81 research outputs found

    The MOOC phenomenon: the current situation and an alternative business model

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a recent phenomenon that has achieved great media impact in the world of e-learning since the most prestigious US universities, and subsequently many others, became involved in them. In the last ten years changes that have occurred since the emergence of the Web 2.0, with the development of Open Social Learning (OSL) and the rise of OpenCourseWare (OER), leading to the MOOC phenomenon. Initially, and as part of this OER movement, MOOC began with the intention of providing open knowledge to people, with the understanding that it should be an asset to humanity (UNESCO 2012). In this paper we present a descriptive overview of the MOOC movement from its beginnings to the different business models being proposed

    E-learning and entrepreneurship: boosting spin-offs’ success through a process of acceleration

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    A new agent has recently emerged within the context of university-based entrepreneurship; that of business accelerators. The main aim of these is to support the growth of spin-offs and raise rates of return for universities on their transfer agreements. This new agent has become consolidated because of the traditional incubators’ inability to deal with the diversity of their firms or network with innovative agents of the system. Some of the most frequently used instruments to improve the growth capacity of spin-offs are training pathways for the entrepreneurial team delivered via e-learning. By analysing an experience of business management training (management and commerce), mentoring and financial assistance for innovation via e-learning at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) Research Park, this article shows that there has been a 14% increase in the annual turnover of the spin-offs’ concerned. Despite these good results, the nature and context of the research (case study) suggests the need to carry on researching into the effects of business growth pathways based on e-learning

    Oportunidades y retos del sector textil en la economía del conocimiento: hacia un modelo de empresa red

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    [email protected] cambios sociales y económicos que han dado lugar al desarrollo de la sociedad y la economía del conocimiento han tenido una especial incidencia sobre las empresas. Éstas, como principal agente económico, se han visto forzadas al desarrollo de un importante proceso de transformación con el ánimo de adaptarse al nuevo entorno y dar respuesta a los nuevos retos que se plantean. Las TIC, como uno de los recursos internos de las organizaciones, han asumido un papel fundamental en este proceso y han propiciado la aparición de un nuevo modelo organizativo y de gestión conocido como empresa red. Dicho modelo se caracteriza por el establecimiento de estructuras organizativas más flexibles, procesos productivos más rápidos, eficientes y económicos, y modelos estratégicos fundamentados en la generación y uso de la información y el conocimiento.Por su importancia económica, el sector de la confección textil no ha sido ajeno al proceso de cambio producido y constituye un claro ejemplo de lo anteriormente expuesto. Actualmente las empresas de confección se encuentran entre las organizaciones mejor adaptadas al nuevo entorno competitivo, y es que las características particulares de la actividad y su elevada dependencia con respecto al mercado han convertido el nuevo modelo organizativo y de gestión en la piedra angular sobre la que se fundamenta su competitividad, y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en uno de los principales medios para conseguirlo.The social and economic changes that have given rise to the development of the knowledge society and economy have had a special impact on companies. As the principal economic agent, they have been forced to undergo a significant process of change with the spirit of adapting to the new environment and providing a response to the new challenges that are appearing. As one of the internal resources of organisations, ICT have taken on a fundamental role in this process, leading to the appearance of a new organisational and management model known as the network company. This model is characterised by the establishment of more flexible organisational structures, faster, more efficient and more economical production processes, and strategic models based on the generation and use of information and knowledge. Due to its economic importance, the clothing industry has not been outside the process of change that has occurred, constituting in fact a clear example of the above model. Today, clothing companies are among the organisations that have best adapted to the new competitive environment. As a matter of fact, the particular characteristics of the industry and their high dependency with regard to the market have led to the new organisational and management model becoming the cornerstone on which to base their competitiveness, and Information and Communication Technologies to become one of the principal resources for achieving this

    La potenciación del origen en las estrategias de marketing de productos agroalimentarios : Objetivos, situación e implicaciones

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    El presente trabajo analiza la creciente importancia que actualmente se concede a la potenciación de los aspectos relacionados con el origen geográfico en los procesos de fabricación y comercialización de productos agroalimentarios, a través del uso de las Denominaciones de Origen. Haciendo hincapié en los beneficios que estos indicadores geográficos ofrecen, y en la importancia que el compromiso de las autoridades —tanto regionales, nacionales como europeas— han venido asumiendo sobre este particular, se destacan aquellos aspectos que más relación y contribución han tenido en la evolución, desarrollo y estado actual de estos indicadores geográficos en nuestro paí[email protected]

    Using films to develop the critical thinking competence of the students at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC): Testing an audiovisual case methodology in a distance e-learning environment.

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    The aim of this paper is to set out a teaching innovation project that seeks to advance in the development and assessment one of the fundamental students’ competencies from any Business Administration Degree, such as: critical thinking. We are going to adapt an audiovisual case methodology, developed and already proved in traditional universities, in order to help the students develop and boost one of the competencies required to improve the efficiency and efficacy of their daily activity in organizations, and which previously has been highlighted as fundamental by the academia when the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) was designed. This methodology uses short clips of films – usually, true stories- to help students to understand the practical implications of the theoretical concepts explained at class. We are going to evaluate the implementation of this methodology, and also its impact on the students’ learning process in an Open University.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Drivers of telemedicine use: International evidence from three samples of physicians

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    The aim of the working paper is to analyse the determinants of telemedicine use. To that end, the study makes two basic contributions. First, it considers six working hypotheses in the context of technology acceptance models (TAMs). Second, it uses data obtained for three samples of 510 physicians: 113 in Spain, 118 in Colombia and 279 in Bolivia, and it performes binary logistic regression. In the three samples, it was found that the physician's level of ICT use in his/her personal life was the variable that had the highest explanatory power on telemedicine use. In the Spanish sample, the physicians' perceived ease-of-use of ICTs in clinical practice and propensity to innovate were the two other variables that determined telemedicine use, whereas in the Colombian and Bolivian samples, it was the level of optimism about ICTs. The results showed a more complete model that contemplated personal, usability and innovatory aspects in the explanation of telemedicine use in Spain, whereas the results for the Latin American samples indicated a more primary model in the explanation of telemedicine use, which was completed by an optimism factor that did not emerge in the Spanish sample

    Orientação pro-ativa dirigida ao cliente, cooperação e uso das tic: uma análise empírica sobre sua s interrelações e efeitos como potencializadores da inovação em produto

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    O presente trabalho analisa se a orientação pro-ativa dirigida ao cliente mostrada pelas empresas, e suas implicações estratégicas, quanto ao desenvolvimento de ações de cooperação externa e uso das TIC, inibem ou potencializam o desenvolvimento de novos produtos.O estudo de 1.220 empresas permitiu contrastar as hipóteses sugeridas ao mesmo tempo de oferecer importantes implicações para a gestão empresarial. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento de estratégias destinadas a oferecer de forma continuada valor ao cliente, e ao mesmo tempo apostar pela cooperação com os agentes do entorno e pelo uso intensivo das TIC confere à empresa a possibilidade de obter importantes capacidades fundamentadas na diferenciação dos produtos no mercado, a obtenção de informação e conhecimentos relevantes para os processos de tomada de decisão, ou a possibilidade de responder rapidamente ante as ameaças do mercado. Da mesma forma, o efeito potencializador exercido pelas variáveis anteriores sobre o desenvolvimento de uma atividade inovadora em produto oferece importantes benefícios de natureza financeira, estratégica e de mercado que permitem às organizações fortalecerem e consolidarem sua posição competitiva nos mercados.Ce travail analyse la possibilité d'inhibition ou de potentialisation du développement de nouveaux produits par l'orientation proactive vers le client démontrée par les entreprises, et leurs implications stratégiques, en ce qui concerne le développement d'actions de coopération externe et l'usage des TIC.L'étude de 1 220 entreprises a permis de comparer les hypothèses énoncées et de proposer des implications importantes pour la gestion d'entreprise. De cette façon, le développement de stratégies destinées à offrir de façon continue une valeur au client, tout en faisant un choix pour la coopération avec les agents du milieu et pour l'usage intensif des TIC, accorde à l'entreprise la possibilité d'obtenir d'importantes capacités fondées sur la différenciation des produits sur le marché, l'obtention d'une information et de connaissances essentielles pour le processus de prise de décision, ou la possibilité de répondre rapidement aux menaces du marché. De même, l'effet potentiel exercé par les variables antérieures sur le développement d'une activité innovatrice en produit offre d'importants bénéfices financiers, stratégiques et de marché, permettant aux organisations de fortifier et de consolider leur position compétitive sur les marchés.El presente trabajo analiza si la orientación proactiva hacia el cliente mostrada por las empresas, y sus implicaciones estratégicas, en cuanto al desarrollo de acciones de cooperación externa y uso de las TIC, inhiben o potencian el desarrollo de nuevos productos.El estudio de 1 220 empresas permitió contrastar las hipótesis planteadas a la vez de ofrecer importantes implicaciones para la gestión empresarial. De esta forma, el desarrollo de estrategias destinadas a ofrecer de forma continuada valor al cliente, y, a la vez, apostar por la cooperación con los agentes del entorno y por el uso intensivo de las TIC, confiere a la empresa la posibilidad de obtener importantes capacidades fundamentadas en la diferenciación de los productos en el mercado, la obtención de información y conocimientos relevantes para los procesos de toma de decisión o la posibilidad de responder rápidamente ante las amenazas del mercado. Asimismo, el efecto potenciador ejercido por las variables anteriores sobre el desarrollo de una actividad innovadora en producto, ofrece importantes beneficios de naturaleza financiera, estratégica y de mercado que permite a las organizaciones fortalecer y consolidar su posición competitiva en los mercados.This work analyses client-based proactive orientation as shown by companies, and its strategic implications, regarding developing external cooperation action and using ICT, inhibiting or boosting new products being developed. Studying 1,220 companies led to contrasting initial hypotheses and confirming that a company which is proactively orientated towards the client encourages cooperative behaviour being developed and using information and communications technology (ICT), all such variables in turn encouraging product innovation. There are important strategic implications in this work, suggesting that it is highly recommendable for organisations to adopt this type of orientation and behaviour. Developing strategies aimed at offering a client ongoing value, and in turn, making a commitment to cooperation with agents in the environment and the intensive use of ICT, enables a company to enjoy important capability based on differentiating products in the market, obtaining the relevant information and knowledge for decision-making and/or enabling a rapid response to be made regarding market threats. Likewise, the boosting effect exercised by the foregoing variables related to developing innovative products offers important financial, strategic and market benefits thereby enabling organisations to strengthen and consolidate their competitive market position

    Evolution and trends of private labels in food markets: the Spanish situation

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    [ES] La marca de distribuidor está experimentando un proceso de crecimiento notable en nuestro país, especialmente en los mercados de productos de gran consumo. Sobre este particular, este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la situación actual así como las tendencias futuras en la comercialización de marcas de distribuidor en la industria de productos de gran consumo. Para ello, se tendrá en cuenta la penetración de las marcas de distribuidor en distintas categorías de productos de gran consumo, exponiéndose una serie de argumentos con objeto de explicar las tendencias observadas.[EN] The private label is undergoing a process of relevant growth in our country, es pecially in food markets. Within this research field, the present work aims at analysing the current situation as well as the future trends in the distribution of private labels by food retailers. Bearing this goal in mind, the private label penetration within different product categories will be analysed, providing explanations in order to understand the observed tendencies

    Aiming at understanding consumers´ behavior in fast food restaurants: a food values approach

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    A partir de la clasificación de los valores alimenticios propuesta pertinente por Lusk y Briggeman (2009), este trabajo buscaba comprender el comportamiento de los consumidores en los restaurantes de comida rápida. Con este objetivo, se analiza una muestra de 400 consumidores de dos cadenas de comida rápida líderes en España. El análisis empírico de estos datos nos permitió observar no sólo la presencia de tres grupos de consumidores distintos de acuerdo con sus evaluaciones de los valores alimentarios, sino también varias diferencias entre estos grupos con respecto a hábitos diversos, así como resultados de satisfacción, confianza y lealtad. A partir de estos resultados, se proponen diversas recomendaciones estratégicas para mejorar el diseño y desarrollo de estrategias diferenciadas en la industria.Beginning with the classification of food values proposed in the relevant literature by Lusk and Briggeman (2009), this paper aimed at understanding consumers´ behaviour at fast-food restaurants. With this research goal in mind, a sample of 400 consumers was gathered in two different leading fast-food chains operating in Spain. The empirical analysis of these data enabled us to observe not only the presence of three different consumers’ clusters in accordance with their food values ‘assessments, but also several differences between these groups with regard to diverse habits as well as satisfaction, trust and loyalty outcomes. From these results, several managerial recommendations have been proposed in order to improve the design and development of differentiated strategies in the industry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2014-59688-

    Metaverse, a Holistic Vision of the New Virtual Reality

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    Metaverse bursts into the media as a new marketing channel in September 2021, creating an explosion of reactions as brands join the race to be pioneers. Within a fully digital society and from a mature gaming industry, Metaverse is much more than an incubator of marketing and advertising ideas for brands, Metaverse is envisioned as a social disruption. This scenario raises three relevant questions to resolve over time: 1) Will the Metaverse finally take shape as a virtual society or, on the contrary, will it be integrated as one more channel of relationship within the context omnichannel? 2) how customers, brands and institutions are reacting to the Metaverse and 3) in any case, what transversal disruptive changes will be necessary in the new scenario of the Metaverse? From the deep and constant search for information in secondary sources (desk research methodology), this article seeks a holistic vision of the Metaverse, and its reading will allow defining specific areas of research on behavior patterns of people in this new virtual reality.Metaverso irrumpe en los medios como un nuevo canal de marketing en septiembre de 2021, creando una explosión de reacciones a medida que las marcas se unen en la carrera por ser pioneras. Dentro de una sociedad totalmente digital y de una industria del juego madura, Metaverso es mucho más que una incubadora de ideas de marketing y publicidad para marcas, Metaverso se concibe como una disrupción social. Este escenario plantea tres cuestiones relevantes a resolver en el tiempo: 1) ¿Metaverso se configurará finalmente como una sociedad virtual o, por el contrario, se integrará como un canal más de relación dentro del contexto omnicanal? 2) ¿cómo están reaccionando los clientes, marcas e instituciones ante Metaverso? y 3) en todo caso, ¿qué cambios disruptivos transversales serán necesarios en el nuevo escenario del Metaverso? Desde la búsqueda profunda y constante de información en fuentes secundarias (metodologia desk research), este artículo pretende una visión holística del Metaverso, y su lectura permitirá definir áreas específicas de investigación sobre patrones de comportamiento de las personas en esta nueva realidad virtual