578 research outputs found

    Budo as philosophical background of Karate-Do: does the training method really matter?

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    Background. The practice of Japanese originated martial arts, like Karate-Do, is associated with an individual “path of enlightment” or the way of living (Do), that surpasses the athletic practice for itself. The concept of Budo, with all values, moral principles and patterns of behaviour, is traditionally linked to this path or way, being the philosophical background of the practice. The globalisation of the Karate-Do have created two main ways or training methods with different main goals – traditional one and sports Karate-Do. Problem. The main objective of this study is to compare the evaluations of different Budo- associated aspects, values, principles and domains, to find the differences between karateka who are engaged in both training methods. Method. A questionnaire was applied, in Portugal, to a group of 78 karateka with more than two years of continued training, who are engaged or use a traditional or sports training method. Results. The results show a high and similar evaluation scores of all items questioned on both training methods, only with single and not consistent differences. Conclusion. Without generalising, we can assume that karateka observe the philosophical background of Karate-Do (Budo) in only one way, even when they are engaged in different methods of practice with different main goals. So, Karate-Do philosophy is one,only daily practices in dojo and goals differ. However, further investigation is needed to support these conclusions

    Exploração de Covert Channels de Rede sobre comunicações IEEE 802.15.4

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    The advancements in information and communication technology in the past decades have been converging into a new communication paradigm in which everything is expected to be interconnected with the heightened pervasiveness and ubiquity of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. As these technologies mature, they are increasingly finding its way into more sensitive domains, such as Medical and Industrial IoT, in which safety and cyber-security are paramount. While the number of deployed IoT devices continues to increase annually, up to tens of billions of connected devices, IoT devices continue to present severe cyber-security vulnerabilities, which are worsened by challenges such as scalability, heterogeneity, and their often scarce computing capacity. Network covert channels are increasingly being used to support malware with stealthy behaviours, aiming at exfiltrating data or to orchestrate nodes of a botnet in a cloaked fashion. Nevertheless, the attention to this problem regarding underlying and pervasive IoT protocols such as the IEEE 802.15.4 has been scarce. Therefore, in this Thesis, we aim at analysing the performance and feasibility of such covertchannel implementations upon the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol to support the development of new mechanisms and add-ons that can effectively contribute to improve the current state of-art of IoT systems which rely on such, or similar underlying communication technologies.Os avanços nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação nas últimas décadas têm convergido num novo paradigma de comunicação, onde se espera que todos os intervenientes estejam interconectados pela ubiquidade do paradigma da Internet of Things (Internet das Coisas). Com a maturação destas tecnologias, elas têm-se vindo a infiltrar em domínios cada vez mais sensíveis, como nas aplicações médicas e industriais, onde a confiabilidade da informação e cyber-segurança são um fator crítico. Num contexto onde o número de dispositivos IoT continua a aumentar anualmente, já na ordem das dezenas de biliões de dispositivos interconectados, estes continuam, contudo, a apresentar severas vulnerabilidades no campo da cyber-segurança, sendo que os desafios como a escalabilidade, heterogeneidade e, na maioria das vezes, a sua baixa capacidade de processamento, tornam ainda mais complexa a sua resolução de forma permanente. Os covert channels de rede são cada vez mais um meio de suporte a malwares que apresentam comportamentos furtivos, almejando a extração de informação sensível ou a orquestração de nós de uma botnet de uma forma camuflada. Contudo, a atenção dada a este problema em protocolos de rede IoT abrangentes como o IEEE 802.15.4, tem sido escassa. Portanto, nesta tese, pretende-se elaborar uma análise da performance e da viabilidade da implementação de covert channels em modelos de rede onde figura o protocolo IEEE 802.15.4 de forma a suportar o desenvolvimento de novos mecanismos e complementos que podem efetivamente contribuir para melhorar a ciber-segurança de sistemas IoT que dependem do suporte destas tecnologias de comunicação

    Modeling the influence of formalin fixation time on the elemental constitution of human tissues

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    Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 9.6 million deaths. Therefore, an early and accurate diagnosis is essential. Trace elements are essential and are linked with toxicity when they exist in abnormal quantities. Thus, understanding the mechanisms of assimilation/accumulation of trace elements may be indicative of the genesis or progression of certain diseases, such as carcinogenesis. X-rays have been employed in the medical system since its discovery, particularly for diagnostics and treatments. Micro Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (μEDXRF) is used as a multielement analysis technique of trace elements, once it measures non- destructively actual tissue levels of elements in very small portion of tissue, and it was the chosen one for this Master Thesis. Previous studies show that the formalin fixation time influences the elemental composition present on the tissue, focusing on the drastic decrease of K and Cl after 48 hours. In order to have an accurate quantification of this elements, we need to study the influence of formalin fixation time on tissues. In this work, 6 sets of muscle tissues, from Instituto Português de Oncologia (IPO), submitted to different fixation times in formalin were analyzed with the goal to param- eterize the influence of formalin fixation time on the elemental constitution of human tissues, focusing on 9 trace elements - K, Zn, Cl, P, S, Cu, Fe, Mn and Ca. The quantitative analysis was done using Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) to build elemental cali- bration curves. All the data was treated in different ways, namely with ROOT software - removing background and identifying each elemental peaks - and with the Compton-to- Rayleigh Ratio correction, in order to minimize errors and improve accuracy. Statistical tests, Shapiro-Wilk was performed to test the normality of the distributions of each ele- ment and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA to compare the tissues with different fixation times. The results obtained, confirmed what it was expected, showing that the K and Cl concentrations dramatically decrease in the first 3 hours of formalin fixation time.O cancro é uma das principais causas de morte em todo o mundo, sendo responsável por quase 9,6 milhões de mortes. Portanto, um diagnóstico precoce e preciso é essencial. Os elementos traço são essenciais e estão ligados à toxicidade quando existem em quanti- dades anormais. Assim, a compreensão dos mecanismos de assimilação/acumulação de elementos traço pode ser um indicativo do aparecimento ou progressão de certas doenças, como a carcinogénese. Os raios-X têm sido usados no sistema médico desde sua descoberta, principalmente para diagnósticos e tratamentos. A μEDXRF é utilizada como técnica de análise multiele- mentar de elementos traço, uma vez que mede, de uma forma não destrutiva elementos numa porção muito pequena de tecido, e foi a técnica escolhida para esta Dissertação de Mestrado. Estudos anteriores mostram que o tempo de fixação em formol influencia a composição elementar presente no tecido, focando na diminuição drástica de K e Cl após 48 horas. Para uma quantificação precisa desses elementos, precisamos estudar a influência do tempo de fixação em formol nos tecidos. Neste trabalho, 6 conjuntos de tecidos musculares, do IPO, submetidos a diferentes tempos de fixação em formol foram analisados com o objetivo de parametrizar a influên- cia do tempo de fixação em formol na constituição elementar dos tecidos humanos, com foco em 9 elementos traço - K, Zn, Cl, P, S, Cu, Fe, Mn e Ca. A análise quantitativa foi feita utilizando CRMs para construir curvas de calibração elementares. Todos os dados foram tratados de diferentes formas, nomeadamente com software ROOT - removendo o fundo e identificando cada pico elementar - e com a correção Compton-to-Rayleigh Ratio, de forma a minimizar erros e melhorar a precisão. Foram usados testes estatísti- cos, nomeadamente o Shapiro-Wilk para testar a normalidade das distribuições de cada elemento e o Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA para comparar os tecidos com diferentes tempos de fixação. Os resultados confirmaram o esperado, mostrando que as concentrações de K e Cl dramaticamente nas primeiras 3 horas de fixação em formol

    Use of half-generation PAMAM dendrimers (G0. 5–G3. 5) with carboxylate end-groups to improve the DACHPtCl2 and 5-FU efficacy as anticancer drugs

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    The DACHPtCl2 compound (trans-(R,R)-1,2-diaminocyclohexanedichloroplatinum(II)) is a potent anticancer drug with a broad spectrum of activity and is less toxic than oxaliplatin (trans-l-diaminocyclohexane oxalate platinum II), with which it shares the active metal fragment DACHPt. Nevertheless, due to poor water solubility, its use as a chemotherapeutic drug is limited. Here, DACHPtCl2 was conjugated, in a bidentate form, with half-generation PAMAM dendrimers (G0.5–G3.5) with carboxylate end-groups, and the resulting conjugates were evaluated against various types of cancer cell lines. In this way, we aimed at increasing the solubility and availability at the target site of DACHPt while potentially reducing the adverse side effects. DNA binding assays showed a hyperchromic effect compatible with DNA helix’s disruption upon the interaction of the metallodendrimers and/or the released active metallic fragments with DNA. Furthermore, the prepared DACHPt metallodendrimers presented cytotoxicity in a wide set of cancer cell lines used (the relative potency regarding oxaliplatin was in general high) and were not hemotoxic. Importantly, their selectivity for A2780 and CACO-2 cancer cells with respect to non-cancer cells was particularly high. Subsequently, the anticancer drug 5-FU was loaded in a selected metallodendrimer (the G2.5COO(DACHPt)16) to investigate a possible synergistic effect between the two drugs carried by the same dendrimer scaffold and tested for cytotoxicity in A2780cisR and CACO-2 cancer cell lines. This combination resulted in IC50 values much lower than the IC50 for 5-FU but higher than those found for the metallodendrimers without 5-FU. It seems, thus, that the metallic fragment-induced cytotoxicity dominates over the cytotoxicity of 5-FU in the set of considered cell lines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Uber technologies, inc. initial public offering

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    Concerning its main application, Corporate Finance studies, this case study aims, among others,to showcase historical trends in initial public offerings and IPO underwriting, and deviations, idiosyncratic or structural, from the norm, making use of contemporary, notable examples and contextualizing them within an historical backdrop. To explore overlooked money-making opportunities available to financial institutions (in particular, investment banks), such as the over-allotment option, propose an IPO valuation exercise. To juxtapose IPOvaluation with IPO pricingand explore this conceptual dynamic applied to a concrete, real and prominent event, the Uber Technologies Inc. initial public offering. To prospect the game of incentives underpinning an initial public offer: from the vantage point of the company insiders, the early investors, the IPO buyers, the underwriters, the retail investor –and prompt a discussion on sell-side conflicts of interest, on which clients and actors does the investment bank/underwriter fiduciary responsibility lie with, and how they are bound to inform and shape deals

    Did the recent financial crisis contribute to an EU Multi-Speed Banking System?

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    Mestrado em FinançasO elevado impacto da crise financeira de 2007-08 na União Europeia (UE) gerou um período marcado por incerteza e ineficiência, enfatizando as discrepâncias entre os países pertencentes à UE. A presente dissertação tem como principal propósito investigar os efeitos da recente crise financeira no desempenho do sistema bancário em diferentes países da UE, apresentando resultados empíricos da sua evolução durante o período de 2000 a 2014. Um painel composto por 12 países pertencentes à UE (Alemanha, Áustria, Bélgica, Espanha, França, Holanda, Grécia, Irlanda, Itália, Portugal, Reino Unido e Suécia) foi selecionado e subdividido de acordo com a reacção dos países face à crise financeira. Foram analisados três níveis de eficiência (Eficiência Técnica, Alocativa e de Custos) obtidos através da metodologia Data Envelopment Analysis, um método não paramétrico, usando como variáveis os dados presentes nas contas consolidadas das demonstrações financeiras do aglomerado de bancos comerciais e de poupança de cada país, obtidos através da base de dados Bankscope. Os principais resultados da análise indicam um aumento dos níveis de eficiência nos países analisados da UE nos últimos anos, bem como a redução das oscilações dos níveis de eficiência. A comparação entre os países analisados permitiu concluir que se mantém um fosso nos níveis de eficiência no período Pós-Crise, induzindo diferentes impactos e reacções à crise financeira por parte dos países definidos para esta análise. No entanto não existe evidência empírica de uma relação entre indicadores macroeconómicos e eficiência bancária nos países seleccionados.The impact of the global financial crisis of 2007-08 in the European Union (EU) induced a transition process marked by uncertainty and inefficiency, emphasizing the discrepancies among EU countries. Following this thought, this paper aims to investigate the effects of the recent financial crisis in bank system performance in different EU countries, providing empirical evidence regarding its evolution over the period of time 2000-2014. A panel composed of 12 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom) was selected and subdivided according to countries' reactions to the financial crisis. Three types of efficiency (Technical, Allocative and Cost Efficiency) were computed applying the Data Envelopment Analysis, a non-parametric approach, using as bank level variables the annual consolidated financial statement accounts of the agglomerate commercial and savings banks presented in BankScope Database. The main results point out an overall improvement of banking efficiency in the EU in the last sample years as well as a reduction of efficiency level´s oscillations in a yearly basis. From the comparison of banking efficiency among the selected countries it was observed the maintenance of a significant efficiency level gap in the Post-Crisis period, inducing different impacts and reactions to periods of financial distress in the countries defined for this analysis. Nevertheless, it was not found any strong empirical evidence of a relationship between bank performance and macroeconomic environment in the selected countries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Drivers of extreme burnt area in Portugal: fire weather and vegetation

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    Fire weather indices are used to assess the effect of weather on wildfire behaviour and to support fire management. Previous studies identified the high daily severity rating percentile (DSRp) as being strongly related to the total burnt area (BA) in Portugal, but it is still poorly understood how this knowledge can support fire management at a smaller spatial scale. The aims of this study were to (1) assess whether the 90th DSRp (DSR90p) threshold is adequate for estimating most of the BA in mainland Portugal; (2) analyse the spatial variability of the DSRp threshold that explains a large part of BA, at higher resolution; and, (3) analyse whether vegetation cover can justify the DSRp spatial variability. We used weather reanalysis data from ERA5-Land, wildfire and land use data from Portuguese land management departments for an extended summer period (15 May to 31 October) from 2001 to 2019. We computed and related DSRp to large wildfires (BA &gt; 100 ha) and land use to clarify the effectiveness of the DSRp for estimating BA in Portugal and assess how vegetation influences it. Results revealed that the DSR90p is an adequate indicator of extreme fire weather days and BA in Portugal. In addition, the spatial pattern of the DSRp associated with most of the total BA shows variability at the municipality scale. Municipalities where large wildfires occur with more extreme weather conditions have most of the BAs in forests and are in coastal areas. By contrast, municipalities where large wildfires occur with less extreme weather conditions are predominantly covered by shrublands and are situated in eastern and inland regions. These findings are a novelty for fire science in Portugal and should be considered by fire managers and fire risk assessors.</p

    Strategic environmental assessment practices in European small islands : insights from Azores and Orkney islands

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    The literature concerning Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) often refers to the importance of context-specific approaches. However, there is a lack of systematised and consistent studies that enhance tailor-made SEA practices and procedures. Small islands are bounded units of study which may help explore SEA theory and practice in special territories. Small islands present particular features and unique values, such as, small size and population, geographic isolation, limited resources and vulnerable ecosystems. Hence, the main goal of this research was to profile SEA practices and procedures in European small islands and provide a background for future research aiming to improve context-specific SEA applications. To achieve this goal, an exploratory case study was developed using Azores (Portugal) and Orkney (Scotland) archipelagos. An analysis of the corresponding mainland was also carried out to contextualise both case studies. The data collection was achieved through a qualitative content analysis of 43 Environmental Reports. The research found that there is not an SEA context-specific approach used within these European small islands, including guidelines, assessment topics, assessment techniques, follow-up and stakeholders engagement. The debate concerning specific approaches to small islands must be re-focused on the enhancement of SEA capacity-building amongst different stakeholders (including decision-makers), on the development and implementation of collaborative approaches, and on the exchange of knowledge and experiences between small islands networks