35 research outputs found

    Functional and radiological comparison of transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion method with interbody fusion device versus stand-alone bone graft in lumbar canal stenosis or degenerative lumbar instability

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    Background: Spinal stability is the vertebral ability to maintain their relationship and limit their relative displacements during physiologic postures and loads.Methods: Hospital based prospective randomized comparative study design between 2 groups included patients of both sex attending SMS hospital Jaipur, from April 2018 to June 2019 or till sample size was achieved, with due permission from institutional ethical committee and review board and after taking written informed consent from patients.Results: Inter group comparison of VAS score showed same results in both groups which showed statistically non-significant results. VAS score showed significantly reduction in both group A and B till the study period. Inter group comparison of ODI score showed same results in both groups which showed statistically non-significant results. ODI score showed significantly reduction in both group A and B till the study period. Inter group comparison of fusion rate score showed same results in both groups which showed statistically non-significant results. Fusion rate score showed significantly increased in both group A and B till the study period and at the 12 month it was 100% fusion rate.Conclusions: In the current series, the TLIF procedure with local bone graft alone improved anterior vertebral translation, disc height, and lumbar lordosis. A proper surgical technique with adequate discectomy and facetectomy would contribute greatly to the improvement of the radiological parameters; however, this improvement was not maintained at the latest follow up.

    Non-destructive quality assessment of bio-engineering parts using Industrial Micro X-ray Computed Tomography: A review

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    Bio-engineering parts are widely used in hearing aid applications, dental applications, inhalation therapy blends, etc. Conventional tactile measurement techniques offer a limitation in the quality assessment of such parts due to the complex shape of the part and also due to their inability to measure internal features in a three-dimensional space. Industrial micro X-ray computed tomography (>μXCT) is a robust characterization technique designed to maintain part quality, facilitate precision manufacturing, and reduce material waste due to part rejection. This paper highlights the limitations and challenges of conventional measurement techniques in the assessment of the quality of bio-engineering components. Capabilities of μXCT are presented and its application in the bio-engineering sector is discussed in this work

    Cloud Computing Security

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    Cloud computing has become a growing interest for organizations looking to reduce their IT costs by offloading software costs onto 3rd party organizations who offer software-as -a - service, platform-as-a-service, Security is the key for the Cloud success. There are two technologies Multi -tenancy, Virtualization which provides security about cloud computing

    Comparison of radiological and clinical outcome among Kirschner wires versus 3.5 mm diameter cannulated cancellous screw internal fixation in treatment for the displaced lateral humeral condyle fractures in children

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    Background: Lateral humeral condyle fracture, the second most common injury around the elbow, accounts for 10-20% of all fractures of the elbow in children with a high incidence between two and 14 years.Methods: This hospital based prospective randomized comparative study design was include patients of both sexes in age group of 2 to 14 years attending SMS hospital, Jaipur during April 2018 to June 2019 or till the sample size achieved, with due permission from the institutional ethic committee and review board and after taking written informed consent from the patient.Results: 40 patients out of 50 were grouped as excellent (70.1%) while 13 were found good (22.8%) and only four patients were found poor (7.01%) as per Hardacre criteria of assessment of lateral condyle treatment in k wire group while excellent, good and poor results were found 68.4, 24.5 and 7.01% respectively in CC screw groupsConclusions: The displaced fractures (displacement over 2 mm) can be treated successfully by open reduction and K-wires or screw fixation with excellent results.

    Assessing the feasibility of integrating ecosystem-based with engineered water resource governance and management for water security in semi-arid landscapes: A case study in the Banas catchment, Rajasthan, India

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    Much of the developing world and areas of the developed world suffer water vulnerability. Engineering solutions enable technically efficient extraction and diversion of water towards areas of demand but, without rebalancing resource regeneration, can generate multiple adverse ecological and human consequences. The Banas River, Rajasthan (India), has been extensively developed for water diversion, particularly from the Bisalpur Dam from which water is appropriated by powerful urban constituencies dispossessing local people. Coincidentally, abandonment of traditional management, including groundwater recharge practices, is leading to increasingly receding and contaminated groundwater. This creates linked vulnerabilities for rural communities, irrigation schemes, urban users, dependent ecosystems and the multiple ecosystem services that they provide, compounded by climate change and population growth. This paper addresses vulnerabilities created by fragmented policy measures between rural development, urban and irrigation water supply and downstream consequences for people and wildlife. Perpetuating narrowly technocentric approaches to resource exploitation is likely only to compound emerging problems. Alternatively, restoration or innovation of groundwater recharge practices, particularly in the upper catchment, can represent a proven, ecosystem-based approach to resource regeneration with linked beneficial socio-ecological benefits. Hybridising an ecosystem-based approach with engineered methods can simultaneously increase the security of rural livelihoods, piped urban and irrigation supplies, and the vitality of river ecosystems and their services to beneficiaries. A renewed policy focus on local-scale water recharge practices balancing water extraction technologies is consistent with emerging Rajasthani policies, particularly Jal Swavlamban Abhiyan (‘water self-reliance mission’). Policy reform emphasising recharge can contribute to water security and yield socio-economic outcomes through a systemic understanding of how the water system functions, and by connecting goals and budgets across multiple, currently fragmented policy areas. The underpinning principles of this necessary paradigm shift are proven and have wider geographic relevance, though context-specific research is required to underpin robust policy and practical implementation

    Computed tomography based quality optimization of micro injection molding

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    Micro injection molding is a well-established manufacturing techniques for mass replication of micro parts. However, a new product development requires a process optimization with respect to the desired quality criteria. From the quality aspect, there has been demands for new technologies for quality assessment of the micro products. X-ray computed tomography (CT) is an emerging technology for industrial quality control. The current project focuses on application based quality optimization of micro injection molded parts utilizing X-ray CT. Processing parameters play a significant role in the final part quality; the most crucial parameters are: melt temperature, mold temperature, cooling time, packing pressure etc. The influence of the process parameters on the part quality is investigated by means of design of experiment approach. X-ray CT is an extremely powerful tool which can used for different evaluations and analyses e.g. dimensional metrology, internal porosity, fiber orientation etc. Within the framework of this project, three different studies have been performed based on their critical quality aspects. First study was focused on microfluidics where holistic dimensional quality control is desired. X-ray CT was used for the overall part measurement related to shrinkage and warpage, whereas conventional three dimensional optical profiler was employed used for the micro channel measurements. CT based data fusion approach was applied for the holistic part measurements. Moreover, the effect of electron beam alignment was also studied on the CT measurements of micro molded parts. Fiber-reinforced polymers are commonly used in micro injection applications where higher mechanical properties are desirable e.g. in electronic connectors. Nevertheless, the use of fiber-reinforced polymers affects the desired accuracy, which is attributed mainly to the orientation of fibers in the final part. The non-destructive nature of X-ray CT allows to study the fiber orientation and its effect on the dimensional accuracy of the parts. An experimental investigation was carried out focusing the influence of process parameters (melt temperature, mold temperature, cooling time and packing pressure) on the desired fiber characteristics (orientation, fiber volume content iv etc.). A simulation based study was also performed to validate the CT based characterization of fiber reinforced composites. The last part was focused on a specific micro injection molding application where the internal defects (voids) alter the quality adversely. A series of experimental investigations were made by varying the critical process parameters. X-ray CT was used for the part characterization and quality assessment considering the different quality criteria e.g. total void volume, part volume (shrinkage) etc. Optimal set of process parameters was identified by performing the statistical analysis.Il micro-srampaggio a iniezione è una tecnica di produzione ben consolidata per la replica in massa di micro parti. Tuttavia, lo sviluppo di un nuovo prodotto richiede un'ottimizzazione di processo conforme ai parametri di qualità desiderati. Dal punto di vista della qualità, sono richieste nuove tecnologie per la valutazione della qualità di micro prodotti e parti. La tomografia computerizzata a raggi X (CT) è una tecnologia emergente per il controllo della qualità nel settore industriale. L'attuale progetto si concentra sull'ottimizzazione della qualità di parti micro-stampate a micro iniezione, utilizzando la CT a raggi X. I parametri di lavorazione giocano un ruolo significativo nella qualità del prodotto finale; i parametri più importanti sono: temperatura del fuso, temperatura dello stampo, tempo di raffreddamento, pressione di compattazione, ecc. L'influenza dei parametri di processo sulla qualità del pezzo viene analizzata tramite la progettazione dell'approccio sperimentale. La tomografia a raggi X è uno strumento estremamente potente che può essere utilizzato per diverse valutazioni e analisi, ad es. metrologia dimensionale, porosità interna, orientamento delle fibre, ecc. Nell'ambito di questo progetto, sono stati condotti tre diversi studi in base agli elementi di qualità più rilevanti. Il primo studio si è concentrato sulla microfluidica dove è desiderato un controllo qualitativo dimensionale olistico. La tomografia a raggi X è stata utilizzata per la misurazione complessiva del pezzo, in particolare per le dimensioni e le deformazioni; mentre la profilometria ottica tridimensionale è stata utilizzata per le misurazioni dei micro canali. La fusione dei dati, ottenuti tramite l’uso della CT è stata utilizzata per le misurazioni olistiche del pezzo. Inoltre, l'effetto dell'allineamento del fascio di elettroni è stato studiato tramite le misurazioni di parti micro stampate utilizzando la tecnologia CT . I polimeri rinforzati con fibre sono comunemente usati nelle applicazioni di micro iniezione in cui sono desiderabili proprietà meccaniche superiori, ad es. nei connettori elettronici. Tuttavia, l'uso di polimeri rinforzati con fibre influisce sulla precisione desiderata, che è attribuita principalmente all'orientamento delle fibre nel prodotto finale. La natura non distruttiva della tecnologia CT a raggi X consente di studiare l'orientamento delle fibre e la sua influenza sulla precisione dimensionale delle parti. È stata condotta un'indagine sperimentale, focalizzando quest’ultima sull'influenza dei parametri di processo (temperatura del fuso, temperatura dello stampo, tempo di raffreddamento e pressione di riempimento) sulle caratteristiche delle fibre (orientamento, contenuto di volume della fibra ecc.). È stato inoltre eseguito uno studio che include l'analisi e la simulazione numerica delle acquisizioni per validare la caratterizzazione, eseguita con tecnologia CT, di compositi rinforzati con fibre. L'ultima parte si focalizza su una specifica applicazione del micro-stampaggio a iniezione dove i difetti interni (i vuoti) alterano la qualità in modo avverso. Una serie di indagini sperimentali sono state eseguite variando i parametri critici del processo. La tomografia a raggi X è stata utilizzata per la caratterizzazione delle parti e la valutazione della qualità considerando i diversi criteri di qualità, ad es. volume totale dei difetti, volume della parte (restringimento) ecc. Il set ottimale dei parametri di processo è stato identificato tramite analisi statistica

    Computed tomography based quality optimization of micro injection molding

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    Micro injection molding is a well-established manufacturing techniques for mass replication of micro parts. However, a new product development requires a process optimization with respect to the desired quality criteria. From the quality aspect, there has been demands for new technologies for quality assessment of the micro products. X-ray computed tomography (CT) is an emerging technology for industrial quality control. The current project focuses on application based quality optimization of micro injection molded parts utilizing X-ray CT. Processing parameters play a significant role in the final part quality; the most crucial parameters are: melt temperature, mold temperature, cooling time, packing pressure etc. The influence of the process parameters on the part quality is investigated by means of design of experiment approach. X-ray CT is an extremely powerful tool which can used for different evaluations and analyses e.g. dimensional metrology, internal porosity, fiber orientation etc. Within the framework of this project, three different studies have been performed based on their critical quality aspects. First study was focused on microfluidics where holistic dimensional quality control is desired. X-ray CT was used for the overall part measurement related to shrinkage and warpage, whereas conventional three dimensional optical profiler was employed used for the micro channel measurements. CT based data fusion approach was applied for the holistic part measurements. Moreover, the effect of electron beam alignment was also studied on the CT measurements of micro molded parts. Fiber-reinforced polymers are commonly used in micro injection applications where higher mechanical properties are desirable e.g. in electronic connectors. Nevertheless, the use of fiber-reinforced polymers affects the desired accuracy, which is attributed mainly to the orientation of fibers in the final part. The non-destructive nature of X-ray CT allows to study the fiber orientation and its effect on the dimensional accuracy of the parts. An experimental investigation was carried out focusing the influence of process parameters (melt temperature, mold temperature, cooling time and packing pressure) on the desired fiber characteristics (orientation, fiber volume content iv etc.). A simulation based study was also performed to validate the CT based characterization of fiber reinforced composites. The last part was focused on a specific micro injection molding application where the internal defects (voids) alter the quality adversely. A series of experimental investigations were made by varying the critical process parameters. X-ray CT was used for the part characterization and quality assessment considering the different quality criteria e.g. total void volume, part volume (shrinkage) etc. Optimal set of process parameters was identified by performing the statistical analysis

    Expression, Purification, and Functional Analysis of Novel RelE Operon from X. nematophila

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    Bacterial toxin-antitoxin (TA) complexes induce programmed cell death and also function to relieve cell from stress by various response mechanisms. Escherichia coli RelB-RelE TA complex consists of a RelE toxin functionally counteracted by RelB antitoxin. In the present study, a novel homolog of RelE toxin designated as Xn-relE toxin from Xenorhabdus nematophila possessing its own antitoxin designated as Xn-relEAT has been identified. Expression and purification of recombinant proteins under native conditions with GST and Ni-NTA chromatography prove the existence of novel TA module. The expression of recombinant Xn-relE under tightly regulated ara promoter in E. coli Top 10 cells confirms its toxic nature in endogenous toxicity assay. The neutralization activity in endogenous toxicity assay by Xn-relEAT antitoxin confirms its antidote nature when studying the whole TA operon under ara regulated promoter. This study promotes newly discovered TA module to be regarded as important as other proteins of type II toxin-antitoxin system