409 research outputs found

    Evaluación de las características morfológicas y agronómicas de cinco líneas de maíz amarillo en diferentes fechas de siembra | Evaluation of morphological and agronomical characteristics of five yellow-maize inbred lines in different sowing dates

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    Con el objetivo de evaluar las características morfológicas y agronómicas de cinco líneas de maíz (Zea mays L.) amarillo en la región central del estado Aragua, fueron establecidos cinco experimentos en diferentes fechas de siembra en el campo experimental del INIA – CENIAP, Maracay, Venezuela, bajo un diseño de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones. La parcela experimental fue de seis hileras de 5 m de largo, separadas a 0,80 m, con una planta cada 20 cm. La evaluación de las líneas se hizo en las cuatro hileras centrales, sobre la base de 17 variables morfológicas y agronómicas asociadas con el rendimiento de grano. Los datos fueron analizados por métodos univariados. En el análisis de varianza combinado de fechas por líneas, se observó diferencia significativa (p < 0,05) para número de hileras y número de granos por hilera, y altamente significativa (p < 0,01) para días al inicio, 50% y 100% de floración masculina e inicio y 50% de floración femenina, longitud de mazorca, diámetro de mazorca y diámetro de marlo. Las líneas fueron más afectadas en la expresión de sus características y potencial de rendimiento cuando fueron sembradas en las fechas (19-ene-06) y (03-jul-06), coincidiendo la primera fecha con el período más seco y la segunda con el período más húmedo. Los rendimientos más altos se obtuvieron en la fecha de siembra (07-nov-05), la cual coincidió con los picos más altos de radiación solar recibida por el cultivo, lo que pudo ser aprovechado por las plantas para acumular más materia seca. Las variables menos afectadas por la fecha de siembra fueron número de hileras y número de granos por hilera, seguidas por diámetro de marlo. Las líneas desarrolladas en el INIA-CENIAP (80-SUWAN 1 FHC 65-4-2-#-# y 92-POB 36 CV HC 144-2-2-B-#*4-1-#) tuvieron, en general, valores más altos para la mayoría de las variables evaluadas, en comparación con las líneas provenientes del CIMMYT (CML-451, CML-287 y CL-02450). Se concluye que las líneas 80-SUWAN 1 FHC 65-4-2-#-# y 92-POB 36 CV HC 144-2-2-B-#*4-1-# con rendimiento promedio de 4127 y 4391 kg ha-1, respectivamente presentan características adecuadas para ser usadas como progenitores hembras en la producción de semilla híbrida, seguidas de la línea CML-451, con rendimiento promedio de 3005 kg ha-1. Debido a su menor rendimiento, las líneas CML-287 y CL-02450, con rendimiento promedio de 2190 y 1882 kg ha-1, respectivamente, podrían ser donadoras de polen en un programa de mejoramiento. Palabras clave: Zea mays, maíz amarillo, evaluación de líneas, fechas de siembra. ABSTRACT With the objective of evaluating the morphological and agronomical characteristics of five yellow-maize inbred lines (Zea mays L.) in the central region of Aragua state, five experiments were established in different sowing dates in the experimental field of INIA-CENIAP, Maracay, Venezuela. These lines were planted in 6-rows plots of 5 m in length, separated 0, 80 m apart and thinned to 26 plants row-1. A complete block design with three replications was used and the evaluations were carried out on the inner four rows, considering 17 morphological and agronomical variables associated with grain yield. Data were analyzed by univariate methods. The combined analysis of variance showed significant differences (p < 0.05) for both row number and grain number per row). Highly significant differences (p < 0.01) were found for days to beginning, 50%, and 100% of male flowering, as well as for days to beginning and 50% of female flowering, ear length, ear diameter, and cob diameter. Lines performance were more affected when planted in the dates (19-ene-06) and (03-jul-06), coinciding the first date with the dry period and the latter with the rainy period. The outstanding yields were obtained in the date (07-nov-05). It coincided with a global radiation peak, which could favour the dry matter accumulation in the line ears. The variables less affected by the sowing date were row number, grain number per row, and cob diameter. The lines developed at the INIA-CENIAP (‘80-SUWAN 1 FHC 65-4-2-#-#’ and ‘92-POB 36 CV HC 144-2-2-B-#*4-1-#’) had, in general, higher values for the majority of the evaluated variables, in comparison to those of the linescoming from the CIMMYT (‘CML-451’, ‘CML-287’, and ‘CL-02450’). On the basis of these results, the lines 80-SUWAN 1 FHC 65-4-2-#- # and 92-POB 36 CV HC 144-2-2-B-#*4-1-#, with 4127 and 4391 kg ha-1 in average yield, respectively can be recommended as female progenitors for hybrid-seed production, following by the CML-451 line, with 3005 kg ha-1 in average. Whereas, the lower yields of the lines CML-287 and CL-02450, with 2190 and 1882 kg ha-1 in average, respectively, suggest their use as pollen donors in a breeding program. Key words: Zea mays, yellow maize, inbred lines evaluation, sowing dates

    Lectin histochemistry study in the human vas deferens

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    The oligosaccharide sequences of glycoconjugates in the normal human vas deferens and the nature of the saccharide linkage were studied by lectin histochem. The cytoplasm of all epithelial cell types (principal cells, basal cells, and mitochondria-rich cells) and luminal contents reacted pos. with WGA, MAA, PNA, DSA, LTA, UEA-I, AAA, and ConA. The reaction was more intense in the stereocilia of principal cells. Cytoplasmic staining was diffuse except for PNA and DSA labeling which was limited to the apical cytoplasm and stereocilia of columnar cells. The cytoplasm of all cell types also reacted diffusely with HPA, although staining was weak and was not obsd. in the stereocilia. Pos. reaction with SBA only was encountered in the stereocilia of principal cells. SNA, LTA, and DBA were unreactive. GNA-labeling showed a granular distribution in the supranuclear cytoplasm of columnar epithelial cells. Reactions with MAA, PNA, DSA, AAA, HPA and SBA disappeared after the β-elimination reaction. Reactions with WGA and UEA-I decreased after ß-elimination or Endo-F digestion. Reactions with ConA and GNA were suppressed by Endo-F digestion. Reactions with PNA, HPA, and SBA increased after desialylation. Of all the lectins that label the luminal contents of the vas deferens, only UEA-I was not found in the luminal contents of seminiferous tubules and epididymis and, thus, this lectin would probably bind to glycoproteins secreted by the vas deferens. The chem. treatments used suggest that this secretion contains fucose residues located in both N- and O-linked oligosaccharides. The other lectins may label secreted proteins, but also structural proteins or proteins reabsorbed from the luminal fluid. The lectin-binding pattern of mitochondria-rich cells in the vas deferens differed from that found in the epididymis

    Validity of the dental operating microscope and selective dentin removal with ultrasonic tips for locating the second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in maxillary first molars : an in vivo study

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    Several investigations have determined whether the use of a dental operating microscope (DOM) in combination with selective dentine removal with ultrasonic tips increases the percentage of location of the Mesiobuccal 2 (MB2) root canal in maxillary firs

    On human-in-the-loop CPS in healthcare: a cloud-enabled mobility assistance service

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    Despite recent advancements on cloud-enabled and human-in-the-loop cyber-physical systems, there is still a lack of understanding of how infrastructure-related quality of service (QoS) issues affect user-perceived quality of experience (QoE). This work presents a pilot experiment over a cloud-enabled mobility assistive device providing a guidance service and investigates the relationship between QoS and QoE in such a system. In our pilot experiment, we employed the CloudWalker, a system linking smart walkers and cloud platforms, to physically interact with users. Different QoS conditions were emulated to represent an architecture in which control algorithms are performed remotely. Results point out that users report satisfactory interaction with the system even under unfavorable QoS conditions. We also found statistically significant data linking QoE degradation to poor QoS conditions. We finalize discussing the interplay between QoS requirements, the human-in-the-loop effect, and the perceived QoE in healthcare applications

    Rotational dynamics in the plastic-crystal phase of ethanol: Relevance for understanding the dynamics during the structural glass transition

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    12 págs.; 14 figs.; 1 tab.; 1 apéndiceThe reorientational dynamics within the rotationally disordered cubic plastic phase of solid ethanol is investigated by means of the concurrent use of computer molecular dynamics and quasielastic neutron scattering. Motions involving widely different time scales are shown to take place above the calorimetric >glass transition> which is centered at Tg≈97 K. These correspond to well-defined reorientations belonging to the cubic point group. The dynamics of this solid exhibits features remarkably close to those of the supercooled liquid that can exist at the same temperature. Such similitude of dynamic behavior serves to provide some clues for the understanding of the nature of molecular motions at temperatures close to the canonical liquid→glass transition. ©2000 The American Physical Society.This work was supported in part by Grant No. DGICYTPB95- 0072-C03 (Spain). Work at ANL was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, BES–Materials Sciences, under Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38.Peer Reviewe

    Discovering the Fine-Scale Morphology of the Gulf of Cádiz: An Underwater Imaging Analysis

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    The dense and deep water flow that leaves the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic flows through the upper and middle slope of the Gulf of Cádiz as a powerful bottom stream that model sand interacts with bathymetry. The detailed analysis of underwater images,obtained with a photogrammetric sled in the central area of the upper and middle slope of the Gulf of Cádiz, together with multibeam bathymetry and oceanographic and sediment types data, has allowed conducting a detailed study of the seafloor microtopography and the predominant oceanographic dynamics in the study area. Different fine-scale spatial bedforms were identified, such as ripples, dunes, burrows, mounds, obstacle marks, rock bottoms, and low-roughness bottoms using underwater images. Besides, a geostatistical study of the different video transects studied was carried out and allowed us to differentiate three types of bottoms depending on the processes that affect their microtopography.En prens