282 research outputs found

    Valparaíso: la ciudad-puerto más importante de Chile y la vulnerabilidad de su patrimonio arquitectónico a los riesgos sísmicos

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    Historical processes, Geographical conditions and seismical conditions are the prime factors that have directly determined the permanence of the architectural heritage in the City of Valparaíso, whose Foundational Area has been included by UNESCO in the World Heritage Roster. Cyclical and frequent natural phenomena (seismic activity and tsunamis) have configured a Geography that exhibits the vulnerability of its natural landscape and the risks of its cultural heritage together with the lives of its population.Los procesos históricos, las condiciones geográficas de la ciudad y la condición sísmica del país, son los factores que han incidido directamente en la permanencia del patrimonio arquitectónico existente en la ciudad de Valparaíso, cuya Área Histórica ha sido incluida por UNESCO en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial. Los cíclicos y frecuentes fenómenos naturales (sismos y tsunamis) han configurado una geografía que revela una vulnerabilidad que afecta el paisaje y en lo humano pone en permanente riesgos el patrimonio cultural y la vida de su población

    Functionalization of Surfaces in Layered Double Hydroxides and Hydroxide Salt Nanoparticles

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    Layered double hydroxides (LDH) and layered hydroxide salts (LHS) are widely studied as matrices to design new materials with applications in several areas of science and technology. Both LDH and LHS are composed of molecular layered units with surfaces fully covered by hydroxyl groups and positive‐charge residues within the layers; therefore, anions in the interlayer space are needed. Even though these anions are described as interlayer species without a covalent interaction with the molecular layered units, the substitution of hydroxyl groups is also possible; in other words, the functionalization of the surface could occur. This chapter reviews results previously published related to the functionalization phenomenon in LDH and LHS, which is not considered in most of the scientific reports of new materials derived from these compounds. In this text, the use of copper probes to study electron paramagnetic resonance spectra, reinforced with infrared spectroscopy to confirm functionalization, is described. The occurrence of functionalization instead of a simple anion exchange provides a change of properties in the final nanosized material

    Teacher awareness in efficient processes of educational inclusion

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    Fundamento. La inclusión en la educación es un derecho de los estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas Especiales asociados o no a una discapacidad, (NEEAD), al acceder a las instituciones educativas formales, los procesos de aprendizaje les resultan complejos por múltiples factores que no son consecuentes con los requerimientos básicos para incluirlos eficientemente. Uno de los aspectos de mayor incidencia para la inclusión es la sensibilización docente, que se constituye en un obstáculo difícilmente salvable cuando la institucionalidad carece de los mecanismos para mejorar las capacidades de los docentes. Objetivo.  Este artículo científico fue escrito con el objetivo de analizar los procesos de sensibilización docente para la implementación de la inclusión educativa eficiente. Metodología. Es una investigación no experimental, descriptiva, se fundamenta en el análisis de los resultados de una entrevista aplicada a 10 docentes vinculados a los procesos de inclusión de estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas Especiales. Resultados. La primera parte del trabajo revisa los aspectos jurídicos vinculados a la inclusión educativa y la obligatoriedad de su aplicación, enfatizando en los deberes y derechos de los actores del proceso educativo, la segunda parte del artículo desglosa la opinión de los docentes entrevistados considerando el rol de la institución en los procesos de inclusión; el tratamiento que se le debe dar al currículo como factor esencial de sensibilización para la inclusión; se trata además, sobre las formas en las que se realizó el apoyo a los estudiantes, Se consideró el rol de los padres de familia en el proceso y se analizaron los recursos institucionales para llevar a cabo la inclusión educativa. Todo ello fue discutido con los resultados de otras investigaciones. Conclusiones.  Las necesidades para la inclusión educativa dependen de una gran diversidad de factores que hacen complejo a este proceso; La inclusión requiere de las instituciones cambios de infraestructura, recursos y formación programática para la sensibilización docente.Basis. Inclusion in education is a right of students with Special Educational NEEADds, when accessing formal educational institutions, the learning processes are complex due to multiple factors that are not consistent with the basic requirements to include them efficiently. One of the aspects of greatest incidence for inclusion is teacher awareness, which is an obstacle that is difficult to overcome when the institution lacks the mechanisms to improve the capacities of teachers. Objective. This scientific article was written with the objective of analyzing teacher awareness processes for the implementation of efficient educational inclusion. Methodology. It is a non-experimental, descriptive research, based on the analysis of the results of an interview applied to 10 teachers linked to the inclusion processes of students with Special Educational NEEADds. Results. The first part of the work reviews the legal aspects related to educational inclusion and the mandatory nature of its application, emphasizing the duties and rights of the actors in the educational process, the second part of the article breaks down the opinion of the teachers interviewed considering the role of the institution in the inclusion processes; the treatment that should be given to the curriculum as an essential factor of sensitization for inclusion; It also deals with the ways in which the support to the students was carried out. The role of parents in the process was considered and the institutional resources to carry out educational inclusion were analyzed. All of this was discussed with the results of other investigations. Conclusions: The NEEADds for educational inclusion depend on a great diversity of factors that make this process complex; Inclusion requires institutions to change infrastructure, resources and programmatic training for teacher awareness

    SICAC: an information system for the Conjunto arqueológico de Carmona (Carmona Archaeological Ensemble) (Seville, Spain)

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    The Roman necropolis and amphitheater of Carmona (Seville, Spain) were excavated and opened to the public at the end of the Nineteenth century. Because of this long continuity, the Carmona Archaeological Ensemble boasts a special trait: a broad archaeological documentary archive. Efficient management of this store of information that is updated and added to on a daily basis required a computer application that could gather, integrate, conserve and facilitate the use of this volume of data from different sources. At the same time, it was considered necessary for researchers to have online access to the core substance of the information. Our information system for CAC was developed over the course of five years and is called SICAC. All of the graphic and alphanumerical data is organized in the same environment, thereby guaranteeing their integration, availability, quality and accessibility. SICAC has three platforms: desktop, online and mobile

    La función simbólica en el desarrollo del lenguaje en los niños de inicial ii (4 años).

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    The preschool age represents one of the most significant stages in the psychological development of the infant. In this age new psychological formations emerge as psychological skills of preparation of the child for their subsequent entry into school, which induce the infant to undergo substantial changes in their cognitive development and personality. The symbolic function, in this age, refers to the capacity of the infant to represent absent objects through the use of symbols and signs, according to their psychological age and sociocultural environment in which they develop. Seen in another way, the development of the symbolic function contributes, in turn, to the development of other psychological functions that are fundamental to school activity. In this context, the aim of the present study is to present a complete review of literature focusing on studies and theories about the importance of the symbolic function in the development of language in children of initial education, sub-level II; for this, the methodology used is qualitative, descriptive given that the review and description of topics focused on these research variables was carried outLa edad preescolar representa una de las etapas más significativas en cuanto al desarrollo psicológico del infante. En esta edad emergen nuevas formaciones psicológicas como habilidades psicológicas de preparación del niño para su posterior ingreso a la escuela, las cuales inducen al infante a experimentar cambios sustanciales en su desarrollo cognitivo y en su personalidad. La función simbólica, en esta edad, se refiere a la capacidad del infante para representar objetos ausentes mediante la utilización de símbolos y signos, de acuerdo a su edad psicológica y medio sociocultural en el cual se desenvuelve. Visto de otra manera, el desarrollo de la función simbólica contribuye, a su vez, al desarrollo de otras funciones psicológicas mismas que son fundamentales para la actividad escolar. Bajo este contexto, el objetivo del presente estudio es presentar una revisión completa de literatura enfocando estudios y teorías acerca de la importancia de la función simbólica en el desarrollo del lenguaje en niños de educación inicial, subnivel II; para ello, la metodología utilizada es cualitativa, descriptiva dado que se realizó la revisión y descripción de temas enfocados a estas variables de investigació

    Valparaíso: su geografía, su historia y su identidad como Patrimonio de la Humanidad

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    Valparaíso was declared a World Heritage Site in 2003, thanks to its historical importance, natural beauty (large number of hills surrounding a picturesque harbor), and unique architecture (particularly, a mix of 19th century styles of housing). In essence, this paper focuses on a detailed and documented exposition of the process begun in 1998 that allowed the seaport city of Valparaíso to be listed as UNESCO World Heritage in 2003. The importance of this process lies on its positive impact amongst citizens and the rise of an increasing awareness regarding the preservation and conservation of their cultural endowment, both tangible and intangible. The process has positively effected change in political, social, legal, cultural, economic, and tourism-centered areas involved in the preservation of the city`s heritage, its potential and development.Valparaíso fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en el año 2003, por su importancia histórica, belleza natural y una arquitectura única. Este artículo analiza los detalles de este proceso iniciado en 1998 y que culminó con el reconocimiento de UNESCO. La importancia de esta decisión beneficia también a la población de la ciudad, por cuanto se preserva y propende a la conservación del valor cultural propio de la ciudad. Este proceso tiene un segundo aspecto positivo, en términos de los cambios en materia de políticas, sociales, culturales y económicos, como en caso del turismo para que incluyan el valor de la ciudad en su propio desarrollo

    Compact analytical flow system for the simultaneous determination of L-lactic and L-malic in red wines

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    During the malolactic fermentation of red wines, L-malic acid is mainly converted to L-lactic acid. Both acids should be precisely measured during the entire process to guarantee the quality of the final wine, thus making real-time monitoring approaches of great importance in the winemaking industry. Traditional analytical methods based on laboratory procedures are currently applied and cannot be deployed on-site. In this work, we report on the design and development of a bi-parametric compact analytical flow system integrating two electrochemical biosensors that could be potentially applied in this scenario. The developed flow-system will allow for the first time the simultaneous measurement of both acids in real scenarios at the real-time and in remote way. Miniaturized thin-film platinum four-electrode chips are fabricated on silicon substrates by standard photolithographic techniques and further implemented in a polymeric fluidic structure. This includes a 15 µL flow cell together with the required fluidic channels for sample and reagent fluid management. The four-electrode chip includes counter and pseudo-reference electrodes together with two working electrodes. These are sequentially modified with electropolymerized polypyrrole membranes that entrap the specific receptors for selectively detecting both target analytes. The analytical performance of both biosensors is studied by chronoamperometry, showing a linear range from 5 × 10−6 to 1 × 10−4 M (LOD of 3.2 ± 0.3 × 10−6 M) and from 1 × 10−7 to 1 × 10−6 M (LOD of 6.7 ± 0.2 × 10−8 M) for the L-lactate and the L-malate, respectively. Both biosensors show long-term stability, retaining more than the 90% of their initial sensitivity after more than 30 days, this being a prerequisite for monitoring the whole process of the malolactic fermentation of the red wines (time between 20 and 40 days). The flow system performance is assessed with several wine samples collected during the malolactic fermentation process of three red wines, showing an excellent agreement with the results obtained with the standard method.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fiabilidad del CECASDEP en Servicios Deportivos Universitarios de la UANL

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    Proporcionar servicios de calidad se ha convertido en una prioridad y en un constructo utilizado por la mayoría de los organismos sociales que ofertan servicios deportivo

    Laser scanner and geophysical survey to delimitate, defining the geometrical design and setting up on the ground of the Osuna’s roman theatre

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    El uso conjunto del escáner láser y de la prospección geofísica nos ha permitido definir la forma del teatro romano de Osuna. Una actividad de bajo costo y nulo impacto sobre las ruinas que debe servir de base para una posterior planificación de su futuro.Geophysical survey and laser scanning allows us to define the shape of the Osuna’s roman theater. It is a low cost activity with no impact on the ruins that should serve as a basis for further planning of its future

    Utility of the medial region of pro-adrenomodulin for the detection of true bacteremia in elderly patients treated in the emergency department for suspected infection

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    Background. The prediction of bacteremia in the emergency department (ER) is important for initial decision-making. The elderly population is a diagnosis challenge. The objective was to evaluate the accuracy of mid regional pro-adrenomedullin (MR-proADM) to identify true bacteremia (BV) in elderly patients attended in 3 hospital emergency departments. Methods. Observational study including patients =75 years of age or older attended in the ER for suspected infection in whom a blood culture (BC) was extracted. Sociodemographic, comorbidity, hemodynamic and analytical variables, biomarkers [MR-proADM, procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP) and lactate] and final diagnosis were collected. The primary outcome was a true positive on a blood culture. Results. A total of 109 patients with a mean age of 83 (SD: 5.5) years were included. A final diagnosis of BV was obtained in 22 patients (20.2%). The independent variables to predict it were PCT (OR: 13.9; CI95%: 2.702-71.703; p=0.002), MR-proADM (OR: 4.081; CI95%: 1.026-16.225; p=0.046) and temperature (OR: 2.171; CI95%: 1.109-4.248; p=0.024). Considering the cut-off point for MR-proADM (2.13 mg/dl), a sensitivity (Se) of 73%, specificity (E) of 71%, a positive predictive value (PPV) of 39%, a negative predictive value (NPV) of 91%, a positive likelihood ratio (LHR+) of 2.53 and a negative likelihood ratio (LHR-) of 0.38; for PCT (0.76 mg/dl) a Se of 90%, E of 65%, PPV of 40%, NPV of 96%, LHR+ 2,64 and a LHR- of 0.14 were obtained. When combining both, a Se of 69%, E of 84%, PPV of 52%, NPV of 91%, LHR+ of 4.24 and LHR- of 0.38 were observed. Conclusions. Elevated levels of PCT and MR-proADM were independently associated with an increased risk of BV and the combination of both improves the accuracy to identify these patients