24 research outputs found

    Nuevas Masculinidades Alternativas, la lucha con y por el Feminismo en el Contexto Universitario

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    The participation of men in the feminist movement and the solidarity struggle with victims has been repeatedly questioned by both sexes, as well as their contributions and their solidarity with women. Despite this questioning, throughout history there was men who have positioned themselves against sexism and gender violence, in favor of affective or emotional/sexual or sexual relations, totally free of violence. This article is developed through an auto narrative of a case of overcoming sexual harassment thanks to the interaction and masculine intervention in support and solidarity to the victims of gender-based violence. The narrative is evidenced with the scientific contributions of the main feminist researchers on the new masculinities’ topic. The specific case that succeed in the context of university constitutes a reference of action for men who are positioned with women in the fight against gender violence.La participación de los hombres en el movimiento feminista y la lucha solidaria con las víctimas de esta ha sido reiteradamente cuestionada por parte de ambos sexos, así como sus contribuciones y su solidaridad con las mujeres. A pesar de ese cuestionamiento, durante toda la historia ha habito hombres que se han posicionado contra el sexismo y la violencia de género, a favor de unas relaciones afectivas o afectivo-sexuales o sexuales, totalmente libres de violencia. Este artículo desarrolla partiendo de las bases científicas de los y las principales contribuciones feministas referentes a las nuevas masculinidades, la auto narrativa de la superación de un caso de acoso sexual gracias a la interacción e intervención masculina en apoyo y solidaridad a las víctimas. El caso concreto que se ubica en el ámbito universitario constituye un referente de actuación para los hombres que se posicionan al lado de las mujeres en la lucha contra la violencia de género

    Límites de la Transición española: Análisis crítico de un proceso de transformación social y político.

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    La Transición española ha dejado en la historia miles de interrogantes abiertos y asuntos sin resolver. La reforma o ruptura con el sistema autoritario que dio paso a una democracia liberal abrió para muchos un mar de oportunidades, con referencias a países como Portugal, que justo había vivido la Revolución de los Claveles en 1974. No obstante, los anhelos democráticos de muchas personas se vieron coartados por un proceso poco transparente y de creación de estructuras de Estado que fueron negociados e impulsados por los sectores más aperturistas del régimen franquista y la oposición democrática más moderada, marginando a los sectores que apostaban por la ruptura. En este artículo se analizan las limitaciones del proceso de Transición que vivió España, y algunas de sus consecuencias políticas y sociales

    Promoting Creativity in the Cooperative Work Environment: A Case Study of the Lacol Cooperative

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    Previous research has examined organizational factors that could facilitate or limit creativity also indicating that although cooperatives can be seen as innovative business formats, they are also considered slow growth models because of their organizational characteristics. In this study we aim to explore the processes, practices, and other organizational characteristics that define the creative dynamics in cooperatives. In this way, our goals are (a) to understand how the promotion of the creativity is carried out in the cooperative workplace and (b) to study the factors that can accelerate the development of a more positive climate for creativity, boosting transformative elements and neutralizing exclusionary elements. This article is focused on a qualitative case study of an architecture cooperative from Catalonia (Spain), Lacol. The data were collected through two in-depth interviews. Also, visual material was collected to study how the physical space is organised and how this affects creative processes. The results show that, of the studied elements, those most relevant to produce a creative work environment in Lacol are power decentralization, freedom and autonomy, work team support, training, and challenges. Likewise, friendship has been identified as an important transversal element. Finally, future research lines are discussed

    Improved Leadership Skills and Aptitudes in an Excellence EMBA Programme: Creating Synergies with Dialogic Leadership to Achieve Social Impact

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    Psychological research on leadership has demonstrated that it achieves social impact, particularly in the improvement of working environments and organizational performance. The understanding of the organizational context of leader behavior and its different components is crucial to analyzing the impact of leadership in organizations. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the transformation and change of leadership skills and aptitudes before and after the implementation of an excellence EMBA program, particularly in relation to two components of the organizational context: (1) goals and purposes, and (2) people and groups. Data were collected from open-ended questionnaires completed by alumni and current participants in an Executive MBA program (EMBA) and enrolled in leadership courses. The emerging issues identified in the responses include themes linked to dialogic leadership and show that participants improve their leadership skills and aptitudes, advancing toward effective leadership and potential social impact in their organizations. The article concludes with a discussion identifying synergies with current developments of psychological research in leadership and the social impact of science

    Participation and Organizational Commitment in the Mondragon Group

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    The scientific literature has shown Mondragon Corporation (MC), with 65 years of history, as a clear example that cooperativism can be highly competitive in the capitalist market while being highly egalitarian and democratic. This cooperative group has focused on its corporate values of cooperation, participation, social responsibility, and innovation. Previous scientific research reports its enormous transformative and emancipatory potential. However, studies on the effects of various types of worker participation on competitiveness and workers' psychological wellbeing in this cooperative group exist to a lesser extent. Specifically, one aspect that needs further empirical research and that represents a competitive advantage for Mondragon is the degree of commitment and emotional attachment that can be observed in the people who work there. For this reason, this article aims to identify key elements of the democratic participation of workers in these cooperatives that relate to the development of organizational commitment. Based on a communicative and qualitative approach, data collection included 29 interviews to different profiles of workers (senior and junior workers, members and non-members of the cooperative, and researchers involved in the cooperatives) from eight different cooperatives of the Corporation. Through this research methodology, the participants interpret their reality through egalitarian and intersubjective dialogue because their voices are considered essential to measure the social impact. This study found three different ways in which the democratic participation of worker-members in management and ownership contributes to developing affective organizational commitment among those working in Mondragon cooperatives, generating positive psychological and economic outcomes for both workers and cooperatives

    The time of dialogic sociology

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    There is a wide and rich literature about how neoliberalism is promoting the budgetary cuts to science and universities, especially to the critical sectors, such as the social sciences. There is scarce literature on the analysis of the role of sociology in the internal processes and debates on the elaboration of the scientific programs of research. Focusing on the European programs of research, this article analyzes how sociology is leading the new requirements of social impact and co-creation. The result of this analysis shows the great opportunity for sociology to get an unprecedented acknowledgment and valorization from society and all sciences, including those which had not been previously interested in sociology

    Media Manipulation Against Social Justice Researchers: Second-Order Sexual Harassment

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    According to scientific studies, manipulation, which is a key concept in critical discourse analyses, is used to gain control of power against those who act to promote transformations oriented toward social justice. In the case of the struggle against sexual harassment, attacks against people supporting the victims constitute second-order sexual harassment. In this article, we analyze a specific case of media manipulation aiming to silence the brave people who dared speak about gender violence at Spanish universities and acted toward eliminating violence at these universities. Most individuals who had assumed a position against gender violence have been professionally and personally attacked and destroyed by structural powers. In this article, we focus on two aspects. First, we analyze how the group that broke the silence in Spain managed to overcome the attacks by the yellow press. Second, we observe how this group achieved increasing social impact by transforming the universities and gaining the support of their family members, social movements, and most journalists. We performed this analysis using communicative methodology, including interviews with the relatives of the brave people who suffered second-order sexual harassment by certain media and compromised journalists. According to their relatives, by contributing to social justice, their families also improved their lives and family relationship

    Breaking the Silence within Critical Pedagogy

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    There is a wide and rich scientific literature about Gender Violence (GV) in diverse institutions and contexts, now including Isolating Gender Violence (IGV). However, there is an almost absolute silence about GV and IGV within the field of critical pedagogy despite its pretention to influence children's education. This paper is part of a long research program on GV and presents the first evidence about its existence within critical pedagogy. The communicative methodology of this research has included interviews to 15 authors of critical pedagogy and 1 discussion group. The gender dimension is key in this research, most lists of outstanding critical pedagogists include only white males and most of them from North America, in this research there are 15 women of the 21 interviewees and diverse gender options and cultures are represented. The results clearly show that, as in any other social institutions and domains, within critical pedagogy there are upstanders against GV, those who maintain a guilty silence and harassers making direct GV and/or IG

    Guia d'actuacions docents universitàries sobre gènere i prevenció de violència de gènere

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    Aquesta guia és producte del projecte “Prevenció de les violències de gènere des d’una formació basada en evidències científiques” finançat per l’Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) dins dels d’ajuts per a projectes d'innovació per a la millora de la qualitat docent en matèria de violència de gènere (2021 INDOV 0008)Aquest projecte ha contribuït en l'avenç en l'erradicació de la violència de gènere en l'àmbit universitari, a partir de la formació integral de futures i futurs professionals. Aquest objectiu ha estat assolit a través de la creació i consolidació d'entorns de tolerància zero cap la violència i lliures de la mateixa. De forma transversal i al llarg de tot el desenvolupament del projecte, s'ha emfatitzat el reconeixement d’altres formes de violència de gènere fora del context de les parelles. De manera més concreta, a través de les innovacions educatives basades en evidències científiques, seguint la línia de recerca de socialització preventiva de la violència de gènere, el projecte ha dut a terme tasques de sensibilització envers la problemàtica dins l'àmbit universitari, tot aportant a les aules la reflexió respecte factors d'incidència en la violència de gènere o la construcció de les identitats de gènere, entre d'altres. Per fer-ho s'han dut a terme activitats com la lectura de textos científics sobre gènere i prevenció de la violència de gènere, la creació d'espais pel diàleg i el debat, la col·laboració d'actors socials relacionats amb la realitat de la violència de gènere i la incorporació d'eines tecnològiques per a facilitar la construcció de coneixement relacionat amb la prevenció de la violència de gènere. En aquest sentit, s'han donat a conèixer eines d'utilitat que els hi permeten accedir i participar en la construcció de coneixement sobre la temàtica, com és el cas de la plataforma "Sappho". Tot aquest coneixement ha quedat recollit en un document de recomanacions per la docència universitària compromesa en la lluita contra la violència de gènere

    Avaluació de les Creacions Socials de les Ciències Socials i Humanitats: Una contribució per la transformació de la ciència

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    [spa] Desde la Science March a los movimientos sociales de base, cada vez hay un reclamo más fuerte en defensa de la aplicación de las evidencias científicas desde todos los ámbitos y perspectivas a la vez que se produce un rechazo in crescendo de toda forma de hacer ciencia basada en la reproducción de discursos y teorías que no contribuyen de ninguna manera a transformar y mejorar las condiciones de vida de las personas, los animales, el medio ambiente, etc., entendiendo que todo se interrelaciona socialmente. Por otro lado, están tomando cada vez más fuerza las reivindicaciones de la ciudadanía a la ciencia exigiendo un retorno de los resultados de las producciones científicas así como una mejora de sus condiciones de vida. Siguiendo esta perspectiva, las principales agencias de evaluación empiezan a cuestionar la labor de la academia haciendo un intento de avanzar en los criterios de evaluación, más allá del impacto científico. La confluencia de las diferentes demandas por parte de los diferentes sectores motiva el presente proyecto de tesis a desarrollar un análisis exhaustivo de las teorías sociológicas de referencia y corrientes internacionales que están desarrollando los principales estudios sobre la necesidad de evaluar no sólo el impacto social de la ciencia sino también las Creaciones Sociales que se producen fruto de la investigación científica. Es en esta perspectiva que el proyecto analiza las principales aportaciones hechas y propone una serie de criterios que permiten evaluar por parte de las agencias de evaluación de la investigación las Creaciones Sociales de los investigadores