670 research outputs found

    Quinolones: acció i resistència

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    Les quinolones són agents sintètics amb un ampli ventall d'acció. Han estat dels agents més emprats al món, la qual cosa ha conduït a l'aparició d'alts nivells de resistència als mateixos. Actualment es coneixen diferents mecanismes de resistència: a) mutacions a les dianes, b) problemes de permeabilitat, c) acció de bombes d'expulsió, d) protecció de les dianes i e) nivells d'expressió dels gens codificadors de les dianes de les quinolones.Quinolones are synthetic agents with a wide activity spectrum. These agents have been extensively used, being considered one of the most consumed antibacterials at world wide level. This fact has resulted in the appearance of high levels of quinolone-resistance. Currently different mechanisms of resistance have been described: 1) target mutations, 2) impermeability, 3) efflux pumps, 4) target protection and 5) levels of target expression

    Message or messenger, that's the right question

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    Current publication system is based in a continuous pressure for publish in “high-rated” journals, in the consideration that this is a synonymous of research-quality, forgotten both the sense of research: the generation of knowledge, nor the publication in specific journals; and that after the emergence of internet, the current editorial system should have been fully rethought

    The Literary Insult between Troubadours and Minstrels as Guild Defense Mechanism: its Reflection in the Medieval Galician-Portuguese Lyric

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    Con el debilitamiento de las relaciones feudales, la relación jerárquica entre trovadores y juglares –autores y ejecutantes- tendió a igualarse. Así quedó reflejado en la lírica gallego-portuguesa, cuando los juglares disputaron a los trovadores su papel profesional y la respuesta de estos fue satirizarlos en ejercicio de su superioridad estamental. Los cancioneros nos ofrecen muestras de sus disputas y del cambio de modelo social y profesional.Los géneros utilizados fueron, preferentemente, la cantiga de escarnio e maldizer y la tenzón. En ellos, la aparente crítica a la cualidad musical escondía un ataque por razón de clase social. De igual manera, la sátira contra las soldaderas se hacía a causa del nivel económico que habían alcanzado estas mujeres.Con el debilitamiento de las relaciones feudales, la relación jerárquica entre trovadores y juglares –autores y ejecutantes- tendió a igualarse. Así quedó reflejado en la lírica gallego-portuguesa, cuando los juglares disputaron a los trovadores su papel profesional y la respuesta de estos fue satirizarlos en ejercicio de su superioridad estamental. Los cancioneros nos ofrecen muestras de sus disputas y del cambio de modelo social y profesional.Los géneros utilizados fueron, preferentemente, la cantiga de escarnio e maldizer y la tenzón. En ellos, la aparente crítica a la cualidad musical escondía un ataque por razón de clase social. De igual manera, la sátira contra las soldaderas se hacía a causa del nivel económico que habían alcanzado estas mujeres.With the weakening of feudal relations, the hierarchical relationship between troubadours and minstrels —authors and performers— tended to equalize. In the Galician-Portuguese lyric, when the minstrels disputed to the troubadours their professional role and the answer of these was the attack in exercise of their social superiority. The songbooks offer us samples of their disputes and the change of social and professional model. The genres used were, preferably, the cantiga de escarnio e maldizer (song of derision) and the tenzón (song of dispute). In them, the apparent criticism of musical quality concealed an attack of social class. In the same way, the satire against the soldaderas because of the economic level reached by these women

    Joyce en gallego : los fragmentos de Ramón Otero Pedrayo. Recepción y publicación

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    La historia de la novela Ulysses, de James Joyce, es también la historia de sus traducciones a otras lenguas, empresas en las que fue pionero y propagandista el crítico francés Valery Larbaud. A principios de 1926 Ramón Otero Pedrayo recibió de París un ejemplar de la novela Ulysses, de Joyce, y un ensayo de Simone Téry sobre la literatura irlandesa del momento. Sobre este segundo texto, Vicente Risco -amigo y colega de Otero- publicó tres artículos en la revista Nós en el primer semestre de aquel año. Unos meses después, en la misma publicación, aparecieron unos fragmentos en gallego de la novela, de la mano de Otero Pedrayo. Este trabajo tiene por objeto profundizar -más allá de lo que haya dicho la crítica hasta ahora- en las circunstancias que llevaron a la versión gallega de esos fragmentos de Ulysses.The history of James Joyce's Ulysses is also the history of the novel's translations into other languages, an undertaking in which the French critic Valery Larbaud was a pioneeer and advocate. At the beginning of 1926 Ramón Otero Pedrayo received from Paris a copy of Ulysses and an essay by Simone Téry on contemporary Irish literature. During the first half of that year, Vicente Risco, a friend and colleague of Otero's, published three articles on Téry's essay in the magazine Nós. A few months later, the same publication printed some fragments of the novel translated into Galician by Otero Pedrayo. This article aims to delve more deeply than critics have so far attempted into the circumstances leading to the Galician version of those fragments from Ulysses

    Pedro Garcia de Ambroa's trinity

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    Os estudosos da lírica medieval galego-portuguesa están divididos á hora de considerar se o trobador Pedro García de Ambroa e o segrel Pedro de Ambroa son a mesma persoa ou non. Unha confusión reforzada pola presenza dun homónimo, morto en 1237, a quen se lle atribúe a persoalidade do primeiro. Por outra parte, tamén hai dúbidas verbo da participación do segundo nas cruzadas, en compañía de María Pérez «Balteira». Analizar a súa aparición póstuma nunha querela presentada polo mosteiro de Monfero e nun inventario testamentario en 1261 permete coñecer quen foi este Pedro García de Ambroa.Critics of medieval Galician-Portuguese lyric are divided when considering whether the troubadour Pedro Garcia de Ambroa and the segrel Pedro de Ambroa are the same person or not. A confusion enhanced by the presence of a homonym, who died in 1237 and who is credited with the identity of the first. On the other hand, there are also doubts about the participation of the latter in the Crusades, in the company of Maria Perez «Balteira». Analysis of his posthumous appearance in the year 1261 in a complaint filed by the Monfero monastery and in a probate inventory allows us to know who this Pedro Garcia de Ambroa really was

    Crest factor reduction techniques for OFDM telecommunication systems

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    Two popular Crest Factor Reduction techniques applicable to OFDM signals have been studied and implemented within this project. To provide adequate background, a brief description of OFDM communication systems is included in the first sections, and the problem of high Peak to Average Power Ratio in multi-carrier transmission schemes is presented. An overview of the most relevant Crest Factor Reduction techniques is performed, and the Clipping and Filtering and Peak Windowing algorithms are selected as implementation candidates due to their protocol agnostic nature. Several implementation architectures have been discussed, and the most computationally efficient one has been used to implement both algorithms within srsRAN, an open source, full software radio implementation of an LTE network with all of its components. In order to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the developed algorithms, an extensive measurement campaign has been designed and carried out, comprised of synthetic testing, as well as experimental physical signal measurements in a laboratory setting, and an outdoor measurement campaign. To speed up the measurement process, an automated measurement system has been designed in MATLAB, which remotely operates a signal analyser to perform spectrum and statistical power measurements, as well as IQ sample collection of the generated LTE signals. This measurement system has been used to carry out unwanted emissions tests following the LTE conformance testing procedures, which are also discussed within this document. For the outdoor measurements, an LTE single cell network has been deployed using a software radio transceiver and an LTE phone, with the aim of assessing the end to end quality of service improvements provided by the developed algorithms. The gathered results illustrate that the implemented Crest Factor Reduction techniques can provide significant network performance gains in situations with limited available transmission power. Additional gains provided by these techniques include increased efficiency in the operation of power amplification stages, and reduced network deployment costs.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructur

    Analysis and design of a drain water heat recovery storage unit based on PCM plates

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    © 2016. This version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/This paper is focused on the detailed analysis of a PCM plate heat storage unit with a particular configuration, looking for the maximum contact area with the fluid (water) and the minimum volume to be used in a real household application. In that sense, a numerical study of the thermal and fluid dynamic behaviour of the water flow and the PCM melting-solidification processes, together with the thermal behaviour of the solid elements of the unit, has been carried out. On the other hand, an experimental set-up has been designed and built to validate the numerical model and characterise the performance of the heat storage unit. The purpose of the numerical and experimental study is to present a series of results to describe the heat storage unit performance in function of the time. Thus, after a preliminary design study three different cases have been simulated and tested. A 7.2% of discrepancy between numerical results and experimental data has been evaluated for the heat transfer. The PCM heat storage unit designed is capable to store approx. 75% of the thermal energy from the previous process wasted water heat, and recover part of it to supply around 50% of the thermal energy required to heat up the next process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Deep adaptative spectral zoom for improved remote heart rate estimation

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    Recent advances in remote heart rate measurement, motivated by data-driven approaches, have notably enhanced accuracy. However, these improvements primarily focus on recovering the rPPG signal, overlooking the implicit challenges of estimating the heart rate (HR) from the derived signal. While many methods employ the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for HR estimation, the performance of the FFT is inherently affected by a limited frequency resolution. In contrast, the Chirp-Z Transform (CZT), a generalization form of FFT, can refine the spectrum to the narrow-band range of interest for heart rate, providing improved frequential resolution and, consequently, more accurate estimation. This paper presents the advantages of employing the CZT for remote HR estimation and introduces a novel data-driven adaptive CZT estimator. The objective of our proposed model is to tailor the CZT to match the characteristics of each specific dataset sensor, facilitating a more optimal and accurate estimation of HR from the rPPG signal without compromising generalization across diverse datasets. This is achieved through a Sparse Matrix Optimization (SMO). We validate the effectiveness of our model through exhaustive evaluations on three publicly available datasets UCLA-rPPG, PURE, and UBFC-rPPG employing both intra- and cross-database performance metrics. The results reveal outstanding heart rate estimation capabilities, establishing the proposed approach as a robust and versatile estimator for any rPPG method

    Reflexión acerca del concepto de “Una salud”

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    Durante los últimos años se ha establecido el concepto de Una Salud, reviviendo un antiguo concepto de la investigación en salud: la interrelación entre diferentes ambientes. Este concepto se considera el enfoque más útil para comprender la dinámica de las enfermedades infecciosas, así como de factores relacionados, como la resistencia a los antibióticos. No obstante, a veces el uso de este término no es totalmente correcto y no se abordan una serie de consideraciones relevantes, como las relaciones cambiantes entre diferentes ambientes, fruto de sus propias dinámicas evolutivas, o la realidad de enfermedades olvidadas, que sólo pasan a ser consideradas cuando su efecto se expande más allá de sus áreas tradicionales. En este contexto, es importante iniciar un debate sobre la corrección de algunas consideraciones o la necesidad de introducir otros factores que conduzcan a un desarrollo más sólido del concepto de «Una Salud»