117 research outputs found

    High school students on reasons for absenteeism in physical education classes

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    The aim of the study was an attempt to diagnose the phenomenon of absenteeism in PE lessons of high school youth. The survey included 51 randomly selected students aged 14-18 from a selected high school in Lodz. The research was carried out on the basis of the diagnostic survey method and the survey technique, while the research tool was a questionnaire constructed for the needs of the pilot studies, containing closed, semi-open and open questions The results of the research were subjected to statistical analysis, determining the significance of differences using the chi-square test. The research results indicate that girls (36,7%) less often and less willingly participate in PE lessons than boys (66,7%). The main reasons for absenteeism from physical education lessons are the teacher's approach and the way of conducting classes (7,9%); lack of awareness and knowledge of the benefits of physical activity (31,4%); lack of encouragement to take up physical activity on the part of relatives and the teacher (8%), and shame caused by the appearance of the body (13,5%)

    Kolonizacja? Rekolonizacja? Polonizacja? czyli Rosja po polsku

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    The essay aims at showing the possible ways of interpreting the political aspects of literature. A proposed way is based on the functionalization of post-colonial criticism tools for the purpose of contemporary literary studies. The author discusses concept of post-colonial research in connection with Polish literature about Russia and Russians and draws attention to the works of Polish reporters who describe Russia after 1991. The suggestion is that the authors of Polish narratives try to symbolically colonize Russian reality in a political way

    Komunizm znów stoi u bram

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    Absencja na lekcjach wychowania fizycznego wśród uczniów klas licealnych

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    Celem badań własnych była ocena zjawiska absencji na lekcjach wychowania fizycznego u młodzieży uczęszczającej do liceum, z podziałem na płeć respondentów. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, badaniami ankietowymi objęto 51 losowo wybranych uczniów w wieku 14‒18 lat łódzkiego liceum ogólnokształcącego. Wyniki badań poddano analizie statystycznej, oceniając istotność statystyczną różnic. Wyniki wskazują, iż dziewczęta rzadziej i niechętnie uczestniczą w lekcjach wychowania fizycznego w porównaniu z chłopcami. W mniejszym stopniu niż chłopcy mają świadomość korzyści płynących z aktywności fizycznej dla zdrowia oraz prawidłowego rozwoju organizmu

    The use of contraception for patients after bariatric surgery

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    Obesity in women of reproductive age is a serious concern regarding reproductive health. In many cases of infertility in obese women, reduction of body weight may lead to spontaneous pregnancy, without the need for more specific methods of treatment. Bariatric surgery is safe and is the most effective method for body weight reduction in obese and very obese patients. In practice there are two bariatric techniques; gastric banding, which leads to weight loss through intake restriction, and gastric bypass, leads to weight loss through food malabsorption. Gastric bypass surgery (the more frequently performed procedure), in most cases, leads to changes in eating habits and may result in vomiting, diarrhea and rapid body mass reduction. There are reliable data describing the continuous increase in the number of women who are trying to conceive, or are already pregnant, following bariatric surgery. Most medical specialists advise women to avoid pregnancy within 12–18 months after bariatric surgery. This allows for time to recover sufficiency from the decreased absorption of nutrients caused by the bariatric surgery. During this period there is a need for the use of reliable contraception. As there is a risk for malabsorption of hormones taken orally, the combined and progestogen-only pills are contraindicated, and displaced by non-oral hormonal contraception or non-hormonal methods, including intrauterine devices and condoms

    Changes in the brain endocannabinoid system in rat models of depression

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    A growing body of evidence implicates the endocannabinoid (eCB) system in the pathophysiology of depression. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of changes in the eCB system, such as levels of neuromodulators, eCB synthesizing and degrading enzymes, and cannabinoid (CB) receptors, in different brain structures in animal models of depression using behavioral and biochemical analyses. Both models used, i.e., bulbectomized (OBX) and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats, were characterized at the behavioral level by increased immobility time. In the OBX rats, anandamide (AEA) levels were decreased in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum and increased in the nucleus accumbens, while 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) levels were increased in the prefrontal cortex and decreased in the nucleus accumbens with parallel changes in the expression of eCB metabolizing enzymes in several structures. It was also observed that CB(1) receptor expression decreased in the hippocampus, dorsal striatum, and nucleus accumbens, and CB(2) receptor expression decreased in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. In WKY rats, the levels of eCBs were reduced in the prefrontal cortex (2-AG) and dorsal striatum (AEA) and increased in the prefrontal cortex (AEA) with different changes in the expression of eCB metabolizing enzymes, while the CB(1) receptor density was increased in several brain regions. These findings suggest that dysregulation in the eCB system is implicated in the pathogenesis of depression, although neurochemical changes were linked to the particular brain structure and the factor inducing depression (surgical removal of the olfactory bulbs vs. genetic modulation)

    The Level of Selected Blood Parameters in Young Soccer Players in Relation to the Concentration of 25(OH)D at the Beginning and End of Autumn

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    This study aimed to demonstrate the changes of selected blood parameters in relation to 25(OH)D concentration during the autumn period in young soccer players. A total of 35 participants’ results (age: 17.5 ± 0.6 years, body mass 71.3 ± 6.9 kg) were tested twice: in mid-September and in mid-December and divided into subgroups with regard to two criteria. First, according to the initial level of the 25(OH)D concentration (optimal group—ODG, suboptimal group—SDG), second, according to drops in 25(OH)D concentration (high drop group—HDG, low drop group—LDG). A significant decrease (p < 0.001) in the 25(OH)D concentration was reported in the total group (TGr) and in all subgroups. Blood parameters such as white blood cells, red blood cells, haemoglobin and haematocrit increased significantly (p < 0.05) in TGr during the analysed period of time. The analysis of changes in the lipid profile did not expose significant differences except triglycerides. The asparagine amino transferase and creatine kinase activity decreased significantly after autumn in all analysed groups. The declining level of 25(OH)D concentration should be compensated (e.g., with vitamin D supplementation) during autumn. Applied training loads could also influence the blood parameters variability in young soccer players. Regular measurements of 25(OH)D concentration are helpful in identifying potential drops and allows for the preparation of individual supplementation plans for the players

    Changes in MicroRNA Expression during Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) Infection.

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    Current knowledge on the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) infection and the pathogenesis of rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) is still limited. RHDV replicates in the liver, causing hepatic necrosis and liver failure. MiRNAs are a class of short RNA molecules, and their expression profiles vary over the course of diseases, both in the tissue environment and in the bloodstream. This paper evaluates the expression of miRNAs in the liver tissue (ocu-miR-122-5p, ocu-miR-155-5p, and ocu-miR-16b-5p) and serum (ocu-miR-122-5p) of rabbits experimentally infected with RHDV. The expression levels of ocu-miR-122-5p, ocu-miR-155-5p, and ocu-miR-16b-5p in liver tissue were determined using reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR), and the expression level of circulating ocu-miR-122-5p was established using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The expression levels of ocu-miR-155-5p and ocu-miR-16b-5p were significantly higher in the infected rabbits compared to the healthy rabbits (a fold-change of 5.8 and 2.5, respectively). The expression of ocu-miR-122-5p was not significantly di�erent in the liver tissue from the infected rabbits compared to the healthy rabbits (p = 0.990), while the absolute expression level of the circulating ocu-miR-122-5p was significantly higher in the infected rabbits than in the healthy rabbits (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, a functional analysis showed that ocu-miR-155-5p, ocu-miR-16b-5p, and ocu-miR-122-5p can regulate the expression of genes involved in processes correlated with acute liver failure (ALF) in rabbits. Search tool for the retrieval of interacting genes/proteins (STRING) analysis showed that the potential target genes of the three selected miRNAs may interact with each other in di�erent pathways. The results indicate the roles of these miRNAs in RHDV infection and over the course of RHD and may reflect hepatic inflammation and impairment/dysfunction in RHD