2,053 research outputs found

    Fault-Tolerant Business Processes

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    Abstract. Service-oriented computing (SOC) paradigm promotes the idea of assembling application components into a network of loosely coupled services. Web services are the most promising SOC-based technology. A BPEL process definition represents a composite service that encapsulates some complex business logic including the invocation to other (external) web services. The complexity of a BPEL process together with the invocation of external services subject to network and computer failures requires countermeasures to tolerate this kind of failures. In this paper we present an overview of FT-BPEL, a fault-tolerant implementation of BPEL that copes both with failures of the machine running the BPEL process and network failures in a transparent way, that is, after a failure the system is able to resume the BPEL process consistently

    Eficacia del programa de intervención funcional del lenguaje Flip-N en niños con TEL

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    105 p.Este trabajo de investigación estudia la eficacia del programa de intervención funcional FLIP-N en el desempeño narrativo de un grupo de 6 niños cuyas edades fluctúan entre 5.4 y 6 años de edad, todos con diagnóstico de trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL). Los seis sujetos se distribuyeron en dos grupos, 3 en el grupo control (sin intervención) y los otros 3 en el grupo experimental (con intervención), con pre y post-test. La intervención consistió en un total de 14 sesiones, una sesión a la semana con una duración aproximada de 40 a 60 minutos cada una de ellas. Se realizaron cuatro evaluaciones inter-sesiones aplicadas a ambos grupos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los resultados. Los sujetos pertenecientes al grupo experimental lograron mejorar su desempeño narrativo, aunque este no fue en la magnitud esperada. Los sujetos del grupo control presentaron un comportamiento fluctuante, en donde uno de ellos resultó descendido en relación a su evaluación pre-test y los otros dos sujetos evidenciaron avances en su rendimiento narrativo. Se discuten las implicancias clínicas y los posibles factores que influirían en los resultados obtenidos. Palabras clave: trastorno específico del lenguaje, intervención, discurso narrativo, Programa FLIP-N./ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to study the effect of the intervention program FLIP-N on the narrative performance of a group of six children aged between 5.5 and 6.0 years, all of them with a diagnosis of Specific Language Impairment (SLI). The six subjects were divided in two groups. Three of them were included in the control group (without intervention), and the other three were included in the experimental group (with intervention). A pretest-intervention-postest design was used. The intervention phase included 14 sessions, one session per week lasting from 40 to 60 minutes each. Four assessments were applied to both groups during the intervention phase. A descriptive analysis of the results was performed. The subjects in the experimental group improved their narrative performance, but it did not reach the expected magnitude. The control group showed a fluctuating behavior, because one of the children was dropped in relation to the pretest, but the other two subjects showed progress in their narrative performance. Clinical implications, and the possible factors involved are discussed. Key terms: Specific Language Impairment, intervention, narrative discourse, FLIP-N Program

    Forage Yield and Quality of Signal Grass-Clitoria Mixture Grazed at Different Frequencies

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    A Signal grass-Clitoria mixture provides good quality forage in the dry tropic of southern Mexico. Grazing frequency is a management tool that determines yield, botanical components and quality of pastures. The objective of this study was to determine forage yield, quality and botanical components in a Signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens)-Clitoria (Clitoria ternatea) mixture when grazed at different frequencies

    Potential of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycles to Reduce the Levelised Cost of Electricity of Contemporary Concentrated Solar Power Plants

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    This paper provides an assessment of the expected Levelised Cost of Electricity enabled by Concentrated Solar Power plants based on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (sCO2) technology. A global approach is presented, relying on previous results by the authors in order to ascertain whether these innovative power cycles have the potential to achieve the very low costs of electricity reported in the literature. From a previous thermodynamic analysis of sCO2 cycles, three layouts are shortlisted and their installation costs are compared prior to assessing the corresponding cost of electricity. Amongst them, the Transcritical layout is then discarded due to the virtually impossible implementation in locations with high ambient temperature. The remaining layouts, Allam and Partial Cooling are then modelled and their Levelised Cost of Electricity is calculated for a number of cases and two different locations in North America. Each case is characterised by a different dispatch control scheme and set of financial assumptions. A Concentrated Solar Power plant based on steam turbine technology is also added to the assessment for the sake of comparison. The analysis yields electricity costs varying in the range from 8 to over 11 g/kWh, which is near but definitely not below the 6 g/kWh target set forth by different administrations. Nevertheless, in spite of the results, a review of the conservative assumptions adopted in the analysis suggests that attaining costs substantially lower than this is very likely. In other words, the results presented in this paper can be taken as an upper limit of the economic performance attainable by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Concentrated Solar Power applications.Unión Europea (Programa Horizonte 2020) 81498

    Epidemiology and spatio‐temporal analysis of West Nile virus in horses in Spain between 2010 and 2016

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    During the last decade, West Nile virus (WNV) outbreaks have increased sharply in both horses and human in Europe. The aims of this study were to evaluate characteristics and spatio‐temporal distribution of WNV outbreaks in horses in Spain between 2010 and 2016 in order to identify the environmental variables most associated with WNV occurrence and to generate high‐resolution WNV suitability maps to inform risk‐based surveillance strategies in this country. Between August 2010 and November 2016, a total of 403 WNV suspected cases were investigated, of which, 177 (43.9%) were laboratory confirmed. Mean values of morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates were 7.5%, 1.6% and 21.2%, respectively. The most common clinical symptoms were as follows: tiredness/apathy, recumbency, muscular tremor, ataxia, incoordination and hyperaesthesia. The outbreaks confirmed during the last 7 years, with detection of WNV RNA lineage 1 in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016, suggest an endemic circulation of the virus in Spain. The spatio‐temporal distribution of WNV outbreaks in Spain was not homogeneous, as most of them (92.7%) were concentrated in western part of Andalusia (southern Spain) and significant clusters were detected in this region in two non‐consecutive years. These findings were supported by the results of the space–time scan statistics permutation model. A presence‐only MaxEnt ecological niche model was used to generate a suitability map for WNV occurrence in Andalusia. The most important predictors selected by the Ecological Niche Modeling were as follows: mean annual temperature (49.5% contribution), presence of Culex pipiens (19.5% contribution), mean annual precipitation (16.1% contribution) and distance to Ramsar wetlands (14.9% contribution). Our results constitute an important step for understanding WNV emergence and spread in Spain and will provide valuable information for the development of more cost‐effective surveillance and control programmes and improve the protection of horse and human populations in WNV‐endemic areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Guiding signs in metabolic disease diagnosis

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    Los errores innatos del metabolismo son un grupo de enfermedades genéticas con sintomatología muy inespecífica y por tanto difícil diagnóstico si no existe una sospecha clínica elevada. Sin embargo existen algunos datos de la exploración física y de las pruebas complementarias que pueden enfocar el proceso diagnóstico hacia la solicitud de pruebas específicas que lo confirmen. El caso que presentamos trata de destacar algunos de estos datos que pueden hacer sospechar la existencia de un defecto congénito de la glucosilación de proteínas, trastorno infrecuente pero con algunas formas tratables, por lo que su sospecha y diagnóstico precoz es de vital importanciaInborn errors of metabolism are a group of genetic diseases with non specific symptoms and therefore difficult to diagnose without high clinical suspicion. However there are some physical examination data and laboratory tests that can focus the diagnostic process to the implementation of specific tests to confirm them. The case exposed highlights some of these data that can make us suspect the existence of a congenital defect of glycosylation of proteins, rare disorder but with some treatable variations, that make their suspicion and early diagnosis of great importanc