3,851 research outputs found

    Emotional intelligence and its relation to engagement at work

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2018/2019

    Factores determinantes de la salida a bolsa en España

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    Though the going public decision has been addressed by several theories, empirical research is particularly scarce to European countries. This is the first research in the Spanish market that investigates ex ante and ex post characteristics of IPO firms, using a large database of private held firms that potentially may go public. Some of our results are consistent with previous studies. Our evidence suggests that firms that go public are young firms with large capital expenditures previously to the IPO. However, a firm's need to finance activity is not the main motive to go public, but to achieve the proper conditions to rebalance firm's economic and financial structure. Our results are consistent with the portfolio rebalancing motive and the hypothesis of windows of opportunity to go public. Aunque la decisión de salir a bolsa ha sido abordada desde diferentes teorías, la investigación empírica sobre esta cuestión es escasa en los mercados de la Europa continental. En España éste es el primer trabajo que realiza una investigación tanto ex ante como ex post de esta decisión empleando para ello una amplia base de datos de empresas que potencialmente podrían salir a bolsa mediante una oferta pública de títulos (OPI). Nuestros resultados son, en parte, consistentes con la evidencia obtenida en otros países de nuestro entorno. La evidencia que obtenemos sugiere que las empresas que deciden salir a bolsa son empresas jóvenes que han realizado una intensa inversión en activo fijo previamente a la OPI y que no buscarían con su salida a bolsa la obtención directa de recursos para financiar su actividad sino, por el contrario, propiciar las condiciones para poder reequilibrar su estructura económica y financiera. Nuestra evidencia empírica está de acuerdo con los motivos de reequilibrar la cartera de los propietarios y la hipótesis de las ventanas de oportunidad.Decisión de salir a bolsa, oferta pública inicial going public decision, initial public offering

    The Role of Scavenging in Disease Dynamics

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    Contents Introduction................ 161 The Use of Animal Remains and the Exposure of Scavengers to Disease........ 163 The Relevance of Scavenging for Pathogens to Spread and Persist.......... 166 Human Related Factors Resulting in Increased Risk for Disease Transmission Through Scavenging.............. 170 Management of Scavenging to Reduce Disease Risks.............. 173 Restoration of Large Predators.................. 174 Elimination of Hunting of Scavengers............ 174 Destruction of Big Game and Domestic Animal Carcasses........... 174 Restoration of the Effects of Overabundance............. 175 Excluding Mammalian and Avian Scavengers from Natural Carrions.......... 176 Excluding Mammalian and Avian Scavengers from Vulture Restaurants........... 176 Conclusions and Future Perspectives........... 178 References............... 17

    Analysis of the molecular machinery implicated in multicellularity in bacillus cereus

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    Introduction: Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive bacterium usually implicated in food poisoning outbreaks and human infections that sometimes result fatal. These events are closely related to the assembly of a biofilm that serves as a reservoir of cells, a nest for sporulation and protection from environmental stresses, host defenses or chemotherapy. Objectives: To perform a comprehensive comparative study of biofilm and planktonic cells to: i) delineate the molecular machinery implicated in the different steps of the biofilm life cycle, and ii) define new genes dedicated to biofilm formation. Materials & methods: Bacteria were grown under biofilm inducing conditions. Biofilm cells were separated from planktonic cells at different times and their whole mRNA was isolated, sequenced and analyzed. Results: Our results reveal a high number of genes associated to biofilm, many of them with unknown function, but highly conserved in others bacterial species. Besides, we found global changes in cell wall synthesis, metabolism and interspecies interaction molecules. ​ Conclusions: The interaction of B. cereus with other bacteria is conditioned by secondary metabolites, which are apparently overexpressed in biofilm. On the other hand, toxins are mainly expressed in planktonic cells, which are more oriented to interact with its hosts. These results reveal the defense and attacking positions of B. cereus in biofilm vs planktonic states.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A short version of the amyloid-like protein TasA fibrillates and supports biofilm formation in Bacillus cereus

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    The formation of bacterial biofilms is a doable thanks to the assembly of an extracellular matrix that provides to the entire community with i) an outstanding architectonic structure and ii) protection to the cells from external aggressions. In Bacillus subtilis, a structural element dedicated to the formation of the extracellular matrix is the amyloid-like protein TasA. To form fibers, TasA needs the participation of the protein TapA. Indeed, a tapA mutant resembles phenotypically to a tasA mutant, which is wrinkle-less pellicles or colonies with no distinguishable morphological features. tasA is widely spread within the Bacillus genus, but tapA is absent in the heterogeneous group of Bacillus cereus which includes environmental and pathogenic members; some of them are responsible for important food intoxication outbreaks. Then, we asked whether TasA would still retain functionality in biofilm formation in B. cereus. Comparative genomic analysis showed a region in B. cereus containing two orthologous of tasA, tasA and calY, and the orthologous of sipW, that encodes a signal peptidase. Our mutagenic studies revealed that the entire region was relevant for biofilm formation, and electron microscopy proved the major propensity of TasA than CalY to form fibers in the cell surfaces. These findings also indicated that in B. cereus as opposed to B. subtilis, an accessory TapA protein is not necessary for the fibrillation of TasA. Indeed, the heterologous expression of this region of B. cereus restored the capacity of a B. subtilis tasA operon mutant or a single tasA mutant to form pellicles. These pellicles stained with the amyloid dye Congo Red and the cells were decorated with fibers, both findings suggestive of an amyloid-like nature of the B. cereus TasA. Intriguingly, in a B. subtilis tapA mutant, only the entire region of B. cereus fully rescued pellicle formation, fibrillation or Congo Red staining, to a lesser extent did sipw-tasA, and no restoration was observed with sipW-calY. These observations led us to speculate that TapA might cross seed the fibrillation of TasA or CalY in B. subtilis. In summary, TasA is relevant for biofilm formation in these two bacterial species, which appears to be governed by its polymerizing nature. The fact that we count with two bacterial species containing versions of TasA with subtle differences will be of great value in our studies of the mechanistic of polymerization of these bacterial amyloid-like fibers and their contribution to the assembly of the extracellular matrix.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estudio técnico y análisis de factores de los que depende la viabilidad económica de una instalación solar fotovoltaica conectada a red interna en el centro oceanográfico de Mazarrón

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    En los últimos años ha tenido un gran desarrollo las instalaciones de generación de electricidad mediante energía solar fotovoltaica. Este gran auge se ha debido, en parte, a un sistema de retribución o primas del Kwh. solar que siempre ha estado en entredicho, siendo bastante cuestionable. Pues, aunque está claro que ha ayudado al desarrollo de este tipo de tecnología y a situar a España entre los países punteros en instalaciones de este tipo, en los últimos meses ha quedado patente la insostenibilidad de este tipo de retribución, con primas directas a la producción que en algunos casos superaban ya los 0,50 Euros/KWh. Por otra parte, y como ya se ha dicho, este sistema de retribución ha ayudado a la implantación de este tipo de tecnología y a su desarrollo. Lo que ha dado lugar al lógico abaratamiento de este tipo de instalaciones, reduciéndose su costo casi a la mitad en los últimos 10 anos. El presente proyecto técnico tiene por objeto establecer las condiciones y características técnicas que ha de poseer la instalación de una Central Solar Fotovoltaica para autoconsumo, así como la evaluación de la trayectoria del mercado de energía fotovoltaica en los últimos anos para de este modo determinar la viabilidad futura de este tipo de instalaciones. Dicho proyecto se dividirá en dos partes. Una primera en la que se definirán las características técnicas de la instalación. Realizando un proyecto de ingeniería en el que se realizara el estudio de capacidad de generación, tipo de módulos, inversores, esquemas eléctricos, planos de la instalación, etc. En la segunda parte del Proyecto se estudiara como ha ido evolucionando el mercado fotovoltaico en el territorio español.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industria

    Conocimiento y manejo de la interacción entre el ganado extensivo y la fauna silvestre

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    Este libro ha sido financiado por la Acción Complementaria AC2014-00004-00-00 del Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), dentro del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación 2013-2016, por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y por el Ayuntamiento de Gijón, a través de Divertia. También ha contado con la colaboración de Zerep Carbónicas y Aguas S.A.Peer reviewe
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