873 research outputs found

    On Gale and Shapley ‘College admissions and stability of marriage’

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    In this note, we start to claim that established marriages can be heavily destabilized when the population of existing couples is enriched by the arrival of new candidates to marriage. Afterwards, we discuss briefly how stability concepts can be extended to account for entry and exit phenomena affecting the composition of the marriage market.Matching; stability; marriage model; divorce cascades

    Thematic clubs and the supremacy of network externalities

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    We raise the problem of the minorities survival in the presence of positive network externalities. We rely on the example of thematic clubs to illustrate why and in which circumstances such survival problems might appear, first considering the case of simple network externalities and then the case of cross network externalitiesthematic clubs, network externalities, cross network externalities

    On Gale and Shapley 'College admissions and stability of marriage'

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    In this note, we start to claim that established marriages can be heavily destabilized when the population of existing couples is enriched by the arrival of new candidates to marriage. Afterwards, we discuss briefly how stability concepts can be extended to account for entry and exit phenomena affecting the composition of the marriage market..info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Credence goods and product differentiation

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    This paper analyses price competition between two firms producing horizontally and vertically differentiated goods. These are assumed to be credence goods, as consumers can hardly ascertain the quality of the commodities. We provide sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique price equilibrium and we characterize it. To illustrate the model, we adapt it to represent a newspapers’ industry with two outlets, when the population of readers have preferences both on the political stance of the newspapers and on the accuracy of news they dispatch

    Hommage Ă  Bastien Irondelle, 1973-2013

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    Les tĂ©moignages qui affluent depuis la disparition de Bastien Irondelle soulignent la gĂ©nĂ©rositĂ©, l’intĂ©gritĂ© et l’engagement intellectuel du jeune professeur de Sciences Po Paris. Ces qualitĂ©s, reconnues de tous ne doivent pas nous faire oublier qu’il a aussi Ă©tĂ© un chercheur prolifique au CERI. En une dĂ©cennie, Bastien Irondelle a publiĂ© pas moins de 4 ouvrages, 17 chapitres de livres, 21 articles scientifiques, 12 recensions ou lectures critiques et 11 rapports de recherche mandatĂ©s. Ce court texte rĂ©sume les principales contributions de notre collĂšgue et ami, dĂ©cĂ©dĂ© au Mans le 27 septembre 2013 [Premier paragraphe]

    Anti-TNF Withdrawal in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    AbstractThe introduction of the anti-tumor necrosis factorα agents (anti-TNFα) in clinical practice has greatly advanced the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. The use of these medications results in durable remission in a subset of patients, preventing surgery and hospitalizations. However, there are some concerns about safety and costs associated with their long-term use. Therefore, anti-TNF withdrawal has emerged as an important consideration in clinical practice. Herein our goal was to discuss the available evidence about anti-TNFα discontinuation in IBD that could inform the clinician on the expected rates of relapse, the potential predictors of relapse, as well the response to re-treatment

    Des ‘long timers’ au sommet de l’État amĂ©ricain. Les secteurs de la DĂ©fense et de la SantĂ© (1988-2010) 

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    International audienceLa forte circulation des Ă©lites politiques et administratives amĂ©ricaines entre la sociĂ©tĂ© civile et les positions de pouvoir est au fondement de la thĂšse d’un État faible amĂ©ricain. La pratique du revolving door, se traduisant par une grande mobilitĂ© professionnelle et des allers retours nombreux entre secteurs public et privĂ©, conforte en effet l’image d’un État fortement fragmentĂ© et largement ouvert aux pressions exogĂšnes des diffĂ©rents groupes sociaux. L’examen du groupe formĂ© par les long timers des secteurs de la dĂ©fense et de la santĂ©, c’est-Ă -dire des political appointees et des staffers qui occupent durablement les positions institutionnelles les plus Ă©levĂ©es au sein de l’ExĂ©cutif ou du CongrĂšs, permet de tracer un tableau diffĂ©rent. Il met en Ă©vidence des carriĂšres et des parcours professionnels se caractĂ©risant par un enracinement sectoriel important, antĂ©rieur Ă  l’entrĂ©e en position, et centrĂ© sur les diffĂ©rentes institutions de pouvoir washingtoniennes entre lesquelles circulent une partie de ces acteurs. Sans permettre de prĂ©juger de l’influence qui en rĂ©sulte pour ces Ă©lites, ces caractĂ©ristiques tĂ©moignent des ressources sociales et politiques qui prĂ©disposent les membres de ce groupe Ă  la mise en forme des politiques publiques

    VaKE(Values and Knowledge Education). Piloting a strategy for NursingEducation

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    Nurses are expected to have health responses which imply interdisciplinary, multi-professional dynamics, require high responsibility and consistent general knowledge to deal with many different, very specific patient needs, which lead them to deal with situations often triggering dilemmasthat involve moral dimensions. Although it is accepted that nursing is a moral activity and that ethical reflection requires practitioners to think critically about their values and to ensure that these values are integrated into caring in every interaction(1), the focus of teaching is more centered on knowledge (about responsibilities, Code of Ethics, 
). In fact, personal values are accepted as inherent to human life, seen as attitudes, beliefs and priorities that bind individuals together and guide behavior(2), and some authors acknowledge that personal values can influence the nurses’ professional behavior(3,4). Academic professors of graduation nurses need to take into account all these dimensions, inasmuch as higher education must maintain dynamics of permanent relevance and adequationto society needs and to the quality control of this offer(5)and these must not be dealt with independently but in relation with each other. Awareness of the importance of a reflected and discussed process that enables rationalization of personal and professional values within the process of care, was the motivation to adhere to a proposal of piloting VaKE methodology within Nursing Academic framework.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring students adaptive use of domain specific knowledge

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    Trabalho apresentado em 11th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11), 6-10 fevereiro 2019, Utrecht, NetherlandsAdaptive use of meaningful knowledge is widely adopted as key learning objective in the changing society. This paper presents the results of a teaching experiment in the domain of partitive division. It is designed to explore how grade-3 students do adapt personal knowledge to the variation in task conditions. Under the first condition groups of four and six students explore the process of distributing 52 carts between four/six persons. They can use 52 unifix cubes to model the process directly. The second condition requires that they mentally anticipate the results of sharing the same quantity of carts between respectively two and three children. The study shows that the variation in conditions combined with classroom climate challenge a great part of the students to use adaptively “pieces of knowledge” acquired in different areas of reasoning in equal group situations.N/
