340 research outputs found

    La ocurrencia de heladas y su influencia en las fases de los cultivos en la Provincia del Chaco entre 1951 y 2000

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    Los principales cultivos que se producen en nuestra región pueden verse afectados por la ocurrencia de eventos meteorológicos adversos que atentan contra su rendimiento. En la provincia del Chaco, tanto la ocurrencia de heladas como su distribución espacial es variable, y esa falta de regularidad da al fenómeno un carácter de riesgo para ciertas prácticas agrícolas. Es por ello que, en una región que tiene como base de su economía a la actividad agrícola, el interés por conocer, analizar y mantener actualizados los estudios sobre este hidrometeoro está más que justificado. Entonces, es fundamental estimar, tanto los períodos de ocurrencia de estos eventos, como el área en la que se producen, es decir, conocer el comportamiento y la influencia de las heladas en el Chaco durante los últimos 50 años, mediante el análisis estadístico y cartográfico, sumando a ello el apoyo bibliográfico.De dicho análisis se deduce que las heladas invernales son las más intensas y frecuentes. Sin embargo, las heladas que con mayor frecuencia generan daños severos, son las heladas tempranas y tardías, es decir, las que ocurren en otoño y primavera respectivamente, aunque éstas sean de menor intensidad que las invernales. Asimismo, los daños que se generen en los cultivos dependerán de la sensibilidad y/o resistencia de los mismos ante las bajas temperaturas y de la fase del ciclo vital en la que se encuentren cada uno.

    Spatial distribution of Cydia fagiglandana (Zeller) in an exploited holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest

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    Cydia fagiglandana (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a carpophagous insect which affects the quality and viability of the fruits of beech, oak and chestnut trees. The majority of the works on this species in holm oak woods dealt with assessing its damages. No investigations have yet been performed on the spatial distribution of this pest, although this element is one of the key features to take in account in order to develop proper integrated management programs. The present study, performed during a four years period in an exploited holm oak forest area in Southern Spain, investigated the spatial distribution of C. fagiglandana integrating classic methods based on dispersion rates and distribution fitting together with the elaboration of population density maps based on GIS. Our results showed that the infestation rate progressively decreased from 0.339 in 2001 to 0.102 in 2004. Density maps for C. fagiglandana also show an heterogeneous and aggregated distribution of this insect and a spatio-temporal stability in this area. It is concluded that during the four years of the study inter-specific competition with the weevil Curculio elephas was the factor that most affected the spatial distribution of C. fagiglandana in the experimental plot

    Distribución espacial y mapeo de curculio elephas gyllenhal en encina (quercus ilex l.)

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    Curculio elephases una de las plagas carpófagas más importantes en encinares y castañares en España. El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo durante un periodo de cuatro años en una dehesa del sur de España, y se ha estudiado la distribución espacial usando métodos clásicos (índices de infestación, índices de dispersión, ajustes a distribuciones estadísticas) y elaborando mapas de densidad larvaria. Nuestros principales resultados fueron: 1) alta incidencia de C. elephasen las encinas de la parcela de muestreo, presentándose de un 32 a un 57,4 % de las bellotas infestadas por el balanino; 2) los índices de dispersión, las distribuciones estadísticas y los mapas de densidad larvaria confirman que C. elephaspresenta una distribución agregada y una estabilidad espacio-temporal de sus poblaciones a lo largo del periodo de estudio; 3) relación directa entre la infestación y la densidad larvaria y el tamaño medio de las bellotas. Estos resultados indican que la distribución espacial anual de C. elephasfue heterogénea y que posiblemente esté relacionada, entre otros factores, con la distribución de las encinas con bellotas en las dehesas y de su calidad y grado de madureThe weevil, Curculio elephasis one of the most important carpophagous pest of holm oaks and chestnut trees in Spain. The present paper performed during a four year period in an economically exploited holm oak forest area in Southern Spain, investigated the chestnut weevil spatial distribution using both classic methods (infestation indices, dispersion indices, fitting to statistical distributions) and by elaborating larval density maps. Our main findings were: 1) a very high incidence of C. elephaswas detected on the holm oaks of the experimental plot, with 32-57.4 % of the acorns infested by the weevil; 2) dispersion indices, statistical distributions and larval density maps confirmed that C. elephashad an aggregated distribution and the spatio-temporal stability of its population over long term periods; 3) a direct relation was detected between the weevil infestation and larval density indices and the medium size of the acorns. These results indicate that the annual spatial ditribution of C. elephaswas heterogeneous and that it was possibly related, among other factors, to the distribution of holm-oak with acorns inside the forest and to their quality and degree of ripenes

    Revisión Bibliográfica de la carrera investigadora de Daniel Madrid

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    La Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura es un área de conocimiento interdisciplinar, relativamente reciente, que se centra en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lengua y la literatura. En España figuras como la del Catedrático Dr. Daniel Madrid Fernández de la Universidad de Granada han reivindicado la singularidad de esta área gracias a su prolija carrera docente e investigadora. El presente capítulo pretende sintetizar a través de la metodología de investigación del análisis bibliográfico y bibliométrico la producción científica del profesor Madrid a propósito de su jubilación. Sirva este capítulo de homenaje a una carrera investigadora por la Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura.The Language and Literature Didactics is an interdisciplinary area of knowledge, relatively new, which focuses on the processes of teaching and learning of language and literature. In Spain, prominent figures such as Professor Dr. Daniel Madrid Fernández of the University of Granada have claimed the uniqueness of this area thanks to his prolific teaching and research career. This chapter aims to synthesise, through the research methodology of bibliographic and bibliometric analysis, the scientific production of Prof. Madrid on the occasion of his retirement. This chapter is a tribute to a research trajectory dedicated to Language and Literature Didactics

    Examining Topoisomers of a Snake-Venom-Derived Peptide for Improved Antimicrobial and Antitumoral Properties

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    Ctn[15-34], the C-terminal section of crotalicidin (Ctn), a cathelicidin from a South American pit viper, is an antimicrobial and antitumoral peptide with remarkably longer stability in human serum than the parent Ctn. In this work, a set of topoisomers of both Ctn and Ctn[15-34], including the retro, enantio, and retroenantio versions, were synthesized and tested to investigate the structural requirements for activity. All topoisomers were as active as the cognate sequences against Gram-negative bacteria and tumor cells while slightly more toxic towards normal cells. More importantly, the enhanced serum stability of the D-amino-acid-containing versions suggests that such topoisomers must be preferentially considered as future antimicrobial and anticancer peptide leads

    Stone weathering under Mediterranean semiarid climate in the fortress of Nueva Tabarca island (Spain)

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    The Nueva Tabarca fortress constitutes an exceptional example of baroque architectural heritage. However, the aggressiveness of the local environment and the low suitability of the used building stone cause their fast deterioration. The hydro-mechanical properties of the building stones, the characteristics of their porous system (open porosity and pore size distribution), the global climate of the island and the particular microenvironmental conditions of each studied monument explain the weathering process acting on the porous limestone of Nueva Tabarca. Results reveal that Halite crystallization and wind erosion are the main weathering agents. On the one hand, wind plays a critical weathering action because it controls the salt crystallization process, the abrasion by wind-blown particles, as well as the wind-driven rain impact. Different weathering forms are related to each erosion mechanism. On the other hand, the relative humidity in the island determines the agressiveness of the halite crystallization process. Salt damage activity was calculated quantifying not only the number of halite crystallization-dissolution transitions, but also the duration of the driest periods. Finally, a novel parameter (Equivalent Years, Yeq) is defined in order to quantify the representativeness of standarized artificial ageing tests. Yeq expresses the number of years of natural ageing required for achieving the same weathered state of rocks after laboratory procedures. A wide range of Yeq values are obtained for the studied rocks (from 8 to 165 years), showing a strong dependency with both the exposure time as well as the agressiveness of the environment.This research was supported by project GRE12-03 (University of Alicante)

    A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study of Self-Reported Adherence and Factors Associated with Analgesic Treatment in People with Chronic Pain

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    This study aims to shed light on the frequency and associated factors of self-reported adherence to analgesic treatment among chronic pain (CP) patients in the Spanish population. A nationwide cross-sectional study was performed of 1066 Spanish adults, of whom 251 suffered from CP and 168 had been prescribed analgesic treatment. Adherence was assessed using a self-reported direct questionnaire and related factors were collected. Descriptive and bivariate analyses were conducted. Among the 23.5% (95% CI: 21.0-26.2%) of the sample with CP, 66.9% (95% CI: 60.7-72.7%) were taking analgesic treatment prescribed by a doctor, and 81.0% (95% CI: 74.2-86.6%) said they took the treatment as the doctor indicated. However, 17.6% forgot to take the medication, 11% overused them when in great pain, 46.3% stopped the treatment when feeling better and 33.3% when feeling worse, and 7.3% stopped taking them for financial reasons. Higher intensity of pain, polymedication, administration route (injection/patches) and some patient-related factors were associated with self-perceived adherence to treatment. Most Spanish people with CP consider that they are adherent to their analgesic treatment. However, their behavior presents contradictions. It would be advisable for professionals to inform patients about appropriate behavior regarding their therapy recommendations, and to explore potential factors related to non-adherence. This could contribute to improving pain control

    Economic Crisis, Social Policies and Health Inequalities

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    In recent years, the European Public Health Systems have been mired in the worst financial crisis in its history, pointing to the welfare state as the main responsible for it. The objective of this work has been to analyze the extent to which the economic crisis that began in 2008 has affected the social policies and inequalities in health, specifying the effects of this on the health of the population. To properly analyze the current situation, it is important to know to what extent the economic crisis has affected the health of populations and in particular, certain vulnerable groups (children, elderly, women, others). Contrary to the recent UN resolution urging governments to provide universal access and quality of health services, the tendency has been to prioritize the reduction in the deficit through austerity measures focused on health and education. The effects of this health crisis depends on the social protection policies undertaken, and its extension of services to the most vulnerable groups, as these crises have been associated with an increase in most diseases, mainly mental, as well as an increase in suicide mortality.En estos últimos años los Sistemas Públicos de Salud europeos se han visto sumidos en la peor crisis financiera de su historia, señalándose al Estado de Bienestar como principal responsable de la misma. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar en qué medida ha afectado la crisis económica iniciada en 2008, a las políticas sociales y a las desigualdades en salud, concretando los efectos de la misma sobre la salud de la población.Para analizar correctamente la actual situación habría que conocer en qué medida influyen las crisis económicas en la salud de las poblaciones y más aún sobre ciertos grupos vulnerables (niños, ancianos, mujeres,…). En contra de la reciente resolución de la ONU instando a los gobiernos hacia un acceso universal y de calidad de sus servicios sanitarios, se ha priorizado la reducción del déficit mediante programas de austeridad en sanidad y educación principalmente. Los efectos de esta crisis sobre la salud van a depender fundamentalmente de las políticas de protección social, y de su extensión a los grupos más vulnerables, ya que estas crisis se han asociado a un aumento de la mayoría de las enfermedades, fundamentalmente mentales, además, de un incremento de la mortalidad por suicidio

    Puesta a punto de una metodología para la valorización y optimización del aprovechamiento de las plantas aromático-medicinales en los eriales y montes de secanos áridos

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    Proyecto realizado en el marco del Programa de Desarrollo Rural de Aragón 2014-2024 para la realización de las acciones de cooperación de agentes del sector agrario.ͬ Cofinanciado 80% por Unión Europea y 20% Gobierno de AragónPublishe