258 research outputs found

    Tool delivery robot using convolutional neural network

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    In the following article, it is presented a human-robot interaction system where algorithms were developed to control the movement of a manipulator in order to allow it to search and deliver, in the hand of the user, a desired tool with a certain orientation. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was used to detect and recognize the user's hand, geometric analysis for the adjustment of the delivery status of the tool from any position of the robot and any orientation of the gripper, and a trajectory planning algorithm for the movement of the manipulator. It was possible to use the activations of a CNN developed in previous works for the detection of the position and orientation of the hand in the workspace and thus track it in real time, both in a simulated environment and in a real environment

    Sistematización de las prácticas Mujeres, fútbol y periodismo

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    Este proyecto pretende hacer reflexionar acerca del papel que cumplen las mujeres en la generación de contenido periodístico deportivo, teniendo en cuenta la experiencia adquirida durante las prácticas profesionales y analizando los roles que son atribuidas al género femenino dentro del periodismo

    Abnormal gait detection by means of LSTM

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    This article presents a system focused on the detection of three types of abnormal walk patterns caused by neurological diseases, specifically Parkinsonian gait, Hemiplegic gait, and Spastic Diplegic gait. A Kinect sensor is used to extract the Skeleton from a person during its walk, to then calculate four types of bases that generate different sequences from the 25 points of articulations that the Skeleton gives. For each type of calculated base, a recurrent neural network (RNN) is trained, specifically a Long short-term memory (LSTM). In addition, there is a graphical user interface that allows the acquisition, training, and testing of trained networks. Of the four trained networks, 98.1% accuracy is obtained with the database that was calculated with the distance of each point provided by the Skeleton to the Hip-Center point

    Two new species of Trichoglossum (Geoglossaceae, Ascomycota) from south Mexico

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    Two new species of Trichoglossum are described from south Mexico based on morphological and molecular evidence. Trichoglossum caespitosum is characterized by the caespitose ascomata, rough and coiled paraphy-ses and the ascospores with 9-11 septa. Trichoglossum tropicale is characterized by the capitate ascomata, clavate and straight paraphyses and the ascospores with 10-12 septa. Both species grow in the tropical forests of the Yucatan peninsula. Here we provide descriptions and photographs for these species, together with a phylogenetic analyses based on the DNA sequences of nuc rDNA (ITS region and 28S gene) and a comparative table for the species known for America

    Espectro clínico del síndrome de Fahr: reporte de dos casos

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    Introducción: las calcificaciones de los ganglios basales poseen un amplio espectro de presentación clínica. La etiología primaria asociada a manifestaciones neuro-psiquiátricas recibe el nombre de enfermedad de Fahr (EF), mientras que cuando son secundarias a distintos desórdenes metabólicos, infecciones, enfermedades autoinmunes o intoxicaciones se denomina síndrome de Fahr (SF). Objetivo: presentar el abordaje diagnóstico y diferentes presentaciones clínicas del SF y EF. Presentación de los casos: presentamos dos casos clínicos como parte de la ilustración del proceso diagnóstico. Una paciente de 38 años con epilepsia y déficit cognitivo a la cual se le documenta un SF secundario a hipoparatiroidismo y el caso de una paciente de 28 años sin antecedentes relevantes, paciente a la que, después de descartarle múltiples causas, se le considera un diagnóstico probable de EF. Discusión y conclusión: en el enfoque diagnóstico de las calcificaciones de los ganglios basales se deben estudiar inicialmente etiologías secundarias, en caso de descartarlas se debe indagar una etiología primaria

    Hipercalciuria significativa con desenlace inesperado

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    Introducción: la osteoporosis es el trastorno endocrino óseo más prevalente en adultos mayores y genera a nivel mundial una gran morbimortalidad. Las causas secundarias en hombres representan entre el 50?% y el 80?% de los casos. En el abordaje inicial es importante el estudio del metabolismo del calcio. Objetivo: presentar el caso de un paciente con osteoporosis secundaria y normocalcemia asociada a hipercalciuria significativa. Presentación del caso: presentamos un paciente masculino de 55 años, con antecedente de nefrolitiasis que consulta por dolor lumbar y en quien se hallan fracturas vertebrales por fragilidad a nivel torácico y lumbar. Se realiza diagnóstico de osteoporosis severa y la densitometría ósea sugiere causa secundaria, confirmando al final la presencia de mieloma múltiple. Discusión y conclusión: las fracturas por fragilidad siempre obligan a la búsqueda de osteoporosis. Cuando se presenta en un paciente masculino debe recordarse que en el 80?% de los casos se presenta una causa secundaria que obliga a la búsqueda de la enfermedad subyacente. La hipercalciuria es un trastorno que siempre debe ser adecuadamente caracterizado y los valores elevados extremos de velocidad de eritrosedimentación (VSG) tienen un significado patológico, especialmente en relación con enfermedades que generan una gran carga de inflamación

    Hipercortisolismo severo e hipocalemia recurrente

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    El síndrome de Cushing endógeno deriva de un aumento crónico, inapropiado y sostenido de glucocorticoides principalmente como respuesta al exceso en las concentraciones séricas elevadas de la hormona adrenocorticotropa (ACTH) desde un tumor adenohipofisiario, enfermedad de Cushing; o producida de forma ectópica por tumores neuroendocrinos. El Cushing suprarrenal se origina por tumores de la corteza adrenal que producen de forma autónoma cortisol y es independiente de ACTH. El curso clínico, tratamiento, pronóstico y posibles complicaciones dependen de identificar de forma correcta la lesión desencadenante; situación que en múltiples ocasiones resulta en una experiencia retadora para los clínicos. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 62 años, ingresada por síntomas constitucionales con hipocaliemia severa de difícil corrección e hipercortisolismo severo

    Solución open source con nethserver para automatización de servicios y seguridad de infraestructura ti

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    El presente artículo tiene como propósito conocer y aplicar la instalación y configuración de los servicios de NethServer, para poder administrar una plataforma TI de una forma segura y acorde a las necesidades de una empresa. Dentro de los servicios que se configuraron están el DHCP, DNS, Directorio Activo, File Server, Print Server y temas de seguridad como lo son VPN, Cortafuegos y Proxy; los cuales en conjunto prestan una correcta administración de la red a nivel de intranet e internet, junto con los componentes de una infraestructura de TI brindando una solución integral a la problemática presentada. La metodología se aplicará sobre entornos de pruebas aislados, detallando paso a paso la configuración en interfaz web de NethServer con capturas ilustrativas y resultados de validación funcional desde clientes GNU/Linux. Esto puede replicarse en cualquier ambiente empresarial que requiera gestionar su infraestructura TI de forma unificada con soluciones de código abierto.The purpose of this article is know and apply the installation and configuration of the NethServer services, to be able to manage a IT platform in a secure way and according to the needs of a company. Within the services that were configured are DHCP, DNS, Active Directory, File Server, Print Server and security issues such as VPN, Firewall and Proxy; which together provide a correct network administration at the intranet and internet level, together with the components of an IT infrastructure providing a comprehensive solution to the problem presented. The methodology will be applied on isolated test environments, detailing step by step the configuration in the web interface of NethServer with illustrative screenshots and results Functional validation from GNU/Linux clients. This can be replicated in any business environment that requires manage your IT infrastructure in a unified way with open source solutions

    Prevalence of apical periodontitis and endodontic treatment in a Kosovar adult population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite numerous studies on the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) and endodontic treatment in diverse geographical populations, there are currently no data on the prevalence of these conditions in populations of adults native to Kosovo. Therefore, little is known about how widespread these conditions are, and whether there is any correlation between root canal treatment and AP. The purpose of our research was to address this anomaly by investigating AP and endodontic treatment in an adult Kosovar population based on radiographic examination.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The sample used for this study consisted of randomly selected individuals referred to the University Dentistry Clinical Center of Kosovo in the years 2006-2007. Orthopantomographs of 193 patients were evaluated. The periapical status of all teeth (with the exception of third molars) was examined according to Ørstavik's Periapical Index. The quality of the root canal filling was rated as 'adequate' or 'inadequate' based on whether all canals were filled, the depth of fill relative to the radiographic apex and the quality of compaction (absence/presence of voids). Data were analyzed statistically using the Chi-square test and calculation of odds ratios.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of 4131 examined teeth, the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) and endodontic treatment was 12.3% and 2.3%, respectively. Of 95 endodontically-treated teeth, 46.3% were associated with AP. The prevalence of AP increased with age. The prevalence in subjects aged over 60 years old (20.2%) was higher than in other age groups. A statistically significant difference was found for the frequency of endodontically-treated teeth associated with AP in the 40-49 year age group (P < 0.001). Of some concern was the discovery that only 30.5% of the endodontically-treated teeth examined met the criteria of an acceptable root canal filling. Inadequately root-filled teeth were associated with an increased AP risk.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The prevalence of AP and the frequency of endodontically-treated teeth with AP in this Kosovar population are higher than those found in other countries. Inadequate root canal fillings were associated with an increased prevalence of AP.</p

    Addressing the disparities in dementia risk, early detection and care in Latino populations: Highlights from the Second Latinos and Alzheimer's Symposium

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    The Alzheimer's Association hosted the second Latinos & Alzheimer's Symposium in May 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held online over 2 days, with virtual presentations, discussions, mentoring sessions, and posters. The Latino population in the United States is projected to have the steepest increase in Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the next 40 years, compared to other ethnic groups. Latinos have increased risk for AD and other dementias, limited access to quality care, and are severely underrepresented in AD and dementia research and clinical trials. The symposium highlighted developments in AD research with Latino populations, including advances in AD biomarkers, and novel cognitive assessments for Spanish-speaking populations, as well as the need to effectively recruit and retain Latinos in clinical research, and how best to deliver health-care services and to aid caregivers of Latinos living with AD