593 research outputs found

    Hyaluronan concentration and size distribution in human knee synovial fluid: variations with age and cartilage degeneration.

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    BackgroundOne potential mechanism for early superficial cartilage wear in normal joints is alteration of the lubricant content and quality of synovial fluid. The purpose of this study was to determine if the concentration and quality of the lubricant, hyaluronan, in synovial fluid: (1) was similar in left and right knees; (2) exhibited similar age-associated trends, whether collected postmortem or antemortem; and (3) varied with age and grade of joint degeneration.MethodsHuman synovial fluid of donors (23-91 years) without osteoarthritis was analyzed for the concentrations of protein, hyaluronan, and hyaluronan in the molecular weight ranges of 2.5-7 MDa, 1-2.5 MDa, 0.5-1 MDa, and 0.03-0.5 MDa. Similarity of data between left and right knees was assessed by reduced major axis regression, paired t-test, and Bland-Altman analysis. The effect of antemortem versus postmortem collection on biochemical properties was assessed for age-matched samples by unpaired t-test. The relationships between age, joint grade, and each biochemical component were assessed by regression analysis.ResultsJoint grade and the concentrations of protein, hyaluronan, and hyaluronan in the molecular weight ranges of 2.5-7 MDa, 1-2.5 MDa, and 0.5-1 MDa in human synovial fluid showed good agreement between left and right knees and were similar between age-matched patient and cadaver knee joints. There was an age-associated decrease in overall joint grade (-15 %/decade) and concentrations of hyaluronan (-10.5 %/decade), and hyaluronan in the molecular weight ranges of 2.5-7 MDa (-9.4 %/decade), 1-2.5 MDa (-11.3 %/decade), 0.5-1 MDa (-12.5 %/decade), and 0.03-0.5 MDa (-13.0 %/decade). Hyaluronan concentration and quality was more strongly associated with age than with joint grade.ConclusionsThe age-related increase in cartilage wear in non-osteoarthritic joints may be related to the altered hyaluronan content and quality of synovial fluid

    The influence of air attenuation in characteristic curve for mammographic screen-film system

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    マンモグラフィ専用装置を使用して,距離法で低エネルギー領域のX線におけるマンモグラフィ用増感紙/フィルムシステムの特性曲線を得るためには,空気滅弱の影響を考慮する必要がある。その影響について,実効エネルギーから空気減弱分を補正,照射線量測定による補正,Bednarek法を応用した新距離法の3種類の方法を使って検討した。さらに,一般撮影装置でも,マンモ用システムに対して距離法で特性曲線を作成し,エネルギ ーの変化による影響についても検討した。その結果,3方法の特性曲線およびグラディエント曲線は,新距離法が高濃度域でわずかにずれるもののほぼ一致した。新距離法に対する平均階調度,最大階調度の最大誤差は,2.7%,0.2%であり,一般撮影用装置の距離法と3方法との間では,一般撮影用装置の距離法に対して最大誤差は2.7%,1.5%であった。以上のことから,エネルギーの変化による特性曲線への影響はほとんどなく,低エネルギー領域での特性曲線は空気特配の補正を行うことのみで得られると考えられる。It is necessary to take air attenuation into account when we use inverse square sensitometry to obtain characteristic curve for the mammographic screen-film system at low x-ray energies as used with the dedicated unit. Three kinds of the inverse square sensitometry approach of correcting by air attenuation obtained from effective energy, of correcting by exposure dosimetry and of using modified the technique of Bednarek were employed to investigated the influence of x-ray energy in the characteristic curves for the mammographic screen-film system. In addition, the inverse square sensitometry with the general radiographic unit was employed and the influence of x-ray high energy in the characteristic curves was also investigated for the same screeri-film system. Though characteristic curves and gradient curves of the new inverse square sensitometry were a little lower than the others in high-density region, the curves with three kinds of methods almost coincided. Maximum relative errors of average gradient and maximum gradient for modified the technique of Bednarek were found to be 2.7% and 0.2% among the others respectively. Moreover, maximum relative errors of gradient and maximum gradient for the inverse square sensitometry with the general radiographic unit were 2.7% and 1.5% among three kinds of methods with the dedicated unit respectively. It was considered that the characteristic curves for the mammographic screen-film system were little influenced by x-ray energy and could be obtained only by correcting air attenuation from above results

    A genetic variation map for chicken with 2.8 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms

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    We describe a genetic variation map for the chicken genome containing 2.8 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNPs). This map is based on a comparison of the sequences of three domestic chicken breeds ( a broiler, a layer and a Chinese silkie) with that of their wild ancestor, red jungle fowl. Subsequent experiments indicate that at least 90% of the variant sites are true SNPs, and at least 70% are common SNPs that segregate in many domestic breeds. Mean nucleotide diversity is about five SNPs per kilobase for almost every possible comparison between red jungle fowl and domestic lines, between two different domestic lines, and within domestic lines - in contrast to the notion that domestic animals are highly inbred relative to their wild ancestors. In fact, most of the SNPs originated before domestication, and there is little evidence of selective sweeps for adaptive alleles on length scales greater than 100 kilobases

    A genome triplication associated with early diversification of the core eudicots

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    Background: Although it is agreed that a major polyploidy event, gamma, occurred within the eudicots, the phylogenetic placement of the event remains unclear. Results: To determine when this polyploidization occurred relative to speciation events in angiosperm history, we employed a phylogenomic approach to investigate the timing of gene set duplications located on syntenic gamma blocks. We populated 769 putative gene families with large sets of homologs obtained from public transcriptomes of basal angiosperms, magnoliids, asterids, and more than 91.8 gigabases of new next-generation transcriptome sequences of non-grass monocots and basal eudicots. The overwhelming majority (95%) of well-resolved gamma duplications was placed before the separation of rosids and asterids and after the split of monocots and eudicots, providing strong evidence that the gamma polyploidy event occurred early in eudicot evolution. Further, the majority of gene duplications was placed after the divergence of the Ranunculales and core eudicots, indicating that the gamma appears to be restricted to core eudicots. Molecular dating estimates indicate that the duplication events were intensely concentrated around 117 million years ago. Conclusions: The rapid radiation of core eudicot lineages that gave rise to nearly 75% of angiosperm species appears to have occurred coincidentally or shortly following the gamma triplication event. Reconciliation of gene trees with a species phylogeny can elucidate the timing of major events in genome evolution, even when genome sequences are only available for a subset of species represented in the gene trees. Comprehensive transcriptome datasets are valuable complements to genome sequences for high-resolution phylogenomic analysis

    Differential gene expression in mouse primary hepatocytes exposed to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α agonists

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    BACKGROUND: Fibrates are a unique hypolipidemic drugs that lower plasma triglyceride and cholesterol levels through their action as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) agonists. The activation of PPARα leads to a cascade of events that result in the pharmacological (hypolipidemic) and adverse (carcinogenic) effects in rodent liver. RESULTS: To understand the molecular mechanisms responsible for the pleiotropic effects of PPARα agonists, we treated mouse primary hepatocytes with three PPARα agonists (bezafibrate, fenofibrate, and WY-14,643) at multiple concentrations (0, 10, 30, and 100 μM) for 24 hours. When primary hepatocytes were exposed to these agents, transactivation of PPARα was elevated as measured by luciferase assay. Global gene expression profiles in response to PPARα agonists were obtained by microarray analysis. Among differentially expressed genes (DEGs), there were 4, 8, and 21 genes commonly regulated by bezafibrate, fenofibrate, and WY-14,643 treatments across 3 doses, respectively, in a dose-dependent manner. Treatments with 100 μM of bezafibrate, fenofibrate, and WY-14,643 resulted in 151, 149, and 145 genes altered, respectively. Among them, 121 genes were commonly regulated by at least two drugs. Many genes are involved in fatty acid metabolism including oxidative reaction. Some of the gene changes were associated with production of reactive oxygen species, cell proliferation of peroxisomes, and hepatic disorders. In addition, 11 genes related to the development of liver cancer were observed. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that treatment of PPARα agonists results in the production of oxidative stress and increased peroxisome proliferation, thus providing a better understanding of mechanisms underlying PPARα agonist-induced hepatic disorders and hepatocarcinomas

    Targeted Inactivation of p12Cdk2ap1, CDK2 Associating Protein 1, Leads to Early Embryonic Lethality

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    Targeted disruption of murine Cdk2ap1, an inhibitor of CDK2 function and hence G1/S transition, results in the embryonic lethality with a high penetration rate. Detailed timed pregnancy analysis of embryos showed that the lethality occurred between embryonic day 3.5 pc and 5.5 pc, a period of implantation and early development of implanted embryos. Two homozygous knockout mice that survived to term showed identical craniofacial defect, including a short snout and a round forehead. Examination of craniofacial morphology by measuring Snout Length (SL) vs. Face Width (FW) showed that the Cdk2ap1+/− mice were born with a reduced SL/FW ratio compared to the Cdk2ap1+/+ and the reduction was more pronounced in Cdk2ap1−/− mice. A transgenic rescue of the lethality was attempted by crossing Cdk2ap1+/− animals with K14-Cdk2ap1 transgenic mice. Resulting Cdk2ap1+/−:K14-Cdk2ap1 transgenic mice showed an improved incidence of full term animals (16.7% from 0.5%) on a Cdk2ap1−/− background. Transgenic expression of Cdk2ap1 in Cdk2ap1−/−:K14-Cdk2ap1 animals restored SL/FW ratio to the level of Cdk2ap1+/−:K14-Cdk2ap1 mice, but not to that of the Cdk2ap1+/+:K14-Cdk2ap1 mice. Teratoma formation analysis using mESCs showed an abrogated in vivo pluripotency of Cdk2ap1−/− mESCs towards a restricted mesoderm lineage specification. This study demonstrates that Cdk2ap1 plays an essential role in the early stage of embryogenesis and has a potential role during craniofacial morphogenesis

    Methylphenidate Decreased the Amount of Glucose Needed by the Brain to Perform a Cognitive Task

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    The use of stimulants (methylphenidate and amphetamine) as cognitive enhancers by the general public is increasing and is controversial. It is still unclear how they work or why they improve performance in some individuals but impair it in others. To test the hypothesis that stimulants enhance signal to noise ratio of neuronal activity and thereby reduce cerebral activity by increasing efficiency, we measured the effects of methylphenidate on brain glucose utilization in healthy adults. We measured brain glucose metabolism (using Positron Emission Tomography and 2-deoxy-2[18F]fluoro-D-glucose) in 23 healthy adults who were tested at baseline and while performing an accuracy-controlled cognitive task (numerical calculations) given with and without methylphenidate (20 mg, oral). Sixteen subjects underwent a fourth scan with methylphenidate but without cognitive stimulation. Compared to placebo methylphenidate significantly reduced the amount of glucose utilized by the brain when performing the cognitive task but methylphenidate did not affect brain metabolism when given without cognitive stimulation. Whole brain metabolism when the cognitive task was given with placebo increased 21% whereas with methylphenidate it increased 11% (50% less). This reflected both a decrease in magnitude of activation and in the regions activated by the task. Methylphenidate's reduction of the metabolic increases in regions from the default network (implicated in mind-wandering) was associated with improvement in performance only in subjects who activated these regions when the cognitive task was given with placebo. These results corroborate prior findings that stimulant medications reduced the magnitude of regional activation to a task and in addition document a “focusing” of the activation. This effect may be beneficial when neuronal resources are diverted (i.e., mind-wandering) or impaired (i.e., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), but it could be detrimental when brain activity is already optimally focused. This would explain why methylphenidate has beneficial effects in some individuals and contexts and detrimental effects in others

    The tuberculosis necrotizing toxin kills macrophages by hydrolyzing NAD.

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) induces necrosis of infected cells to evade immune responses. Recently, we found that Mtb uses the protein CpnT to kill human macrophages by secreting its C-terminal domain, named tuberculosis necrotizing toxin (TNT), which induces necrosis by an unknown mechanism. Here we show that TNT gains access to the cytosol of Mtb-infected macrophages, where it hydrolyzes the essential coenzyme NAD(+). Expression or injection of a noncatalytic TNT mutant showed no cytotoxicity in macrophages or in zebrafish zygotes, respectively, thus demonstrating that the NAD(+) glycohydrolase activity is required for TNT-induced cell death. To prevent self-poisoning, Mtb produces an immunity factor for TNT (IFT) that binds TNT and inhibits its activity. The crystal structure of the TNT-IFT complex revealed a new NAD(+) glycohydrolase fold of TNT, the founding member of a toxin family widespread in pathogenic microorganisms

    Estimation of acute and chronic Q fever incidence in children during a three-year outbreak in the Netherlands and a comparison with international literature

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    Background:  In the Dutch 2007-2009 Q fever outbreak Coxiella burnetii was transmitted aerogenically from dairy goat farms to those living in the surrounding areas. Relatively few children were reported. The true number of pediatric infections is unknown. In this study, we estimate the expected number of acute and chronic childhood infections. Methods:  As Coxiella was transmitted aerogenic to those living near infected dairy goat farms, we could use adult seroprevalence data to estimate infection risk for inhabitants, children and adults alike. Using Statistics Netherlands data we estimated the number of children at (high) risk for developing chronic Q fever. Literature was reviewed for childhood (0-15 years) Q fever reports and disease rates. We compared this with Dutch reported and our estimated data for 2007-2009. Results:  In The Netherlands epidemic, 44 children were reported (1.2 % of total notifications). The childhood incidence was 0.15 compared to 2.6 per 10,000 inhabitants for adults. No complications were reported. Based on the expected similarity in childhood and adult exposure we assume that 9.8 % of children in the high-risk area had Q fever infection, resulting in 1562 acute infections during the Q fever epidemic interval. Based on the prevalence of congenital heart disease, at least 13 children are at high risk for developing chronic Q fever. In medical literature, 42 case reports described 140 childhood Q fever cases with a serious outcome (four deaths). In chronic Q fever, cardiac infections were predominant. Four outbreaks were reported involving children, describing 11 childhood cases. 36 National and/or regional studies reported seroprevalences varying between 0 and 70 %. Conclusion:  In the 3-year Dutch epidemic, few childhood cases were reported, with pulmonary symptoms leading, and none with a serious presentation. With an estimated 13 high-risk children for chronic infection in the high exposure area, and probably forty in the whole country, we may expect several chronic Q fever complications in the coming years in paediatric practice