1,134 research outputs found

    Role of 5HT1A Receptors in the Neuroprotective and Behavioral Effects of Cannabidiol in Hypoxic–Ischemic Newborn Piglets

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    Background: Hypoxic–ischemic (HI) insults have important deleterious consequences in newborns, including short-term morbidity with neuromotor and cognitive disturbances. Cannabidiol (CBD) has demonstrated robust neuroprotective effects and shows anxiolytic/ antidepressant effects as well. These effects are thought to be related to serotonin 5-HT1A receptor (5HT1AR) activation. We hereby aimed to study the role of 5HT1AR in the neuroprotective and behavioral effects of CBD in HI newborn piglets. Methods: 1-day-old piglets submitted to 30 min of hypoxia (FiO2 10%) and bilateral carotid occlusion were then treated daily with vehicle, CBD 1 mg/kg, or CBD with the 5HT1AR antagonist WAY 100635 1 mg/kg 72 h post-HI piglets were studied using amplitude-integrated EEG to detect seizures and a neurobehavioral test to detect neuromotor impairments. In addition, behavioral performance including social interaction, playful activity, hyperlocomotion, and motionless periods was assessed. Then, brain damage was assessed using histology (Nissl and TUNEL staining) and biochemistry (proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies. Results: HI led to brain damage as assessed by histologic and biochemistry studies, associated with neuromotor impairment and increased seizures. These effects were not observed in HI piglets treated with CBD. These beneficial effects of CBD were not reversed by the 5HT1AR antagonist, which is in contrast with previous studies demonstrating that 5HT1AR antagonists eliminated CBD neuroprotection as assessed 6 h after HI in piglets. HI led to mood disturbances, with decreased social interaction and playfulness and increased hyperlocomotion. Mood disturbances were not observed in piglets treated with CBD, but in this case, coadministration of the 5HT1AR antagonist eliminates the beneficial effects of CBD. Conclusion: CBD prevented HI-induced mood disturbances in newborn piglets by acting on 5HT1AR. However, 5HT1AR activation seems to be necessary for CBD neuroprotection only in the first hours after HI.PI19/00927 project ISCIII European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) “A way to make Europ

    Diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de identificación y clasificación de glaucoma inducido aplicados a imágenes OCT de retina

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    [ES] La tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) es una técnica de diagnóstico por imagen no invasiva basada en el principio de interferometría de baja coherencia. La OCT es ampliamente utilizada en oftalmología ya que captura la estructura interna de la retina y permite monitorizar su posible daño. Un ejemplo de su uso en oftalmología se encuentra en el estudio del glaucoma. El glaucoma es la principal causa de ceguera en todo el mundo. Esta enfermedad se caracteriza por causar un daño estructural y funcional progresivo en la cabeza del nervio óptico retiniano, lo que se traduce en la pérdida de espesor de algunas de las capas retinianas, entre ellas la capa de fibras del nervio óptico (RNFL), que es el objeto de estudio en este trabajo. El estudio del glaucoma en modelos animales es fundamental para entender su sintomatología y estudiar los posibles fármacos que pueden ser efectivos en esta enfermedad. Diversas técnicas se han utilizado para la estimulación del glaucoma en modelos animales. Entre ellas destaca la inyección de endotelina¿1 (ET-1) y la de N-metil-d-aspártico, comúnmente denominada como NMDA. El principal objetivo de este TFG reside en el desarrollo de algoritmos que permitan identificar el daño retiniano causado por los fármacos ET-1 y NMDA en modelos de roedores. De esta forma, se identificará qué fármaco es más efectivo para la estimulación del glaucoma y, mediante algoritmos de machine learning, se llevará a cabo una distinción entre sujetos control y aquellos a los que se le ha inducido glaucoma. Para ello, se partirá de varias bases de datos de retina de roedores que serán segmentadas con métodos automáticos con el objetivo de disponer la capa RNFL de la retina para su posterior análisis.[EN] Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging technique based on the principle of low coherence interferometry. OCT is widely used in ophthalmology since it captures the internal structure of the retina and allows monitoring of its possible damage. An example of its use in ophthalmology is found in the study of glaucoma. Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. This disease is characterized by causing progressive structural and functional damage to the head of the retinal optic nerve, which results in the loss of thickness of some of the retinal layers, including the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), which is the object of study in this project. The study of glaucoma in animal models is essential to understand its symptoms and to study the possible drugs that may be effective in this disease. Various techniques have been used for the stimulation of glaucoma in animal models. Notable among these is the injection of endothelin ¿ 1 (ET-1) and that of N-methyl-d-aspartic acid, commonly called NMDA. The main objective of this Bachelor Thesis lies in the development of algorithms to identify retinal damage caused by the ET-1 and NMDA drugs in rodent models. In this way, we will identify which drug is most effective in stimulating glaucoma and, through machine learning algorithms, a distinction will be made between control subjects and those who have been induced glaucoma. To do this, several rodent retina databases will be used, which will be segmented with automatic methods in order to arrange the RNFL layer of the retina for subsequent analysis.Sánchez-Luis Jiménez, L. (2020). Diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de identificación y clasificación de glaucoma inducido aplicados a imágenes OCT de retina. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/148649TFG

    Evaluation of the design of the AEdEm Programme for Emotional Education in Secondary Education

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    Las intervenciones sistemáticas en el ámbito de la educación emocional son un recurso cada vez más utilizado para facilitar entre los adolescentes la adquisición de competencias emocionales. La revisión realizada en este trabajo de dichas intervenciones muestra que la mayor parte de ellas adopta la forma de programas de expertos sin llegar a integrar sus actuaciones dentro del currículo escolar. El presente trabajo detalla la evaluación del diseño del programa de la asignatura de Educación Emocional -Programa AEdEm- (Sánchez Román y Sánchez Calleja, 2015), impartida como obligatoria en 1º y 2º de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de un Instituto de Educación Secundaria. Este programa, persigue el desarrollo de las competencias emocionales siguiendo las aportaciones de autores como Bisquerra y Pérez-Escoda (2007) y Goleman (1995). La evaluación se ha llevado a cabo a través de la validación por jueces. Hemos contado con 10 docentes de diversas universidades españolas especializados en la materia, con el objetivo de conocer la racionalidad de la propuesta y la coherencia de sus componentes. Los criterios siguiendo las aportaciones de Osuna (2000) han sido: relevancia, pertinencia, adecuación, utilidad y viabilidad. Utilizando como instrumentos una escala de evaluación, para los cuatro primeros y el análisis de cuellos de botella, para el último. Los resultados muestran que el diseño del programa es válido, concretamente los expertos opinan del programa que es muy adecuado y bastante relevante, pertinente y útil.Systematic interventions in the field of emotional education are increasingly used to facilitate the acquisition of emotional skills among adolescents. The evaluation of such interventions in this study shows that most of them take the form of expert programmes, without their activities being integrated within the school curriculum. This paper presents an evaluation of the design of the Emotional Education course - AEdEm - (Sánchez Román & Sánchez Calleja, 2015), delivered as part of the 1st and 2nd year Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) programme in a High School in Spain. The programme aims to develop emotional skills as defined in the work of authors such as Bisquerra & Pérez-Escoda (2007) and Goleman (1995). The evaluation was carried out using the process of validation by expert judges. We involved 10 lecturers from different Spanish universities all specializing in this field, with the aim of substantiating the rationality of the proposal and the coherence of its components. In accordance with the conclusions of Osuna (2000) we applied the criteria of: importance, relevance, appropriateness, usefulness and viability. The instruments we used for these criteria were an evaluation scale for the first four and bottleneck analysis for the final criterion. The results show that the design of the programme is valid, and experts say the programme is very appropriate and quite important, relevant and usefu

    Environmental and energy problematic in the mediterranean irrigation regions framework

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    [EN] Agriculture is a significant user of water and energy in Mediterranean coasts of Europe, such as Spanish Mediterranean regions. Water implications of such irrigations are well known, but also energy must be considered when environmental implications are analyzed. Apart from this, Mediterranean region has its particular problematic framework related to irrigation issues. Often, the availability of irrigation is determinant to the viability of farmers, and the energy implications must be considered when determining the feasibility of small and big farms, particularly in the Mediterranean regions, where the wide variety of customs in each group of irrigators and definitely, its specific weather conditions, typical of a semi-arid zone. All these aspects are analyzed in this paper, as a state of the art determination of problems and possible solutions in a regional scale. Some solutions presented in this paper can contribute with theoretical reductions of emission of greenhouse gasses until 174.10 tCO2/year in pumped systems and 58.49 tCO2/year in multipurpose systems.Romero, L.; Pérez-Sánchez, M.; López Jiménez, PA. (2017). Environmental and energy problematic in the mediterranean irrigation regions framework. International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE). 8(1):51-62. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99657S51628

    Génesis y evolución de un arrabal sevillano: la cestería

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    En el presente artículo pretendemos reconstruir la génesis y evolución del arrabal sevillano de la Cestería, emplazado en las proximidades de la Puerta de Triana (fig. 1), desde su fundación en los siglos XIV-XV hasta la actualidad. Para ello utilizaremos los datos que proporcionaron las intervenciones arqueológicas de urgencia en Reyes Católicos n° 3/Almansa n°6 y Almansa n° 5 (Jiménez Maqueda y Mosulén 1997 y 1998).In this article we try to rebuild the genesis and evolution of the Sevillian suburb, the Cestería, settled near the Triana Gate (fig. 1), since its foundation in the centuries XIV-XV. To do so, we will use the data provided by the urgent archaeological interventions in Reyes Católicos n° 3/Almansa n° 6 y Almansa n° 5 (Jiménez Maqueda and Mosulén 1997 and 1998)

    Is the acute NMDA receptor hypofunction a valid model of schizophrenia?

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    El pdf del artículo es la versión post-print.Several genetic, neurodevelopmental, and pharmacological animal models of schizophrenia have been established. This short review examines the validity of one of the most used pharmacological model of the illness, ie, the acute administration of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists in rodents. In some cases, data on chronic or prenatal NMDA receptor antagonist exposure have been introduced for comparison. The face validity of acute NMDA receptor blockade is granted inasmuch as hyperlocomotion and stereotypies induced by phencyclidine, ketamine, and MK-801 are regarded as a surrogate for the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. In addition, the loss of parvalbumin-containing cells (which is one of the most compelling finding in postmortem schizophrenia brain) following NMDA receptor blockade adds construct validity to this model. However, the lack of changes in glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67) is at variance with human studies. It is possible that changes in GAD67 are more reflective of the neurodevelopmental condition of schizophrenia. Finally, the model also has predictive validity, in that its behavioral and transmitter activation in rodents are responsive to antipsychotic treatment. Overall, although not devoid of drawbacks, the acute administration of NMDA receptor antagonists can be considered as a good model of schizophrenia bearing a satisfactory degree of validity. © 2011 The Author.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health (Grant FIS PI070111), by the grant Proyecto Intramural Especial CSIC 201020E046, and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental, CIBERSAM. XL-G and LJ-S are recipients of a postdoctoral fellowship from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and a predoctoral fellowship from the Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), respectively.Peer Reviewe


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    El Congreso Internacional “Comics in Dialogue” se desarrolló en formato virtual entre los días 20-23 de octubre 2020. Alrededor de cincuenta invitados, artistas y críticos, y más de cien participantes acudieron a la convocatoria realizada por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid para “dialogar” sobre historietas y novelas gráficas contemporáneas y clásicas. El presente volumen recoge una cuidada selección de las ponencias presentadas por los asistentes a “Comics in Dialogue”: estudios sobre asuntos tan variados como el cómic memorialista protagonizado por mujeres, estudios de adaptación, temática LGBTI y lenguajes gráficos contemporáneos. Este cuaderno, por lo tanto, da cuenta de un esfuerzo compartido entre universidades recorriendo el arco territorial Madrid-Buenos Aires con el objetivo de profundizar en los análisis críticos de las llamadas literaturas de la imagen o narrativas gráficas. La calidad reflexiva y la perspectiva crítica de los trabajos reunidos en este volumen habla por sí misma y dejamos la evaluación a los lectores esperando que disfruten de las lecturas.: The International Congress “Comics in Dialogue” was held in virtual format between October 20-23, 2020. Around fifty guests, artists and critics, and more than one hundred participants attended the call made by the Complutense University of Madrid for “ dialogue ”about comics and contemporary and classic graphic novels. This volume includes a careful selection of the papers presented by the attendees of “Comics in Dialogue”: studies on subjects as varied as the commemorative comics starring women, adaptation studies, LGBTI themes and contemporary graphic languages. This notebook, therefore, gives an account of a shared effort between universities crossing the Madrid-Buenos Aires territorial arc with the aim of deepening the critical analyzes of the so-called image literatures or graphic narratives. The thoughtful quality and critical perspective of the papers collected in this volume speaks for itself and we leave the evaluation to the readers in the hope that they will enjoy the readings.O Congresso Internacional “Comics in Dialogue” foi realizado em formato virtual entre os dias 20 e 23 de outubro de 2020. Cerca de cinquenta convidados, artistas e críticos, e mais de uma centena de participantes compareceram à convocatória da Universidade Complutense de Madrid para “ diálogo ”sobre quadrinhos e histórias em quadrinhos contemporâneos e clássicos. Este volume inclui uma seleção cuidadosa dos trabalhos apresentados pelos participantes de “Comics in Dialogue”: estudos sobre assuntos tão variados como os quadrinhos comemorativos estrelados por mulheres, estudos de adaptação, temas LGBTI e linguagens gráficas contemporâneas. Este caderno, portanto, dá conta de um esforço compartilhado entre universidades que cruzam o arco territorial Madrid-Buenos Aires com o objetivo de aprofundar as análises críticas das chamadas literaturas de imagens ou narrativas gráficas. A qualidade ponderada e a perspectiva crítica das obras coletadas neste volume falam por si e deixamos a avaliação para os leitores na esperança de que gostem das leituras

    Case study about the development of emotional competences and the construction of personal identity in Secondary Education

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    INTRODUCCIÓN. La Educación Emocional desarrolla las competencias emocionales consideradas esenciales para la construcción de la identidad personal, en la que la interacción con los agentes externos adquiere un papel insustituible desde una perspectiva constructivista. Este trabajo presenta cómo la implementación del Programa de la Asignatura de Educación Emocional (AEdEm3) favorece la construcción de la identidad personal. MÉTODO. La metodología seguida ha implicado la aplicación y evaluación de los resultados del dicho programa en un Instituto de Educación Secundaria. Las evidencias en las que se apoya la evaluación se han obtenido a partir de observaciones en el aula, entrevistas a los estudiantes y autoinformes realizados durante el desarrollo del programa. El análisis cualitativo de dicha información se ha realizado mediante un sistema de categorías construido a partir del constructo identidad y de un modelo competencial. RESULTADOS. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la Educación Emocional favorece la construcción de la identidad personal mediante el desarrollo de aspectos propios de las competencias emocionales que van desde la conciencia, expresión y autorregulación de las propias emociones a la responsabilidad, la empatía y las conductas prosociales. DISCUSIÓN. En conclusión, la Educación Emocional, cuando se aborda de forma sistemática y se incorpora al currículum, contribuye a la formación de la identidad personal haciendo personas más conscientes y sensibles a nivel individual y social.INTRODUCTION. Emotional Education develops the emotional concepts which are considered essential for the construction of personal identity, in which the interaction with the external agents acquires an irreplaceable role from a constructivist approach. This work presents the way the implementation of the Programme of the Emotional Education Course (AEdEm4) promotes the construction of personal identity. METHOD. The methodology applied has entailed the application and the evaluation of the programme results in a High School. The evidence on which the evaluation is based has been obtained from classroom observations, interviews with pupils and self-report questionnaires conducted during the development of the programme. The qualitative analysis of this data has been carried out through a system of categories designed on the basis of the identity construct and a competency model. RESULTS. The results obtained indicate that Emotional Education promotes the construction of personal identity through the development of aspects proper to the emotional competences ranging from consciousness, expression and composure to responsibility, empathy and prosocial attitudes. DISCUSSION. In conclusion, Emotional Education, when it is systematically addressed and incorporated to the curriculum, contributes to the development of personal identity making more conscious and sensitive individuals at a personal and social level

    Literaturas gráficas y relatos visuales. Sobre poéticas y políticas de la imagen narrativa

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    El Cuaderno 123 Literaturas gráficas y relatos visuales. Sobre poéticas y políticas de la imagen narrativa, plantea desde 12 miradas a la imagen narrativa traducidas a letras y significados escritos. Es sin duda un compilado estricto y especializado, que aborda no solo la complejidad de las obras analizadas sino la profundidad que solo puede dar la experticia de quien rigurosamente ha estudiado la obra, y su relación con problemáticas de contexto y la teoría