24 research outputs found

    El Trasvase Tajo-Segura, en el centro de la tormenta política de la transición

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    At the beginning of the democratic transition in Spain, the Tajo-Segura hydraulic transfer facilities were questioned from different points of view. On the one hand diverse political parties criticized than arguing that it was a decision taken and almost totally executed during the Franco regime and so anti-democratic. On the other hand, the beginning of the organization of the State in "autonomías" displayed the regional differences in terms of the correction of the hydraulic disequilibrium.Con el inicio de la transición democrática en España, el Trasvase Tajo-Segura fue cuestionado desde diferentes ópticas. Por un lado, las distintas formaciones políticas lo criticaron por entender que se trataba de una obra decidida y prácticamente ejecutada durante el franquismo y, por lo tanto, antidemocrática. Por otro, el inicio de la configuración del Estado de las Autonomías puso de manifiesto las diferencias regionales en cuanto a la corrección del desequilibrio hidrológico

    La intervención del estado en la industria alimentaria durante el franquismo (1939-1975)

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    The paper analyses the State intervention in the food industry during the Franco period. Although food industries (companies) were not included on the initial intervention plans of the National Institute of Industry (INI), the Institute finally took part on them. Aspects as starvation and poverty problems, trade balance deficit and the huge foreign presence on the food industry, have been used to justify INI participation in a sector outside of priority activity committed to the Institute. Afterwards, Industrial Authorities became aware of the importance of food industries on the sixties because of the strong growth carried out by them, to a great extent with the help of incoming foreign capital. This industry was turned into a priority sector within the new guidelines of the Industrial Policy, that materialized on a more intense activity of the National Institute of Industry on this area.Este artículo analiza la intervención del Estado en la industria alimentaria durante la etapa franquista. Aunque las industrias de la alimentación no figuraban inicialmente en los planes de intervención del INI, éste acabó participando en ellas. La necesidad de dar respuesta al problema del hambre y de la miseria que sufrían los españoles, la lucha contra el déficit de la balanza comercial y el intento de contrarrestar una excesiva presencia extranjera en el sector figuran entre los principales argumentos esgrimidos para justificar la presencia del INI en un sector tan ajeno a la actividad prioritaria que se le había encomendado. Más tarde, el fuerte crecimiento experimentado por la industria alimentaria desde los años sesenta, en gran medida gracias a la entrada de capital extranjero, hizo que las autoridades industriales tomaran conciencia de su importancia, incluso estratégica, convirtiéndola en un sector de atención preferente en las nuevas directrices de la política industrial, lo que se materializó en la intensificación de la participación del INI en el sector

    Multipactor Effect Characterization of Dielectric Materials for Space Applications

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    [EN] The objective of this paper is to advance the state of the art in the characterization of the multipactor effect in dielectric materials. The materials studied are the most commonly used dielectrics in space applications, namely, Alumina, Rexolite, Rogers RT5870, Rohacell, Teflon, and Ultem 1000. In this paper, a new family of coaxial waveguide components, covering the L- and S-bands, with a wideband, low-pass response has been designed, and six different prototypes have been specifically optimized and manufactured. The six prototypes have then been used to simulate and measure the multipactor breakdown susceptibility charts for the six dielectric materials investigated. Finally, the simulation results are compared with the results of the measurement campaign indicating good agreement.This work was supported in part by the European Space Agency through Research Project "Novel Investigation in Multipactor Effect in Ferrite and Other Dielectrics Used in High Power RF Space Hardware" under Grant AO 1-7551/13/NL/GLC and in part by MINECO (Spanish Government) through Research and Development Project under Grant TEC2016-75934-C4-1-R. This paper is an expanded version from the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes IMWS-AMP 2017, Pavia, Italy, September 20-22, 2017.Vague Cardona, JJ.; Melgarejo-Lermas, JC.; Guglielmi, M.; Boria Esbert, VE.; Anza Hormigo, S.; Vicente Quiles, CP.; Moreno Cambroreno, MDR.... (2018). Multipactor Effect Characterization of Dielectric Materials for Space Applications. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 66(8):3644-3655. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMTT.2018.2845869S3644365566

    Experimental validation of multipactor effect for ferrite materials used in L- and S-band nonreciprocal microwave components

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    This paper reports on the experimental measurement of power threshold levels for the multipactor effect between samples of ferrite material typically used in the practical implementation of L- and S-band circulators and isolators. For this purposes, a new family of wideband, nonreciprocal rectangular waveguide structures loaded with ferrites has been designed with a full-wave electromagnetic simulation tool. The design also includes the required magnetostatic field biasing circuits. The multipactor breakdown power levels have also been predicted with an accurate electron tracking code using measured values for the secondary electron yield (SEY) coefficient. The measured results agree well with simulations, thereby fully validating the experimental campaign.This work was supported by European Space Agency (ESA) through research project "Novel Investigation in Multipactor Effect in Ferrite and other Dielectrics used in High Power RF Space Hardware" (ref. AO 1-7551/13/NL/GLC), and by MINECO (Spanish Government) under R&D projects TEC2016-75934-C4-1-R, TEC2016-75934-C4-2-R and the ERDF co-funded project TEC2014-55463-C3-3-P

    La política hidráulica : la Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura, (1926-1986) / Joaquín Melgarejo Moreno ; director Mª Teresa Pérez Picazo.

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    Tesis-Universidad de Murcia.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. T.M.-903.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. TL H 209.CRAI CIENCIAS. Instituto Euromediterráneo del Agua. 351.79 MEL pol


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    From industrial activity to cultural and environmental heritage: the Torrevieja and La Mata Lagoons (Alicante)

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    The town of Torrevieja owes its existence to the sea, to its climate, to the two saltwater lagoons that it sits between, and to the watchtower from which it took its name. The town's motto, "Blanca de sales, morena de soles" ("Salt-white, sun-tanned"), neatly sums up the essence of this part of the Mediterranean, where singular environmental features have always been the driving force behind the area's economic and cultural heritage. In this regard, the salt industry and the growth of tourism are the two activities that have had most impact on this town located next to the Torrevieja and La Mata lagoons, an area of great environmental value and now classed as a nature reserve

    Depuración y reutilización de aguas en España

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    The issue of wastewater treatment and the reuse of water is of great importance, especially in areas where the shortage of conventional resources is a structural problem, as it is in the case of Spain. The likelihood that this unconventional, strategic resource would become scarce is unquestionable, particularly in cases where water planning and exploitation systems prioritize the preservation, protection and improvement of water quality, as well as the sustainable and efficient use of natural resources. This paper shows how wastewater treatment and reuse are linked, as the reuse of wastewater is associated with a previous regeneration, and both of them are essential tools for maximizing environmental outcomes, as called for in the European Union Directives.El tema de la depuración y la reutilización de las aguas es de gran trascendencia, sobre todo en los espacios donde la escasez de recursos convencionales es un problema estructural, como es el caso de España. El potencial que presenta este recurso no convencional, estratégico en las situaciones de déficit, es incuestionable; máxime si se tiene en cuenta en el marco de la planificación y bajo el supuesto de un modelo de explotación hídrica que tenga como objetivo prioritario la conservación, protección y mejora de la calidad del agua, y la utilización sostenible y eficiente de los recursos naturales. En el trabajo se pone de manifiesto cómo depuración y reutilización van ligadas, ya que la reutilización de aguas residuales está asociada a una regeneración previa, y son dos herramientas esenciales del modelo ambiental del agua, tal como lo preconiza la normativa comunitaria. El ingreso de España en las instituciones europeas ha sido un revulsivo en los temas ambientales, por cuanto ha supuesto la exigencia de adaptar al país a la normativa europea, mucho más exigente. El esfuerzo realizado ha sido importante, pero todavía estamos lejos de cumplir con todos los requerimientos de Europa