14 research outputs found

    The Effects of Daytime Psilocybin Administration on Sleep: Implications for Antidepressant Action

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    Serotonergic agonist psilocybin is a psychedelic with antidepressant potential. Sleep may interact with psilocybin’s antidepressant properties like other antidepressant drugs via induction of neuroplasticity. The main aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of psilocybin on sleep architecture on the night after psilocybin administration. Regarding the potential antidepressant properties, we hypothesized that psilocybin, similar to other classical antidepressants, would reduce rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and prolong REM sleep latency. Moreover, we also hypothesized that psilocybin would promote slow-wave activity (SWA) expression in the first sleep cycle, a marker of sleep-related neuroplasticity. Twenty healthy volunteers (10 women, age 28–53) underwent two drug administration sessions, psilocybin or placebo, in a randomized, double-blinded design. Changes in sleep macrostructure, SWA during the first sleep cycle, whole night EEG spectral power across frequencies in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and REM sleep, and changes in subjective sleep measures were analyzed. The results revealed prolonged REM sleep latency after psilocybin administration and a trend toward a decrease in overall REM sleep duration. No changes in NREM sleep were observed. Psilocybin did not affect EEG power spectra in NREM or REM sleep when examined across the whole night. However, psilocybin suppressed SWA in the first sleep cycle. No evidence was found for sleep-related neuroplasticity, however, a different dosage, timing, effect on homeostatic regulation of sleep, or other mechanisms related to antidepressant effects may play a role. Overall, this study suggests that potential antidepressant properties of psilocybin might be related to changes in sleep

    Data-Driven Phenotyping of Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence With Unsupervised Clustering.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Recent studies fueled doubts as to whether all currently defined central disorders of hypersomnolence are stable entities, especially narcolepsy type 2 and idiopathic hypersomnia. New reliable biomarkers are needed and the question arises whether current diagnostic criteria of hypersomnolence disorders should be reassessed. The main aim of this data-driven observational study was to see if data-driven algorithms would segregate narcolepsy type 1 and identify more reliable subgrouping of individuals without cataplexy with new clinical biomarkers. METHODS We used agglomerative hierarchical clustering, an unsupervised machine learning algorithm, to identify distinct hypersomnolence clusters in the large-scale European Narcolepsy Network database. We included 97 variables, covering all aspects of central hypersomnolence disorders such as symptoms, demographics, objective and subjective sleep measures, and laboratory biomarkers. We specifically focused on subgrouping of patients without cataplexy. The number of clusters was chosen to be the minimal number for which patients without cataplexy were put in distinct groups. RESULTS We included 1078 unmedicated adolescents and adults. Seven clusters were identified, of which four clusters included predominantly individuals with cataplexy. The two most distinct clusters consisted of 158 and 157 patients respectively, were dominated by those without cataplexy and, amongst other variables, significantly differed in presence of sleep drunkenness, subjective difficulty awakening and weekend-week sleep length difference. Patients formally diagnosed as narcolepsy type 2 and idiopathic hypersomnia were evenly mixed in these two clusters. DISCUSSION Using a data-driven approach in the largest study on central disorders of hypersomnolence to date, our study identified distinct patient subgroups within the central disorders of hypersomnolence population. Our results contest inclusion of sleep-onset rapid eye moment periods (SOREMPs) in diagnostic criteria for people without cataplexy and provide promising new variables for reliable diagnostic categories that better resemble different patient phenotypes. Cluster-guided classification will result in a more solid hypersomnolence classification system that is less vulnerable to instability of single features

    Nocturnal exposure to a preferred ambient scent does not affect dream emotionality or post-sleep core affect valence in young adults

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    Abstract Emotions experienced within sleep mentation (dreaming) affect mental functioning in waking life. There have been attempts at enhancing dream emotions using olfactory stimulation. Odors readily acquire affective value, but to profoundly influence emotional processing, they should bear personal significance for the perceiver rather than be generally pleasant. The main objective of the present sleep laboratory study was to examine whether prolonged nocturnal exposure to self-selected, preferred ambient room odor while asleep influences emotional aspects of sleep mentation and valence of post-sleep core affect. We asked twenty healthy participants (12 males, mean age 25 ± 4 years) to pick a commercially available scented room diffuser cartridge that most readily evoked positively valenced mental associations. In weekly intervals, the participants attended three sessions. After the adaptation visit, they were administered the odor exposure and odorless control condition in a balanced order. Participants were awakened five minutes into the first rapid eye movement (REM) stage that took place after 2:30 a.m. and, if they had been dreaming, they were asked to rate their mental sleep experience for pleasantness, emotional charge, and magnitude of positive and negative emotions and also to evaluate their post-sleep core affect valence. With rs < 0.20, no practically or statistically significant differences existed between exposure and control in any outcome measures. We conclude that in young, healthy participants, the practical value of olfactory stimulation with self-selected preferred scents for enhancement of dream emotions and post-sleep core affect valence is very limited

    Olfaction-Related Factors Affecting Chemosensory Dream Content in a Sleep Laboratory

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    Mental activity in sleep often involves visual and auditory content. Chemosensory (olfactory and gustatory) experiences are less common and underexplored. The aim of the study was to identify olfaction-related factors that may affect the occurrence of chemosensory dream content. Specifically, we investigated the effects of all-night exposure to an ambient odour, participants’ appraisal of their current olfactory environment, their general propensity to notice odours and act on them (i.e., odour awareness), and their olfactory acuity. Sixty pre-screened healthy young adults underwent olfactory assessment, completed a measure of odour awareness, and spent three nights in weekly intervals in a sleep laboratory. The purpose of the first visit was to adapt to the experimental setting. On the second visit, half of them were exposed to the smell of vanillin or thioglycolic acid and the other half to an odourless control condition. On the third visit, they received control or stimulation in a balanced order. On each visit, data were collected twice: once from the first rapid eye movement (REM) stage that occurred after 3 a.m., and then shortly before getting up, usually from a non-REM stage. Participants were asked to report the presence of sensory dream content and to assess their current olfactory environment. Neither exposure, nor participants’ assessments of the ambient odour, or olfactory acuity affected reports of chemosensory dream content but they were more frequent in individuals with greater odour awareness. This finding may have implications for treatment when such experiences become unwanted or bothersome

    Psychosocial Impact of Huntington&rsquo;s Disease and Incentives to Improve Care for Affected Families in the Underserved Region of the Slovak Republic

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    Introduction: Huntington&rsquo;s disease (HD) is often on the margin of standard medical practice due to its low prevalence, the lack of causal treatment, and the typically long premanifest window prior to the onset of the symptoms, which contrasts with the long-lasting burden that the disease causes in affected families. Methods: To capture these socio-psychological aspects of HD and map the experiences of affected individuals, persons at risk of HD, and caregivers, we created a questionnaire using a qualitative research approach. The questionnaire containing 16 questions was conducted online for a period of three months through patient associations in Slovakia and their infrastructures. Results: In total, we received 30 responses. The survey results, in particular, indicate insufficient counselling by physicians with explicitly missing information about the possibility of preimplantation genetic diagnostic. There was also a necessity to improve comprehensive social and health care in the later stages of the disease, raise awareness of the disease in the general health community, and provide more information on ongoing clinical trials. Conclusion: The psychosocial effects, as well as the burden, can be mitigated by comprehensive genetic counselling as well as reproductive and financial guidelines and subsequent therapeutic programs to actively support patients, caregivers, children, and adolescents growing up in affected families, preferably with the help of local HD community association. Limitations: We have used online data collection to reach a wider HD community, but at the same time, we are aware that the quality of the data we would obtain through face-to-face interviews would be considerably better. Therefore, future studies need to be conducted to obtain more detailed information

    Idling for Decades: A European Study on Risk Factors Associated with the Delay Before a Narcolepsy Diagnosis.

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    Purpose Narcolepsy type-1 (NT1) is a rare chronic neurological sleep disorder with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) as usual first and cataplexy as pathognomonic symptom. Shortening the NT1 diagnostic delay is the key to reduce disease burden and related low quality of life. Here we investigated the changes of diagnostic delay over the diagnostic years (1990-2018) and the factors associated with the delay in Europe. Patients and Methods We analyzed 580 NT1 patients (male: 325, female: 255) from 12 European countries using the European Narcolepsy Network database. We combined machine learning and linear mixed-effect regression to identify factors associated with the delay. Results The mean age at EDS onset and diagnosis of our patients was 20.9±11.8 (mean ± standard deviation) and 30.5±14.9 years old, respectively. Their mean and median diagnostic delay was 9.7±11.5 and 5.3 (interquartile range: 1.7-13.2 years) years, respectively. We did not find significant differences in the diagnostic delay over years in either the whole dataset or in individual countries, although the delay showed significant differences in various countries. The number of patients with short (≤2-year) and long (≥13-year) diagnostic delay equally increased over decades, suggesting that subgroups of NT1 patients with variable disease progression may co-exist. Younger age at cataplexy onset, longer interval between EDS and cataplexy onsets, lower cataplexy frequency, shorter duration of irresistible daytime sleep, lower daytime REM sleep propensity, and being female are associated with longer diagnostic delay. Conclusion Our findings contrast the results of previous studies reporting shorter delay over time which is confounded by calendar year, because they characterized the changes in diagnostic delay over the symptom onset year. Our study indicates that new strategies such as increasing media attention/awareness and developing new biomarkers are needed to better detect EDS, cataplexy, and changes of nocturnal sleep in narcolepsy, in order to shorten the diagnostic interval