223 research outputs found

    Network Performance in HTML5 Video Connections

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    [EN] Currently, most of remote education systems use video streaming as the main basis to support teaching. These emissions can be seen in devices with different hardware features such as personal computers, tablets or smartphones through networks with different capacities. The use of different web browsers and coding options can also influence the network performance. Therefore, the quality of the video displayed may be different. This work presents a practical study to establish the best combination of web browsers and containers to encode multimedia files for videos streaming in personal computers running Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems. For this, a video encoded with different codecs and compressed with different containers have been transmitted through a 1000BaseT network. Finally, the results are analyzed and compared to determine which would be the most efficient combination of parameters according to the resolution of the transmitted video.This work has been partially supported by the European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR and by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte , through the Convocatoria 2016 - Proyectos I+D+I - Programa Estatal De Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los retos de la sociedad (Project TEC2016-76795-C6-4-R) and through the Convocatoria 2017 - Proyectos I+D+I - Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, convocatoria excelencia (Project TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P).Sendra, S.; Túnez-Murcia, AI.; Lloret, J.; Jimenez, JM. (2018). Network Performance in HTML5 Video Connections. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 10(3):43-62. https://doi.org/10.5296/npa.v10i3.13933S436210

    Development of gambling disorder after bariatric surgery: a call for research

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    The relationship between bariatric surgery and alcohol use disorder (AUD) suggests that there may be a parallel connection between bariatric surgery and gambling disorder (GD), although this has never been researched before. Here, we describe observations suggesting that patients undergoing bariatric surgery may develop gambling disorders after surgery. Obese, older adults, and women may be at particular risk of developing GD because of their higher susceptibility to somatic comorbidities. We call for research addressing factors affecting the development of GD in patients undergoing bariatric surgery and how this could be prevented

    Development of gambling disorder after bariatric surgery: a call for research

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    The relationship between bariatric surgery and alcohol use disorder (AUD) suggests that there may be a parallel connection between bariatric surgery and gambling disorder (GD), although this has never been researched before. Here, we describe observations suggesting that patients undergoing bariatric surgery may develop gambling disorders after surgery. Obese, older adults, and women may be at particular risk of developing GD because of their higher susceptibility to somatic comorbidities. We call for research addressing factors affecting the development of GD in patients undergoing bariatric surgery and how this could be prevented

    Implementación de, LEERTE: Estrategia de intervención pedagógica para el fortalecimiento de las dimensiones socio afectiva y comunicativa a través de la lectura terapéutica con niños en procesos oncológicos

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    90 Páginas.Con la recopilación de cuatro estudios anteriores sobre lectura terapéutica, este proyecto toma la estrategia de intervención pedagógica LEERTE, para realizar la implementación con niños en procesos oncológicos en un contexto no hospitalario. Este trabajo expone los aspectos relevantes de las investigaciones anteriores, también se elabora un marco teórico que retoma los temas base de la estrategia como: dimensión socio afectiva, dimensión comunicativa, el efecto de éstas en los niños con cáncer, entre otros; y además se añaden temas para complementar el trabajo como: cáncer, literatura, entre otros. La estrategia se implementó con nueve niños en procesos oncológicos que asistieron a la fundación Opnicer. Después de la implementación se elabora el análisis de resultados, la viabilidad de la estrategia y las conclusiones del proyecto

    Biofeedback Interventions for Impulsivity-related Processes in Addictive Disorders

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    Purpose of Review Biofeedback is a promising technique that has been used as a treatment tool for different psychological disorders. In this regard, central (neurofeedback) and peripheral psychophysiological signals are presented as comprehensible stimuli with the aim of training specific processes. This review summarizes recent evidence about its use for the treatment of impulsivity-related processes in addictive disorders. Recent Findings Neurofeedback (NFB) protocols, based on electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have focused on substance use disorders. Biofeedback protocols using peripheral measures have been mainly based on heart rate variability and focused on behavioral addictions. EEG-NFB reported good results in the reduction of hyperarousal, impulsivity and risk taking in alcohol use disorder, and decreased rates of smoking and less craving in nicotine addiction. In fMRI-NFB, effective NFB performance has been related with better clinical outcomes in substance use disorders; however, its implication for treatment is still unclear. Heart rate variability biofeedback results are scarce, but some interventions have been recently designed aimed at treating behavioral addictions. Summary In addictive disorders, biofeedback interventions for impulsivity-related processes have shown promising results, although the literature is still scarce. Further research should aim at proving the effectiveness of biofeedback protocols as a treatment option for impulsivity in addictive disorders

    Obesity and gambling: neurocognitive and clinical associations.

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    OBJECTIVE: Research on health correlates in gamblers has found an association between gambling and obesity. The neurocognitive underpinnings of impulsivity may be useful targets for understanding and ultimately treating individuals with both gambling and obesity problems. METHOD: 207 non-treatment seeking young adults (18-29 years) with subsyndromal gambling disorder were recruited from the community. Subjects were grouped according to weight ('normal weight' BMI<25, 'overweight' BMI≥25; or 'obese' BMI≥30). Measures relating to gambling behaviour and objective computerized neurocognitive measures were collected. RESULTS: Of the 207 subjects, 22 (10.6%) were obese and 49 (23.7%) were overweight. The obese gamblers consumed more nicotine (packs per day equivalent) and reported losing more money per week to gambling. Obese gamblers exhibited significant impairments in terms of reaction times for go trials on the stop-signal test (SST), quality of decision making and risk adjustment on the Cambridge Gamble Test (CGT), and sustained attention on the rapid visual information processing task (RVP). CONCLUSION: Obesity was associated with decision making and sustained attention impairments in gamblers, along with greater monetary loss due to gambling. Future work should use longitudinal designs to examine the temporal relationship between these deficits, weight, other impulsive behaviour, and functional impairment.This research was supported by a Center for Excellence in Gambling Research grant by the National Center for Responsible Gaming to Dr. Grant.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/acps.1235

    Diseño de estrategias de marketing digital para Funcinemac en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali

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    47 páginas : ilustraciones ; 25 cm.El objetivo de este trabajo investigativo es “diseñar un plan de marketing digital para aumentar la participación de FUNCINEMAC en el mercado por su variedad de oferta y servicios en el área multimedia para las personas interesadas en esta disciplina de la ciudad de Cali”. Y así alcanzar éxito comercial al transformarse en instituto como lo proyecta a dos años

    Non-suicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disordered Patients: Associations with Heart Rate Variability and State-Trait Anxiety

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    Background: Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is commonly present in individuals with eating disorders (EDs) and is often employed as a maladaptive emotion regulation strategy to avoid or abate negative emotions. One of the most prevalent negative emotions experienced by self-injurers is anxiety; however, this emotion has not been extensively studied in this population. Thus, the aim of our study was to investigate the influence of anxiety on NSSI in patients with ED from two different dimensions: state anxiety and trait anxiety.Methods: The study comprised a total of 66 females: 12 ED patients with NSSI, 32 ED patients without a history of NSSI, and 22 healthy controls. State and trait anxiety were assessed by means of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S-T) and physiological data [i.e., heart rate variability (HRV)] were collected.Results: STAI-trait scores were significantly higher in ED patients with NSSI than ED patients without NSSI. Furthermore, when conducting logistic regression analyses higher STAI-trait scores were associated with NSSI in ED patients. However, no differences in STAI-state scores and HRV were found between ED patients with and without NSSI.Discussion: The present findings suggest that anxiety as a trait is associated with the use of maladaptive strategies (i.e., NSSI) in ED patients. These results uphold the need to target trait anxiety in ED treatment in order to prevent possible NSSI behaviors