758 research outputs found

    Functional finishing of textiles with responsive polymeric system

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    Influence of microclimatic conditions on nectar exudation in Glechoma hirsuta  W. K

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    The nectar production of Glechoma hirsuta W. K. grown under different microclimatic habitat conditions was evaluated by determining the total daily nectar quantity per flower, diurnal dynamics of nectar secretion, the nectar secretion rate, and sugar concentration. Comparative analyses of nectar production in Glechoma hirsuta grown in a forest and on a test plot confirmed that this process varied as a function of microclimatic parameters (atmospheric humidity and air temperature), but did not reveal a close relationship between these parameters and sugar concentration in nectar. More intensive nectar secretion, with a decreasing tendency during the day, and higher total daily nectar volume per plant (1.603 ml/flower) were measured in the forest habitat. Diurnal variation in nectar production with two secretion peaks was found at both localities, and the secretion patterns were rather similar. Regarding the nectar secretion rate, G. hirsuta is a slow producer secreting less than 0.07 ml/h

    Palynomorphological study of dianthus petraeus waldst. Et kit. (caryophyllaceae)

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    The pollen morphology of Dianthus petraeus (Caryophyllaceae), which is endemic to the Balkans, has been examined by both light and scanning electron microscopy in order to provide taxonomically valuable characters that might be used in the classification of the Caryophyllaceae, as well as to contribute to the pollen atlas of Serbian apiflora. The pollen grains of D. petraeus are radially symmetrical, apolar, spheroidal and medium-sized. The mean of the pollen diameter is 45.5 +/- 1.4 mu m. The sculpturing pattern of exine is microechinate-microperforate, and the tectum is covered with minute echini averaging 0.8 +/- 0.1 mu m in length, more or less evenly distributed between the perforations. The microechini average number per sample area of 5 mu m x 5 mu m is 3.2 +/- 0.6. In view of the number, position and type of the apertures, the grains are polypantoporate, with about 13 operculate pores, averaging 6.4 +/- 0.7 mu m in diameter. Each operculum is covered with 4-6 conical spinules, which are longer than those on the exine surface. The obtained palynological results provide information that contribute towards a better understanding of the taxonomic status of D. petraeus

    Medical ethnobotany on the Javor Mountain (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Introduction: The study provides significant ethnobotanical information on plant resources traditionally used in the Javor Mountain region (eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina), aiming at identifying medicinal plants and collecting information concerning the specific methods of their therapeutic application. Methods: A qualitative anthropological method using a semi-structured questionnaire was used to interview 70 people. The relative importance of wild plant species, as reported by the informants, was assessed by the quantitative methods: use-value (UV), cultural importance value (CIV) and Shannon-Wiener index. Also, the level of homogeneity among information provided by different informants was calculated by the Informants' Consensus Factor (FIC). Results: 73 plant species with medicinal properties were collected, identified and their methods of preparation and uses were recorded. Asteraceae, Lamiaceae and Rosaceae have the greatest species diversity. The most commonly used are Hypericum perforatum, Mentha x piperita, Sambucus nigra and Achillea millefolium, with UV over 0.9. The most frequently used plant parts are the aerial part (29%) and the leaf (26%), while infusion being the most common way of preparing herbal remedies (57%). The plant most appreciated by the people interviewed was Hypericum perforatum used to treat skin complaints, haemorrhoids, moderate depression, gastrointestinal ailments and respiratory infections. Also, phytotherapeutic use of Veronica officinalis rhizome in jaundice treatment, as well as utilization of Prunus domestica bark for cavity protection were noted. Conclusion: The results of the current study may be significant in rural development programs in the Javor Mountain region, in aiming to foster community-based strategies of management of natural resources

    The collaboration between family and school

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    Suradnja obitelji i škole vrlo je bitna za uspjeh i razvoj djeteta. Kroz odgojno-obrazovni proces i njegov uspjeh, očituje se važnost suradnje obitelji i škole. O važnosti se suradnje pisalo još od početaka obrazovnog sustava pa tako sve do danas kada se provode mnoga istraživanja kako bi se dobio uvid o suradnji obitelji i škole. Promjenom vremena, promijenile su se i druge stvari pa je tako i tehnologija utjecala na sam razvoj odnosa škole i obitelji. Provelo se istraživanje čiji je cilj bio ispitati stavove i mišljenja učitelja razredne i predmetne nastave te stručnih suradnika o suradnji obitelji i škole. Rezultati tog istraživanja upućuju nas da godine radnog staža utječu na mišljenja i stavove o obrađenoj temi. Ispitanici su također u velike u odgovorima ostali neodlučni, poput u tvrdnjama „Zadovoljan/zadovoljna sam suradnjom obitelji i škole“, Obitelj se uključuje u održavanje radionica/predavanja učenicima, učiteljima i/ili stručnim suradnicima“, „Roditelji su krivi za lošu suradnju sa školom“, „Kad dođe do problema roditelj vjeruje svom djetetu“, te „Roditelji su me uvijek spremni saslušati“ što nam odmaže u konačnoj analizi podataka kako bi mogli reći da se većina slaže ili ne slaže u nekoj tvrdnji. Kako je tema rada Suradnja obitelji i škole te se pisalo koliko je ona bitna i kako je postići, tako je i istraživanje pokazalo kako je većini ispitanika vrlo bitna suradnja no ipak većina ne zna kako bi unaprijedila samu suradnju.Cooperation of family and school is very important for the success and development of the child. Through the educational process and its success, the importance of cooperation between family and school is reflected. About the importance of cooperation of family and school was written since the beginning of educational system til today when a lot of research has been conducted in order to gain insight on the cooperation of family and school. Time has changed, so did the other things and so did technology affect the development of relations between school and family. A survey was conducted whose purpose was to examine the attitudes and opinions of classroom and subject teachers and professional associated about the cooperation of family and school. The results of this study suggest that years od service are affecting the views and opinions of the treated subject. Respondents in large number remained undecided in statements such as „I am satisfied with the cooperation of family and school“, „The family is involved in the organization of workshops/lectures to students, teachers and/or professional associates“, „Parents are to blame for poor cooperationwith the school“, „When a problem occurs, parent believes their child“, and „Parents are always prepared to listen“. This puts an obstacle in the final analysis of data because we cannot say if the majority agrees or disagreed in the statement. As the theme of the work is Cooperation of family and school and has been written how important it is and how it is achieved, so did the survey show that the majority of respondents claim that collaborations is very important and yet most of them do not know how to improve the cooperation itself

    Colorectal carcinoma: influence of systemic cytokine concentrations and pathohistological characteristics on anemia and thrombocytosis

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    U studiji su ispitivane sistemske koncentracije imunomodulacijskih proteina/interleukina i kliničko-patohistološke karakteristike bolesti i povezane su sa anemijom/trombocitozom kod obolelih od kolorektalnog karcinoma (CRC). Ispitanici sa CRC-om, su razvrstani u grupu sa anemijom, odnosno sa trombocitozom (eksperimentalne grupe) i grupu bez anemije, odnosno bez trombocitoze (kontrolne grupe). U ovako determinisanim skupovima ispitanika analizirane su kliničke (kompletna krvna slika sa brojem krvnih ćelija, vrednost hemoglobina, preocena aktivnosti bolesti, kompletan radiološki pregled, prisustvo komplikacija i pojava bolesti van gastrointestinalnog trakta) i patohistološke karakteristike bolesti (tip tumora, nuklearni i histološki gradus, TNM klasifikacija), kao i koncentracija citokina i imunomodulacijskih proteina (IL-1, IL-4, IL-10, IL-17, IL-33, galektina-1, galektina-3, TNF-α i INF-γ) i biohemijskih belega maligne bolesti (AFP,.CEA,.CA.19-9) u serumu bolesnika. Bolesnici sa CRCom i anemijom, odnosno trombocitozom imaju teži kliničko-patohistološki oblik bolesti (viši nuklearni i histološki gradus tumora, veći stepen invazije limfnih i krvnih sudova, viši TNM stadijum bolesti, više otkrivenih metastaza u plućima, jetri ili peritoneumu), u poređenju sa bolesnicima sa CRC-om bez anemije, odnosno bez trombocitoze. Takođe, utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija anemije, odnosno trombocitoze i sistemskih vrednosti interleukina, imunomodulacijskih proteina i biohemijskih belega maligne bolesti (AFP,.CEA,.CA.19-9) uhserumu bolesnika. Postoji pozitivna korelacija između sistemskih vrednosti imunomodulacijskih proteina i težeg kliničko-patohistološkog oblika bolesti, u odnosu na prisustvo anemije, odnosno trombocitoze kod bolesnika sa kolorektalnim karcinomom.We investigated systemic concentrations of immunomodulatory proteins/interleukins, as well as clinical and histopathological characteristics of the disease and correlated them with anemia/thrombocytosis in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC). The study included patients with colorectal cancer, divided into a group with anemia and a group with thrombocytosis (experimental groups) and a group without anemia, or without thrombocytosis (control groups). In such determined groups, clinical (complete blood count with blood cell count, hemoglobin value, disease activity, complete radiological examination, complications and occurrence of diseases outside the gastrointestinal tract) and pathohistological characteristics of the disease (tumor type, nuclear and histologic grade, TNM classification), as well as concentrations of cytokines and immunomodulatory proteins (IL-1, IL-4, IL-10, IL-17, IL-33, galectin-1, galectin-3, TNF-α and INF-γ) and biochemical indicators of malignant disease (AFP,.CEA,.CA.19-9) in the patients’ serum were analyzed. Patients with CRC and anemia/thrombocytosis, have a more severe clinical-pathohistological form of the disease (higher nuclear and histological grade of tumor, higher lymph and blood vessels invasion, higher TNM stage of the disease, more detectable lung, liver or peritoneum metastasis) compared to CRC patients without anemia or thrombocytosis. Moreover, a positive correlation between anemia/thrombocytosis, and cytokines, AFP,.CEA and.CA.19-9 values in the patients’ serum was determined. There is a positive correlation between the systemic values of immunomodulatory proteins and severe clinical-pathohistological form of the disease, based on the presence of anemia or thrombocytosis in CRC patients

    Različita lica postsocijalističkog urbanog razvoja: iskustva iz Beograda

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    Zbog tragičnih razvoja događaja koji su pratili raspad zemlje početkom devedesetih godina 20. veka, post-socijalistički tranzicioni period je na najvećem prostoru bivše Jugoslavije nastupio sa zakašnjenjem u odnosu na zemlje centralne i istočne Evrope. Nastupajuće sveobuhvatne političke, ekonomske i društvene promene odrazile su se i na urbani prostor kroz fizičke i socijalne manifestacije inicirajući urbanu transformaciju. U radu je analiziran postsocijalistički urbani razvoj Beograda, uz primere iz dva dela grada sa drugačijim istorijskim nasleđem, socijalnim razvojem i urbanim funkcijama. Nasleđene karakteristike posmatranih urbanih celina, kao i aktuelne političke i društveno-ekonomske promene, kreirale su mogućnosti za diferencijaciju razvojnih trajektorija. Sagledane su urbane dinamike tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina i tako identifikovani mehanizmi i akteri koji vode aktuelne urbane procese u Beogradu. Ti mehanizmi nisu isključivo vezani za Beograd, već su često prisutni i u ostalim postsocijalističkim urbanim okruženjima, posebno u gradovima regiona

    Urban sustainability as a way how to improve quality of living in the cities today. Examples of green roofs and green terraces

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    Moderan način života danas doveo je do ograničene upotrebe prostora i prirodnih resursa te stoga do ekološke i prije svega urbano-ekološke krize. Intenzivnom urbanizacijom zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća neprestano se povećava stopa urbanog stanovništva. Porast i gustoća stanovništva često dovodi do smanjenja kvalitete života i stanovanja u gradovima, u kojima, naročito onima najvećima, dolazi i do destrukcije javnih i zajedničkih površina (zelene površine, parkovi, igrališta i rekreacijska mjesta). Jedan od primjera urbane održivosti su zeleni krovovi/vrtovi/fasade koji uvelike mogu poboljšati sveukupnu kvalitetu života stanovnika u gradovima. Poboljšanje je vidljivo u ekološkom, ali i arhitektonskom, socijalnom te estetskom smislu

    Influence of microclimatic conditions on nectar exudation in Glechoma hirsuta  W. K

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    The nectar production of Glechoma hirsuta W. K. grown under different microclimatic habitat conditions was evaluated by determining the total daily nectar quantity per flower, diurnal dynamics of nectar secretion, the nectar secretion rate, and sugar concentration. Comparative analyses of nectar production in Glechoma hirsuta grown in a forest and on a test plot confirmed that this process varied as a function of microclimatic parameters (atmospheric humidity and air temperature), but did not reveal a close relationship between these parameters and sugar concentration in nectar. More intensive nectar secretion, with a decreasing tendency during the day, and higher total daily nectar volume per plant (1.603 ml/flower) were measured in the forest habitat. Diurnal variation in nectar production with two secretion peaks was found at both localities, and the secretion patterns were rather similar. Regarding the nectar secretion rate, G. hirsuta is a slow producer secreting less than 0.07 ml/h.ovom radu analizirana je nektarska produkcija kod Glechoma hirsuta, u različitim mikroklimatskim uslovima staništa. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo određivanje ukupne dnevne količine nektara po cvetu, dnevne dinamike sekrecije nektara, stope nektarske sekrecije i koncentracije šećera u nektaru. Komparativnom analizom nektarske produkcije kod Glechoma hirsuta koja je rasla u šumi i u eksperimentalnim uslovima ogledne parcele, potvrđena je zavisnost ovog fiziološkog procesa od mikroklimatskih parametara (vlažnost i temperatura vazduha). Nektarska produkcija je negativno korelisana sa temperaturom, a pozitivno sa vlažnošću vazduha. Nije ustanovljena značajna razlika u količini šećera u nektaru u cvetovima sa dva lokaliteta. Ukupna dnevna količina nektara po cvetu je viša na šumskom staništu (1,603 ml/cvet). Dnevna variranja u produkciji nektara sa dva sekreciona maksimuma tokom dana su ustanovljena na oba lokaliteta. Intenzivnije lučenje nektara uz tendenciju naglog opadanja tokom dana zabeleženo je u prirodnom staništu, na kome je stopa nektarske sekrecije relativno niska (0,0 7 ml/h).Projekat ministarstva br. 187