713 research outputs found

    Cultural differentiation or self-exclusion. On young Turks’ and Repatriates’ dealing with experiences of discrimination in Germany

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    Based upon Bourdieu’s ‘theory of capital’ and Willis’s ‘theory of cultural production’, the article scrutinizes the interrelation between perceived discrimination, self-exclusion and cultural differentiation. The empirical analysis is based on a longitudinal study by the German Youth Institute, which was set up to explore the transition of young Turks from school to vocational training and employment. The data point out that young immigrants who are dealing with experiences of devaluation of their (origin-)specific cultural capital and who are disadvantaged regarding the accessibility of dominant cultural capital bring about a production of a counterculture. They are less likely to exclude themselves in the sense of internalizing the rightness of the dominant culture

    The Impact of COVID-19 on immigration: the transformation of Norwegian migration policy on asylum seekers

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    Until just a year ago, hardly anyone believed that the increasingly unrestrained growth in mobility could be so abruptly interrupted by a radical immobilisation of large population groups. Neither mobility studies nor other research fields had foreseen this kind of scenario in their mobility and migration models. And why should have they? In the past decades, the belief in unconstrained mobility, as well as the practice of mobility and its scientific modelling, relied on the idea of unbounded growth at the sub-national, national and supra-national level. The article focuses on immigration to Norway, showing how institutional constraints were used to deal with the spread of COVID-19 and how they affected immigration to the country. Due to complexity reasons, we focus exclusively on the situation of asylum seekers, giving additional attention to unaccompanied minors. These groups’ migration status is assumed to make them especially susceptible to the newly established immigration measures. Drawing upon a combined focus of data on migration regulations and asylum application statistics, we examine what impact mobility-related COVID-19 measures implemented in Norway since January 2020 had on asylum procedures, asylum mobility and asylum applications in Norway

    Neuere Imperiumsforschung in der Osteuropäischen Geschichte:: die Habsburgermonarchie, das Russländische Reich und die Sowjetunion

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    Research on Empires in the historiography on Eastern Europe Since the 1990s, research in East European History has been deeply influenced by the concept of empire and reinvigorated by the growing interest in the complexities of the multinational and multi-confessional character of the area. It is the goal of this contribution not only to showcase the recent scholarship on the Habsburg Monarchy, the Russian Autocracy and the Soviet Union as empires, but also to address the most interesting questions that are currently pushing the field in new directions. All three cases reveal that neither the difference between maritime and continental empires, often overemphasized in earlier scholarship, nor the distinction between seemingly “modern” (Western) and “backward” (Eastern) empires can be sustained. The peculiarities of all three empires highlight rather the central question of to what extent these cases were empires at all, and of the development of the relationship between the national and imperial traits of the various states

    Einsatz von Strohmulch zur Unkrautregulierung bei Sojabohnen

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    There is a problem with water erosion in organic growing of soybeans. A possible solution is growing under a mulch layer or cover crop. While this is usual practice in parts of the US, there is little success in Germany. A new approach is the use of straw material as a mulch to prevent erosion and suppress weed. The interrelation between weeds, soybean growth, yield and crude protein content was determined in a field experiment. There were significant differences in weed covering and weed species as well as in the yield between variants with straw mulch and without. The weed density was highest in the variant without any treatment (21.0 % of surface) and lower in the variants with straw mulch (12.7 %). The highest yield was in the control variant (15.8 dt/ha), the lowest in the variant with straw cover 6 t/ha (2.6 dt/ha). There is still no practical relevance of growing soybeans with straw mulch layer because of low yields and high weed density

    Geschichte der Krim: Iphigenie und Putin auf Tauris

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    The book surveys the history of the Crimea from ancient times to the present, reflecting both the latest research and the author’s own recent findings. In the context of recent developments in the Crimea and what most legal experts regard as Russia’s illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, the study examines the historical background for today’s conflict.Die Ende Februar 2014 beginnende sog. Krim-Krise machte nicht zuletzt der deutschsprachigen Öffentlichkeit deutlich, dass die Halbinsel Krim noch eine terra incognita für sie ist, über deren Vergangenheit selbst historisch Interessierte nur wenig wissen. Tatsächlich ist die 1783 annektierte Krim für die überwiegende Zahl der Russen ein hoch emotionalisierter, unveräußerlicher Teil Russlands. Die international renommierte Expertin Kerstin S. Jobst erzählt die Geschichte der Krim in ihrer Komplexität, in der Russen lange Zeit keine Rolle spielten, dafür aber griechische Kolonisten, eurasische Reitervölker, Krimtataren und andere das Schicksal der Halbinsel gestalteten

    Die symbolische Bedeutung der Halbinsel Krim für Russland

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    Die im 18. Jahrhundert vom Zarenreich aus machtpolitischen Überlegungen eroberte Halbinsel Krim ist in der Zeit danach für viele Russen ein besonderer Ort geworden, der nicht mehr als fremd, sondern als russisch empfunden wird – und das bis heute, wie die gegenwärtige Zustimmung des überwiegenden Teils der russischen Bevölkerung zur Annexion der Halbinsel im März 2014 durch Moskau unterstreicht. Der Krim wird aufgrund der Tatsache, dass sie von zahllosen Literaten besungen wurde und als Ort der klassischen Tauris gilt, große kulturelle Bedeutung zugeschrieben. Sie ist zugleich ein militärischer Erinnerungsort und gilt als Ausgangspunkt der Christianisierung der Kiewer Rus. Der ehemaligen Titularnation der muslimischen Krimtataren wurde und wird hingegen mit Misstrauen begegnet

    Geschichte der Krim: Iphigenie und Putin auf Tauris

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    The book surveys the history of the Crimea from ancient times to the present, reflecting both the latest research and the author’s own recent findings. In the context of recent developments in the Crimea and what most legal experts regard as Russia’s illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, the study examines the historical background for today’s conflict.Die Ende Februar 2014 beginnende sog. Krim-Krise endete mit der Annexion der völkerrechtlich zur Ukraine gehörenden Halbinsel durch die Russländische Föderation. Dieses Ereignis machte nicht zuletzt der deutschsprachigen Öffentlichkeit deutlich, dass die Halbinsel Krim mehr oder weniger immer noch eine terra incognita für sie ist, über deren Vergangenheit selbst historisch Interessierte nur wenig wissen. Mit großem Erstaunen wird seitdem u.a. gefragt, warum die Krim für Russland eine so große Bedeutung hat, dass sie bereit ist, die Ächtung der Weltgemeinschaft und wirtschaftliche Sanktionen auf sich zunehmen. Tatsächlich ist die 1783 annektierte Krim für die überwiegende Zahl der Russen ein hoch emotionalisierter, unveräußerlicher Teil Russlands. Deren Geschichte ist aber sehr viel älter - und über die längste Zeit spielten Russen dort keine Rolle. Griechische Kolonisten, eurasische Reitervölker, Krimtataren und andere gestalteten vielmehr ihr Schicksal

    Wissenschaftliche, technologische und finanzielle investitionen und interaktionen europäischer Staaten im Zarenreich und die Vorzeichen des Ersten Weltkriegs seit der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jh.

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    Translated by Andrey Keller. The article was submitted on 01.07.2015.Study of Russia’s cooperation with Western European countries prior to World War I is of considerable importance to understand its economic condition. Investments of various types testify that Russia was a reliable partner capable both of absorbing those investments, and of using new advanced technologies. Cheap labor and policy of the government also contributed to high status of Russia as a country to invest in. Referring to archival materials, the author provides data on the amount of investments and the return thereon, and explains foreign investors’ interest in certain spheres of Russia’s economy. Additionally, the article focuses on the infrastructure of investment in Russia and abroad, the limitations and measures against adventurism and fraud introduced by the state. The author enumerates reasons for the foreign cultural and scientific presence, introduces data on expeditions and archaeological research. The historical and biographic aspect of investment process is based on information on businessmen’s lives. Finally, the article presents a review of reports made at a Symposium on European investments into Russia and precursors of the World War I in Vienna (September, 2014) and describes urgent issues of the technological and sociocultural interaction in this research field.Изучение взаимодействия России и западноевропейских держав перед Первой мировой войной существенно дополняет представление о ее экономическом состоянии. Факты инвестирования разного характера свидетельствуют о высоком статусе России как надежного партнера в их освоении, вполне способного применять новые передовые технологии. Этому же способствовало наличие дешевой рабочей силы и политика государства. Конкретные данные о размере вложений и получаемых инвесторами дивидендах приводятся на основании архивных материалов. Выявляется логика обращения иностранцев к конкретным сферам российского хозяйства, определяются параметры оценки перспективности. Рассматривается инфраструктура инвестирования в России и за рубежом, фиксируются вводимые государством ограничения и меры против авантюризма и обмана. Конкретизируются сведения о культурных и научных целях иностранного присутствия, об организации экспедиций и археологических изысканиях. Автором рассматривается историко-биографический аспект процесса инвестирования, основаный на конкретных сведениях о жизни бизнесменов. Дается обзор докладов, прозвучавших на симпозиуме «Научные, технологические и финансовые инвестиции европейских государств в России и предвестники Первой мировой войны» (Вена, сентябрь 2014 г.), и обрисовываются актуальные проблемы технологического и социокультурного взаимодействия в исследовательском поле настоящего и будущего

    Geschichte der Krim

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    Production of α1,3-galactosyltransferase-deficient pigs

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    The enzyme α1,3-galactosyltransferase (α1,3GT or GGTA1) synthesizes α1,3galactose (α1,3Gal) epitopes (Galα1,3Galβ1,4GlcNAc-R), which are the major xenoantigens causing hyperacute rejection in pig-to-human xenotransplantation. Complete removal of α1,3Gal from pig organs is the critical step toward the success of xenotransplantation. We reported earlier the targeted disruption of one allele of the α1,3GT gene in cloned pigs. A selection procedure based on a bacteria[toxin was used to select for cells in which the second allele of the gene was knocked out. Sequencing analysis demonstrated that knockout of the second allele of the α1,3GT gene was caused by a T-to-G single point mutation at the second base of exon 9, which resulted in inactivation of the α1,3GT protein. Four healthy α1,3GT double-knockout female piglets were produced by three consecutive rounds of cloning. The piglets carrying a point mutation in the α1,3GT gene hold significant value, as they would allow production of α1,3Gal-deficient pigs free of antibiotic-resistance genes and thus have the potential to make a safer product for human use