112 research outputs found

    Why we should use long-acting injectable antipsychotics more frequently

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    Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Department of Neuroscience and BehaviorConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico National Science and Technology Institute for Translational MedicineUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Department of Clinical MedicineUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Psychiatry Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Clinical NeurosciencesUSP School of Medicine Department and Institute of PsychiatryUNIFESP, Department of Psychiatry Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Clinical NeurosciencesSciEL

    Assimetrias hemisféricas na percepção de expressões faciais: um estudo com a técnica de campo visual dividido

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    Les différences hémisphériques dans la perception d'expressions du visage de joie, tristesse, colère et peur, ont été investiguées. Vingt-et-un volontaires (9H, 12F) ont participé de l'expérience. La technique d'étude de champ visuel divisé a été utilisée avec la présentation de faces à droite et à gauche du point de fixation dans les conditions: 1) face avec émotion à droite et face neutre à gauche; 2) face neutre à droite et face avec émotion à gauche; 3) face avec émotion à droite et à gauche; 4) face neutre à droite et à gauche. Les participants ont déterminé le coté qui avait présenté la face que révélait plus d'émotion. Les analyses de temps de réponse ont montré que tristesse et peur ont été identifiés plus rapidement dans le champ visuel gauche, ce que indiquerait un avantage du hémisphère droit dans la reconnaissance de ces expressions. La reconnaissance d'expressions négatives par l'hémisphère droit est partiellement conforme à l'hypothèse de valence.Foram investigadas as diferenças hemisféricas na percepção de expressões faciais de alegria, tristeza, raiva e medo. Vinte e um voluntários (9H, 12M) participaram do experimento. Foi utilizada a técnica de estudo campo visual dividido com a apresentação de faces à esquerda e à direita do ponto de fixação nas condições: 1) face com emoção à esquerda e face neutra à direita; 2) face neutra à esquerda e face com emoção à direita; 3) face com emoção à direita e à esquerda; 4) face neutra à direita e à esquerda. Os participantes determinaram o lado em que havia sido apresentada a face que aparentava expressar mais emoção. As análises de tempo de resposta revelaram que tristeza e medo foram identificadas mais rapidamente no campo visual esquerdo, o que indicaria uma vantagem do hemisfério direito no reconhecimento dessas expressões. O reconhecimento de expressões negativas pelo hemisfério direito concorda parcialmente com a hipótese da valência.Hemispheric differences on the perception of facial expressions of happiness, sadness, anger and fear were investigated. Twenty-one volunteers (9M, 12F) took part in the experiment. The divided visual field technique was used with the presentation of faces on the left and on the right side of the fixation point in the conditions: 1) emotional face on the left and neutral face on the right, 3) neutral face on the left and emotional face on the right; 3) emotional face on the right and on the left; 4) neutral face on the right and on the left. Participants determined the side on which the face seemed to show greater emotional intensity. Response time analysis revealed that sadness and fear were identified faster on the left visual field, suggesting an advantage of the right hemisphere on the recognition of those expressions. The recognition of negative expressions by the right hemisphere agrees partially with the valence hypothesis.Fueron investigadas las diferencias hemisféricas en la percepción de expresiones faciales de alegría, tristeza, rabia y miedo. Veintiún voluntarios (9H, 12M) participaron del experimento. Fue usada la técnica de campo visual dividido con la presentación de rostros a la izquierda y a la derecha del punto de fijación en las condiciones: 1) rostro con emoción a la izquierda y rostro neutro a la derecha; 2) rostro neutro a la izquierda y rostro con emoción a la derecha; 3) rostro con emoción a la derecha y a la izquierda; 4) rostro neutro a la derecha y a la izquierda. Los participantes identificaran el lado en que había sido presentado el rostro que aparentaba tener más emoción. Los análisis del tiempo de respuesta revelaron que tristeza y miedo fueron identificadas más rápidamente en el campo visual izquierdo, lo que indicaría una ventaja del hemisferio derecho en el reconocimiento de estas expresiones. El reconocimiento de expresiones negativas por el hemisferio derecho concuerda parcialmente con la hipótesis de la valencia

    A parallel approach to pca based malicious activitydetection in distributed honeypot data

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    Model order selection (MOS) schemes, which are frequently employed inseveral signal processing applications, are shown to be effective tools for the detectionof malicious activities in honeypot data. In this paper, we extend previous results byproposing an efficient and parallel MOS method for blind automatic malicious activitydetection in distributed honeypots. Our proposed scheme does not require any previousinformation on attacks or human intervention. We model network traffic data as signalsand noise and then apply modified signal processing methods. However, differently fromthe previous centralized solutions, we propose that the data colected by each honeypotnode be processed by nodes in a cluster (that may consist of the collection nodesthemselves) and then grouped to obtain the final results. This is achieved by having eachnode locally compute the Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD) to its own sample correlationmatrix (obtained from the honeypot data) and transmit the resulting eigenvalues to acentral node, where the global eigenvalues and final model order are computed. Themodel order computed from the global eigenvalues through RADOI represents the numberof malicious activities detected in the analysed data. The feasibility of the proposedapproach is demonstrated through simulation experiments

    Desempenho de pacientes esquizofrênicos no Stroop Color Word Test e responsividade eletrodérmica após administração aguda de canabidiol (CBD)

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    OBJECTIVE: The last decade has seen increasing evidence of dysfunctions in the endogenous cannabinoid system in schizophrenia and of its relationship with the typical cognitive impairment of the disorder. Studies in animal models, healthy volunteers, and psychotic patients clearly suggest an antipsychotic-like effect of cannabidiol. This study investigated the effects of cannabidiol on selective attention in 28 schizophrenic patients using the Stroop Color Word Test and on these patients' electrodermal responsiveness to auditive stimuli. METHOD: The subjects attended two experimental sessions, the first one without the administration of drugs. In the second session the subjects were divided into three groups that received either a single dose of cannabidiol 300mg or cannabidiol 600mg or placebo. RESULTS: The three groups did not differ significantly with respect to electrodermal measures in the two experimental sessions. When the first and second sessions were compared improved performance was found in all three groups, with patients who received placebo and cannabidiol 300mg performing better than those who received cannabidiol 600mg. CONCLUSION: The single, acute administration of cannabidiol seems to have no beneficial effects on the performance of schizophrenic patients in the Stroop Color Word Test, although the hypothesis that chronic administration may lead to improvement cannot be disregarded.OBJETIVO: Descobertas relativas a possíveis disfunções do sistema canabinóide endógeno na esquizofrenia e sua relação com o prejuízo cognitivo característico da doença têm aumentado durante a última década. Estudos com modelos animais, voluntários saudáveis e pacientes psicóticos sugerem claramente que o canabidiol possui efeitos antipsicóticos. Este estudo investigou os efeitos do canabidiol sobre a atenção seletiva por meio do Stroop Color Word Test e a responsividade eletrodérmica a estímulos auditivos em 28 pacientes com esquizofrenia. MÉTODO: Duas sessões experimentais foram realizadas, a primeira sem a administração de drogas. Na segunda sessão, os sujeitos foram divididos em três grupos que receberam dose única de canabidiol 300mg, canabidiol 600mg ou placebo. RESULTADOS: Os três grupos não diferiram significativamente no que se refere às medidas eletrodérmicas nas duas sessões experimentais. Os três grupos apresentaram melhora da primeira para a segunda avaliação, com os grupos placebo e canabidiol 300mg superiores ao grupo canabidiol 600mg. CONCLUSÃO: A administração aguda de canabidiol em dose única parece não ter efeitos benéficos sobre o desempenho de pacientes com esquizofrenia no Stroop Color Word Test, embora estes dados não sejam suficientes para refutar a hipótese de que a administração continuada de canabidiol possa resultar em melhora no funcionamento cognitivo em esquizofrenia

    Cross-cultural adaptation of the City Birth Trauma Scale for the Brazilian context

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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder consists of a set of symptoms that occurs in response to one or more traumatic events and can occur in postpartum, from traumatic situations related to the birth or to the baby’s health in the first days of life. It is important tracking the presence of birth trauma, but there is not available instruments in the Brazilian context for this purpose. Objectives: To present the cross-cultural adaptation of City Birth Trauma Scale (BiTS) into Brazilian portuguese. Methods: Cross-cultural adaptation involved independent translations, synthesis,back-translation, and submission to the original author’s appreciation. After the scale was subjected to face validity, followed by a pilot study with postpartum mothers. Results: All steps were performed for the cross-cultural adaptation. Regarding face validity, items evaluated concerning different types of equivalence, presented satisfactory agreement values (≥4.20). Most of the expert’s suggestions were followed, being the main ones related to adjustments in prepositions, pronouns and verbal subjects. Pilot study showed that the mothers had been able to understand and respond to the instrument without adjustments. Discussion: BiTS’s Brazilian version proved to be cross-culturally adapted, ensuring the possibility of intercultural data comparison from the semantic, idiomatic, cultural, and conceptual perspectives. New studies are being conducted to attest its psychometric adequac

    Viral genetic clustering and transmission dynamics of the 2022 mpox outbreak in Portugal

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    Pathogen genome sequencing during epidemics enhances our ability to identify and understand suspected clusters and investigate their relationships. Here, we combine genomic and epidemiological data of the 2022 mpox outbreak to better understand early viral spread, diversification and transmission dynamics. By sequencing 52% of the confirmed cases in Portugal, we identified the mpox virus sublineages with the highest impact on case numbers and fitted them into a global context, finding evidence that several international sublineages probably emerged or spread early in Portugal. We estimated a 62% infection reporting rate and that 1.3% of the population of men who have sex with men in Portugal were infected. We infer the critical role played by sexual networks and superspreader gatherings, such as sauna attendance, in the dissemination of mpox virus. Overall, our findings highlight genomic epidemiology as a tool for the real-time monitoring and control of mpox epidemics, and can guide future vaccine policy in a highly susceptible population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio