422 research outputs found

    "Perdóname señor". Identity construction and survival strategies of the Andalusian(s) femininity(ies) in the popular fiction

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    Desde los estudios culturales feministas, este trabajo problematiza las identidades complejas de las mujeres andaluzas en situaciones de precariedad económica y social a partir de su representación mediática en los contextos de ficción. Como muestra de ello, se estudia el caso de la reciente producción española Perdóname Señor (Gossip Events Productions, 2017 – Mediaset España y HBO), un drama romántico ambientado en el Barbate actual (Cádiz) donde convergen diferentes personajes femeninos y sus distintas estrategias de supervivencia frente a un capitalismo patriarcal de precariedad enquistada, desesperanza, tradicionalismos y masculinidades derrotadas. A través de varios de estos personajes puede observarse la construcción diferenciada de la identidad femenina andaluza, así como los claroscuros de sus distintas elecciones o estrategias de resiliencia frente a un entorno profundamente hostil. Las conclusiones alcanzadas muestran cómo los marcos de construcción simbólica basados en la preeminencia de las clásicas dicotomías varónmujer y producción-reproducción conviven con tímidos apuntes de interseccionalidad en los que caben las contradicciones, los matices y también las resistencias. Así, este trabajo se localiza en la imbricación entre economía, cultura y subjetividades, y aspira a participar en el intenso debate sobre las realidades/posibilidades socioeconómicas e identitarias de las mujeres y sus ambivalentes representaciones en los medios de masas desde un posicionamiento radicalmente feminista, andaluz y crítico que reconoce la cultura popular como espacio de lucha y negociación frente a los significados hegemónicos.From feminist cultural studies, this work problematizes the complex identities of Andalusian women in economic and social precariousness situations and their media representation in fictional contexts. Recent Spanish production Perdóname Señor (Gossip Events Productions, 2017 - Mediaset Spain and HBO) has been chosen as case of study: a romantic drama set in Barbate (Cádiz), where several female characters and their different survival strategies against patriarchal capitalism, precariousness, hopelessness, traditionalism and defeated masculinities converge. Through some of these characters it can be observed the discriminatory construction of Andalusian female identities, as well as the chiaroscuro of their choices or resilience strategies within a deeply hostile environment. The conclusions reached point out that symbolic gender construction based on the pre-eminence of classical male-female and productionreproduction dichotomies coexist along with an incipient intersectionality that recognizes contradictions and nuances but also resistances. Thus this work is located in the overlap between economy, culture and subjectivities, and it aspires to participate in the intense debate on women’s socio-economic and identity possibilities/realities and their ambivalent media representations from a radically Andalusian, feminist and critical position that recognizes popular culture as a space for struggle and negotiation of hegemonic meanings

    Perdóname señor. Construcción identitaria y estrategias de supervivencia de la(s) feminidad(es) andaluza(s) en la ficción popular

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    Desde los estudios culturales feministas, este trabajo problematiza las identidades complejas de las mujeres andaluzas en situaciones de precariedad económica y social a partir de su representación mediática en los contextos de ficción. Como muestra de ello, se estudia el caso de la reciente producción española Perdóname Señor (Gossip Events Productions, 2017 ? Mediaset España y HBO), un drama romántico ambientado en el Barbate actual (Cádiz) donde convergen diferentes personajes femeninos y sus distintas estrategias de supervivencia frente a un capitalismo patriarcal de precariedad enquistada, desesperanza, tradicionalismos y masculinidades derrotadas. A través de varios de estos personajes puede observarse la construcción diferenciada de la identidad femenina andaluza, así como los claroscuros de sus distintas elecciones o estrategias de resiliencia frente a un entorno profundamente hostil. Las conclusiones alcanzadas muestran cómo los marcos de construcción simbólica basados en la preeminencia de las clásicas dicotomías varón-mujer y producción-reproducción conviven con tímidos apuntes de interseccionalidad en los que caben las contradicciones, los matices y también las resistencias. Así, este trabajo se localiza en la imbricación entre economía, cultura y subjetividades, y aspira a participar en el intenso debate sobre las realidades/posibilidades socioeconómicas e identitarias de las mujeres y sus ambivalentes representaciones en los medios de masas desde un posicionamiento radicalmente feminista, andaluz y crítico que reconoce la cultura popular como espacio de lucha y negociación frente a los significados hegemónicos

    Post-machismo, gender violence, and opinion dynamics in digital media. Exploring the Spanish reality through the experience of eldiario.es

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    La violencia de género ha venido conformándose como problema público y cuestión de Estado en la esfera mediática española. Su creciente visibilidad ha estimulado la consciencia social y política, pero también controversias y opiniones en conflicto que son especialmente acogidas en el entorno digital, donde los sentidos no solo son expresados y construidos por los medios de comunicación: las audiencias digitales también participan a través de distintos mecanismos de interacción. El presente trabajo observa las dinámicas de opinión sobre violencia de género de la audiencia participante en un medio nativo digital progresista como eldiario.es, a partir de una muestra de 716 comentarios. La aproximación cuantitativa revela una participación eminentemente masculina, ejercida por usuarios no socios del medio y contraria al compromiso editorial de eldiario. es con la igualdad. Desde el análisis de contenido cualitativo, se observa la utilización recurrente de la dicotomía feminista-antifeminista en los debates, así como el cuestionamiento de la cientificidad, la intencionalidad y la idoneidad del feminismo para la erradicación de la violencia de género. Por último, se discute el fomento de un verdadero debate democrático en espacios digitales como el estudiado a la luz de la notable subrepresentación de mujeres, así como la posible perversión de esta participación hacia violencias simbólicas contra las mujeres.Gender violence has gradually become a public issue and a matter of State concern under permanent discussion in the Spanish media. Its increasing visibility has stimulated social and political awareness, but has also given rise to controversies, which are especially manifested in the digital environment. In this environment, meanings are built and expressed not only by the media, but also by online audiences participating through various mechanisms. This work observes the dynamics of the readers’ views on gender violence, as expressed in a politically progressive born-digital medium like eldiario.es. A sample of 716 comments to articles on gender violence published by this online newspaper are analyzed. A quantitative analysis shows a male-dominated participation of readers who are not subscribed to the site and whose views are contrary to those of eldiario.es’ editorial charter and its commitment to equality. A qualitative analysis of the contents of those comments reveals the recurring use of the feminist-antifeminist dichotomy in the debate, as well as a questioning of the scientific nature, purpose and suitability of feminism for the eradication of gender violence. Finally, the promotion of a genuine democratic debate in digital sites as the one here analyzed is discussed in light of women’s notable underrepresentation in the debate and of the possible misuse of participation as a means to perpetrate symbolic violence against women

    An adaptive fuzzy approach for modelling visual texture properties

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    The analysis of the perceptual properties of texture plays a fundamental role in tasks like semantic description of images, content-based image retrieval using linguistic queries, or expert systems design based on low level visual features. The presence of these properties in images is very difficult to characterize due to their imprecision, and, moreover, because their perception may change depending on the user or the image context. In this paper, texture properties are modeled by means of an adaptive fuzzy approach that takes into account the subjectivity of the human perception. For this purpose, a methodology in two phases has been proposed. First, non-adaptive fuzzy models, that represent the average human perception about the presence of the texture properties, are obtained. For this modeling, we propose to learn a relationship between representative measures of the properties and the assessments given by human subjects. In a second phase, the obtained fuzzy sets are adapted in order to model the particular perception of the properties that a user may have, as well as the changes in perception influenced by the image context. For this purpose, the membership functions are automatically transformed on the basic of the information given by the user or extracted from the image context, respectively

    Intra-observer reliability for measuring first and second toe and metatarsal protrusion distance using palpation-based tests: a test-retest study

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    Background: Measurement of first and second metatarsal and toe protrusion is frequently used to explain foot problems using x-rays, osteological measurements or palpation-based tests. Length differences could be related to the appearance of problems in the foot. A test-retest design was conducted in order to establish the intra-rater reliability of three palpation-based tests. Methods: 202 feet of physical therapy students and teachers of the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid, 39 men and 62 women, were measured using three different tests. Data were analysed using SPSS version 15.0. Mean, SD and 95% CI were calculated for each variable. A normal distribution of quantitative data was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The test-retest intra-rater reliability was assessed using an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The Standard Error Mean (SEM) and the Minimal Detectable Change (MDC) were also obtained. Results: All the ICC values showed a high degree of reliability (Test 1 = 0.97, Test 2 = 0.86 and Test 3 = 0.88) as did the SEM (Test 1 = 0.07, Test 2 = 0.10 and Test 3 = 0.11) and the MDC (Test 1 = 0.21, Test 2 = 0.30 and Test 3 = 0.31). Conclusions: Reliability of measuring first and second metatarsal and toe protrusion using the three palpation-based tests showed a high degree of reliability

    Intra-observer reliability for measuring first and second toe and metatarsal protrusion distance using palpation-based tests: a test-retest study

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    Background: Measurement of first and second metatarsal and toe protrusion is frequently used to explain foot problems using x-rays, osteological measurements or palpation-based tests. Length differences could be related to the appearance of problems in the foot. A test-retest design was conducted in order to establish the intra-rater reliability of three palpation-based tests. Methods: 202 feet of physical therapy students and teachers of the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid, 39 men and 62 women, were measured using three different tests. Data were analysed using SPSS version 15.0. Mean, SD and 95% CI were calculated for each variable. A normal distribution of quantitative data was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The test-retest intra-rater reliability was assessed using an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The Standard Error Mean (SEM) and the Minimal Detectable Change (MDC) were also obtained. Results: All the ICC values showed a high degree of reliability (Test 1 = 0.97, Test 2 = 0.86 and Test 3 = 0.88) as did the SEM (Test 1 = 0.07, Test 2 = 0.10 and Test 3 = 0.11) and the MDC (Test 1 = 0.21, Test 2 = 0.30 and Test 3 = 0.31). Conclusions: Reliability of measuring first and second metatarsal and toe protrusion using the three palpation-based tests showed a high degree of reliability

    Factors Relating to Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Pain Management in Inpatients

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    Purpose: To describe factors associated with nurses’ attitudes or lack of knowledge regarding pain management in adult inpatients. Design: Transverse descriptive survey-based study. Methods: This was a transverse descriptive survey-based study. The population was obtained through non probabilistic convenience sampling. The Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain was made available to 470 nurses at a tertiary level hospital. Associations were sought with the unit where assigned, years of experience, specific training on pain, and postgraduate education. Results: The sample included 134 nurses with a mean age of 41.6 ± 10.8 years; 87% were women, 64% worked rotating shifts, 64% had more than 10 years of experience, and 31% had specific training in pain management. The greatest number of correct responses was obtained from nurses with specific training in pain management (p ¼ .001) and nurses who worked in units of surgical hospitalization (p ¼ .004). The lack of training was associated with a deficit in knowledge and inadequate attitudes about pain management. In nurses with less than 10 years of experience, worse results were observed in knowledge, whereas the unit of work was decisive in the results about attitude (p < .05). Conclusions: Among the nurses surveyed, some knowledge gaps were detected, as were certain inap propriate attitudes, associated with lack of training, lack of experience, and being assigned to specific hospitalization units.S