863 research outputs found


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    The Efficiency of Direct Payments versus Tax Reductions under Uncertainty

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    This paper analyzes the optimal behavior of farmers in the presence of direct payments and uncertainty. In an empirical analysis for Switzerland, it confirms previously obtained theoretical results and determines the magnitude of the theoretical predicted effects. The results show that direct payments increase agricultural production between 3.7% to 4.8%. Alternatively to direct payments, the production effect of tax reductions is evaluated in order to determine its magnitude. The empirical analysis corroborates the theoretical results of the literature and demonstrates that tax reductions are also distorting, but to a substantially lesser degree if losses are not offset. However, tax reductions, independently whether losses are offset or not, lead to higher government spending than pure direct payments.Uncertainty; Direct Payments; Income Tax; Reductions; Agriculture

    Els Imants moleculars

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    Figueres, state of the city: the crisis widens the economic and social gap

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    La crisi econòmica, iniciada l’any 2008, posava fi a uns anys de bonança i creixement econòmic, impactant de forma desigual a les economies locals. A partir de l’anàlisi dels indicadors econòmics i socials es fa un diagnòstic de la ciutat de Figueres, tant de l’impacte de la crisi com dels efectes ara quan l’economia expressa uns primers símptomes de millora. La crisi econòmica ha comportat un augment de la pobresa i de les desigualtats socials, provocant una bretxa social i econòmica tant a nivell intern com en la comparativa territorial dins la xarxa de ciutats catalanes. A partir de la situació socioeconòmica actual es planteja la necessitat d’un canvi de model productiu.The economic crisis, starting in 2008, put an end to a few years of boom and economic growth, impacting local economies unequally. Based on the analysis of economic and social indicators, a diagnosis of the city of Figueres is made, both of the impact of the crisis and of its effects now that the economy expresses its first symptoms of improvement. The economic crisis has led to an increase in poverty and social inequalities, causing a social and economic gap both internally and in a territorial comparison within the network of Catalan cities. Based on the current socio-economic situation, the need for a change in productive models is considered

    An adaptive fixed-mesh ALE method for free surface flows

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    In this work we present a Fixed-Mesh ALE method for the numerical simulation of free surface flows capable of using an adaptive finite element mesh covering a background domain. This mesh is successively refined and unrefined at each time step in order to focus the computational effort on the spatial regions where it is required. Some of the main ingredients of the formulation are the use of an Arbitrary-Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation for computing temporal derivatives, the use of stabilization terms for stabilizing convection, stabilizing the lack of compatibility between velocity and pressure interpolation spaces, and stabilizing the ill-conditioning introduced by the cuts on the background finite element mesh, and the coupling of the algorithm with an adaptive mesh refinement procedure suitable for running on distributed memory environments. Algorithmic steps for the projection between meshes are presented together with the algebraic fractional step approach used for improving the condition number of the linear systems to be solved. The method is tested in several numerical examples. The expected convergence rates both in space and time are observed. Smooth solution fields for both velocity and pressure are obtained (as a result of the contribution of the stabilization terms). Finally, a good agreement between the numerical results and the reference experimental data is obtained.Postprint (published version

    L’Empordà dins l’espai català transfronterer

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    La situació geogràfica de l’Alt Empordà, al centre de l’Euroregió, suposa un seguit d’oportunitats per al desenvolupament social, econòmic i cultural de l’Empordà. L’Empordà, històricament, ha estat situat en una cruïlla de camins. Cada vegada més, però, les comunicacions en xarxa permeten l’articulació i l’estructuració de les relacions transfrontereres. La superació de la frontera i la necessitat de mirar cap al Nord és la via per al progrés de l’Empordà. I el marc de l’Euroregió és l’espai adequat per fer-ho possible. L’autor apunta clarament que la xarxa d’àrees urbanes empordaneses ha de superar la vella estructura administrativa que separa l’Alt i el Baix Empordà. En lloc de la divisió comarcal, cal que, de manera global, s’ocupi un espai de centralitat dins l’arc mediterrani transpirinenc. Per ocupar aquest espai cal enfortir la competitivitat i la complementarietat de l’economia empordanesa, necessari en un procés d’igualació dels preus dins l’espai català transfronterer.The geographical situation of the Alt Empordà, at the centre of the Euroregion, implies a series of opportunities for its social, economic and cultural development. Historically, the Empordà has been a crossroads.More andmore, though, network communications allow to articulate and structure cross-border relations. To overcome the border and the necessity to look towards theNorth are ways of progress for the Empordà. And the Euroregion is the adequate place to make this possible. The author states clearly that the network of metropolitan areas of the Empordà has to overcome the old administrative structure that divides the Alt and Baix Empordà regions. Instead of the regional division, it is necessary to take, globally, a place of centrality within the Mediterranean, cross-Pyrenees belt. In order to take this place, it is necessary to strengthen the competitiveness and the complementarity of the Empordà economy, needed in a process of equalisation of prices within the Catalan cross-border territory

    La Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura (2009)

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