21 research outputs found

    Additive and non-additive genetic variance in juvenile Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Bong. Carr)

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    Many quantitative genetic models assume that all genetic variation is additive because of a lack of data with sufficient structure and quality to determine the relative contribution of additive and non-additive variation. Here the fractions of additive (fa) and non-additive (fd) genetic variation were estimated in Sitka spruce for height, bud burst and pilodyn penetration depth. Approximately 1500 offspring were produced in each of three sib families and clonally replicated across three geographically diverse sites. Genotypes from 1525 offspring from all three families were obtained by RADseq, followed by imputation using 1630 loci segregating in all families and mapped using the newly developed linkage map of Sitka spruce. The analyses employed a new approach for estimating fa and fd, which combined all available genotypic and phenotypic data with spatial modelling for each trait and site. The consensus estimate for fa increased with age for height from 0.58 at 2 years to 0.75 at 11 years, with only small overlap in 95% support intervals (I95). The estimated fa for bud burst was 0.83 (I95=[0.78, 0.90]) and 0.84 (I95=[0.77, 0.92]) for pilodyn depth. Overall, there was no evidence of family heterogeneity for height or bud burst, or site heterogeneity for pilodyn depth, and no evidence of inbreeding depression associated with genomic homozygosity, expected if dominance variance was the major component of non-additive variance. The results offer no support for the development of sublines for crossing within the species. The models give new opportunities to assess more accurately the scale of non-additive variation

    Use and optimization of different sources of information for genomic prediction

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    Abstract Background Molecular data is now commonly used to predict breeding values (BV). Various methods to calculate genomic relationship matrices (GRM) have been developed, with some studies proposing regression of coefficients back to the reference matrix of pedigree-based relationship coefficients (A). The objective was to compare the utility of two GRM: a matrix based on linkage analysis (LA) and anchored to the pedigree, i.e. GLA,{\mathbf{G}}_{{{\mathbf{LA}}}} , G LA , and a matrix based on linkage disequilibrium (LD), i.e. GLD{\mathbf{G}}_{{{\mathbf{LD}}}} G LD , using genomic and phenotypic data collected on 5416 broiler chickens. Furthermore, the effects of regressing the coefficients of GLD{\mathbf{G}}_{{{\mathbf{LD}}}} G LD back to A (LDA) and to GLA{\mathbf{G}}_{{{\mathbf{LA}}}} G LA (LDLA) were evaluated, using a range of weighting factors. The performance of the matrices and their composite products was assessed by the fit of the models to the data, and the empirical accuracy and bias of the BV that they predicted. The sensitivity to marker choice was examined by using two chips of equal density but including different single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Results The likelihood of models using GRM and composite matrices exceeded the likelihood of models based on pedigree alone and was highest with intermediate weighting factors for both the LDA and LDLA approaches. For these data, empirical accuracies were not strongly affected by the weighting factors, although they were highest when different sources of information were combined. The optimum weighting factors depended on the type of matrices used, as well as on the choice of SNPs from which the GRM were constructed. Prediction bias was strongly affected by the chip used and less by the form of the GRM. Conclusions Our findings provide an empirical comparison of the efficacy of pedigree and genomic predictions in broiler chickens and examine the effects of fitting GRM with coefficients regressed back to a reference anchored to the pedigree, either A or GLA{\mathbf{G}}_{{{\mathbf{LA}}}} G LA . For the analysed dataset, the best results were obtained when GLD{\mathbf{G}}_{{{\mathbf{LD}}}} G LD was combined with relationships in A or GLA{\mathbf{G}}_{{{\mathbf{LA}}}} G LA , with optimum weighting factors that depended on the choice of SNPs used. The optimum weighting factor for broiler body weight differed from weighting factors that were based on the density of SNPs and theoretically derived using generalised assumptions

    Method specific calibration corrects for DNA extraction method effects on relative telomere length measurements by quantitative PCR

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    Telomere length (TL) is increasingly being used as a biomarker in epidemiological, biomedical and ecological studies. A wide range of DNA extraction techniques have been used in telomere experiments and recent quantitative PCR (qPCR) based studies suggest that the choice of DNA extraction method may influence average relative TL (RTL) measurements. Such extraction method effects may limit the use of historically collected DNA samples extracted with different methods. However, if extraction method effects are systematic an extraction method specific (MS) calibrator might be able to correct for them, because systematic effects would influence the calibrator sample in the same way as all other samples. In the present study we tested whether leukocyte RTL in blood samples from Holstein Friesian cattle and Soay sheep measured by qPCR was influenced by DNA extraction method and whether MS calibration could account for any observed differences. We compared two silica membrane-based DNA extraction kits and a salting out method. All extraction methods were optimized to yield enough high quality DNA for TL measurement. In both species we found that silica membrane-based DNA extraction methods produced shorter RTL measurements than the non-membrane-based method when calibrated against an identical calibrator. However, these differences were not statistically detectable when a MS calibrator was used to calculate RTL. This approach produced RTL measurements that were highly correlated across extraction methods (r > 0.76) and had coefficients of variation lower than 10% across plates of identical samples extracted by different methods. Our results are consistent with previous findings that popular membrane-based DNA extraction methods may lead to shorter RTL measurements than non-membrane-based methods. However, we also demonstrate that these differences can be accounted for by using an extraction method-specific calibrator, offering researchers a simple means of accounting for differences in RTL measurements from samples extracted by different DNA extraction methods within a study

    Longitudinal changes in telomere length and associated genetic parameters in dairy cattle analysed using random regression models

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    Telomeres cap the ends of linear chromosomes and shorten with age in many organisms. In humans short telomeres have been linked to morbidity and mortality. With the accumulation of longitudinal datasets the focus shifts from investigating telomere length (TL) to exploring TL change within individuals over time. Some studies indicate that the speed of telomere attrition is predictive of future disease. The objectives of the present study were to 1) characterize the change in bovine relative leukocyte TL (RLTL) across the lifetime in Holstein Friesian dairy cattle, 2) estimate genetic parameters of RLTL over time and 3) investigate the association of differences in individual RLTL profiles with productive lifespan. RLTL measurements were analysed using Legendre polynomials in a random regression model to describe TL profiles and genetic variance over age. The analyses were based on 1,328 repeated RLTL measurements of 308 female Holstein Friesian dairy cattle. A quadratic Legendre polynomial was fitted to the fixed effect of age in months and to the random effect of the animal identity. Changes in RLTL, heritability and within-trait genetic correlation along the age trajectory were calculated and illustrated. At a population level, the relationship between RLTL and age was described by a positive quadratic function. Individuals varied significantly regarding the direction and amount of RLTL change over life. The heritability of RLTL ranged from 0.36 to 0.47 (SE = 0.05–0.08) and remained statistically unchanged over time. The genetic correlation of RLTL at birth with measurements later in life decreased with the time interval between samplings from near unity to 0.69, indicating that TL later in life might be regulated by different genes than TL early in life. Even though animals differed in their RLTL profiles significantly, those differences were not correlated with productive lifespan (p = 0.954)

    Stranger in a strange land: genetic variation of native insect resistance biomarkers in UK Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis [Bong.] Carr.)

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    Reforestation in the British Isles (UK and Ireland) has been dominated with the use of an exotic conifer tree species, Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis [Bong.] Carr.). Sitka breeding in the UK was developed from a single provenance, the Haida Gwaii Islands (Canada), which is both well suited to the British climate and highly susceptible to the white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi L.) in its native range. We examined variation and heritability of insect resistance related traits and assessed potential trade-offs with tree growth in 50 full-sibling families and 13 clonally replicated genotypes growing in the UK. We measured bark levels of three terpenes (dehydroabietic acid, (+)-3-carene and terpinolene) shown to confer resistance to the white pine weevil in Sitka spruce’s native range, on the principle that these defence compounds may also contribute to pest resistance in the UK. We compared our results with published findings from the native range and also used individuals from a Haida Gwaii seed lot grown in the UK for comparison of terpene levels. Dehydroabietic acid content in the UK breeding population was similar to populations from resistant native populations, but (+)-3-carene and terpinolene levels were relatively low. Narrow sense heritability for dehydroabietic acid, (+)-3-carene and terpinolene was estimated as 0.20, 0.93 and 0.98, respectively from the full-sib data, and this evidence of genetic variance was supported by estimates of broad sense heritability from the smaller clonal study. Terpene content was found to be positively correlated to growth traits. The heritability estimates and genetic correlations indicate that selective breeding should be effective in raising levels in the UK breeding population of the three candidate terpenes implicated in weevil resistance. However, low levels observed indicate that other provenances from the native range may produce greater short-term improvements for two of the terpenes

    Data from: Genetic characterization of dog personality traits

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    The genetic architecture of behavioural traits in dogs is of great interest to owners, breeders and professionals involved in animal welfare, as well as to scientists studying the genetics of animal (including human) behaviour. The genetic component of dog behaviour is supported by between-breed differences and some evidence of within-breed variation. However, it is a challenge to gather sufficiently large datasets to dissect the genetic basis of complex traits such as behaviour, which are both time-consuming and logistically difficult to measure, and known to be influenced by non-genetic factors. In this study, we exploited the knowledge that owners have of their dogs to generate a large dataset of personality traits in Labrador Retrievers. While accounting for key environmental factors, we demonstrate that genetic variance can be detected for dog personality traits assessed using questionnaire data. We identified substantial genetic variance for several traits, including fetching tendency and fear of loud noises, while other traits revealed negligibly small heritabilities. Genetic correlations were also estimated between traits, however, due to fairly large standard errors, only a handful of trait pairs yielded statistically significant estimates. Genomic analyses indicated that these traits are mainly polygenic, such that individual genomic regions have small effects, and suggested chromosomal associations for six of the traits. The polygenic nature of these traits is consistent with previous behavioural genetics studies in other species, for example in mouse, and confirms that large datasets are required to quantify the genetic variance and to identify the individual genes that influence behavioural traits.,archive.tarCompressed plink files for 885 dogs (see README file for description)all_traits_1975dogs_dryadbehavioural traits and fixed effects for 1975 dogs