539 research outputs found

    Hyperthyroidism in cats: a review of cases seen at a first opinion veterinary hospital practice in the UK

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaThis thesis is constituted by one retrospective study and one prospective study of the hyperthyroid cat population of the Wylie Veterinary Centre. The retrospective study was based on 266 hyperthyroid cats presented in the practice from 1/8/07 to 31/7/09, with the objective of characterizing the population and evaluating the efficacy and safety of the different therapeutic options. The therapeutic options were surgery and medical therapy with Neo-mercazole® (carbimazole), Felimazole® (methimazole), methimazole liquid and Vidalta® (sustained release carbimazole). Methimazole liquid was the most effective option, controlling 69,2% of the cases. Because it is no longer available, the most effective available option is the unilateral thyroidectomy, with 69% of controlled cases. Neo-mercazole® and methimazole liquid were the safest options, without causing adverse reactions. However, because they are no longer available, the safest option is probably the unilateral thyroidectomiy, with only 4,8% of complications. Comparing the available medical options, Vidalta® seems to be the most effective, with 54,9% of controlled cases, and Felimazole® the safest, causing adverse reactions in 5,13% of the cases. Comparing the costs of the different treatment options, medical therapy requires a lower initial investment, but thyroidectomy seems to be the most economical long-term option, corresponding to a oneyear course of medical treatment and to half the price of radioiodine therapy. The prospective study involves the 77 hyperthyroid cats seen in a period of 3 months. The population was characterized, the frequency of the clinical signs, hematologic and biochemical changes was determined, as well as the outcome of medical and surgical therapy and the involvement of the parathyroid in surgery. The extracted thyroid glands and submitted to histopathology. The population had a mean of 14 years of age. 18 new cases were diagnosed, corresponding to 6 new hyperthyroid cats per month. All cats presented weight loss. The frequency of diarrhoea, dyspnoea, heart murmur, PU/PD, skin lesions and vomiting was much lower than described the in literature, as well as the frequency of erythrocytosis, increased liver enzymes and hyperphosphatemia. Azotemia had a higher frequency than described in the literature and de novo azotemia happened after treatment in 15,6% of the cases. The incidence of side effects of treatment was 23,38%. The most frequent concomitant disease was dental disease and the most common diagnostic complementary exam was echocardiography. The only patient that died of a complication from surgery was submitted to a simultaneous bilateral surgery. In 2 of the 7 thyroidectomies the parathyroid’s blood supply was not preserved. Thyroid carcinoma was found in 3 of the 7 analysed glands.RESUMO - Este trabalho é constituído por um estudo retrospectivo e um estudo prospectivo da população de gatos hipertiroideus do hospital veterinário Wylie Veterinary Centre, no Reino Unido, Foi feito um estudo retrospectivo dos 266 casos apresentados no Wylie Veterinary Centre entre 1/8/07 e 31/7/09, com o objectivo de caracterizar a população e avaliar a eficácia e segurança das várias opções terapêuticas. As opções terapêuticas foram tiroidectomia e terapêutica médica com Neo-mercazole® (carbimazol), Felimazole® (metimazol), metimazol líquido e Vidalta® (carbimazol de libertação contínua). Metimazol líquido foi a opção mais eficaz, controlando 69.2% dos casos. Por não se encontrar disponível, a opção disponível mais eficaz é a tiroidectomia unilateral, com 69% de casos controlados. Neo-mercazole® e metimazol líquido constituem as opções mais seguras, não tendo registado quaisquer reacções adversas. Contudo, por já não estarem disponíveis, a opção disponível mais segura é a tiroidectomia unilateral, com apenas 4,8% de complicações. Comparando as opções terapêuticas médicas disponíveis, Vidalta® parece ser o mais eficaz, com 54,9% dos casos controlados e Felimazole® o mais seguro, com 5,13% de reacções adversas. Comparando os custos das opções terapêuticas, a terapêutica médica requer um menor investimento inicial. A tiroidectomia parece ser a mais económica a longo prazo, correspondendo ao custo de um ano de terapêutica médica e a metade do preço de tratamento com iodo radioactivo. Foi feito um estudo prospectivo dos 77 gatos hipertiroideus apresentados num período de 3 meses. A população foi caracterizada e foi determinada a frequência dos sinais clínicos, alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas, bem como os resultados obtidos com as terapêuticas médica e cirúrgica. As tiróides extirpadas foram submetidas a análise histopatológica. A média de idades da população foi de 14 anos. Foram diagnosticados 18 novos casos, o que corresponde a 6 novos casos por mês. Todos os casos apresentaram perda de peso. A frequência de ocorrência de diarreia, dispneia, sopros cardíacos, PU/PD, lesões cutâneas e vómitos foi acentuadamente mais baixa que a descrita na bibliografia, bem como a frequência de eritrocitose, elevação das enzimas hepáticas e hiperfosfatémia. A frequência de azotémicos foi superior à descrita na literatura e ocorreu azotémia de novo em 15,6% dos casos. Houve efeitos secundários à terapêutica em 23,38% dos casos. A doença concomitante mais frequente foi a patologia dentária e o meio de diagnóstico complementar mais utilizado foi a ecocardiografia. A única morte devida a uma complicação pós-cirúrgica ocorreu após uma tiroidectomia bilateral não faseada. Em 2 das 7 tiroidectomias não foi possível preservar o aporte sanguíneo da paratiroide. 3 das 7 glândulas analisadas apresentaram carcinomas

    Evaluation of the mining potential of the São Domingos mine wastes, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal

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    Abstract: The outcropping São Domingos Iberian Pyrite Belt deposit was mined since Roman time and between 1857 and 1966. The mine is formed by a 120 m depth flooded open pit and galleries until 420 m depth. Associated with felsic volcanic rocks and black shales of the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex, the deposit is formed by massive sulphide and stockwork ore (py, ccp, sp, ga, tt, apy) and related supergene enrichment ore (hematite gossan and covellite/chalcocite). Different mine wastes classes were mapped: gossan, felsic volcanic and shales, shales and landfill. Considering the CONASA mining waste characterization (162 shafts and 160 reverse circulation boreholes/LNEG database), new inferred resources are presented, using block modelling software: 2.38 Mt @ 0.77 g/t Au and 8.26 g/t Ag in non-conditioned volumes. Considering all evaluated wastes, including urban areas, an inferred resource of 4.0 Mt @ 0.64 g/t Au and 7.30 g/t Ag is presented, corresponding to a metal content of 82,878 oz t Au and 955,753 oz t Ag. Keywords: São Domingos mine, mining wastes resources, Iberian Pyrite Belt

    Emotional intelligence profile of tourists and its impact on tourism

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    The study aims to characterize, for the first time, the emotional intelligence profile of the tourists visiting the city of Porto as well as to observe its influence on the intention to return and activities perfomed during the stay, along with other sociodemographic factors,To achieve these purposes, we used a sample of 886 responses with the following purposes: on the one hand, to get the emotional intelligence constructs by applying the confirmatory factorial analysis, and on the other hand, to apply a logit model to describe the intention to return. Four constructs of tourists’ emotional intelligence emerged: emotion regulation, emotion use, evaluation of their own emotions, and evaluation of others’ emotions. . The first construct was indicated as the most important leading us to conclude that tourists have the ability to control their own emotions, presenting a strong emotional control. The four constructs and different variables of the tourists’ socio-demographic profile show a positive effect on the intention to return. This type of information is highly useful for the sector since it allows the definition of communication strategies and guides businesses to adapt to the profile of tourists.B913-0565-0908 | Elvira VieiraN/

    Explorando as percepções sobre o impacto da marca nas operações da organização, em business-to-business- Estudo de um processo de rebranding numa agência de marketing

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    Mestrado em MarketingEsta dissertação procura analisar, tendo em conta as percepções dos seus colaboradores, a forma como a marca influencia as operações de uma agência de marketing, na sequência de um processo de rebranding. Este estudo exploratório foi realizado através do método de estudo de caso, aplicado numa agência de marketing, na qual foram realizadas entrevistas aos seus colaboradores. Como resultado concluiu-se que a marca teve impacto nas operações da empresa, na medida em que o rebranding fez variar as associações à mesma. O processo rebranding trouxe novos pontos de contacto e novas tácticas de actuação pelo que a estrutura de funcionamento interno da empresa também teve de ser ajustada perante a nova realidade. Contudo, a marca tem uma natureza sistémica e é difícil estabelecer a associação entre o fenómeno de rebranding e a aquisição de novo negócio.The current thesis aims to investigate the way the brand influences the business operations of a marketing agency, given its collaborators perceptions, and after a rebranding process. This exploratory study has been driven by a case study on a marketing agency, during which have been conducted interviews with its collaborators. As a result of this investigation it can be concluded that the brand influenced the marketing agency business operations, in the way that the rebranding process originated different brand associations within the clients. The rebranding process brought new opportunities in terms of contact with clients and communication tactics, which originated the need of adjustments in the agency internal structure and business operations. However, a brand as a systemic nature, which creates difficulties in establishing a relation between the rebranding process and the new business acquisition

    Avaliação do potencial mineiro das escombreiras da mina de São Domingos, Faixa Piritosa Ibérica, Portugal

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    ABSTRACT: The outcropping São Domingos Iberian Pyrite Belt deposit was mined since Roman time and between 1857 and 1966. The mine is formed by a 120 m depth flooded open pit and galleries until 420 m depth. Associated with felsic volcanic rocks and black shales of the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex, the deposit is formed by massive sulphide and stockwork ore (py, ccp, sp, ga, tt, apy) and related supergene enrichment ore (hematite gossan and covellite/chalcocite). Different mine wastes classes were mapped: gossan, felsic volcanic and shales, shales and landfill. Considering the CONASA mining waste characterization (162 shafts and 160 reverse circulation boreholes/LNEG database), new inferred resources are presented, using block modelling software: 2.38 Mt @ 0.77 g/t Au and 8.26 g/t Ag in non-conditioned volumes. Considering all evaluated wastes, including urban areas, an inferred resource of 4.0 Mt @ 0.64 g/t Au and 7.30 g/t Ag is presented, corresponding to a metal content of 82,878 oz t Au and 955,753 oz t Ag.RESUMO: Localizado na Faixa Piritosa Ibérica, o jazigo de São Domingos foi explorado na época Romana e no período entre 1857 e 1966, tendo sido escavada uma corta com 120 m de profundidade e abertas galerias mineiras até 420 m. O minério é formado por sulfuretos maciços e stockwork (py, ccp, sp, ga, tt, apy) e respetivo enriquecimento supergénico (chapéu de ferro hematítico e zona de covelite/calcocite), encontrando-se associado a rochas vulcânicas félsicas e xistos negros do Complexo Vulcano-Sedimentar. Cartografaram-se diferentes classes de escombreiras: chapéu de ferro, rochas vulcânicas e xistos, xistos e aterros. Considerando a sua caracterização efetuada pela empresa CONASA (162 poços e 160 sondagens de circulação inversa/base de dados LNEG), foram inferidos novos recursos usando software de modelação por blocos: 2,38 Mt @ 0,77 g/t Au e 8,26 g/t Ag (volumes não condicionados). Considerando todos os recursos avaliados (incluindo áreas urbanas) inferem-se valores de 4,0 Mt @ 0.64 g/t Au e 7,30 g/t Ag, correspondendo a um conteúdo em metal de 82 878 oz t Au e 955 753 oz t Ag.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Automatic annotation of heart rate sequences

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    Heart Rate (HR) measurement is one of the most effective ways to determine whether a person is stressed or not. The analysis of a series of HR measurements can help determine whether the HR decreased, increased dramatically, or remained consistent during that time period. With this in mind, an automatic annotator that can automatically label HR sequences, determining these three possible states, is an ideal solution because it eliminates the need for a human to do it manually. This paper presents a web-based application that, given a .csv file containing Heart Rate successive measurements and their respective time stamps, can label sequences of any size that the user specifies. This opens up the possibility of training Machine Learning models with this data and classifying whether the user is in a stressful situation or not, in real time. Although further refinements will be made, our annotator proved to be robust and consistent in its annotation performance.This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project GreenHealth - Digital strategies in biological assets to improve well-being and promote green health, Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000042. This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hikes and levadas in Madeira: characterizing visitors and their experience

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    Recent research indicates that more and more often tourists use the Madeira Natural Park (MNP) area to develop their physical activity, through mountain hiking and Levada walks. This study aims at identifying tourists’ characteristics and to understand how visitors live their experience. A survey was carried out at the end of two different activities and the sample was divided into two groups (G1: Levada Walks in the Laurissilva; G2: Walks outside the Laurissilva). The data was collected immedi ately after the activity ended (total: 293; male: 124; female: 169) and people were asked about: 1. Information availa ble at the start of the activity; 2. Interaction and attention demand; 3. Natural area visited. The data indicates that the Madeira tourists have higher education, many are students and teachers, the majority being European. Our tourists are well informed about the natural environment and more than 90% agreed that it was ideal for aesthetic enjoyment and inspiring exploration. Our findings can help the tourist agents to improve their products, encour age the agencies to attract new markets outside Europe and can work as a basis for providing more guidance in the MNP, promoting a higher ‘flow experience’.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Política Social de Combate a Pobreza e Desigualdade Social na Guiné-Bissau no séc. XXI

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso Serviço SocialO tema para a elaboração desse trabalho surgiu no âmbito da disciplina obrigatória Serviço Social e Política social: Padrões Atuais de Proteção Social, presente na grade curricular do curso de Serviço Social. A pesquisa realizada teve como objetivo geral analisar a política de combate à pobreza na Guiné-Bissau no séc. XXI através do Documento de Estratégia Nacional de Redução da Pobreza (DENARP). Neste contexto, este trabalho procura, ao longo de sua elaboração, analisar a política que orienta a compreensão da pobreza e desigualdade social na Guiné-Bissau através dos estudos realizados no país, conforme preconizam os objetivos expostos no Documento, as pesquisas locais e internacionais. Esta monografia consubstanciou-se em Pesquisa Documental e Exploratória, utilizando documentos do arquivo do Ministério de Solidariedade Social, Família e Luta contra a Pobreza na Guiné-Bissau, o DENARP, e o Relatório Anual de Ação para o Desenvolvimento, que relata os problemas sociais, econômicos e outros problemas presentes no país. Também foram utilizados para a realização desta monografia documentos do Ministério da Educação, através do projeto Firkidja, entre outros arquivos levantados por via Eletrônic

    Turismo holístico e desenvolvimento pessoal: um estudo sobre as potencialidades do Jardim das Borboletas

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Planeamento em TurismoO turismo de bem-estar proporciona ao turista condições e experiências que revitalizam não só o bem-estar físico, como o emocional, mental e social. Através do turismo holístico é possível atingir o autoconhecimento, autorrealização e paz interior. Quando um indivíduo passa por estas etapas, a sua aprendizagem e o seu desenvolvimento pessoal aumentam e este transforma-se numa pessoa mais divertida, despreocupada, feliz com a vida, pretendendo partilhar o seu conhecimento e transformando maneiras de pensar. Este trabalho tem como objectivo compreender as tendências e necessidades essenciais para o indivíduo no que respeita à prática de terapias meditativas, incluindo retiros espirituais. Enquadrado num desafio proposto pelo Jardim das Borboletas, a implementação de atividades deste tipo contribuem não só para o crescimento e promoção do espaço e da cidade onde se encontra, como beneficia as possibilidades do indivíduo aprender a se desenvolver pessoalmente, transformando-se num ser humano melhor. Com base na revisão de literatura e num estudo exploratório realizado junto de centros de yoga e de terapias meditativas foi possível identificar aspetos fundamentais a este tema e elaborar o instrumento de pesquisa utilizado – inquérito por questionário, administrado a uma amostra de 104 inquiridos. Os dados obtidos, submetidos a um tratamento estatístico, permitem identificar a influência do desenvolvimento pessoal nas viagens turísticas e, consequentemente, na escolha dos destinos turísticos. O espaço em estudo – Jardim das Borboletas – foi também considerado apto à realização de actividades no contexto do turismo holístico.Wellness tourism provides tourists the conditions and experiences that revitalize, not only the physical well-being, but also the emotional, mental and social one. However it is with the contribution of holistic tourism that we can achieve self-knowledge, self-realization and inner peace. When an individual goes through all these stages, his/her learning and personal development increases and becomes a funnier person, carefree, happy with life and wants to share his/her knowledge, transforming ways of thinking This work aims to understand trends and essential needs for the individual with regard to the practice of meditative therapies, including spiritual retreats. Framed in a challenge posed by the Jardim das Borboletas, the implementation of activities of this kind not only contribute to the growth and promotion of the area and the city, how it benefits the possibilities of the individual to learn to develop personally, becoming a better human being. Based on the literature review and an exploratory survey applied on yoga and meditative therapies centers it was identified fundamental aspects to this topic and prepared the research instrument used – a questionnaire survey administered to a sample of 104 respondents. The data were submitted to a statistical analysis, identifying the influence of personal development in tours and hence the choice of tourist destinations. The area under study - the Butterfly Garden - was also considered able to carry out activities in the context of holistic tourism