224 research outputs found

    Consumo televisivo y nivel de interacción y participación social en redes sociales: análisis de las audiencias millennials en la campaña electoral de España

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    En un contexto en el que el espectador es considerado adicto a sus dispositivos móviles y multipantallas, la combinación entre mensajería instantánea, televisión y redes sociales resulta interesante para analizar la interacción y la compartición de contenidos. Ese panorama también viene impulsado por la propia televisión, que ha empezado a introducir de manera estratégica la participación dentro de los propios contenidos con el fin de dar protagonismo al espectador. La televisión vive un momento de esplendor y lleno de oportunidades con nuevos negocios. Bajo esta premisa, resulta de gran interés analizar y estudiar el nivel de interacción y de participación que han tenido las audiencias millennials en las pasadas elecciones políticas, no sólo en redes sociales, sino también por medio de otras pantallas, especialmente la televisiva. Se analiza el comportamiento de jóvenes universitarios españoles respecto a los contenidos políticos televisivos y digitales para conocer sus preferencias y la efectividad de los mismos en relación al voto. La idea principal es conocer cómo ha sido el nivel de participación e interacción que han tenido respecto a los mensajes políticos en redes y en televisión, y si su comportamiento ha tenido o no un efecto en sus decisiones dentro de las urnas. Para ello se ha utilizado la encuesta como herramienta principal en varias comunidades autónomas con el objetivo de comprobar si hay diferencias entre ellas para el objeto de estudio.In a context in which the audience is considered to be addicted to their mobile and multi-screen devices, the combination between instant messaging, television, and social networks is very interesting regarding the interaction and social participation with content. This effect is also driven by television itself, which has begun to strategically introduce participation within the content itself to give prominence to the audience. Television is enjoying a moment of splendor that is full of opportunities for new businesses. It is of great interest to analyze and study the level of interaction and participation of millennial audiences with past political elections, through the study of not only social networks but also other screens, especially television. In this research, the behavior of young Spanish university students regarding television and digital political content is analyzed to determine their preferences and the effectiveness of the content regarding their vote. The main aim is to determine the level of social participation and interaction of these audiences with political messages on networks and television, and whether such behavior affects their voting decisions. To this end, a survey was carried out in various Spanish autonomous communities to confirm whether differences were present

    The creative competition between the students of the degrees in Advertising and Public Relations in Spain and its adaptation to the demands of the professional sector

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    This paper intends to carry out an investigation about the development of the creative competence during the formation on the university degree of Advertising and Public Relations. Specifically, it seeks to find out if the study and promotion of creativity is adapted to the demands of the professional advertising sector. A triple-approach methodology was carried out based on an analysis of the content of the study plans, a questionnaire for graduate students and a panel of experts made up of academics belonging to the degree of Advertising and Public Relations. The results indicate that, although the training of these graduates seems adequate in general terms, the training received on creativity seems insufficient to respond to the demands of the market. Some of the factors that explain these trends are the excessive integration of digital competences due to the renewal of the degree or the impossibility of the academics to implement creative methodologies in the classroom due to the complicated reconciliation between the professional and academic demands they are subjected to. That is why a transformation of the university study plans of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations is recommended to meet the labor demands related to the exercise of advertising creativity in Spain

    Estudio de la obesidad y del sobrepeso como factores de riesgo de la prevalencia y severidad del asma en niños de Valencia

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    [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]: La obesidad y el sobrepeso se han descrito como factores de riesgo asociados a la prevalencia y severidad del asma en niños y adolescentes. El objetivo del estudio ha sido el valorar el papel de la obesidad en el asma infantil. Ámbito de estudio y sujetos:Estudio realizado en niños y adolescentes entre 8 y 15 años, elegidos por un muestreo aleatorio tipo cluster entre los niños que estudiaban en 80 colegios, el cual representa el 30% de los colegios de la ciudad de Valencia. Material y métodos:El análisis de los datos se organizó en dos grupos, obesos (aquellos niños en un percentil superior al 85 del Índice de Masa Corporal (kg/m2), tomando como referencia la población española) y no obesos, cuando no cumplian esta condición. Se calcularon la prevalencia de los diferentes parámetros con un intervalo de confianza al 95%, y el riesgo relativo (RR) de los síntomas compatibles con asma entre niños obesos comparándolos con los no obesos. Resultados: No se obtuvo un riesgo relativo significativo para la obesidad con respecto al asma en aquellos niños por encima del percentil 85. Por otra parte, un incremento en el riesgo en relación con la severidad del asma se observó con la obesidad, principalmente en el percentil 85 (RR = 1,51 de sufrir entre 4-12 ataques de pitos y RR = 1,86 de sufrir más de 12 ataques en niños obesos frente a los no obesos) Conclusiónes: En este estudio, no identificamos un riesgo más alto de asma entre niños obesos frente a los no obesos, aunque encontramos que hubiera un riesgo más alto de severidad de síntomas asmáticos. En relación con la severidad del asma, observamos un riesgo más alto de ataques de pitos y sibilancias entre los niños obesos en los percentiles 85 y 95 del Indice de Masa Corporal.Background: Obesity and overweight have been described as factors associated with asthma. Our aim was to evaluate the role obesity plays on asthma in children. Scope and subjects: A study carried out on children and teenagers between 8 and 15 years of age, chosen for a cluster-type random sampling from children who studied in 80 schools, which represents 30% of the schools in the city of Valencia. Material and Methods: The analysed data was organized into two groups, obese (from the Body Mass Index (Kg/m2)), showing children with a percentile over 85% of the measuring reference for the Spanish population) and non obese, when they did not fulfil this condition. The prevalence of the different parameters studied was calculated by an Interval of Confidence of 95%. The risk was calculated (Relative Risk) from those symptoms compatible with asthma among obese children compared to non obese children. Results: No significant relative risk (RR) was seen for obesity with regards to asthma in those percentiles of obesity over 85. Otherwise, an increase in the relative risk (RR) regarding the severity of asthma was seen in relation to obesity, mainly in the 85th percentile (RR = 1.51 of suffering between 4-12 wheezing attacks and RR = 1.86 of suffering more than 12 attacks in obese children as opposed to non obese children). Conclusions: In this study, we did not identify a higher risk of asthma among obese children than among non obese children, although we did find there was a higher risk of severity of asthmatic symptoms. As far as the severity of the asthma is concerned, we saw a higher risk of wheezing and whistling attacks among obese children with the 85th and the 95th percentiles according to the Body Mass [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    Influence of silicon addition on the properties of new titanium alloys

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    The mechanical characteristics and electrochemical behavior of the new titanium alloys TiMoZr, TiMoZrSi0.5, TiMoZrSi0.75 and TiMoZrSi1 were studied to determine their microstructure, corrosion behavior and mechanical properties. Following the use of the appropriate procedures, metallographic analysis showed that both samples had biphasic and dendritic structures. According to electrochemical tests in body simulation fluid, the samples' corrosion resistance increases with decreasing silicon content since silicon-containing samples corrode more quickly. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy measurements were performed at various potentials, and the acquired spectra show a two-time constant system, due to the presence of a double-layer passive film on the samples. The three-point bending test for both samples demonstrated that the values of modulus of elasticity are lower than those commercial alloys and nearly to the cortical human bone, and the microhardness test showed that the samples' surfaces had soft and hard phases

    Structure and Trophic Niches in Mobile Epifauna Assemblages Associated With Seaweeds and Habitats of Syngnathid Fishes in Cíes Archipelago (Atlantic Islands Marine National Park, North West Iberia)

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    [Abstract] Syngnathids are vulnerable fishes closely associated with seaweeds and seagrass, which provide shelter and food resources. Even though most syngnathids commonly feed on small crustaceans, the feeding regimes may differ depending on the species and prey availability. This is the first monitoring study to explain syngnathid abundances and dietary regimes within macroalgal beds in Cíes Archipelago (Atlantic Islands Marine National Park, North West Iberian Peninsula). We sampled the epifaunal assemblages in seaweed communities dominated by the canopy-forming macroalgae Gongolaria baccata and Codium spp. seasonally during 2 years. The epifaunal structure was mostly represented by harpacticoid copepods, amphipods (especially gammarids) and gastropods. Epifauna exhibited low plant-host specificity and a higher dominance of amphipods on the more structurally complex macroalgae G. baccata. The epifaunal assemblages and syngnathid specimens were assessed for trophic structure using stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N). The three syngnathids (Hippocampus guttulatus, Syngnathus acus, and Entelurus aequoreus) inhabiting Cíes Archipelago were sympatric. They occupied highly similar trophic positions (TPs), but differed in niche size, in such a way that the snake pipefish E. aequoreus would likely feed on smaller prey. The assessment of the feeding regime in the dominant great pipefish S. acus revealed that amphipods mostly contributed to bulk diet, followed by isopods, carideans, and copepods, whereas mysidaceans were not highly consumed. Seasonal changes in both epifaunal structure and syngnathids abundance confirmed that syngnathids are seasonal residents in Cíes Archipelago, migrating to other areas in autumn when the seaweed cover is drastically reduced and the epifaunal structure modified. This study showed the importance of Gongolaria assemblages in Cíes Archipelago, providing rich dietary sources and potentially contributing to higher abundances and diversity of syngnathids. Ongoing cover reduction in Gongolaria assemblages in certain regions (e.g., Mediterranean) should be considered a potential ecological concern for syngnathids and accompanying fauna, requiring further investigations.This study was financially supported by the Spanish Government with project Hippoparques (Ref. 1541S/2015, Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales de España, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico, MITECO, Spain

    Improving the learning of engineering students with interactive teaching applications

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    Over decades, Mechanical Engineering students often find some difficulties to grasp some contents and/or struggle with some parts of the course. With the increasing development of new technologies, promising innovations can be implemented enhancing learning and improving success rates. In this study, a new learning interactive method is proposed and evaluated using the experience of over 600 students of Mechanical Engineering. This study describes a 4-year experiment based on new interactive applications for education. The experiment has been implemented using E-learning techniques and new technologies (a combination of remote and virtual examples, videos, quizzes, and theory). Specifically, several applications have been programmed to be executed on different devices, such as mobile phones and PC/laptops (Android and Windows). The experiment is applied using small applications that help the students identify the most challenging contents and guide them throughout step-by-step. The main objective of this interactive method is to help students find their lack of knowledge and offer them contents to cover it. These didactic applications are portable and intuitive. Thanks to these interactive applications, it is possible to accomplish better practices of “E-learning” and “Computer Simulation and Animation” together. Since they are portable applications, they allow the student to interact and check conceptual understandings at any place. Students really appreciate this aspect. The results of the course titled Mechanism and Machine Theory have been analyzed during these four last years in which these interactive applications have been offered to the students.The authors wish to thank the "Convocatoria De Innovación Docente 2017-2018" of the UC3M

    Validation of pain catastrophizing scale on breast cancer survivor

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    Introduction: Pain catastrophizing scale (PCS) is the most used scale to measure pain catastrophizing. In breast cancer survivors (BCS), pain catastrophizing is related to upper-limbs dysfunction and disability. This study aimed to assess the internal consistency, internal structure, and convergent validity of the Spanish version of the PCS in Spanish BCS. Material and Methods: Breast cancer survivors were recruited from the service of Medical Oncology of the University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Victoria, in Málaga (Spain). The psychometric properties were evaluated with analysis factor structure by maximum likelihood extraction (MLE), internal consistency, and construct validity by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: Factor structure was three-dimensional, and one item was removed due to cross-loading. The new 12-item PCS showed a high internal consistency for the total score (α = 0.91) and a good homogeneity, and CFA revealed a satisfactory fit. PCS showed an acceptable correlation with FACS (r =0.53, p <0.01). Conclusion: Pain catastrophizing scale is a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate pain catastrophizing in Spanish BCS. This tool may help clinicians in the management of pain by assessing pain and by measuring the effect of interventions.This work was partially supported by Novartis Oncology [Contract N° PS16060 in IBIMA between Novartis-IBIMA, (Translation Research in Cancer B-01 & Clinimetric F-14)]. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Modelling the daily probability of lightning-caused ignition in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Background. Lightning is the most common origin of natural fires, being strongly linked to specific synoptic conditions associated with atmospheric instability, such as dry thunderstorms; dry fuels are required for ignition to take place and for subsequent propagation. Aims. The aim was to predict the daily probability of ignition by exploiting a large dataset of lightning and fire data to anticipate ignition over the entire Iberian Peninsula. Methods. We trained and tested a machine learning model using lightning strikes (>17 million) in the period 2009–2015. For each lightning strike, we extracted information relating to fuel condition, structural features of vegetation, topography, and the specific characteristics of the strikes (polarity, intensity and flash density). Key results. Naturally triggered ignitions are typically initiated at higher elevations (above 1000 m above sea level) under conditions of low dead fuel moisture (<10–13%) and moderate live moisture content (Drought Code > 300). Negative-polarity lightning strikes (−10 kA) appear to trigger fires more frequently. Conclusions and implications. Our approach was able to provide ignition forecasts at multiple temporal and spatial scales, thus enhancing forest fire risk assessment systems

    Forearm Muscle Activity During the Handgrip Test in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    We recruited 102 breast cancer survivors at a secondary care in Malaga. Included breast cancer survivors showed a good upper limb functionality but a reduced forearm muscle activity. Forearm muscle activity showed a poor significant correlation with the cancer-related fatigue . Handgrip strength also showed a poor correlation with the upper limb functionality. Both outcomes tended to lower values with higher levels of cancer-related fatigue. Introduction/Background: Breast cancer survivors (BCS) frequently show upper limb dysfunctions. The forearm muscle activity measured by surface electromyography (sEMG) in this population has not been studied. This study aimed to describe forearm muscle activity in BCS, as well as to assess its possible relationship with other variables related to upper limb functionality and cancer-related fatigue (CRF). Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out including 102 BCS as volunteers at a secondary care in Malaga, Spain. BCS were included if they were aged between 32 and 70 years old, without evidence of cancer recurrence at the time of recruitment. The forearm muscle activity (microvolts, μV) was assessed by sEMG during the handgrip test. The handgrip strength was assessed by dynamometry (kg), the upper limb functionality (%) was measured by the upper limb functional index (ULFI) question- naire and the CRF was also assessed by revised Piper Fatigue Scale (0-10 points). Results: BCS reported reduced forearm muscle activity (287.88 μV) and reduced handgrip strength (21.31 Kg), a good upper limb functionality (68.85%), and a moderate cancer-related fatigue (4.74). Forearm muscle activity showed a poor significant correlation (r = –0.223, P = .038) with the CRF. Handgrip strength showed a poor correlation with the upper limb functionality (r = 0.387, P < .001) and age (r=-0.200, P = .047)...Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga /CBU

    Immediate effects of dry needling on the autonomic nervous system and mechanical hyperalgesia: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Dry needling (DN) is often used for the treatment of muscle pain among physiotherapists. However, little is known about the mechanisms of action by which its effects are generated. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to determine if the use of DN in healthy subjects activates the sympathetic nervous system, thus resulting in a decrease in pain caused by stress. Methods: Sixty-five healthy volunteer subjects were recruited from the University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain, with an age of 27.78 (SD = 8.41) years. The participants were randomly assigned to participate in a group with deep DN in the adductor pollicis muscle or a placebo needling group. The autonomic nervous system was evaluated, in addition to local and remote mechanical hyperalgesia. Results: In a comparison of the moment at which the needling intervention was carried out with the baseline, the heart rate of the dry needling group significantly increased by 20.60% (SE = 2.88), whereas that of the placebo group increased by 5.33% (SE = 2.32) (p = 0.001, d = 1.02). The pressure pain threshold showed significant differences between both groups, being significantly higher in the needling group (adductor muscle p = 0.001; d = 0.85; anterior tibialis muscle p = 0.022, d = 0.58). Conclusions: This work appears to indicate that dry needling produces an immediate activation in the sympathetic nervous system, improving local and distant mechanical hyperalgesia