurodegenerative process in Alzheimer’s disease. However, little information is available concerning auditory scene analysis in Alzheimer's disease. Here we undertook a detailed neuropsychological and neuroanatomical characterization of auditory scene analysis in a cohort of 21 patients with clinically typical Alzheimer's disease versus age-matched healthy control subjects. We designed a novel auditory dual stream paradigm based on synthetic sound sequences to assess two key generic operations in auditory scene analysis (object segregation and grouping) in relation to simpler auditory perceptual, task and general neuropsychological factors. In order to assess neuroanatomical associations of performance on auditory scene analysis tasks, structural brain magnetic resonance imaging data from the patient cohort were analysed using voxel-based morphometry. Compared with healthy controls, patients with Alzheimer's disease had impairments of auditory scene analysis, and segregation and grouping operations were comparably affected. Auditory scene analysis impairments in Alzheimer's disease were not wholly attributable to simple auditory perceptual or task factors; however, the between-group difference relative to healthy controls was attenuated after accounting for non-verbal (visuospatial) working memory capacity. These findings demonstrate that clinically typical Alzheimer's disease is associated with a generic deficit of auditory scene analysis. Neuroanatomical associations of auditory scene analysis performance were identified in posterior cortical areas including the posterior superior temporal lobes and posterior cingulate. This work suggests a basis for understanding a class of clinical symptoms in Alzheimer's disease and for delineating cognitive mechanisms that mediate auditory scene analysis both in health and in neurodegenerative disease

    Escape from NK cell tumor surveillance by NGFR-induced lipid remodeling in melanoma

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    Metastatic disease is a major cause of death for patients with melanoma. Melanoma cells can become metastatic not only due to cell-intrinsic plasticity but also due to cancer-induced protumorigenic remodeling of the immune microenvironment. Here, we report that innate immune surveillance by natural killer (NK) cells is bypassed by human melanoma cells expressing the stem cell marker NGFR. Using in vitro and in vivo cytotoxic assays, we show that NGFR protects melanoma cells from NK cell–mediated killing and, furthermore, boosts metastasis formation in a mouse model with adoptively transferred human NK cells. Mechanistically, NGFR leads to down-regulation of NK cell activating ligands and simultaneous up-regulation of the fatty acid stearoyl–coenzyme A desaturase (SCD) in melanoma cells. Notably, pharmacological and small interfering RNA–mediated inhibition of SCD reverted NGFR-induced NK cell evasion in vitro and in vivo. Hence, NGFR orchestrates immune control antagonizing pathways to protect melanoma cells from NK cell clearance, which ultimately favors metastatic disease