598 research outputs found

    Arquivo da Liga Portuguesa de Futebol Profissional : uma abordagem sistémica

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Mestrado em Ciência da Informação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    The impact of ethical and despotic leadership on the emotions and team work engagement perceptions of individual members within work teams

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    The purpose of this thesis is the study of the impact of two different leadership styles, ethical and despotic, on three different variables of members of a team: positive emotions, negative emotions and perception of team work engagement. Data was collected from both real world companies and through a laboratory study. The results show that ethical leadership seems to positively impact team work engagement perceptions and positive emotions and to negatively impact negative emotions. Despotic leadership, on the other hand, seems to be linked only to an increase of negative emotions. When analyzing data collected exclusively from companies, effects on positive emotions are not statistically significant. In terms of data exclusively retrieved from the study, only effects of ethical leadership on team work engagement and positive emotions are statistically significant. Furthermore, it was found that positive emotions seem to mediate the effect of ethical leadership on team work engagement.O objetivo desta tese é o estudo do impacto de dois diferentes estilos de liderança, ético e despótico, em três variáveis diferentes de membros de equipas: emoções positivas, emoções negativas e percepção de team work engagement. Os dados foram recolhidos a partir de empresas reais e através de um estudo de laboratório. Os resultados mostram que a liderança ética parece influenciar positivamente as percepções de team work engagement e emoções positivas e influenciar negativamente as emoções negativas. A liderança despótica, por outro lado, parece estar ligada apenas a um aumento de emoções negativas. Ao analisar os dados recolhidos exclusivamente das empresas, verifica-se que os efeitos sobre as emoções positivas não são estatisticamente significativos. No que toca aos dados obtidos exclusivamente a partir do estudo de laboratório, apenas os efeitos da liderança ética em team work engagement e nas emoções positivas são estatisticamente significativos. Verificou-se ainda que as emoções positivas parecem mediar o efeito da liderança ética em team work engagement

    A integração do novo sistema de Artilharia Antiaérea SHORAD no Grupo de Artilharia Antiaérea: Contribuições futuras para o Sistema de Defesa Aéreo Nacional

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    O presente trabalho de investigação é subordinado ao tema “A integração do novo sistema de Artilharia Antiaérea SHORAD no Grupo de Artilharia Antiaérea: Contribuições futuras para o Sistema de Defesa Aéreo Nacional”. De forma a ir ao encontro do problema central abordado ao longo da presente investigação, perceber quais são as capacidades que a Artilharia Antiaérea (AAA) necessita para cumprir os compromissos internacionais, foi analisada a relação entre as atuais necessidades do Exército Português ao nível da sua função de combate proteção, garantida pela AAA, e os seus compromissos internacionais. No âmbito dos compromissos internacionais, entenda-se a necessidade de a artilharia antiaérea ser interoperável, tornando possível que seja empregue em ambiente operacional em plena integração com outros meios e, nas responsabilidades nacionais coexistir no Sistema de Defesa Aéreo Nacional (SDAN), contribuindo em primeira instância para a defesa aérea sobre o território nacional e em última instância, para o sistema de defesa aéreo de toda a Europa. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, a presente investigação científica, obedeceu ao método hipotético-dedutivo. Foi realizada uma investigação para expor o atual estado da arte sobre as temáticas centrais ao trabalho e, posteriormente, uma pesquisa para dar resposta às perguntas que tinham sido levantadas. Por fim, no capítulo das conclusões, é alcançado o objetivo geral do trabalho e respondida a pergunta de partida. Os resultados desta investigação científica permitiram através da análise dos materiais com que a AAA opera, perceber que se encontram desadequados à realidade internacional e identificar quais as capacidades que o Exército deve adquirir, para ser capaz de cumprir os compromissos internacionais e as responsabilidades nacionais que lhe estão cometidas

    LSTM-Based Goal Recognition in Latent Space

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    Approaches to goal recognition have progressively relaxed the requirements about the amount of domain knowledge and available observations, yielding accurate and efficient algorithms capable of recognizing goals. However, to recognize goals in raw data, recent approaches require either human engineered domain knowledge, or samples of behavior that account for almost all actions being observed to infer possible goals. This is clearly too strong a requirement for real-world applications of goal recognition, and we develop an approach that leverages advances in recurrent neural networks to perform goal recognition as a classification task, using encoded plan traces for training. We empirically evaluate our approach against the state-of-the-art in goal recognition with image-based domains, and discuss under which conditions our approach is superior to previous ones.Comment: Added/Fixed some reference

    A Framework for Profiling based on Music and Physiological State

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    The IoT (Internet of Things) is an emergent technological area with distinct chal-lenges, which has been addressed by the world research community. This disser-tation proposes the use of a knowledge-based framework capable of supporting the representation and handling of devices along with some autonomous inter-action with the human being, for creating added value and opportunities in IoT. With usability in mind, the objective lays in an attempt to characterize users’ physiological status mainly through music in a profiling approach. The idea is to produce a solution able to customize the environment by musical suggestions to the actual scenarios or mood that the users lie in. Such system can be trained to understand different physiological data to then infer musical suggestions to the users. One of the adopted methods in this work explores that thought, on whether the usage of a person’s physiological state can wield adequate sensorial stimulation to be usefully used thereafter. Another question considered in this work is whether it is possible to use such collected data to build user’s musical playlists and profile that tries to use the user’s physiological state to predict his or her emotional state with the objective to reach a well-being situation

    Greenspecting Android virtual keyboards

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    During this still increasing mobile devices proliferation age, much of human-computer interaction involves text input, and the task of typing text is provided via virtual keyboards. In a mobile setting, energy consumption is a key concern for both hardware manufacturers and software developers. Virtual keyboards are software applications, and thus, inefficient applications have a negative impact on the overall energy consumption of the underlying device. Energy consumption analysis and optimization of mobile software is a recent and active area of research. Surprisingly, there is no study analyzing the energy efficiency of the most used software keyboards and evaluating the performance advantage of its features. In this paper, we studied the energy performance of five of the most used virtual keyboards in the Android ecosystem. We measure and analyze the energy consumption in different keyboard scenarios, namely with or without using word prediction. This work presents the results of two studies: one where we instructed the keyboards to simulate the writing of a predefined input text, and another where we performed an empirical study with real users writing the same text. Our studies show that there exist relevant performance differences among the most used keyboards of the considered ecosystem, and it is possible to save nearly 18% of energy by replacing the most used keyboard in Android by the most efficient one. We also showed that is possible to save both energy and time by disabling keyboard intrinsic features and that the use of word suggestions not always compensate for energy and time.- (undefined

    Comparative Analysis of the Toxicity Profile of Eleven Consumer-Relevant Nanomaterials in Human Intestinal and Placental Barrier Cells

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    Background: The growing number of items incorporating nanomaterials (NM) has prompted considerable concerns about human health and safety [1]. Metal nanoparticles, inorganic non-metallic, and carbon-based NM are among the types with the highest market volume [2]. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of chemical composition [Ag, Au, TiO2, SiO2, and graphene oxide (nano_GO)], primary size (10, 30 and 60 nm AgNP and AuNP), crystal structure (TiO2NP rutile/anatase and anatase), and surface coating (citrate and PEGylated AuNP) on potential toxicity to human intestinal (Caco-2) and placental (BeWo b30) epithelial cells. Methods: Changes in cell morphology, metabolic activity, plasma membrane integrity, intracellular ROS and ATP levels, and DNA integrity were assessed to investigate their potential toxicity at 24 h after exposure. Results: In both barrier models, the toxicity profile was similar, however placentalwere more sensitive than intestinal epithelial cells. Overall, NM may be ranked for cytotoxicity as AgNP > nano_GO > AuNP ~ TiO2NP ~ SiO2NP, with the effects becoming more evident at greater concentrations. The influence of size was more pronounced for AgNP than for AuNP, with the smaller nanoparticles producing higher cytotoxic effects. The cytotoxicity of AuNP was prevented by PEG capping. AgNP and nano_GO exposure markedly raised the levels of ROS, indicating that oxidative stress may play a role in their cytotoxicity. Except for 10 nm AuNP, every NM tested markedly increased intracellular ATP levels. One interesting finding was that a higher cytotoxic potential did not necessarily equate to a higher genotoxic potential, since only AgNP (classified as positive) and anatase TiO2NP (classified as equivocal) caused DNA damage. Conclusions: Our findings alert to the potential risks associated with human barriers exposure to NM, where the physicochemical properties are important determinants of their toxicity. Additional research is needed for a deeper understanding of NM impact on human barriers.This research was funded by the project NanoBioBarriers, grant number PTDC/MED‐TOX/31162/2017, co-financed by the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) through European Regional Development Funds (FEDER/FNR) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES). This work is financed by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of projects UIDB/04750/2020 and LA/P/0064/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trajectory generation for a remotely operated vehicle

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    This paper addresses the problem of trajectory generation for a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The ROV is a nonholonomic vehicle and has limited actuator capabilities. This means that the task of trajectory generation for the inspection of underwater structures is not a trivial one, and that it cannot be done without computer aided design tools. The approach is based on techniques developed for differential flat systems. The ROV model is presented and it is shown that it satisfies the differential flatness property. The paper details the architecture of the computer aided trajectory generation tool. © 2003 EUCA