79 research outputs found

    Data Assimilation for a Geological Process Model Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter

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    We consider the problem of conditioning a geological process-based computer simulation, which produces basin models by simulating transport and deposition of sediments, to data. Emphasising uncertainty quantification, we frame this as a Bayesian inverse problem, and propose to characterize the posterior probability distribution of the geological quantities of interest by using a variant of the ensemble Kalman filter, an estimation method which linearly and sequentially conditions realisations of the system state to data. A test case involving synthetic data is used to assess the performance of the proposed estimation method, and to compare it with similar approaches. We further apply the method to a more realistic test case, involving real well data from the Colville foreland basin, North Slope, Alaska.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Approximate inference for spatial GLMs

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    The value of imperfect borehole information in mineral resource evaluation

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    Abstract In mineral resource evaluation a careful analysis and assessments of the geology, assay data and structural data is performed. One critical question is where to position the exploration boreholes that render it possible to classify as much of the deposit as possible as a measured or indicated resource. Another important question is what method to use when analyzing the grade in the collected material. For the deposit we consider, a challenge is to assess whether one should analyze the collected core samples with accurate and expensive XRF equipment or the less accurate and less expensive XMET equipment. A dataset of 1,871 XMET and 103 XRF observations is available, along with relevant explanatory variables. At the 103 sites where XRF data is acquired, 103 XMET measurements are also available. We first derive estimates of the regression and covariance parameters of a Gaussian random field model for the log XMET and log XRF data. Next, the model is used to predict the decisive grade parameter on block support. To improve the predictions, the mining company has planned to drill and collect 265 core samples along new boreholes. The associated reduction in prediction variance, with XRF or XMET data collection, is studied. Moreover, we compute the value of the XRF or XMET information using the statistical model, the expected development costs and revenues. The value of information is a useful diagnostic here, comparing the actual price of the XRF or XMET data with its added value

    The value of information for correlated GLMs

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    We examine the situation where a decision maker is considering investing in a number of projects with uncertain revenues. Before making a decision, the investor has the option to purchase data which carry information about the outcomes from pertinent projects. When these projects are correlated, the data are informative about all the projects. The value of information is the maximum amount the investor would pay to acquire these data. The problem can be seen from a sampling design perspective where the sampling criterion is the maximisation of the value of information minus the sampling cost. The examples we have in mind are in the spatial setting where the sampling is performed at spatial coordinates or spatial regions. In this paper we discuss the case where the outcome of each project is modelled by a generalised linear mixed model. When the distribution is non-Gaussian, the value of information does not have a closed form expression. We use the Laplace approximation and matrix approximations to derive an analytical expression to the value of information, and examine its sensitivity under different parameter settings and distributions. In the Gaussian case the proposed technique is exact. Our analytical method is compared against the alternative Monte-Carlo method, and we show similarity of results for various sample sizes of the data. The closed form results are much faster to compute. Model weighting and bootstrap are used to measure the sensitivity of our analysis to model and parameter uncertainty. A general guidance on making decisions using our results is offered. Application of the method is presented in a spatial decision problem for treating the Bovine Tuberculosis in the United Kingdom, and for rock fall avoidance decisions in a Norwegian mine

    Comparison of Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation Methods for Sparse Oceanographic Data

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    For oceanographic applications, probabilistic forecasts typically have to deal with i) high-dimensional complex models, and ii) very sparse spatial observations. In search-and-rescue operations at sea, for instance, the short-term predictions of drift trajectories are essential to efficiently define search areas, but in-situ buoy observations provide only very sparse point measurements, while the mission is ongoing. Statistically optimal forecasts, including consistent uncertainty statements, rely on Bayesian methods for data assimilation to make the best out of both the complex mathematical modeling and the sparse spatial data. To identify suitable approaches for data assimilation in this context, we discuss localisation strategies and compare two state-of-the-art ensemble-based methods for applications with spatially sparse observations. The first method is a version of the ensemble-transform Kalman filter, where we tailor a localisation scheme for sparse point data. The second method is the implicit equal-weights particle filter which has recently been tested for related oceanographic applications. First, we study a linear spatio-temporal model for contaminant advection and diffusion, where the analytical Kalman filter provides a reference. Next, we consider a simplified ocean model for sea currents, where we conduct state estimation and predict drift. Insight is gained by comparing ensemble-based methods on a number of skill scores including prediction bias and accuracy, distribution coverage, rank histograms, spatial connectivity and drift trajectory forecasts

    VNIbCReg: VICReg with Neighboring-Invariance and better-Covariance Evaluated on Non-stationary Seismic Signal Time Series

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    One of the latest self-supervised learning (SSL) methods, VICReg, showed a great performance both in the linear evaluation and the fine-tuning evaluation. However, VICReg is proposed in computer vision and it learns by pulling representations of random crops of an image while maintaining the representation space by the variance and covariance loss. However, VICReg would be ineffective on non-stationary time series where different parts/crops of input should be differently encoded to consider the non-stationarity. Another recent SSL proposal, Temporal Neighborhood Coding (TNC) is effective for encoding non-stationary time series. This study shows that a combination of a VICReg-style method and TNC is very effective for SSL on non-stationary time series, where a non-stationary seismic signal time series is used as an evaluation dataset

    Block composite likelihood models for analysis of large spatial datasets

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    Abstract Large spatial datasets become more common as a result of automatic sensors, remote sensing and the increase in data storage capacity. But large spatial datasets are hard to analyse. Even in the simplest Gaussian situation, parameter estimation and prediction are troublesome because one requires matrix factorization of a large covariance matrix. We consider a composite likelihood construction built on the joint densities of subsets of variables. This composite model thus splits a datasets in many smaller datasets, each of which can be evaluated separately. These subsets of data are combined through a summation giving the final composite likelihood. Massive datasets can be handled with this approach. In particular, we consider a block composite likelihood model, constructed over pairs of spatial blocks. The blocks can be disjoint, overlapping or at various resolution. The main idea is that the spatial blocking should capture the important correlation effects in the data. Estimates for unknown parameters as well as optimal spatial predictions under the block composite model are obtained. Asymptotic variances for both parameter estimates and predictions are computed using Godambe sandwich matrices. The procedure is demonstrated on 2D and 3D datasets with regular and irregular sampling of data. For smaller data size we compare with optimal predictors, for larger data size we discuss and compare various blocking schemes

    Estimation and Prediction in Spatial Models With Block Composite Likelihoods

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    This article develops a block composite likelihood for estimation and prediction in large spatial datasets. The composite likelihood (CL) is constructed from the joint densities of pairs of adjacent spatial blocks. This allows large datasets to be split into many smaller datasets, each of which can be evaluated separately, and combined through a simple summation. Estimates for unknown parameters are obtained by maximizing the block CL function. In addition, a new method for optimal spatial prediction under the block CL is presented. Asymptotic variances for both parameter estimates and predictions are computed using Godambe sandwich matrices. The approach considerably improves computational efficiency, and the composite structure obviates the need to load entire datasets into memory at once, completely avoiding memory limitations imposed by massive datasets. Moreover, computing time can be reduced even further by distributing the operations using parallel computing. A simulation study shows that CL estimates and predictions, as well as their corresponding asymptotic confidence intervals, are competitive with those based on the full likelihood. The procedure is demonstrated on one dataset from the mining industry and one dataset of satellite retrievals. The real-data examples show that the block composite results tend to outperform two competitors; the predictive process model and fixed-rank kriging

    Learning excursion sets of vector-valued Gaussian random fields for autonomous ocean sampling

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    Improving and optimizing oceanographic sampling is a crucial task for marine science and maritime resource management. Faced with limited resources in understanding processes in the water-column, the combination of statistics and autonomous systems provide new opportunities for experimental design. In this work we develop efficient spatial sampling methods for characterizing regions defined by simultaneous exceedances above prescribed thresholds of several responses, with an application focus on mapping coastal ocean phenomena based on temperature and salinity measurements. Specifically, we define a design criterion based on uncertainty in the excursions of vector-valued Gaussian random fields, and derive tractable expressions for the expected integrated Bernoulli variance reduction in such a framework. We demonstrate how this criterion can be used to prioritize sampling efforts at locations that are ambiguous, making exploration more effective. We use simulations to study and compare properties of the considered approaches, followed by results from field deployments with an autonomous underwater vehicle as part of a study mapping the boundary of a river plume. The results demonstrate the potential of combining statistical methods and robotic platforms to effectively inform and execute data-driven environmental sampling