87 research outputs found

    Processes of Discrimination and Humiliation Experienced by Ecuadorian Immigrant Workers in Spain

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    The workplace is currently one of the main places of discrimination for socially vulnerable groups such as immigrant workers, who are often required to take on highly stigmatized, menial jobs under supervisors who subject them to daily mistreatment and racism. This study adopted a qualitative approach to 42 semi‐structured interviews of Ecuadorian immigrant workers residing in Spain to explore the processes of discrimination these laborers feel in their everyday workplaces. The findings clearly indicate that immigrant workers can be victims of daily discrimination, which is evidenced by the higher degree of scrutiny and lower levels of trust they suffer compared to their Spanish counterparts, and by their supervisors’ lack of compliance with contractual agreements. As these immigrants are obliged to take on less qualified jobs, they suffer from a lack of recognition and a sense of being undervalued. This analysis also gathered evidence of interviewees’ daily humiliations imparted by their supervisors—and even, at times, by work colleagues—in the form of racial slurs, verbal abuse, and unequal treatment, leaving them feeling powerless and helpless. Most of our respondents in fact find themselves in a predicament they do not know how to confront and cannot reject. All of these factors lead to feelings of humiliation and lack of independence

    Estrategias de lectura para mejorar la comprensión de textos en estudiantes de primaria

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    The objective of this research work was to propose a program of reading strategies to improve text comprehension in 4th grade students of the 15028 Bellavista school during 2020. The research was developed under an applied quantitative approach with a non-experimental design and cross-sectional scope, a population sample of 60 students was used, the data were obtained through the survey technique using a questionnaire for the reading strategy variable and an objective test for the text comprehension variable, the constructs of the instruments were reviewed according to the judgment of experts in the area who gave their approval in their design and application and then carried out the Cronbach's Alpha reliability test with a coefficient of 0.871 for the reading strategies variable and a KR-20 of 0.864 for the text comprehension variable; consequently, the instruments applied are highly reliable. The result of the research indicates that the students present difficulties at the moment of reading, causing that the texts read do not have meaning for them; therefore, it is imperative to develop a reading strategies program. Key words: reading strategies; text comprehension; strategy program.El presente trabajo de investigación se planteó como objetivo proponer un programa de estrategias de lectura para mejorar la comprensión de textos en estudiantes del 4° de primaria del colegio 15028 Bellavista – 2020. Investigación que se desarrolló bajo un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada con un diseño no experimental y alcance transversal, se manejó una muestra poblacional de 60 estudiantes, los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de la técnica de la encuesta usando un cuestionario para la variable estrategia de lectura y con una prueba objetiva para la variable comprensión de textos, el constructo de los mimos fueron revisados según el juicio de expertos en el área quienes dieron su aprobaron en su diseño y aplicación para después hacer la prueba de fiabilidad del Alfa de Cronbach con un coeficiente de 0,871 para la variable estrategias de lectura y un KR-20 de 0,864 para la variable comprensión de textos; en consecuencia, los instrumentos aplicados son altamente fiables. El resultado de la investigación indica que los estudiantes presentan dificultades al momento de efectuar su lectura ocasionando que los textos leídos no tengan significancia para ellos por lo cual es imperioso el desarrollo de un programa de estrategias de lectura

    Comunicación asertiva para mejorar el desarrollo institucional en la unidad educativa Juan Bautista Aguirre

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    The purpose of the research was to propose an assertive communication model between authorities and teachers based on Fernández's theory to improve the institutional development of the Juan Bautista Aguirre Educational Unit in Daule, Guayas province, 2020. The methodology on which it was based the study has been of an applied type, with a quantitative approach; and non-experimental design with a transactional scope, a census sample of 72 participants was used, the data was compiled by means of the survey technique using a questionnaire for the variables under analysis, the questions of the questionnaires were revised according to the estimation of professionals in the area and then made the Cronbach's Alpha reliability test with a coefficient of 0.951 for the assertive communication variable and 0.936 for the institutional development variable; consequently, the applied instruments are highly reliable. Once the hypothesis test was carried out using the nonparametric U Mann-Whitney test, it was determined that designing an assertive communication model will improve institutional development in the Juan Bautista Aguirre Educational Unit.La investigación precisó como fin plantear un modelo de comunicación asertiva entre autoridades y docentes con base en la teoría de Fernández para mejorar el desarrollo institucional de la Unidad Educativa Juan Bautista Aguirre del cantón Daule, provincia del Guayas, 2020. La metodología en que se basó el estudio ha sido de tipo aplicado, con un enfoque cuantitativo; y diseño no experimental de alcance transaccional, se hizo uso de una muestra censal de 72 participantes, los datos fueron compilados por medio de la técnica de la encuesta usando un cuestionario para las variables bajo análisis, las interrogantes de los cuestionarios fueron revisadas según estimación de profesionales en el área para después hacer la prueba de fiabilidad del Alfa de Cronbach con un coeficiente de 0,951 para la variable comunicación asertiva y 0,936 para la variable desarrollo institucional; en consecuencia, los instrumentos aplicados son altamente fiables. Efectuada la prueba de hipótesis por medio de la prueba no paramétrica U Mann-Whitney se determinó que diseñar un modelo de comunicación asertiva mejorará el desarrollo institucional en la Unidad Educativa Juan Bautista Aguirre

    Efecto de la aplicación de enmiendas orgánicas, como complemento a la fertilización química en la producción de pimiento (Capsicum annum L.), en la zona de Babahoyo

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    Pepper (Capsicum annum l.) belongs to the genus Capsicum of the Solanaceae families. Its fruit is green. It has a high content of vitamins A and C. This fruit, however, is of great importance to the human population. The stud of pepper (Capsicum annuum l.) was carried out in the fields located in the Technical University of Babahoyo, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in Los Ríos province, Ecuador. This work was carried out between the months of September to January 2016. The planting was done with the hybrid material, Salvador, in plots of 11.9 m2. The statistical design used was completely randomized blocks with 10 treatments and 4 replicates. The useful area of the plot was 476 m2. At the end of the crop cycle, the following was obtained: plant height, days to flowering, days to harvest, number of fruits per plant, fruit length, weight of fruit, fruit diameter, size of fruit, days to maturity, yield, and cost-benefit ratio. Based on the results of the present study, it was demonstrated that the application of organic matter in combination of a fertilization program affected the agronomic performance of the cultivation of peppers under the field conditions in which it was developed. Based on statistical analysis, we can also mention thatSalvador hybrid material used in this trial presents an extension in the days corresponding to the flowering and ripening under the applications of functional organic material. This factor coupled with the application of chemical fertilizer affects performance. The best agronomic performance of the fruit was found in treatment, Bokashi 4000 Kg / ha, which presented the best features based on the number of fruits, fruit diameter, and length off. As a result of the application of fertilizers and amendments, it was found that they had influence on the plant height measurements made in the evaluated treatments

    Epilepsia de ausencias en la niñez y adolescencia, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico

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    Typical absence seizures are part of a group of idiopathic generalized epileptic syndromes, including childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) and juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE). Typical absences are the main clinical feature of these syndromes whose characteristics include transient loss of consciousness of sudden onset and termination without loss of muscle tone with a variable degree of automatisms whose frequency and severity may vary according to each case. Pathophysiologically, crises are associated with overactivation of the thalamic-cortical circuit. CAE is usually associated with a good prognosis with a high percentage of remission, while JAE is usually a disorder that persists for life. Pharmacological treatment is based on the use of anticonvulsants such as ethosuximide, valproic acid and lamotrigine. Absences can also manifest atypically, which usually occur in Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures, epileptic encephalopathy with spike and continuous wave during sleep (CSWS), among others. Generally, this type of crisis associates an unfavorable prognosis in which therapeutic goals are often focused on achieving a reduction in the incidence of crises and not complete remission.Las crisis de ausencias típicas forman parte de una gama de síndromes epilépticos generalizados idiopáticos dentro de los cuales se incluye la epilepsia de ausencia infantil (EAI) y la epilepsia de ausencia juvenil (EAJ). Las ausencias típicas son el signo pivote de dichos síndromes cuyas características incluyen la pérdida transitoria de consciencia, de inicio y terminación súbita, sin pérdida de tono muscular con grado variable de automatismos cuya frecuencia y severidad puede variar según cada caso. Fisiopatológicamente las crisis se asocian a una sobreactivación del circuito tálamo cortical. La EAI suele asociar buen pronóstico con alto porcentaje de remisión mientras que la EAJ suele ser un trastorno que persiste de por vida. El tratamiento se fundamenta en el uso de fármacos anticrisis tal como la etosuximida, ácido valproico y lamotrigina. Las ausencias también se pueden manifestar de manera atípica las cuales suelen presentarse en el Síndrome de Lennox Gastaut, epilepsia con crisis mioclónicas-atónicas, encefalopatía epiléptica con punta y onda continua durante el sueño (CSWS), entre otras. Generalmente dicho tipo de crisis asocia un pronóstico poco favorable en donde con frecuencia la meta terapéutica se enfoca en lograr una reducción en la incidencia de las crisis y no la remisión completa

    Inteligencia emocional para mejorar el pensamiento crítico

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    The objective of the research was to propose an emotional intelligence program to improve the critical thinking of second year high school science students of the Aida León de Rodríguez Lara Educational Unit, Guayaquil 2021. The research methodology was of applied type, with a quantitative approach; and non-experimental design of transactional scope, the sample was a census of 60 students, the technique employee for data collection was the survey and as an instrument a questionnaire was used for the two research variables, the instruments were validated according to expert judgment and then proceeded with the reliability test of Cronbach’s Alpha resulting for the independent variable a level of 0.092 and for the dependent variable 0.896 concluding that the instruments are truthful. The most significant conclusion is that students expose their thoughts as they conceive them without stopping to think about the consequences of their statements or those who may be harmed, causing problems in the interrelationship with the peers, they do not usually contribute with solutions to a problem due to lack of initiative. Finally, they do not know how to influence people to get out of any circumstance achieving things a favor.La investigación tuvo como objetivo plantear un programa de inteligencia emocional para mejorar el pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes de segundo año de bachillerato en ciencias de la Unidad Educativa Aida León Rodríguez Lara, Guayaquil 2021. La metodología de investigación fue de tipo aplicado, con un enfoque cuantitativo; y diseño no experimental de alcance transaccional, la muestra fue censal de 60 estudiantes, la técnica empleada para la recolección de datos fue la encuesta y como instrumento se utilizó un cuestionario para las dos variables de investigación, los instrumentos fueron validados según juicio de expertos y luego se procedió con la prueba de confiabilidad del Alfa Cronbach resultando para la variable independiente un nivel de 0,902 y para la variable dependiente 0,896 concluyéndose que los instrumentos son confiables. La conclusión más significativa es que los estudiantes exponen sus pensamientos tal cual los conciben sin detenerse a pensar acerca de las consecuencias de sus declaraciones ni a quienes pueden vulnerar originando problemas en la interrelación con sus compañeros, no suelen contribuir con soluciones frente a un problema debido a la falta de iniciativa, y, por último, no saben influir sobre las personas para lograr salir de cualquier circunstancia logrando cosas a favor

    Comorbilidad cardiaca en epilepsia: una revisión bibliográfica

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    Epilepsy is a disease characterized by recurrent epileptic seizures due to abnormal or excessive neuronal activity in the brain. It has been shown that these crises are associated with an increase in cardiac comorbidity. First, a relationship between epilepsy and cardiac arrhythmias has been shown, the most prevalent being sinus tachycardia. However, other entities like AV blocks or even asystole has been associated. Various mechanisms have been studied as the cause of these arrhythmias, among which, alterations at the level of ion channels stand out, which in many cases are associated with genetic alterations that cause channels that are found both in the brain and heart. Another aspect that has been evidenced is the presence of structural changes, as well as by molecular changes at the cardiac level. Regarding structural changes, echocardiographic findings of systolic and diastolic dysfunction have been evidenced, in addition to the presence in some cases of ventricular hypertrophy. Another aspect that has been found is the association of epilepsy with an increased prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors such as dyslipidemia or obesity, which is associated with the change in lifestyle that these patients have due to their diagnosis, however, despite this, it has not been possible to show a statistically significant increase in cardiovascular mortality. Finally, various medications used for epilepsy have been observed to increase cardiovascular risk; however, it has been observed that the risk due to an increase in seizures is greater than the theoretical risk that exists due to epilepsy drugs.La epilepsia es una enfermedad caracterizada por crisis epilépticas recurrentes debido a actividad neuronal anormal o excesiva a nivel cerebral. Dichas crisis están asociadas a un aumento en comorbilidad cardiaca. En primer lugar, se ha evidenciado una relación de la epilepsia con arritmias cardiacas, siendo la más prevalente la taquicardia sinusal. Además, entidades como bloqueos AV o incluso asistolia se han visto asociados. Diversos mecanismos se han estudiado como los causantes, entre los que destacan alteraciones a nivel de canales iónicos, los cuales en muchos casos están asociados con alteraciones genéticas en canales que se encuentran tanto a nivel cerebral como cardiaco. Otro aspecto importante es la presencia de cambios estructurales, así como cambios moleculares a nivel cardiaco entre lo que se ha evidenciado disfunción sistólica y diastólica, además de hipertrofia ventricular. Asimismo, se ha encontrado la asociación de epilepsia con aumento en la prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovasculares y la afectación directa por medicamentos. En esta revisión bibliográfica se evidencia que todos estos factores cumplen un papel en el riesgo cardiovascular, sin embargo, no en todos se ha encontrado una relación estadísticamente significativa, principalmente por problemas al diferenciar la relación directa con la mortalidad cardiovascular

    Las relaciones interpersonales en el desempeño laboral docente

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    The general objective of this research was to design a program of strategies based on interpersonal relationships to optimize teacher work performance in the Juan Bautista Aguirre Educational Unit, Daule 2020 District. The quantitative approach was used, applied type, non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive design; For data collection, the survey and questionnaire with 24 questions applied to 72 teachers from the three ordinary days were used, then it was processed in Microsoft Excel and the SPSS version 26 program was used for the analysis. The data in the tables show that interpersonal relationships are not appropriate and this affects teacher job performance. The results related to the variable interpersonal relationships, teachers rated 78% poor, 19% fair and 3% good; It is appreciated that teachers do not relate easily and this contributes to the emergence of complications in the development of their work activities; Regarding the variable teacher job performance, 69% rate a poor level, 28% regular and 3% good, they consider that the job performance of teachers in the different pedagogical activities is not optimal.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general diseñar un programa de estrategias basadas en relaciones interpersonales para optimizar el desempeño laboral docente en la Unidad Educativa Juan Bautista Aguirre, Distrito Daule 2020. Se empleó el enfoque cuantitativo, tipo aplicada, diseño no experimental, transversal, descriptivo; para la recolección de los datos se utilizó la encuesta y el cuestionario con 24 interrogantes   aplicado a 72 docentes de las tres jornadas ordinarias, luego se procesaron en Microsoft Excel y para el análisis se empleó el programa SPSS versión 26. Los datos de las tablas evidencian que las relaciones interpersonales no son apropiadas y ello afecta el desempeño laboral docente. Los resultados relacionados a la variable relaciones interpersonales, los docentes calificaron el 78% deficiente, el 19% regular y el 3% bueno; se aprecia que los docentes no se relacionan fácilmente y ello contribuye al surgimiento de complicaciones en el desarrollo de sus actividades laborales; en torno a la variable desempeño laboral docente el 69% califica nivel deficiente, el 28% regular y el 3% bueno, consideran que el desempeño laboral de los docentes en las diferentes actividades pedagógicas no es óptimo

    Planeación ambiental para la conservación de la biodiversidad en las áreas operativas de Ecopetrol, ventana Sierra Nevada de Santa Martas, Ciénaga, Magdalena

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    El estudio se centró caracterizar la riqueza de especies de anfibios, reptiles, mamíferos, aves y plantas de la Reserva Ciudad Antigua ubicada en el municipio de Ciénaga, Corregimiento El Congo, Departamento del Magdalena, así como identificar las especies que son Objeto de Conservación debido a su importancia ecológica, endemismo y/ó amenaza.BogotáPlaneación ambiental para la conservación de la biodiversidad en las áreas operativas de Ecopetro