1,074 research outputs found

    Diseño y aplicación de un programa de entrenamiento visual integrado en el hockey patines

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    Introducción: El entrenamiento visual constituye en la actualidad una de las áreas de actuación más fascinantes y prometedoras. Jugadores y equipo técnico son cada vez más conscientes de la importancia de la visión en su práctica diaria y muestran interés por conocer su funcionamiento y la manera de trabajar para mejorar sus habilidades visuales. Objetivos: Evaluarlas habilidades visuales de un equipode hockeypatines, diseñar un programa de entrenamiento visual integrado para realizar en campo y analizar la influencia del entrenamiento visual integrado en el rendimiento deportivo. Métodos: Para analizar la influencia del entrenamiento visual integrado en el rendimiento deportivo, se contó con una muestrade 18 jugadores, dividida aleatoriamente en grupo experimental y grupo control (ne=nc=9). Se realizó un examen visual previo y posterior a un programa de entrenamiento visual. Además se analizó el rendimiento deportivo a través de las respuestas a los cuestionariosde escalas visuales analógicas por parte de los jugadores y del entrenador. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos muestranmejoras en algunas de las habilidades visuales evaluadas, observándose diferencias significativas (p-valor<0.05) con el grupo control en la flexibilidad acomodativa y el resultado del rendimiento deportivo del equipo según las escalas visuales analógicas valoradas por el entrenador. Conclusión: Aunque nuestro programa de entrenamiento no ha producido mejoras significativas en algunos parámetros de rendimiento deportivo, consideramos que el entrenamiento visual específico e integrado es una herramienta más a considerar en el deporte

    Mecanismo de regulación de las hormonas pancréaticas sobre la gluconeogénesis hepática

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, leída en 1974.Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu

    Hipótesis, citas, resultados : reflexiones sobre la comunicación científica en didáctica de ciencias

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    This paper raises a reflection on the role of scholarly papers in the dissemination of research in Science Education, and in the discussion about educational theories. The convenience of a rigorous distinction in each paper between what are hypotheses or opinions, what are evidences, experimentally tested, and what constitutes a metanalysis from literature review, is suggested. These suggestions attempt to improve the quality of scientific communication in the community doing research in Science Education

    Combination of global features for the automatic quality assessment of retinal images

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    Producción CientíficaDiabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the most common causes of visual loss in developed countries. Computer-aided diagnosis systems aimed at detecting DR can reduce the workload of ophthalmologists in screening programs. Nevertheless, a large number of retinal images cannot be analyzed by physicians and automatic methods due to poor quality. Automatic retinal image quality assessment (RIQA) is needed before image analysis. The purpose of this study was to combine novel generic quality features to develop a RIQA method. Several features were calculated from retinal images to achieve this goal. Features derived from the spatial and spectral entropy-based quality (SSEQ) and the natural images quality evaluator (NIQE) methods were extracted. They were combined with novel sharpness and luminosity measures based on the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and the hue saturation value (HSV) color model, respectively. A subset of non-redundant features was selected using the fast correlation-based filter (FCBF) method. Subsequently, a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network was used to obtain the quality of images from the selected features. Classification results achieved 91.46% accuracy, 92.04% sensitivity, and 87.92% specificity. Results suggest that the proposed RIQA method could be applied in a more general computer-aided diagnosis system aimed at detecting a variety of retinal pathologies such as DR and age-related macular degeneration.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (projects RTC-2015-3467-1 and DPI2017-84280-R

    Microbial induced corrosion by ferric–reducing bacteria isolated from an oil separation tank

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    Se requiere identificar a las poblaciones microbianas que participan en la Corrosión Inducida por Microorganismos, con la finalidad de implementar estrategias de monitoreo eficiente y de control. Las poblaciones de microorganismos anaerobios presentes en la industria petrolera, particularmente en la producción de gas y petróleo, así como en las líneas de transporte y en los tanques de almacenamiento, han sido estudiadas muy pobremente y los estudios presentes se han enfocado principalmente en bacterias sulfatorreductoras de los géneros Desulfovibrio y Desulfobacter. Sin embargo, las bacterias fermentativas también tienen gran relevancia en la corrosión de metales, como se describió en 1997, por el grupo de Magot y colaboradores, quienes caracterizaron una bacteria no sulfidogénica pero con capacidad de producir corrosión. En este estudio se aisló de un tanque de separación, una bacteria anaerobia, fermentativa y reductora de fierro, perteneciente al género Sedimentibacter, con capacidad de producir corrosión en el acero al carbón SAE1018.It has required the characterization and identification of the microbial populations responsible for Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC), and their interactions with distinctive microorganisms allocated on metallic surfaces, in order to implement efficient monitoring and control strategies. Microbial anaerobic communities present at oil and gas producing, transporting and storage facilities have been poorly characterized and studies had mainly focused on Desulfovibrio and Desulfobacter genus. However, fermentative bacteria have important participation on corrosion metals as described by Magot et al. (1997), which characterization of non-SRB sulfidogenic bacteria was able to produce corrosion. In this study, it was isolated of an oil-water tank separation, an anaerobic bacterium, fermentative and ferric-reducing, belong to Sedimentibacter genus with corrosion capability on Carbon Steel SAE1018

    La socialización a través de los iguales en la juventud: las tribus urbanas en Extremadura

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    La importancia del grupo en los jóvenes es esencial. para realizar la entrada en el mundo de los adultos y para la adquisición del logro de identidad el adolescente necesita: • independizarse emocional y afectivamente de la familia y cambiar los vínculos hasta ahora infantiles con los apdres, por otros de independencia y autonomía • afirmarse frente a los adutos • identificarse con nuevos modelos significativos, en el sentido de erikson. La importancia del grupo unas veces es beneficiosa y otras no. el adolescente puede ser consciente de ello, pero necesita encontrar apoyo en alguien porque no tiene experiencia para caminar con independencia. cuanto mayor es la distancia de la familia, mas necesita a los amigos. Según didier anzieu, la banda tiene en común la similitud. cuando los individuos se reúnen voluntariamente, por el placer de estar juntos, por la búsqueda de lo semejante, se trata de una banda. consiste en buscar en los “congéneres” modos de pensar y de sentir idénticos a los propios, sin ser necesariamente conscientes de ello. el placer de formar parte de la banda proviene de la supresión de la exigencia de adaptarse, al precio de una tensión psíquica penosa, a un universo adulto o social y a sus reglas de pensamiento y de conducta. además, la banda ofrece a sus miembros la seguridad y el soporte afectivo del que carecen, es decir un sustituto del afecto. “Podríamos decir que pandillas, bandas, simplemente agrupaciones de jóvenes que visten de forma similar y llamativa, que poseen hábitos comunes, que les gusta la misma música y hasta lugares fijos de reunión, podrían denominarse tribus urbanas”. Es importante que los profesionales que trabajan con jóvenes, ya sean psicólogos, docentes, médicos, educadores sociales etc. conozcan estos grupos: góticos, tuneros, moteros ,hiphoperos, frikis, neohippies, cutrefamosos, mods, lolailos, pijos, bakalas, punks, indies, skins, heavys, pachangueros, heavys etc. para poder intervenir psicológicamente con ellos.The importance of the group in the young men is essential. To realize the entry in the world of the adults and for the acquisition of the achievement of the identity the teenager needs: - To identify emotionally and affectively of the family and to change the links, till now infantile with the parents, others of independence and autonomy. - To steady itself (himself, herself) opposite to the adults. - To identify with new significant models, in Erikson’s sense. This formation (training) of the groups on the part of the young men acquires a great importance for the influence that it (he, she) can exercise on them. We know that a few times I it (she) is beneficial and others not, and even the teenager can be conscious of it, but it(he, she) needs to find support somewhere, because they are not experienced to walk with independence. Major all that is the distance with the family, more he (she) needs the friends. According to Didier Anzieu: the band has jointly the similarity. When the individuals meet voluntarily, for the pleasure of being united, for the search of the similar thing, it is a question of a band. It (he,she) consists of looking in the other people for manners of thinking and of feeling identical the own(proper) ones, without be necessarily conscious of it. The pleasure of forming a part of the band comes from the suppression of the exigency from adapting, at the cost of a psychic painful tension, to an adult or social universe and to his (her,your) rules of thought and of conduct. In addition, the band offers to his(her,your) members the safety and the affective support which they lack, that is to say, a substitute of the love. “ Gangs, bands, simply young men’s(women’s) groups that dress of similar form and showy, that possess common habits, which they like the same music and up to fixed places of eeting, might be named urban tribes. It is important that the professionals who work with young men(women) are psychologists, educators, medical, pedagogues know these groups: Gothic, tuneros, hiphoperos, neohippies, cutrefamosos, mods, lolailos, rich kids, bakalas, puks, indies, skins, heavys... to be able to intervene psychologically with them.peerReviewe

    Utilización del análisis hiperespectral como método para la detección de levaduras en alimentos deteriorados

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    La microbiología predictiva desarrolla modelos matemáticos que describen el comportamiento microbiano en alimentos. Su eficiencia es limita da en alimentos con algún grado de estructura, que son la mayoría, porque estos modelos están basados en datos experimentales obtenidos en cultivos líquidos, mucho más homogéneos. En este trabajo se evalúa la técnica de análisis hiperespectral como una nueva tecnología para la detección precoz de levaduras en alimentos sólidos mediante análisis de componentes principales. Las imágenes hiperespectrales (400-1000 nm) de placas de Petri inoculadas con Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Bch a diferentes tiempos, muestran que el primer componente discrimina entre el agar y las colonias, mientras que el segundo revela una mayor variabilidad en las colonias. Esta herramienta no invasiva caracteriza el estado de desarrollo, número y tamaño de las colonias, por lo que permitiría obtener datos para el aborar modelos más fiables para predecir el riesgo de deterioro y la vida útil de los alimentos

    High-Throughput System for the Early Quantification of Major Architectural Traits in Olive Breeding Trials Using UAV Images and OBIA Techniques

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    The need for the olive farm modernization have encouraged the research of more efficient crop management strategies through cross-breeding programs to release new olive cultivars more suitable for mechanization and use in intensive orchards, with high quality production and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The advancement of breeding programs are hampered by the lack of efficient phenotyping methods to quickly and accurately acquire crop traits such as morphological attributes (tree vigor and vegetative growth habits), which are key to identify desirable genotypes as early as possible. In this context, an UAV-based high-throughput system for olive breeding program applications was developed to extract tree traits in large-scale phenotyping studies under field conditions. The system consisted of UAV-flight configurations, in terms of flight altitude and image overlaps, and a novel, automatic, and accurate object-based image analysis (OBIA) algorithm based on point clouds, which was evaluated in two experimental trials in the framework of a table olive breeding program, with the aim to determine the earliest date for suitable quantifying of tree architectural traits. Two training systems (intensive and hedgerow) were evaluated at two very early stages of tree growth: 15 and 27 months after planting. Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) were automatically and accurately generated by the algorithm as well as every olive tree identified, independently of the training system and tree age. The architectural traits, specially tree height and crown area, were estimated with high accuracy in the second flight campaign, i.e. 27 months after planting. Differences in the quality of 3D crown reconstruction were found for the growth patterns derived from each training system. These key phenotyping traits could be used in several olive breeding programs, as well as to address some agronomical goals. In addition, this system is cost and time optimized, so that requested architectural traits could be provided in the same day as UAV flights. This high-throughput system may solve the actual bottleneck of plant phenotyping of "linking genotype and phenotype," considered a major challenge for crop research in the 21st century, and bring forward the crucial time of decision making for breeders

    La responsabilidad social corporativa en el sector hotelero. Principios y prácticas

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    La sostenibilidad constituye un valor en alza en la sociedad actual, convirtiéndose en un nuevo reto para las empresas, incluidas las del sector hotelero. Si hace unos años el éxito y la eficacia de una empresa se medía únicamente por el beneficio y la rentabilidad obtenida, hoy ya no es así y las empresas competitivas y con futuro son aquellas que hacen de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) un factor clave de su gestión. Ello implica cambios en los modelos de gestión hotelera, basados en nuevos principios y prácticas empresariales, los cuales analizamos en este trabajo.Sustainability is a value on the rise in today's society, becoming new challenges for companies, including those in the hotel industry. A few years ago the success and efficiency of a company were measured only by profit and profitability, today this is no longer the case. Competitive companies with sucess are those that make up the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a key factor in its management. This involves changes in the pattern of hotel management, based on new principles and business practices, which are analyzed in this paper

    The effectiveness of a child day-care program in child welfare services

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    Family support initiatives aimed at guaranteeing children's rights and preserving the family are undergoing extensive diversification, to meet the specific needs and strengths of families. Child day-care initiatives constitute a novel approach in child welfare services, as a way to complement family service for at-risk families. They are delivered in a child-group format and follow a psycho-educational methodology. This study analyzed the impact of a novel child day-care program on children's quality of life, adjustment and development, and explored the moderating role of different child and family dimensions on the program's impact. For this purpose, we followed a pretest-posttest evaluation with a control group (N=83). The results showed improvements in different facets of children's quality of life, as well as a positive impact in other adjustment and developmental dimensions, such as social skills, internalizing problems, and intelligence. Interaction effects were found between internalizing problems and children's sex, and between academic competence and family risk level. In conclusion, this article brings the first wave of evidence about the effectiveness of child day-care programs for supporting at-risk children from a preservation approach. Practical implications for child welfare services are discussed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España EDU2013-41441-P