193 research outputs found

    Estigma y auge de prestigio: el cambio f>h en castellano y gascón visto desde la sociolingüística histórica y la lingüística variacional

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    In this article, I revisit the problem of the origin of a certain language change phenomenon, i.e. [f]- > [h]- in Castilian and Gascon, by contrasting structural (internal) factors with social (external) ones. In the course of my argumentation, I also address the advantages of a theory that combines internal and external factors (Tuten 2003), finally reaffirming, however, the decisive role played by social factors.En este artículo, me gustaría volver al problema del origen de un determinado fenómeno del cambio lingüístico, es decir, [f] -> [h] - en castellano y gascón, al contrastar los factores estructurales (internos) con los sociales (externos). En el curso de mi argumentación, también me dirijo a las ventajas de una teoría que combina factores internos y externos (Tuten 2003), finalmente se reafirma, sin embargo, el papel decisivo que desempeñan los factores sociales

    Chromosome numbers of Angiosperms from the Juan Fernández Islands, the Tristan da Cunha Archipelago, and from Mainland Chile

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    Chromosome counts for eight native species in six genera from Juan Fernández Islands, five native species in three genera from Tristan da Cunha, and three species in two genera from mainland Chile are presented and discussed. They include the only chromosome number reports for angiosperms from Tristan da Cunha and first counts for the endemics Robinsonia thurifera and Wahlenbergia larrainii ( Juan Fernández), Agrostis carmichaelii, Acaena sarmentosa, A. stangii, and Nertera holmboei (Tristan da Cunha), and for Galium araucanum and Ourisia coccinea from Chile. Counts for Eryngium bupleuroides and Galium hypocarpium differ from earlier published reports

    Qualitätssteigerung mit Hilfe der Mitarbeitermotivation in der auftragsbezogenen Massenproduktion, am Beispiel der Lebensmittelverpackungsindustrie

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Analyse der verschiedenen Methoden zur Steigerung der Qualität mit Hilfe der Mitarbeitermotivation in der auftragsbezogenen Massenproduktion. Da es in der Lebensmittelindustrie keinen wichtigeren Faktor wie die Produktqualität gibt und sich nicht jeder Mitarbeiter gleich motivieren lässt wurden die verschiedenen menschlichen, betriebswirtschaftlichen, organisatorischen und sozialen Betrachtungsweisen hinsichtlich Mitarbeitermotivation untersucht

    Experimenting from a distance in case of diffraction and interference

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    Diffraction and interference are basic phenomena of waves. They are treated in wave optics extensively, because experimental setups are easy to built, diffraction patterns are visible and because of their importance for further subjects at school and university (diffraction of X-rays, cristallography, Fourier-Transformation, . . . ). Unfortunately, in many cases the experiments are demonstration experiments with a few diffracting objects and not enough possibilities for the students to participate. Therefore we developed a very flexible Remotely Controlled Laboratory (RCL) about diffraction and interference—a real experiment, which can be performed over the internet. The user can choose from among 5 different wavelengths, about 150 diffracting objects and 3 different techniques of qualitative and quantitative measurement. In this contribution we describe the experimental setup, give an overview about experimental results and end with the added value of the experiment

    Stigma and increased prestige: The change f>h in Castilian and Gascon seen from the perspective of historical sociolinguistics and variational linguistics

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    In this article, I revisit the problem of the origin of a certain language change phenomenon, i.e. [f]- > [h]- in Castilian and Gascon, by contrasting structural (internal) factors with social (external) ones. In the course of my argumentation, I also address the advantages of a theory that combines internal and external factors (Tuten 2003), finally reaffirming, however, the decisive role played by social factors

    Mille ans de peu d’importance ? Les éthno-préfixes « gallo »- et « franco »- et le message de leur usage : mono- versus polycausalité

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    Pour trouver des explications convaincantes quant à des changements linguistiques ayant eu lieu dans des époques qui nous empêchent l’accès direct on ne peut pas se passer ni d’un seul facteur potentiel. Il s’est même avéré que ce sont les explications polycausales qui sont les plus prometteuses. Mais force est de constater que dans bien des cas cette règle n’a pas été respectée. La surestimation du rôle joué par le substrat et par conséquent du rôle de l’antiquité pour expliquer la naissance du français transparaît dans le fait que l’ethno-préfixe « gallo- » s’est établi comme terme consacré, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour son corrélatif « franco- ». Mais ce même phénomène concerne aussi d’autres problèmes de glottogénèse comme celui de la naissance du protoromanche

    Small group learning in mathematics

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    Zu Beginn meiner Diplomarbeit mit dem Titel „Small group learning in mathematics. A connection between Berry and Sahlberg’s typology of tasks and Hußmann’s intentional problems in school mathematics“ verbinde ich Kleingruppenlernen als Unterrichtsgestaltung mit anderen pädagogischen Auffassungen des Lernens, die von Hußmann, Peirce, Buchberger, Gardiner, Alrø, Skovsmose, Berry und Sahlberg sowie den antiken Philosophen Platon, Aristoteles und – in der Neuzeit – Kant eingeführt wurden. Dadurch werden die Konzepte einiger Pädagogen erweitert oder geändert. Meine Interpretation des „learning arrangement“, welches ursprünglich von Stephan Hußmann entworfen wurde, illustriert die Adaptabilität meiner Diplomarbeit. Da Berry und Sahlberg zu jenen englischsprachigen Pädagog/innen zählen, die in von mir referierten Studien die praktischen Anwendungen von Aufgaben für das Lernen in Kleingruppen im Mathematikunterricht untersuchen, beschäftige ich mich im fünften Kapitel mit deren „typology of tasks in school mathematics“, die zu einem anspruchsvollen und spannenden Aufgabentypus namens „intentionale Probleme“ (Kapitel 5.2) führt. Im Vergleich zu konventionellen mathematischen Aufgaben besitzen intentionale Probleme weitaus mehr Offenheit, was sich unter anderem darin zeigt, dass sie teilweise keine Frage stellen und die dargestellten (Problem-)Situationen zahlreiche Untersuchungen auf unterschiedlichen Wegen anregen. Im Zuge der Darstellung von intentionalen Problemen bereite ich die Integralrechnung für den Unterricht an höheren Schulen auf. Das Ende meiner Diplomarbeit bildet eine Diskussion über die Vor- und Nachteile von Kleingruppen im Mathematikunterricht. Durch die stärkere Gewichtung der Vorteile, die das Lernen in Kleingruppen mit sich bringt, beziehe ich eine klare Position in dieser Diskussion, die bereits seit mehreren Jahren vonstatten geht.At the beginning of my ‘Diplomarbeit’ called ‘Small group learning in mathematics. A connection between Berry and Sahlberg’s typology of tasks and Hußmann’s intentional problems in school mathematics’, I combine small group learning in a mathematics lesson with other pedagogical ideas of learning, which were introduced by Hußmann, Peirce, Buchberger, Gardiner, Alrø, Skovsmose, Berry and Sahlberg as well as antique philosophers like Platon, Aristoteles and finally Kant. The extended ‘learning arrangement’ (page 7-9), which was designed by Stephan Hußmann originally, illustrates the adaptability of my ‘Diplomarbeit’. Berry and Sahlberg belong to those English educators, who reserach the practical use of tasks for small group learning in mathematics lessons in numerous studies. In chapter 5.1.10, I refer to one of these studies. Overall, the fifth chapter deals with Berry and Sahlberg`s typology of tasks in school mathematics, which leads to a challenging and exciting class of tasks, called ‘intentional problems’ (chapter 5.2). In contrast to traditional mathematical tasks, intentional problems are more open as some of them don’t contain any questions and all of them stimulate research in various ways. In chapter 5.2 I prepare the integral calculus for school mathematics. In the end, I discuss several advantages and disadvantages of small group learning in mathematics. By putting my focus on the advantages, I clearly approve small group learning in mathematics

    Elementary excitations in solid oxygen

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    Theoretical results on lattice excitations in solid oxygen at equilibrium vapor pressure are reviewed with the emphasis on the behavior of phonons, librons, and magnons in the orientationally and magnetically ordered α phase. Results on the magnetooptics of solid oxygen and their impact on the advancement of magnetic studies of solid oxygen are briefly reviewed. Some results under discussion are new: among these are theoretical results on the magnon heat capacity, the analysis of the behavior of librons at the α–β transition, and anisotropy of the magons spectrum

    Fourier transform infrared studies of the N₂–O₂ binary system

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    Solid solutions (N₂)x(O₂)₁₋x have been investigated by infrared absorption measurements mainly in the O₂ and N₂ stretching regions, between 60–10 K, completing former similar studies by Raman scattering. We produced thermodynamically stable samples by a careful thermal treatment, followed by cooling/heating cycles over weeks, during which we took spectra. From fingerprints in infrared spectra we deduce phase transition lines, solubility lines and suggest a refined, improved T–x% phase diagram with respect to inconsistencies between those in literature. Spectra of N₂–O₂ mixtures are pretty complex but referring to known spectra of pure systems N₂ or O₂ we were able to assign and interpret broad (~100 cm⁻¹) phonon side bands to fundamentals and electronic transition (O₂) depending on actual temperature and concentration. Narrow features in spectra (<10 cm⁻¹) were attributed to the vibron DOS of N₂ or O₂, whose bandwidth, band shape and intensity are different and characteristic for each phase. Differences between pure and mixed systems were pointed out. Matrix isolation technique (2 ppm of CO) was used to probe our mixture

    Phonons of solid phases (α, β, δ, ε) of carbon monoxide by optical studies

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    The phase diagram of solid carbon monoxide was investigated in the pressure range 0–10 GPa and temperature range 30–300 K by infrared and Raman spectroscopy. The tentative phase diagram known from literature was expanded and specified in details. The δ-phase region is divided into two subphases — δrot and δloc that is similar to the one in solid nitrogen. The pressure-temperature behavior of the elementary and combined excitations was also followed up. The vibron overtone region was carefully investigated by FTIR spectroscopy as a function of temperature at different pressures, whereas the fundamental one — by Raman spectroscopy. The features of the IR-active phonon sideband to the vibron overtone were investigated in details in the whole pressure-temperature region. The lattice-phonon spectra were studied by Raman spectroscopy as a function of pressure (at lowest temperature) and by IR spectroscopy as a function of temperature at saturated vapor pressure