129 research outputs found

    Dinámica de poblaciones, distribución y producción secundaria de la quisquilla Crangon crangon (l.) en un estuario del sur de europa. Variaciones latitudinales

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    The population structure, growth, distribution and secondary production of the brown shrimp Crangon crangon (L. 1758) were examined between June 2003 and August 2005 at five stations in the Mondego Estuary, Portugal, using a 2-m beam trawl. Occurrence of immature shrimps suggested almost continuous reproduction with two main recruitment periods in November and March/April; this recruitment pattern is unique and represents a latitudinal transition in the species’ life cycle. Severe drought in winter 2004 caused spatial shifts along the north arm of the estuary regarding post-larval settlement in spring 2005. Mean growth of all cohorts was 0.06 mm TL day-1, much lower than rates calculated elsewhere. Secondary production (P) of C. crangon was estimated at 4.6 mg AFDW m-2 y-1 (P/B– ratio of 8.7) in 2003/2004 and at 2.4 mg AFDW m-2 y-1 (P/B– ratio of 10.9) in 2004/2005. High abundances of individuals, predominantly juveniles, were observed in spring/summer with peaks in June 2003, April 2004 and July 2005. This study shows that this species dynamics must be analysed in a latitudinal context, meaning that the contribution of each component of the systems can vary according to environmental and climate variable

    Intervenção para a inovação organizacional: um estudo de caso.

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    O presente artigo relata uma intervenção numa PME do sector informático, tendo em vista um processo de mudança organizacional no sentido de uma maior proatividade dos colaboradores. A apresentação do caso inclui o diagnóstico, a intervenção propriamente dita e o início da execução dos projetos de inovação, baseando-se num modelo adaptado dos métodos de mudança organizacional de terceira geração, com grupos grandes. Em complemento dos passos seguidos, foram utilizadas técnicas de análise das redes sociais, no sentido de determinar as redes de comunicação existentes, bem como de análise de conteúdo a histórias de sucesso entretanto recolhidas, para definir os pontos fortes de uma futura cultura organizacional. Os resultados obtidos clarificaram as características desejáveis de um método de intervenção com grupos grandes, adaptado ao caso das empresas portuguesas e eficaz no desenho de projetos de inovação organizacional. A análise das histórias de sucesso contribuiu para determinar os pontos fortes de uma orientação futura desejável, enquanto a utilização de medidas relativas às redes sociais permitiu analisar a organização informal existente. Se bem que o presente trabalho não inclua a realização dos projetos, por dificuldades entretanto surgidas na empresa, pensa-se que pode constituir uma base sólida para aplicação em intervenções futuras

    The influence of environmental factors on the population dynamics, reproductive biology and productivity of Echinogammarus marinus Leach (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) in the Mondego estuary (Portugal)

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    The population density of Echinogammarus marinusin the Mondego estuary changed throughout the year, with a maximum during spring. The lowest densities were found in the north arm of the estuary, and the highest ones in the inner areas of the south arm. Higher densities appeared associated with the presence of muddy deposits under Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyta) and also with the presence of green macroalgae biomass over the sediments. Females were morphologically recognisable at smaller sizes than males, but males became larger than females. Fecundity increases with the size of females and is influenced by temperature and salinity. Sexual activity and recruitment take place continuously throughout the year, although it almost ceases by the end of winter. Present results are in opposition to the hypothesis of discontinuous recruitment presented in a previous study. Productivity (ash free dry weight- AFDW) was estimated at 1.74 to 2.45 g·m-2·year-1 in the north arm of the estuary corresponding to an annual turnover ratio () of 4.14 to 6.18. In the south arm, productivity was estimated at 1.96 to 2.74 g AFDW·m-2·year-1 in the middle section ( of 4.68 to 6.56), and at 3.85 to 5.38 g AFDW·m-2·year-1 in the innermost sampling area ( of 4.54 to 6.36). Differences in productivity appeared to depend only on population density, while annual ratios were similar over the estuary. Evidence was found that several features of E. marinus population dynamics were dependent on environmental factors resulting from the particular estuary hydraulic regime.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VR3-43P3WF7-1/1/d1a4a5cba87181beec21476340ba07f

    The creation of a fast track, large-group intervention method: A case study

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    This article reports the testing of a fast track, large-group intervention method, designed to initiate a change process of a Portuguese SME in the IT sector, aiming at increasing the proactivity of its employees. Based on previous work, mixing third generation large-group organizational change methods, classical Organizational Development (OD) approaches, and an adapted version of Creative Problem-Solving (CPS) protocol, the presentation of the case includes an extended diagnosis, the preparation and execution of the company meeting, and the beginning of the implementation of innovation projects. The company meeting was designed to last for just four hours, instead of the two to four days of the present methods. The diagnosis, made in close collaboration with management, includes the results of more than 30 interviews conducted with internal and external stakeholders, and a small-world analysis technique to determine the existing communication networks, together with possible clusters and brokers. Furthermore, using a content analysis, success stories were collected in order to clarify the strong points for a future organizational culture. The results support the effectiveness of the selected methodology in establishing innovation projects, involving the entire organization, and clarified desirable characteristics for the improvement of the present intervention method, adapted to Portuguese companies. The analysis of the success stories helped to determine the strengths of a future organizational culture, while the use of measures of smallworld networks allowed to analyze the existing informal organization, and the way knowledge flows out of the necessary tension between clustering and bridging, necessary for creative benefits. Although this study does not include the entire completion of the projects, due to unpredicted company emergencies, it provides a solid basis for application in future interventions, and to initiate another line of investigation, related with the preparation of team leaders as group facilitators

    Composición de grupos tróficos funcionales en una comunidad macrobentónica submareal a lo largo de un gradiente de profundidad

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    The feeding guild composition of a macrobenthic community from southern Portugal was studied along a depth gradient (1.3 to 32 m). This gradient comprised shallow areas with severe physical stress and deeper areas with no significant hydrodynamic impact at the seafloor. The main goal was to determine the influence of the spatial and temporal differences of the hydrodynamic impact at the seafloor on the feeding guild composition of the macrobenthic community. The feeding guild composition changed gradually with depth, which reflects the differences in the hydrodynamics impact at the seafloor. Herbivores and sand-lickers dominated at the shallowest depths with fine sands, which correlated with higher levels of primary production. Scavengers were also distributed in the shallow areas, which was associated with the lower predation impact. Suspension feeders, in accordance with their physiological requirements, were distributed in coarser sands subjected to a physical impact. Carnivores, surface deposit feeders and sub-surface deposit feeders were distributed mainly below 8 m depth, where there was no significant impact from the wave climate. Carnivores were associated with coarser sands and were mainly small polychaetes and nemerteans. Sub-surface and surface deposit feeders were more abundant in the deepest areas of the depth gradient with fine sands and mud deposits with higher organic content. However, surface deposit feeders also occurred at shallower depths. Some seasonal differences related to disturbance impacts were found in the numerical dominance of the feeding guilds.Se han estudiado las categorías tróficas de una comunidad macrobentónica en el sur de Portugal, a lo largo de un gradiente de profundidad (de 1.3 m a 32 m). Este gradiente incluía áreas someras (poco profundas) con un estrés físico severo y áreas más profundas sin impacto hidrodinámico significativo a nivel del fondo marino. El objetivo principal fue determinar la influencia de las diferencias espaciales y temporales del impacto hidrodinámico en el fondo marino sobre la composición de las categorías tróficas de la comunidad macrobentónica. La composición de estas categorías tróficas cambió gradualmente con la profundidad, reflejando las diferencias del impacto hidrodinámico en el lecho marino. Las profundidades más someras, compuestas por arenas finas, estaban dominadas por anfípodos herbívoros y raspadores de arenas, correspondiéndose con elevados niveles de producción primaria. También había en estas áreas someras carnívoros/necrófagos asociados a un menor impacto de predación. Los suspensívoros, fundamentalmente bivalvos, predominaron en zonas con arenas más gruesas y mayor hidrodinamismo, de acuerdo con sus necesidades fisiológicas. Por debajo de los 8 m de profundidad y en zonas donde no se produce impacto del oleaje, dominaban carnívoros, detritívoros de fondo y de sub-fondo. Los carnívoros, asociados a arenas más gruesas, eran principalmente pequeños poliquetos y nemertinos. Los detritívoros de fondo y sub-fondo eran más abundantes en las zonas más profundas del gradiente, donde aparecían arenas finas y depósitos de limo con elevados contenidos en materia orgánica. Sin embargo, también se encontraron detritívoros de fondo en profundidades menores. Se encontraron algunas diferencias en la dominancia numérica de la estructura trófica a lo largo del año, lo que puede estar relacionado con impactos de incidentes en la zona

    Learning from failure: a case study on creative problem solving

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    Second International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation ManagementThis research is aimed at improving the creative problem solving (CPS) facilitation process by case analysis, through which we try to learn even from failure. With the goal of increasing efficiency by reducing session time and also due to theoretical considerations, a four-step model was designed, comprising the stages of objective-finding, problem-definition, action-planning and the action itself. Following these adaptations, our research involved an organisation that enabled us to bring managers and volunteers to work on a project. The organisation is the only private museum in the Algarve region of Portugal; it is involved in regional culture and, despite competent management, faces serious financial difficulties. A team of 22 people was established, representing both immediate and remote geographical communities, cultural organisations, and representatives of innovative projects related to the hospitality industry. From the interventions, and the follow up procedures, we learned that some project failures could have been prevented by a more thorough team facilitation, considering the team size, and a better handling of the client's ownership of the problem. The analyses and conclusions allowed the development of principles that will be applied in future interventions, giving rise to improvements in the facilitation process, bringing in important implications for developing collaboration between organizations. Team composition and the handling of client-team relationships seem to be promising areas for research, given their potential impact on a project's effectiveness, as to its final results for the organization considere

    Competências-chave dos comerciantes dos mercados municipais: estudo de caso no Mercado do Livramento de Setúbal

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    Purpose – This study aims to analyse the role and importance of trader’s competencies in the context of municipal markets. It is proposed to define the ideal competences profile of traders (ICPT) in a municipal market – Livramento Market of Setubal, Portugal – attending to their key competencies, to assess the degree of similarity between the actual profile of the traders and the ICPT.Design/methodology/approach – A case study was carried out with a quantitative approach through the application of a survey to individuals of the various stakeholders’ groups (N = 36) related to the municipal markets.Findings – The ordering the relative importance of the competencies allowed to obtain the ICPT, highlighting the greater importance of more technical competencies in detrimental of soft competencies. Each of the competence’s profiles identified by the different groups were compared to the ICPT and high percentages of similarity were obtained (greater than 70%).Research implications – This study assists professional associations and managers in the design of local market management models with a focus on competencies, guiding their efforts towards the development of the most relevant competencies for professional practice.Originality/value – Its originality is based on the lack of research studies focused on the analysis of the competences of the players in the municipal markets. The analysis of the central role of a profession that is little valued, and little studied in the national context serves as an anchor for other studies on the competencies of these professionals.Objetivo – Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o papel e importância das competências dos comerciantes dos mercados municipais. Propõe-se definir o perfil de competências ideal do comerciante (PCIC) num mercado municipal – Mercado do Livramento de Setúbal, Portugal – em termos das suas competências-chave, de modo a avaliar o grau de similaridade a esse perfil.Design/metodologia – Recorreu-se a um estudo de caso, consubstanciado numa abordagem quantitativa através da aplicação de um inquérito aos diversos grupos de stakeholders (N = 36) que se relacionam com os mercados municipais.Resultados – A ordenação da importância relativa das competências permitiu obter o PCIC, tendo-se verificado uma maior importância das competências mais técnicas em detrimento das competências soft. Cada um dos perfis de competências identificadas pelos diferentes grupos foram comparados ao PCIC sendo as percentagens de similaridade elevadas (superiores a 70%).Implicações da pesquisa – Este estudo auxilia as associações profissionais e os responsáveis na conceção de modelos de gestão dos mercados locais com enfoque nas competências, orientando os seus esforços para o desenvolvimento das capacidades mais relevantes para o exercício da profissão.Originalidade/valor – A sua originalidade assenta na inexistência de estudos de investigação centrados na análise das competências dos diferentes agentes dos mercados municipais. A análise do papel central de uma profissão pouco valorizada e estudada em contexto nacional, serve de âncora para outros estudos sobre as competências destes profissionais

    Determination of seventeen endocrine disruptor compounds and their spatial and seasonal distribution in Ria Formosa Lagoon (Portugal)

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    In spite of its outstanding ecological and touristic importance the Ria Formosa Lagoon shows signs of anthropogenic pollution. Nonetheless, until the present survey no studies had ever documented the measurement of natural and pharmaceutical estrogens (17β-estradiol, estrone, and 17α-ethynylestradiol), xenoestrogenic industrial pollutants (4-octylphenol, 4- nonylphenol, and their mono and diethoxylates and bisphenol A), phytoestrogens (formononetin, biochanin A, daidzein, genistein), and sitosterol in this area. The 17 compounds measured herein are known as endocrine disrupters (EDCs) and act over the endocrine system even in few amounts (ng L−1–μg L−1). Thus to conclude about the influx of EDCs in the lagoon, water samples were taken every 2 months, during 1 year (2010), in low tide at nine sites distributed along the coastline. Water samples (1 L) were preconcentrated in the Oasis HLB cartridges and cleaned in silica cartridges before their analysis by GC-MS. Data showed the ubiquitous presence of potentially hazardous amounts of estrogens (particularly of ethynylestradiol, up to 24.3 ng L−1), nonylphenol (up to 547 ng L−1), and sitosterol (up to 12,300 ng L−1), mainly in summer, suggesting that the increase of the local number of inhabitants (tourists), the rise of the water temperature (up to 26 °C), and the blooming of local flora may interfere with the water quality parameters. This makes the lagoon a potential model to study. Taking into account the data, it was concluded that there are conditions for the occurrence of endocrine disruption in aquatic animals, even in areas included in the natural park of the Formosa. Besides, both the high amounts of un-ionized ammonia (up to 0.3 mg L−1) and phosphates (up to 1.6 mg L−1) my pose risks for local fauna and humans.This work was financially supported by FEDER funds through the Competitiveness and Trade Expansion Program—COMPETE and by National Funds provided by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), via the project PTDC/MAR/70436/2006

    Eficácia e segurança da utilização de suplementos alimentares na melhoria da performance desportiva : revisão de evidência

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizA utilização de suplementos alimentares no desporto é uma prática cada vez mais comum em todo o mundo, e que tem vindo a crescer bastante ao longo dos anos. No entanto, a sua eficácia e segurança são muitas vezes questionadas, e a suplementação nem sempre é realizada da forma mais indicada. Esta revisão de evidência tem como objetivo avaliar a eficácia e segurança da utilização de suplementos alimentares na melhoria da performance desportiva. Métodos: Para a realização desta revisão, recorreu-se a 4 bases de dados, onde foram pesquisados estudos relacionados com a suplementação na prática desportiva. Para cada suplemento inserido nesta revisão, foram selecionados vários estudos relevantes sobre o seu impacto no desempenho desportivo dos atletas, e analisados ao pormenor de forma a comprovar a sua eficácia. Resultados: Após a análise dos estudos incluídos, foi possível verificar fortes evidências de uma melhoria do desempenho nos atletas que ingeriram suplementação com cafeína, creatina, -alanina, bicarbonato de sódio e proteína whey. Enquanto isso, a suplementação com nitrato e com citrato de sódio, apenas produziu benefícios para os atletas em determinados estudos, sendo a sua eficácia muito limitada. Relativamente à segurança, todos os suplementos se mostraram seguros dentro das doses recomendadas, apesar de pequenos efeitos adversos que em nada afetaram a performance do atleta. Conclusão: Esta revisão de evidência demonstrou uma melhoria do desempenho desportivo em atletas que ingeriram suplementação, comparativamente ao grupo controlo de cada estudo, e mostrou que os suplementos analisados podem ser seguros dentro das doses recomendadas. No entanto, a suplementação com nitrato e com citrato de sódio, nem sempre mostrou melhorias significativas do desempenho desportivo dos atletas, sendo necessários mais estudos para comprovar a eficácia destes dois suplementos. Desta forma, foi possível avaliar a eficácia e segurança de vários suplementos no desempenho desportivo do atleta, tanto regular como de alta competição, com o objetivo de fornecer mais informação e evidência sobre a utilização dos mesmos.Introduction: The use of dietary supplements in sports is an increasingly common practice worldwide, and it has grown considerably over the years. However, its effectiveness and safety are often questioned, and supplementation is not always performed in the most appropriate way. This evidence review aims to assess the effectiveness and safety of using dietary supplements to improve sports performance. Methods: To carry out this review, 4 databases were used, where studies related to supplementation in sports practice were researched. For each supplement included in this review, several relevant studies were selected on their impact on athlete’s sports performance, and analyzed in detail in order to prove their effectiveness. Results: After analyzing the included studies, it was possible to verify strong evidence of improved performance in athletes who ingested supplementation with caffeine, creatine, -alanine, sodium bicarbonate and whey protein. Meanwhile, supplementation with nitrate and sodium citrate has only produced benefits for athletes in certain studies, and its effectiveness is very limited. Regarding safety, all supplements were shown to be safe within the recommended doses, despite small adverse effects that in no way affected the athlete’s performance. Conclusion: This evidence review demonstrated an improvement in sports performance in athletes who ingested supplementation, compared to the control group of each study, and showed that the analyzed supplements can be safe within the recommended doses. However, supplementation with nitrate and sodium citrate has not always shown significant improvements in athlete’s sports performance, and further studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of these two supplements. In this way, it was possible to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of various supplements in the athlete’s sports performance, both regular and high competition, in order to provide more information and evidence on their use

    Práticas Lean e de manufatura sustentável nas PMEs portuguesas

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia IndustrialSão vários os desafios que as empresas enfrentam nos dias de hoje. Além dos resultados operacionais comuns e transversais a todas as empresas, com o aumento da procura por produtos e serviços mais ecológicos, a degradação do meio ambiente e o cumprimento de regulamentações governamentais, existe a necessidade de implementar estratégias que sejam compatíveis com a preservação do meio ambiente, tornando as decisões operacionais cada vez mais complexas. Nesse sentido, a implementação de práticas lean e green de manufatura têm sido amplamente discutidas na literatura. Este estudo pretende avaliar o efeito destes dois tipos de práticas na performance operacional e ambiental. As práticas de manufatura sustentável analisadas foram as relacionadas com o desenvolvimento e design dos produtos, com os processos de produção, com a gestão ambiental da cadeia de abastecimento e com a gestão ambiental de fim de ciclo de vida dos produtos. As práticas Lean estudadas foram relacionadas com fornecedores, clientes, produção, produção puxada, fluxo continuo, setup, envolvimento dos empregados e manutenção preventiva. Neste caso, não foi avaliado o efeito individual de cada uma das práticas na performance. Foi igualmente avaliado o efeito da performance ambiental na performance operacional. O modelo conceptual proposto foi testado utilizando 426 respostas a um questionário aplicado online às PME portuguesas de manufatura. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as práticas lean, têm um efeito positivo e significativo na performance operacional. No entanto, o efeito destas práticas na performance ambiental não se mostrou significativo.There are many challenges that companies face today. Beyond the common operational and transverse results to all companies, with an increase demand for greener products and services, environmental degradation and compliance with usage regulations, there is a need to implement environmentally friendly applications, making operational decisions increasingly complex. In this sense, an implementation of lean and green manufacturing practices have been widely discussed in the literature. This study proposes to evaluate the effect of these two types of practices in operational and environmental performances. The sustainable manufacturing practices analysed were related to sustainable product design and development, sustainable manufacturing process, sustainable supply chain management and sustainable end-of-life management. The Lean practices studied were related to suppliers, customers, pull practices, continuous flow, setup, statistical process control, employee involvement and preventive maintenance. In this case, the individual effect of each of the practices on performance was not evaluated. The effect of environmental performance on operational performance was also assessed. The proposed conceptual model was obtained from 426 responses to a questionnaire applied online to Portuguese SMEs. The results showed that lean manufacturing practices had a significant positive effect on operational performance. However, the effect of these practices on environmental performance was not significant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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