888 research outputs found

    Inference on a Distribution from Noisy Draws

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    We consider a situation where the distribution of a random variable is being estimated by the empirical distribution of noisy measurements of that variable. This is common practice in, for example, teacher value-added models and other fixed-effect models for panel data. We use an asymptotic embedding where the noise shrinks with the sample size to calculate the leading bias in the empirical distribution arising from the presence of noise. The leading bias in the empirical quantile function is equally obtained. These calculations are new in the literature, where only results on smooth functionals such as the mean and variance have been derived. Given a closed-form expression for the bias, bias-corrected estimator of the distribution function and quantile function can be constructed. We provide both analytical and jackknife corrections that recenter the limit distribution and yield confidence intervals with correct coverage in large samples. These corrections are non-parametric and easy to implement. Our approach can be connected to corrections for selection bias and shrinkage estimation and is to be contrasted with deconvolution. Simulation results confirm the much-improved sampling behavior of the corrected estimators.Comment: 24 pages main text, 22 pages appendix (including references

    Split-panel jackknife estimation of fixed-effect models

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    We propose a jackknife for reducing the order of the bias of maximum likelihood estimates of nonlinear dynamic fixed-effect panel models. In its simplest form, the half-panel jackknife, the estimatorisjust 2θˆ−θ1/2,where θˆ!istheMLEfromthefullpaneland θ1/2 istheaverageofthe two half-panel MLEs, each using T/2 time periods and all N cross-sectional units. This estimatoreliminates the first-order bias of θˆ . The order of the bias is further reduced if two partitions of the panel are used, for example, two half-panels and three 1/3-panels, and the corresponding MLEs.On further partitioning the panel, any order of bias reduction can be achieved. The split-panel jackknife estimators are asymptotically normal, centered at the true value, with variance equal to that of the MLE under asymptotics where T is allowed to grow slowly with N. In analogous fashion, the split-panel jackknife reduces the bias of the profile likelihood and the bias of marginal-effect estimates. Simulations in fixed-effect dynamic discrete-choice models with small T show that the split-panel jackknife effectively reduces the bias and mean squared error of the MLE, and yields confidence intervals with much better coverage.jackknife, asymptotic bias correction, dynamic panel data, fixed effects

    First-differencing in panel data models with incidental functions

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    I discuss the fixed-effect estimation of panel data models with time-varying excess heterogeneity across cross-sectional units. These latent components are not given a parametric form. A modification to traditional first-differencing is motivated which, asymptotically, removes the permanent unobserved heterogeneity from the differenced model. Conventional estimation techniques can then be readily applied. Distribution theory for a kernel-weighted GMM estimator under large-n and fixed-T asymptotics is developed. The estimator is put to work in a series of numerical experiments to static and dynamic models

    Heteroskedasticity-Robust Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates

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    We consider inference in linear regression models that is robust to heteroskedasticity and the presence of many control variables. When the number of control variables increases at the same rate as the sample size the usual heteroskedasticity-robust estimators of the covariance matrix are inconsistent. Hence, tests based on these estimators are size distorted even in large samples. An alternative covariance-matrix estimator for such a setting is presented that complements recent work by Cattaneo, Jansson and Newey (2018). We provide high-level conditions for our approach to deliver (asymptotically) size-correct inference as well as more primitive conditions for three special cases. Simulation results and an empirical illustration to inference on the union premium are also provided

    Two-way models for gravity

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    © 2017 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Empirical models for dyadic interactions between n agents often feature agent-specific parameters. Fixed-effect estimators of such models generally have bias of order n-1, which is nonnegligible relative to their standard error. Therefore, confidence sets based on the asymptotic distribution have incorrect coverage. This paper looks at models with multiplicative unobservables and fixed effects. We derive moment conditions that are free of fixed effects and use them to set up estimators that are n-consistent, asymptotically normally distributed, and asymptotically unbiased. We provide Monte Carlo evidence for a range of models. We estimate a gravity equation as an empirical illustration

    Testing Random Assignment to Peer Groups

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    Identification of peer effects is complicated by the fact that the individuals under study may self-select their peers. Random assignment to peer groups has proven useful to sidestep such a concern. In the absence of a formal randomization mechanism it needs to be argued that assignment is `as good as' random. This paper introduces a simple yet powerful test to do so. We provide theoretical results for this test and explain why it dominates existing alternatives. Asymptotic power calculations and an analysis of the assignment mechanism of players to playing partners in tournaments of the Professional Golfer's Association is used to illustrate these claims. Our approach can equally be used to test for the presence of peer effects. To illustrate this we test for the presence of peer effects in the classroom using kindergarten data collected within Project STAR. We find no evidence of peer effects once we control for classroom fixed effects and a set of student characteristics

    Semiparametric Analysis of Network Formation

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    © 2018, American Statistical Association. We consider a statistical model for directed network formation that features both node-specific parameters that capture degree heterogeneity and common parameters that reflect homophily among nodes. The goal is to perform statistical inference on the homophily parameters while treating the node-specific parameters as fixed effects. Jointly estimating all parameters leads to incidental-parameter bias and incorrect inference. As an alternative, we develop an approach based on a sufficient statistic that separates inference on the homophily parameters from estimation of the fixed effects. The estimator is easy to compute and can be applied to both dense and sparse networks, and is shown to have desirable asymptotic properties under sequences of growing networks. We illustrate the improvements of this estimator over maximum likelihood and bias-corrected estimation in a series of numerical experiments. The technique is applied to explain the import and export patterns in a dense network of countries and to estimate a more sparse advice network among attorneys in a corporate law firm

    Modified-likelihood estimation of the b-model

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    We consider point estimation and inference based on modifications of the profile likelihood in models for dyadic interactions between agents featuring n agent-specific parameters. This setup covers the b-model of network formation and generalizations thereof. The maximum-likelihood estimator of such models has bias and standard deviation of O(n−1) and so is asymptotically biased. Estimation based on modified likelihoods leads to estimators that are asymptotically unbiased and likelihood-ratio tests that exhibit correct size. We apply the modifications to versions of the b-model for network formation and of the Bradley-Terry model for paired comparisons