1,312 research outputs found

    Dependence of Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogel Network Structure on Local Fibril Nanostructure

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    Physically cross-linked, fibrillar hydrogel networks are formed by the self-assembly of β-hairpin peptide molecules with varying degrees of strand asymmetry. The peptide registry in the self-assembled state can be used as a design element to generate fibrils with twisting, nontwisting, or laminated morphology. The mass density of the networks varies significantly, and can be directly related to the local fibrillar morphology as evidenced by small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and in situ substantiation using cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) under identical concentrations and conditions. Similarly, the density of the network is dependent on changes in the peptide concentration. Bulk rheological properties of the hydrogels can be correlated to the fibrillar nanostructure, with the stiffer, laminated fibrils forming networks with a higher G′ as compared to the flexible, singular fibrillar networks

    The Weak Lensing Signal and the Clustering of BOSS Galaxies I: Measurements

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    A joint analysis of the clustering of galaxies and their weak gravitational lensing signal is well-suited to simultaneously constrain the galaxy-halo connection as well as the cosmological parameters by breaking the degeneracy between galaxy bias and the amplitude of clustering signal. In a series of two papers, we perform such an analysis at the highest redshift (z0.53z\sim0.53) in the literature using CMASS galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Eleventh Data Release (SDSS-III/BOSS DR11) catalog spanning 8300~deg2^2. In this paper, we present details of the clustering and weak lensing measurements of these galaxies. We define a subsample of 400,916 CMASS galaxies based on their redshifts and stellar mass estimates so that the galaxies constitute an approximately volume-limited and similar population over the redshift range 0.47z0.590.47\le z\le 0.59. We obtain a signal-to-noise ratio S/N56S/N\simeq 56 for the galaxy clustering measurement. We also explore the redshift and stellar mass dependence of the clustering signal. For the weak lensing measurement, we use existing deeper imaging data from the CFHTLS with publicly available shape and photometric redshift catalogs from CFHTLenS, but only in a 105~deg2^2 area which overlaps with BOSS. This restricts the lensing measurement to only 5,084 CMASS galaxies. After careful systematic tests, we find a highly significant detection of the CMASS weak lensing signal, with total S/N26S/N\simeq 26. These measurements form the basis of the halo occupation distribution and cosmology analysis presented in More et al. (Paper II).Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Stripe 82 Massive Galaxy Project II: Stellar Mass Completeness of Spectroscopic Galaxy Samples from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey

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    The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) has collected spectra for over one million galaxies at 0.15<z<0.70.15<z<0.7 over a volume of 15.3 Gpc3^3 (9,376 deg2^2) -- providing us an opportunity to study the most massive galaxy populations with vanishing sample variance. However, BOSS samples are selected via complex color cuts that are optimized for cosmology studies, not galaxy science. In this paper, we supplement BOSS samples with photometric redshifts from the Stripe 82 Massive Galaxy Catalog and measure the total galaxy stellar mass function (SMF) at z0.3z\sim0.3 and z0.55z\sim0.55. With the total SMF in hand, we characterize the stellar mass completeness of BOSS samples. The high-redshift CMASS ("constant mass") sample is significantly impacted by mass incompleteness and is 80% complete at log10(M/M)>11.6\log_{10}(M_*/M_{\odot}) >11.6 only in the narrow redshift range z=[0.51,0.61]z=[0.51,0.61]. The low redshift LOWZ sample is 80% complete at log10(M/M)>11.6\log_{10}(M_*/M_{\odot}) >11.6 for z=[0.15,0.43]z=[0.15,0.43]. To construct mass complete samples at lower masses, spectroscopic samples need to be significantly supplemented by photometric redshifts. This work will enable future studies to better utilize the BOSS samples for galaxy-formation science.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, 5 table

    The large-scale Quasar-Lyman \alpha\ Forest Cross-Correlation from BOSS

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    We measure the large-scale cross-correlation of quasars with the Lyman \alpha\ forest absorption in redshift space, using ~ 60000 quasar spectra from Data Release 9 (DR9) of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). The cross-correlation is detected over a wide range of scales, up to comoving separations r of 80 Mpc/h. For r > 15 Mpc/h, we show that the cross-correlation is well fitted by the linear theory prediction for the mean overdensity around a quasar host halo in the standard \Lambda CDM model, with the redshift distortions indicative of gravitational evolution detected at high confidence. Using previous determinations of the Lyman \alpha\ forest bias factor obtained from the Lyman \alpha\ autocorrelation, we infer the quasar bias factor to be b_q = 3.64^+0.13_-0.15 at a mean redshift z=2.38, in agreement with previous measurements from the quasar auto-correlation. We also obtain a new estimate of the Lyman \alpha\ forest redshift distortion factor, \beta_F = 1.1 +/- 0.15, slightly larger than but consistent with the previous measurement from the Lyman \alpha\ forest autocorrelation. The simple linear model we use fails at separations r < 15 Mpc/h, and we show that this may reasonably be due to the enhanced ionization due to radiation from the quasars. We also provide the expected correction that the mass overdensity around the quasar implies for measurements of the ionizing radiation background from the line-of-sight proximity effect.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, published in JCA

    The High-Mass End of the Red Sequence at z~0.55 from SDSS-III/BOSS: completeness, bimodality and luminosity function

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    We have developed an analytical method based on forward-modeling techniques to characterize the high-mass end of the red sequence (RS) galaxy population at redshift z0.55z\sim0.55, from the DR10 BOSS CMASS spectroscopic sample, which comprises 600,000\sim600,000 galaxies. The method, which follows an unbinned maximum likelihood approach, allows the deconvolution of the intrinsic CMASS colour-colour-magnitude distributions from photometric errors and selection effects. This procedure requires modeling the covariance matrix for the i-band magnitude, g-r colour and r-i colour using Stripe 82 multi-epoch data. Our results indicate that the error-deconvolved intrinsic RS distribution is consistent, within the photometric uncertainties, with a single point (<0.05 mag<0.05~{\rm{mag}}) in the colour-colour plane at fixed magnitude, for a narrow redshift slice. We have computed the high-mass end (0.55Mi22^{0.55}M_i \lesssim -22) of the 0.55i^{0.55}i-band RS Luminosity Function (RS LF) in several redshift slices within the redshift range 0.52<z<0.630.52<z<0.63. In this narrow redshift range, the evolution of the RS LF is consistent, within the uncertainties in the modeling, with a passively-evolving model with Φ=(7.248±0.204)×104\Phi_* = (7.248 \pm 0.204) \times10^{-4} Mpc3^{-3} mag1^{-1}, fading at a rate of 1.5±0.41.5\pm0.4 mag per unit redshift. We report RS completeness as a function of magnitude and redshift in the CMASS sample, which will facilitate a variety of galaxy-evolution and clustering studies using BOSS. Our forward-modeling method lays the foundations for future studies using other dark-energy surveys like eBOSS or DESI, which are affected by the same type of photometric blurring/selection effects.Comment: 27 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Stochastic bias of colour-selected BAO tracers by joint clustering-weak lensing analysis

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    The baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) feature in the two-point correlation function of galaxies supplies a standard ruler to probe the expansion history of the Universe. We study here several galaxy selection schemes, aiming at building an emission-line galaxy (ELG) sample in the redshift range 0.6<z<1.70.6<z<1.7, that would be suitable for future BAO studies, providing a highly biased galaxy sample. We analyse the angular galaxy clustering of galaxy selections at the redshifts 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 1 and 1.2 and we combine this analysis with a halo occupation distribution (HOD) model to derive the properties of the haloes these galaxies inhabit, in particular the galaxy bias on large scales. We also perform a weak lensing analysis (aperture statistics) to extract the galaxy bias and the cross-correlation coefficient and compare to the HOD prediction. We apply this analysis on a data set composed of the photometry of the deep co-addition on Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82 (225 deg2^2), of Canda-France-Hawai Telescope/Stripe 82 deep \emph{i}-band weak lensing survey and of the {\it Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer}infrared photometric band W1. The analysis on the SDSS-III/constant mass galaxies selection at z=0.5z=0.5 is in agreement with previous studies on the tracer, moreover we measure its cross-correlation coefficient r=1.16±0.35r=1.16\pm0.35. For the higher redshift bins, we confirm the trends that the brightest galaxy populations selected are strongly biased (b>1.5b>1.5), but we are limited by current data sets depth to derive precise values of the galaxy bias. A survey using such tracers of the mass field will guarantee a high significance detection of the BAO.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Beyond Λ\LambdaCDM constraints from the full shape clustering measurements from BOSS and eBOSS

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    We analyse the full shape of anisotropic clustering measurements from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic survey (eBOSS) quasar sample together with the combined galaxy sample from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). We obtain constraints on the cosmological parameters independent of the Hubble parameter hh for the extensions of the Λ\LambdaCDM models, focusing on cosmologies with free dark energy equation of state parameter ww. We combine the clustering constraints with those from the latest CMB data from Planck to obtain joint constraints for these cosmologies for ww and the additional extension parameters - its time evolution waw_{\rm{a}}, the physical curvature density ωK\omega_{K} and the neutrino mass sum mν\sum m_{\nu}. Our joint constraints are consistent with flat Λ\LambdaCDM cosmological model within 68\% confidence limits. We demonstrate that the Planck data are able to place tight constraints on the clustering amplitude today, σ12\sigma_{12}, in cosmologies with varying ww and present the first constraints for the clustering amplitude for such cosmologies, which is found to be slightly higher than the Λ\LambdaCDM value. Additionally, we show that when we vary ww and allow for non-flat cosmologies and the physical curvature density is used, Planck prefers a curved universe at 4σ4\sigma significance, which is 2σ\sim2\sigma higher than when using the relative curvature density ΩK\Omega_{\rm{K}}. Finally, when ww is varied freely, clustering provides only a modest improvement (of 0.021 eV) on the upper limit of mν\sum m_{\nu}.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA